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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would expose the truth in this situation. Hold whoever destroyed these pipelines accountable, God, and prevent any other acts of blatant terrorism from occurring.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

An explosion took out the Nord Stream pipelines and people blame Putin. Tucker Carlson, however, wonders if someone else is behind it.

Was this truly an act of war from Russia, or was it a government that we consider friendly? Perhaps it was even our own government? We may not have all the answers, but we certainly must pray for the truth behind this matter to be revealed.

Pray for your fellow intercessor.


Who do you think is responsible for the destruction of the Nord Stream pipelines? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Video from Fox News. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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Daylynne Starr
October 1, 2022

This is a Number One Spiritual Warfare Battle.
Prophets have been telling us of this time for centuries.
I am Not a prophet, But I am a warfare warrior, prayer.

Here’s the scripture for us to follow. Luke 10:19 catch it in KJV its best there. Jesus teaching his disciples after they returned from saving groups.
“Behold, I give unto you POWER to thread on serpents and scorpions, and over ALL THE POWER OF THE ENEMY: and NOTHING shall by any means hurt you.”
Start there, and ask for that power from the Lord and then work on this GAS problem.

The Lord had me to start praying for Trump at the time he was still trying out for the President election. I get to know everything he needs, and have been praying for our country for the past 14 years. I get to learn a lot that way and always get confirmations.
Pray in the Spirit, and combat the devil (satan) directly.
Be sure to put on the Whole Armor of God and you will be amazed how quickly you can conquer these tuff
prayer problems.
GOD bless you, and pray for Father GOD to save America.

Lorraine woodhouse
September 30, 2022

That which has been hidden wi) be made known. AND THAT Which hagmail,gs been kept secret will com to light, Thank you Lord

David Medford
September 30, 2022

Our Father in Heaven, please close the enemy in our country

Victoria Z
September 29, 2022

This is a most sick and demented crime against nature and hummanity, only a most heinious, prideful, evil group could conceive of this, to leave such thoughts unchecked of doing this sick thing, but then to actually follow through and do it is absolutely diabolical.

Victoria Z
September 29, 2022

Father, in the name of Jesus we come asking and expecting the promised help of the Holy Spirit to help us intercede effectively over this situation. Words can not even express the anger and frustration we feel over this blatently deliberate pollution of the seas and the catastropic effect this will have on the sea creatures. Father we grieve with you over this total lack of disrespect for nature, and for the henious sick pride and audacity of those responsible. Father we see nothing good in this current administration and as the days have gone by things have gotten worse instead of better, even shocking, and even frightening, yet we know that despite the decisions of man, you are still in control and nothing and no one can overstep your sovereignty. Father if not for our knowing that we would despair completely. Who could have ever guessed how atrotious this administration would be and we wonder if the world will ever recover, yet again we rest in your sovereignty, in your wisdom and mercy and we count ourselves guilty for laxity in prayer and polluting our spirits with things of the world. Father intervene for nature’s sake and, for the sake of your church. bonor your word to deal with prideful evil men. Thank you for hearing & answering our prayers on this issue.

Robert Leandro
September 29, 2022

I would look closely at the Clintons and Obamas to find the links to this situation.

September 29, 2022

I have no idea but God certainly knows and what the enemy intends for evil God can always turn around for good. We know that 🙏 changes things.

September 29, 2022

Heavenly Father, please forgive us for rushing to judgement that this is an act of sabotage. It may be, but you are Sovereign and have allowed it to occur. We acknowledge before you that the explosions may have even been at your very hand, for your thoughts and ways are above ours. We have seen you move mightily in ways above our understanding many times in the Holy Scriptures, in order to accomplish your will and to glorify your name in ways that we cannot foresee. Whatever has caused this, we thank you for working all things together for the Good of those who love you and the furtherance of the Kingdom. Please protect all those who stand to suffer because of this situation and provide for the needs of those who may be effected by your Grace and mercy and unsurpassed love, according to your will, not ours. In Jesus mighty name. Amen

Gail Wood
September 29, 2022

It could have been our Government like some people believe but I hope that the people of other nations realize the the American citizens…..most of us are not to blame or agree with this current administration.
I think the last report I heard was five hundred million of us are right side, conservative , Christians and non Christians who are not in agreement with what they are doing and by all report’s….,we are growing! Even Dems and some of their own Govmt. Representatives are beginning to see the light because God is speaking to their heart’s.
So many Pastor’s and Representatives say that those in current administration are running scared. We are not a threat.
These people are fighting God but they just can’t see it. God always wins !
It is the hope of most Christians that the FBI and CIA and all branches of our Government will come to see the truth and walk away and stop doing the bidding of wickedness.
Father God ,
We pray for each member of Congress,Supreme Court and every Government agency , Federal ,State and local who do not know You. We pray for their souls Lord. We know that You chose to place their spirit in them when You placed them in their Mother’s womb and that You love them so much.
We pray heavenly Father that as You speak to them that You will begin opening their eyes,ears,hearts and every part of their being that each of them that will open to You and will walk away from the wickedness they have been drawn into.
We pray Father that they will feel Your great love for them and that they will understand how easy it is to come to You and how You long to forgive them and set them free,
We know that Your word says that the Holy Spirit has come to bring them under conviction, not us.
We ask this in Your Holy name Jesus,
There was a person on here not long ago who said that they no longer felt safe posting anything.
God’s word says that where the Lord is , there is Liberty!!
God also said that He inhabits the praises of His people. He said to not let corruption come from our mouths but we are to tell the truth.We are to always do our best to bring God and His word to a lost people’s of the world beginning right here in our own wonderful nation.

Linda Odegaard Rice
September 29, 2022

We don’t need to know who did it. We just need to pray according to what we hear and in the Spirit.

September 29, 2022

They are trying to start a WW3 because of the midterm elections. If we are at war we can’t have the election. PRAY AGAINST THIS

Vasantha Coker
September 29, 2022

Father please carry us – your children through these trying and difficult times! So much is resting in the hands of our very weak government and the leaders who are so quick to blame others and not really do much to help us your children Father! Please protect us and fill us with your peace and love!
In Jesus Nane

September 29, 2022

No doubt in my heart that this is of our own illicit leaders. They could all be hung for treason and should be.

September 29, 2022

I watch Tucker every night & hope he’s not right this time, however, he usually has the scoop. I do believe that the Biden Administration doesn’t have America and her people’s best interests at the center of their priorities. This is so sad.

September 29, 2022

My prayers are aligned with Allena Jordan. Amen

September 29, 2022

It always comes down to the same small group of people/bankers/families.

Allena Jordan
September 29, 2022

Lord, remove the strangle hold on the USA, her government and her people. Deliver this nation from evil. Let the true King arise in our nation now, Father. Don’t delay any longer. We are in peril. Forgive us our sins. Forgive our pride and independence from You. Forgive our atrocities. Forgive our abominations. In Your wrath, remember mercy and come and save this nation which was Your idea in the first place. Thank You, O Mighty and merciful King. Amen.

Luis Richards
September 29, 2022

Sadly because of comments made by biden and the secretary of state last week I believe it was our government that did this evil deed.

Rev. Dr Jeffry Camm
September 29, 2022

God Almighty is setting up all the dominoes in a line ready to push the last one, and set in motion to prophesies of Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Matthew and Revelation. The End of the “age of the Gentiles” is closer than many believe!

Bill Cleveland
September 29, 2022

I pray O Lord, for the nations of this sin stained world to come to the knowledge of You oh Lord. As I stand in the gap.

September 29, 2022

We’re still waiting for the Donbs SCOTUS leaker to b revealed!!!

Gail Wood
September 29, 2022

They’re blaming Putin for everything and that is exactly what they always do to President Trump .
The People who know for sure who did this is God and the guilty party.

Marjan Savli
September 29, 2022

[email protected]

As Sea Power Magazine reported on June 14th, of this year, the US Navy’s 6th Fleet Task Force 68 was running underwater explosives removal drills in the exact area where these sabotage explosions took place.

Sherri Stewart
September 29, 2022

To say Russia did this to itself is absurd! This blaming Putin for everything is getting ridiculous! Biden even said this might happen. Blinkin is a fool.

Prayer: Father don’t let the Evil (WWIII) come its time!


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