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I Prayed have prayed
Father show us how we can toss the secure line to others, that is You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Two years ago a prophetic friend of ours who has been active in police constabulary work was praying for us….he is regularly accurate on what God gives him to share with others.   It was a warning for us as a ministry about what would soon be coming. He shared a picture of our standing at the side of a dock  in a large harbor while a ship was coming into the dock and threw out its rope in order to be  tied into berth.  But behind the ship was an advancing storm that was intensifying and the ship’s rope would be insufficient to endure the storm.  In our hands was a very different and massive rope which was being interpreted as the lifeline for the ship and the Lord was saying I have given My Church this lifeline which they will need to survive the storms that are coming….” – The people on the ship were unaware of this impending storm – but what was clear was the massive rope keeping the ship safe in the harbour.  This rope was the Word of God enabling those in the ship to hold fast to the security of the dock while the storm came. 

I believe this is the storm that has now arrived – and it is the Church that must act on behalf of the people and hold fast to the promises of God in the turbulent storm that has now hit our planet.

As we hold fast to Him and press into Him for His answers – and His succor – and His refuge – and His protection – and His provision – ….He also holds fast to us, and in Him we can press in – and press on – and through – into all He has waiting for us – in spite of the utter severity of the storm that is currently hitting us all.

Christians do not escape all the calamities of life, but mostly we have to go through them – but we need to remember that we are going through them looking to Him who has gone ahead of us – the Author and Perfecter of our Faith.  As Hebrews 12  reminds us He has also has endured storms – opposition …so that we will not grow weary and lose heart.  He has not left us on our own. It is in Him that we live and move and have our Being (Acts 17:28).  Jesus IN us is the Hope of Glory! (Colossians 1:27)

IN whatever we have gone through and still will go through – it is time for us to grasp His Word and not let go of it – it is our Lifeline – even our Anchor.  Hebrews 6:18-19 – “…we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged.  We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.”

Those powerful truths from Scripture are our sustaining rope that secures us to the utter dependability of the Lord who will take us through this Covid-19.  We will need to respond as He directs – but we need to know deep within us that these recent events have not caught Him off guard and He is ultimately in Charge – especially as His people increasingly look to Him with whatever response He requires.

(Alistair Petrie is founder of Partnership Ministries.)

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Sours, Mara
March 26, 2020

THank you brother, this is right on.

S Thurman
March 25, 2020

Thank you for sharing this beautiful vision from above. Jesus is our anchor in the storms of life. Praise His holy name. Praying daily for our beloved America and for His people all over the world. He is the giver of life and we are in His hands. His will be done, always. May all of us be strong and courageous during this time. He is our shield, defender, protector, hiding place, refuge, rock, etc. What an awesome holy God we know, love and serve. Onward Christians soldiers. Our royal master leads us on against the foe, with the cross of Jesus, going on before.

Barbara Hesch
March 25, 2020

Recently I made a phone call to a well known television ministry to order some material. A beautiful soul who was also a prayer warrior asked if there was anything I needed prayer for. I asked for prayer for everyone affected by this crisis. She said of course we will pray and we did. But first she said that it is a worse crisis if people died without knowing Christ. Lord, use these days of uncertainty to bring many people all over the world to knowing You and Your saving grace. You are the rope and the anchor in this story. Amen


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