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I Prayed have prayed
Expose our junk, Lord, lay it bare before You.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We’ve all been exposed.
Not necessarily to the virus.
(maybe…who even knows)
We’ve all been exposed BY the virus.

Corona is exposing us.
Exposing our weak sides.
Exposing our dark sides.
Exposing what normally lays far beneath the surface of our souls,
hidden by the invisible masks we wear.
Now exposed by the paper masks we can’t hide far enough behind.

Corona is exposing our addiction of comfort.
Our obsession with control.
Our compulsion to hoard.
Our protection of self.

Corona is peeling back our layers.
Tearing down our walls.
Revealing our illusions.
Leveling our best-laid plans.

Corona is exposing the gods we worship:
Our health
Our hurry
Our sense of security.
Our favorite lies
Our secret lusts
Our misplaced trust.

Corona is calling everything into question:
What is the church without a building?
What is my worth without an income?
How do we plan without certainty?
How do we love despite risk?

Corona is exposing me.
My mindless numbing
My endless scrolling
My careless words
My fragile nerves.

We’ve all been exposed.
Our junk laid bare.
Our fears made known.
The band-aid torn.
The masquerade done.

So what now? What’s left?
Clean hands
Clear eyes
Tender hearts.


What Corona reveals, God can heal.
Come Lord Jesus.
Have mercy on us.

What if we look back someday on this whole event and realize this test was our greatest lifetime opportunity for authentic purification and growth?

(Used with permission from Frontline Family Ministries. Article by Lisa Cherry.)

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Sarah Bourns
April 22, 2020

Hello! I wrote this poem 🙂 And I would love for you to link it to the original site and source! Thank you!
Sarah Bourns
[email protected]


Jacquelyn Miller
March 26, 2020

I thank God for you Lisa Cherry. At last there is someone to bring us a breath of fresh air. The Bible tells us in Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” All of us need Jesus. He is the answer for the world. Psalm 46:10 states, ” Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” This virus has no respect of persons. It has reached the entire world: great and small. If this does not bring us to our knees to ask for forgiveness, I don’t know what will.
“Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever sand ever. Amen. (Hebrews 13:20). (NKJV)

March 25, 2020

This is why God wants us to quiet down. To hear His small voice to expose for correction out of Love. The fruit of correction is peace and righteousness. Lord have your way in my heart. Shape me on your potters wheel I trust you with the reshaping of my heart!

March 25, 2020

This is one of the most powerful things I have read. Thank you. What a gift God has given you. I hope millions of people will read these words.

Doug Spurling
March 25, 2020

My oh my Sarah, thank you, again. Since the first of the year I’ve been wondering, watching, praying…this. this. hits. home. As we do at the start of the year; fast and pray, the word that kept coming to me was “Exposed.” With it I pictured Adam and Eve in the garden, just after taking the forbidden fruit and their eyes were opened and they knew they were naked, exposed. I figured (perhaps hoped) it meant the dirty, rotten, double dealing, deep state would be exposed…but this. This is. it. Thank you. Now I pray, we won’t hide, but settle into His rest as we stand naked (exposed) and unashamed before His throne of grace to find help in our time of need. Thank you. God’s best to you. Stay the course.
Spurling Silver

March 25, 2020

Lord, thank you for this word. It is true. Give us the grace to bend and bow before You; to say with our whole heart, Lord, have your way; may your kingdom come, May your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. May your good and perfect will be accomplished in us and through us to a desperate and dark world.


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