A survey conducted in 2016 by the Annenberg Public Policy Center found that 74 percent of Americans cannot name all three branches of the U.S. government. The blame rests at the lack of civics classes in our public schools. The fact is that very few states teach civics and haven’t done so in many years. We could lose our nation if we do not educate students about how our republic functions.
Why have we not emphasized civics in our schools? The trend started in the 1990s but intensified in 2000 with the entrance of global assessment tests. One of the more popular tests is the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), which tests 15 year-olds in math, science, and reading. In the last PISA testing cycle, the U.S. ranked 31st out of 71 developed nations. To raise our global ranking, all untested subjects like civics and history have taken a back seat to math, science, and reading. That strategy hasn’t worked to increase our math, science, and reading proficiency, nor has it helped in producing citizens who are equipped to govern this nation. We currently are in a fix because the urgency to reinstate civics back into our educational system has magnified how divided America is politically. Now, the race is on to see which political thought will be the first in the classroom to train students in their way of thinking.
On the horizon for the Progressive Civics’ classes are curricula proposed by individuals, nonprofits (like the Southern Poverty Law Center) and a few textbook companies. They have chosen new ways to promote civics education and increase youth community engagement. Students tackle problems like housing, climate change, racism, social justice, etc. The emphasis on our Constitution is often to view it as a “living and breathing’ document that is “evolving” and prime for change. Change requires a new language. The new norm is to call America a “democratic republic,” which, would better serve minorities and the people in general if changed to a “representative democracy.” What this achieves is movement toward changing the Twelfth Amendment to eradicate the Electoral College. Nevermind that the term “democracy” does not appear in the U.S. Constitution or the Bill of Rights. The words “democratic republic” do appear in the name of North Korea, former Communist nation East Germany, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, all nations known for repressive regimes and not democracies. The history curriculum preferred by progressives is A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn, in which founding fathers are depicted as greedy, slave-owning oppressors. It’s readily available online to any teacher who wishes to present the comprehensive curriculum in his/her classroom.
The Conservative Civics courses would be more traditional with an emphasis on how our government was designed to work as the Republic our forefathers had in mind. Community involvement, debate, and open discussions are the norm. Often students are required to know enough to pass a citizenship test as well as a civics exam. Right now Idaho has the best civics curriculum that starts in kindergarten as students begin with character qualities like honesty, dependability, and loyalty.
PRAY for patriotic American educators to write a comprehensive civics curriculum for K-12 that is fair and just to America, our constitution, and our forefathers. I’m asking you to take a few minutes to pray with me for our nation’s educators to train all students on how to be good citizens, and as graduates of our schools, they are loyal to America and participate in America’s republic.
ADD ACTION to your prayers. Many jurisdictions offer a public review of proposed curricula. Take the time to review what is proposed and offer your views even if they are not popular. Ask the Lord how He wants you to be involved in your local public schools.
Find out more about author Nancy Huff at TakingTheMountainOfEducation.com.
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Hallelujah Lord, You never change. You are the same yesterday, today and forever. You are Sovereign and the government rests upon Your shoulders. You are in control, Your ways and thoughts are higher than ours. You can change hearts in a moment “Suddenly”.
May Your church arise and Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Invade our education system, our government and our homes with the presence of Your Holy Spirit and grant us a spirit of repentance for apathy, secularism, humanism that we may turn back to You Holt God.
Lori….what are some resources I can access to help educate my grandchildren? I am very interested in this.
Pam Hay. [email protected]
In our little corner of Florida a group of us are trying to do something. The United States Constitution Scholarship Foundation offers high school Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to attend The University of US. It consist of six after school sessions held in September, October, November, January, February, and March. Students who complete the school, maintain a 3.0 GPA and pass a test are eligible to compete for scholarships. The school sessions cover the Federalist Papers, the Founding Fathers, articles of the Constitution, the amendments, Key Supreme Court Decisions, and judges and the courts. Last month we graduated our third class. In addition we bring speakers such as former attorney Ed Meese, Senator Jim DeMint, economist Stephen Moore and Coach Lou Holtz to educate the broader community. In April we held our first Constitution Bowl which was an academic competition between four person teams from our local high schools as well as the home schooled community. The quiz covered the same subject matter covered by the University of US. We are very blessed in that we have the full backing of our school superintendent and the school district cooperating with us in every way. If anyone is interested in more details you can email me at [email protected].
Yes! Public schools should be teaching truth and facts!
Respectfully, this is the job of parents and not schools. My husband took on this responsibility with our kids. Lots of great resources available – many of the free – to educate OUR children.
Not every child is fortunate enough to have a responsible adult in the home. Respectfully, it is the job of educators to educate children in the actual history of our nation and its constitution. Public schools indoctrinate children according to personal agenda and opinions rather than teaching national historical facts. This is regrettable and we all suffer when the masses are misinformed. May God have mercy on us all.
In our schools and in our college institutions there is a move to indoctrinate not educate. Dear Lord, please revive us who are called by your name and call us in position to pray and to take a stand in returning our country to truth and to its Judeo- Christian roots. Raise up those who will restore the truth about our history and write this curriculum. In Jesus Name.