What do we do when our place of provision dries up?
There are many now who have been released from their jobs and their regular paycheck. Even with the hope of the stimulus package, there are many who are counting their bills and mouths to feed against what they have available and recognize it’s not enough.
What do we do when there is no paycheck coming?
Years ago my husband and I moved back to America after living, working, and ministering in China for several years. We had nothing to our names really. We had to get place to live, furniture, a car and more. We were like kids just moving out of their parent’s home starting life, only we were in our thirties with a small family.
We were still doing ministry and working, but were essentially living on a China budget in America. Translated: we didn’t have enough. Not nearly enough for even our modest living situation.
It was hard not to be afraid and angry. I remember having plenty of arguments with God during that challenging season as I reminded Him through tears of our faithful service. While most of our friends were buying nice homes and cars and building up their nest eggs, we had been serving overseas. And THIS was how God took care of us?
I remember one day complaining to a good friend. I told her how I had been praying, and that God hadn’t answered our prayers for more provision.
“You’re not praying,” she responded gently. “You’re complaining. Why don’t you dig in the Word and find every promise you can about His provision and begin to pray them out rather than continuing to whine about your situation?” she finished. That is a word that only a close friend can give. It stung, but I recognized she was right.
She gave me the kick in the pants I needed. I did exactly what she instructed and began to dig into the Word. I wrote out every Scripture I could find about God’s provision. And you know what? They were everywhere.
My times of prayer changed from complaining to scriptural declarations:
- Thank you Lord that in times of famine we will have abundance.
- I trust you that just as you took care of the children of Israel when they were in Egypt and released them with the silver and the gold, so you are releasing us into a time of abundance, not lack.
- Thank you God, that your Word says that You supply all of our needs according to Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
- I know that ALL things work together for our good because You have my best interest in mind.
- I have been young and now I am older, but I have never seen your children begging for bread.
It’s impossible to fill our heads and hearts with words of promise from the Bible and not be affected and changed. As I quit complaining and began declaring, fear and anger were replaced with peace and expectancy.
Did the situation change overnight? No. In fact, there were about another two years in which we had a $2000 gap in our budget every month. During that time we did everything we knew to do. My husband worked long hours at a physically demanding, low-paying job NOT in his field of education, but it was what was available. With two young children five and under, and a newborn, I looked for and took any kind of work I could do from home. I pinched pennies harder than Scrooge and learned some amazing ways to stretch a dollar and always shopped double-discount days. And of course, we continued to pray and declare His Word. We were changing even if I didn’t see immediate change in what was coming in.
I used to joke during that time that I couldn’t even buy a McDonald’s hamburger and split it 3 ways for my kids. That was completely true. But a greater truth was…He DID supply somehow, every single month.
During that season, we never missed a house payment or car payment. We never missed a meal. I still look back and shake my head because I can tell you the numbers didn’t add up. We shouldn’t have made it. But we did. There was no excess, but there was enough.
We personally met Jehovah Jireh, our Provider.
I share this because I want you to know that He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. If He did it for me back then, He can do it for you today. He doesn’t change.
What did the widow of Zarephath do when she looked into the pot of flour and jug of oil and there was only enough to make a small cake for her and her son? She had no husband to provide for her. No family. The situation looked completely hopeless.
Elijah said to her, “Don’t be afraid. Go home and do as you have said. But first make a small loaf of bread for me from what you have and bring it to me, and then make something for yourself and your son. For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘The jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry until the day the Lord sends rain on the land.’”
She went away and did as Elijah had told her. So there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah ( I Kgs 17:13-16).
The provision wasn’t cash in her mailbox, but came as an opportunity as the Prophet Elijah asked her for the very last flour and oil she had.
I’m not telling you to give everything away right now. What I am saying is to look for God in the opportunities He will provide. Because He will.
The widow used the last of her flour and oil to make him a small meal. She gave her last and her best. And when she did, she released an unending supply of flour and oil that provided for her, her son and the prophet during the season of famine. Her willingness to walk by faith and give in the time of utter lack became the key to her provision. This isn’t the time to horde in fear. This is about trusting God to provide and watch for the opportunities to share and give with others. It’s not a time to stop tithing. Our giving releases resources.
We have to remember that God just doesn’t think or work the way we do. We see that in the Scripture below:
One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty (Prv 11:24).
I want to encourage you today, that no matter what situation you are facing, God is bigger. I’ve been there and I know. May I encourage you as my close friend did to me years ago, don’t spend your time angry or fearful, complaining to God. Instead begin to speak out and declare His promises over your family, situation, and over our nation. Could it be that just as He did for the widow woman, just as he did for me and my family years ago, that He is able to do the same for you now?
He is able, because that is how He works and who He is.
This time in history isn’t as much about our paycheck not coming as it is an opportunity to go deeper in our walk with Him and learn what promises He has already made. Let us begin to listen to what He wants to say in this hour and begin to declare His promise of provision over our families and nation. May this be an opportunity that we get to know Him more intimately as our Provider.
We want to equip you with promises to get you started in walking in faith in God’s provision. Download GOD WILL PROVIDE:
Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. In addition to her writing, she also leads prayer teams to Washington, DC to pray for governmental leaders. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. For additional information you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org, www.karenhardin.com or https://destinybuilders.world/
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Amen and amen! God makes a way when there is no way. What an amazing, awesome and mighty God we serve.
The preschool I work at had cut our hours in half due to declining enrollment at this time, and a week ago we were closed since we were considered a non-essential service. I was at the grocery store today and ran into one of our parents and we chatted for awhile about her son. When I got to the checkout, she had left a $100 gift card there for me. Our Heavenly Father is indeed watching over us!Matt. 6: 32-34
Thank you Jesus! I believe we are going to see provision come in ways just as that we receive—and where we are able to give—all through this time.
All the mentionings of “seasons” aside…
I must say in response that I’ve experienced God’s provision, and sometimes in ways that seemed greater than merely natural happenstance.
But… I’ve been homeless, too. I’ve had to depend on and live off of friends for a year and nine months, and for Thanksgiving week of 2018, I slept in my car. Yes, I was provided for, but who feels like being provided for in that way? It is that that I fear. It is soul-breaking, and I do not know how I’d bear up to that again.
Others and i are praying for you. Sometimes it’s from a perspective of not wanting to appear weak or needy that we feel embarrassed or shame when we are in a position of having to rely on others. You may find this video helpful, particularly beginning at about minute 27:27 when the speaker shares interesting information about sheep being “cast-down.” Please know that the Body of Christ is best when it is called upon to help those in need. May this video give you courage and confidence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=24&v=Ef4Uq4h0-HA&feature=emb_logo. If the link does not work, go to Overcoming Fear in the Virus Crisis 03/22/20.
I’m afraid you might have misunderstood me. I’m not currently homeless. Was last year and in 2018.
I do not believe I can make you understand that it is not some machismo thing in me that was challenged during that time. It was a sense of responsibility I have, as a man, that was challenged. It was also the sense of feeling like a burden to others that was weighing on me. It was the sense of purposelessness that encroached on me further.
I am not going to justify my negative feelings about falling back into homelessness again. I absolutely should not have to. It ought to be self-evident. And, I am scared that it will happen again.
I’m less worried about this glorified flu to which we are all overreacting than I am the economic fallout.
This morning I had the song lyrics, “Way maker, beautiful savior, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God, that is who you are…”
Glorious, Karen. Just Glorious! Matthew 6:32 “Your Heavenly Father KNOWS you need all these things” !!! When you ‘seek first’ God’s kingdom and righteousness, “ALL THESE THINGS will be added unto you.”
I am a disabled senior citizen I have always put God first and have to go to food banks for help. But just like the children of Israel in the wilderness providing their manna daily. God has provided just enough,not to excess so I learn where my provision comes from and learn to look to Him for my needs.
Father as many are suffering and are fearful, give them peace and show them your provision. Build them up in faith through your word to know you are always faithful and always act in love. Draw those who do not believe to come to faith in Jesus and to be saved
Thank you Father that you not only provide for our every need but you give us the overflow, more than what we need so that we are able to bless others. As Your Word says in 2Co 9:6-8 “a stingy sower will reap a meager harvest, but one who sows from a generous spirit will reap an abundant harvest. Let giving flow from your heart, not from a sense of religious duty. Let it spring up freely from the joy of giving-all because God loves hilarious generosity! Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything-every moment in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.” (TPT)
We cannot give what we do not have, but we can give from what we do have, even our time. Thank you Father for honoring whatever we give from our heart. Thank you that You never leave us, nor forsake us. Thank you for the blessings You have given us in Deuteronomy 28, thank you for Psalm 23, that You are our Shepherd, and we shall not want, we shall not lack for nothing, for You meet our every need and then some.
Father, bless we, Your people with more than enough. Bless us with Your great peace that passes all understanding. Be our Comforter in our time of need. Let Your goodness overwhelm us and our families in every way. Thank you Father for all Your promises and we say Yes and Amen to the glory of God. Thank you Father, that you hear our prayers and answer them, we are never alone. To You and You alone be all glory and praise in Jesus name.
The account of the widow who gave her last has been a source of strength to share recently.
We don’t know the depth our faith being applied until the pressing increases. Lord, you never see the righteous forsaken of their seed begging bread.
You provide all of our needs according to your riches through Christ Jesus!
During a time in our marriage when the month was longer than the money, God taught me to pray specifically. I had been praying generally- God give us the money we need to pay our bills. One of the bills that month was $42.11. God said to pray for $42.11!!!! I thought he was nuts but started doing it. He provided it in amazing ways, we purchased some groceries and the savings was $11.18, a friend gave us $20.00 and we got an insurance refund of $10.93 equalling the $42.11. GOD PROVIDED!
I was recently reminded by God about this principle and realized I stopped praying that way years ago because we were no longer broker. He said start praying that way again!
Specific pray is a faith builder as we see God provide.
And, specific prayer is, shall I say, disheartening when it is answered with a ‘no’, or an indefinite ‘wait a while’. That has happened to me far, far more often than it has not.
I do not know what lessons I can take from the hard times and unanswered prayers. The only things that come to mind are ‘not my will, but yours…’, and ‘in all circumstances be content’.
But, none of that is a promise that your apartment or home will remain yours, or that God won’t substitute your car for a bus, or your great, fulfilling job that you spent tons to be educated for and spent years building yourself in, won’t be replaced by a minimum wage job that’s manned largely by 18yo’s just starting out their lives. It’s very difficult to go back to where you started at… 55.
But yes, technically this is provision.
Keith, you have certainly faced some difficult times and kept your trust in the Lord. My prayer for you in this hour is for His peace to fill your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. I encourage you to download the scriptural prayers that are part of the article at the end. Begin to speak them out each day. If God created the world with His words, so we in turn have the power to create our world with our words. When we speak out scripture, we are then in covenant with Him as He says He always watches over His Word to perform. Know that He DOES care that you have a home, a safe and secure place to stay. My prayer for you is that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Wait on the Lord; be strong, and may your heart be stout;
Wait on the Lord. Psalm 27:13-14.
Thank you Karen. I appreciate that.
Karen, thank you for your testimony of the goodness of God. His word is yea and amen. He never fails us and never leaves nor forsakes us. He is teaching us to trust Him only and not our job, family, friends, credit cards, savings account or our government.
He has always brought me through the tough times and I could never have anticipated His method of provision. He is Jehovah Jireh, He is Jehovah Shalom and In Him is everything we need to be whole and complete. He has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and of a sound mind. When we speak His Word in faith believing….It is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.
Jesus paid it all for us
Lord You our Jehova Jirah. Our provided . We ask that You bring the provisions to sustain us . For You Lord own the cattle on the hill . Bring and multiple the fish and the loaves of bread to feed the multitudes . Open their hearts that they may recoeve Your word of Your goodness for You our are true and living bread . We ask for the provisions to feed the harvest of people . Let them taste and see that You are good . We Praise You for You our are provider in Jesus Mighty Name Amen