Watchmen: ‘Sound the Trumpet’ on Covid
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Watchmen: ‘Sound the Trumpet’ on Covid
As the biblical month of Elul began this year, I found myself in one of the most beautiful places on earth–the heavenly landscape of Zion National Park, located in Springdale, Utah. God’s creation was on full display, showcasing massive rock formations, immense cliffs, colorful canyons and deep alcoves. Famous landmarks within the park were inspired by biblical characters and concepts, going by names such as The Great White Throne, The Court of the Patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), Angel’s Landing, the Virgin River and the Watchman Trail.
As I walked along the Watchman Trail, I couldn’t help but notice the striking white, trumpet-shaped flowers known as Sacred Datura (Angel’s Trumpet). The still, soft voice of the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart as I realized that the biblical month of Elul had arrived that very day. In synagogues around the world, the ram’s horn (trumpet) was being blasted as a wake-up call, preparing believers for the arrival of the High Holy Days in September. The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah), along with the Hebrew month of Elul, form a season of awareness, contemplation, repentance and restoration. A spiritual alarm clock sounded with every step that I took, and deep inside I knew that the time for slumbering has passed.

When I arrived home from my trip to Zion, I felt an urgency that I couldn’t shake. “Sound the trumpet, sound the trumpet, sound the trumpet,” is what I sensed through the Holy Spirit. After praying, I began searching my newsfeed. Immediately I noticed that some media outlets and medical authorities were calling for the reinstitution of Covid restrictions, such as masking and lockdowns. Flu vaccines, RSV shots and new boosters for Covid were being pushed, along with warnings of a tripledemic. It felt like 2020 all over again, with fear being stoked like a raging fire. In the midst of the rising flames, the shofar’s call needed to be loud and piercing, so as many people as possible could hear it above the lies.
The first warning blast came from a story covered on the High Wire, which reported that TSA whistleblowers had disclosed information revealing that the Biden administration was setting the stage for more lockdowns, vaccinations, and other restrictions in the fall and winter. Beginning in September, incremental restrictions may be put in place and then snowball into full-blown lockdowns by December. While mainstream media and fact-checking organizations quickly moved in to de-bunk the claims, this did not convince a skeptical public that had seen many stories labeled as “Covid conspiracy theories” or “misinformation” eventually be proven true. Millions around the world had witnessed truth bombs exploding such as the lab origins of Covid, the dangers of mRNA vaccines, globalist/government ties to Big Pharma companies, and the suppression of effective treatments for Covid. At the same time, we pray that if these plans are in place, they would be stopped by God.
Just recently, former NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) Director and pandemic czar Anthony Fauci appeared at a university virtual event titled, “Pandemic Lessons and Role of Faculty in Pandemic Preparedness with Dr. Anthony Fauci” where he said, “Lockdown has a purpose. One of the purposes, if you don’t have a vaccine, it’s to get more ventilators, get the hospitals better prepared…until you decompress the pressure on the hospitals…If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lockdown temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated.” Fauci insisted that lockdowns were justified and even suggested that climate change is playing a role in causing disease outbreaks. Though Fauci is no longer the head of the NIAID, he continues to spread his influence around the country. His replacement, Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, as well as the newly appointed CDC Director Mandy Cohen, echo his sentiments on lockdowns, mask mandates, and “unapproved” treatments.
On the same day that Dr. Fauci spoke about lockdowns at the widely-viewed virtual event, the Daily Mail posted an article titled Gloomy scientists call for people to start wearing Covid masks again as they sound alarm over new variant BA.6 that has ‘a lot of new mutations.’ Reading like an episode of Fear Factor, it quotes scientists who suggest that a big wave is coming and a “combined vaccine and mitigation-based approach” is necessary. These ideas are being pushed by members of the United Kingdom’s pandemic response agency known as SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies). This detail is important to understand because it was in 2020 that Sage member Neil Ferguson, dubbed “Professor Lockdown,” predicted that 2.2 million people in the United States would die from Covid-19. This over-exaggerated, flawed disease forecast model was adopted by Former White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx and Anthony Fauci, who used it to justify lockdowns, masking, and vaccines. Currently Ferguson is warning that notable Covid variants are rapidly spreading around the globe.
Meanwhile, as the Eris variant (EG.5) is circulating in the United States, some universities, businesses, healthcare facilities, and nursing homes are reinstituting mask mandates and social distancing. Florida’s Surgeon General, Joseph Ladapo, responded by tweeting, “What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective, or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm? You don’t call it sanity. These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about refusing to participate?” All of this is happening despite more than 70 studies citing that masks are not effective against the spread of viruses like COVID-19, as well as mounting evidence that extended mask-wearing is harmful to human health. World- renowned cardiologist Peter McCullough urges people to “Fear not.” He adds, “Fool me once, you’re the fool, fool me twice, I’m the fool. This applies to the anticipated calls for masking, lockdowns and boosters for the next Omicron wave lead by EG.5, or Eris, appropriately named as Eris, the Greek goddess of strife and discord.”
On August 21, 2023, War Room correspondent Natalie Winters revealed, “The federal government has already begun buying COVID-19 equipment and hiring consultants to enforce pandemic-era ‘safety-protocols.’ Some of these contracts are scheduled to begin in September and October.” Additionally, the Biden Administration earmarked billions of dollars to accelerate vaccine production and distribution. On August 22, 2023, the U.S. Department of Human Health and Services awarded over 1.4 billion dollars to Project NextGen “to support the development of a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against Covid-19 for years to come.” Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, Dawn O’Connell explains, “As the virus continues to evolve, we need new tools that keep pace with those changes.” She adds that Project NextGen is “strengthening our preparedness for whatever comes next.”
President Biden left no doubt about his commitment to new Covid vaccines when he told reporters while vacationing in Lake Tahoe that, “I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress as a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works,” adding that “it will likely be recommended that everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not.” Currently new vaccines for strain XBB.1.5 are being developed by Pfizer, Novavax, and Moderna and will be available in mid-September.
In July 2023, just prior to new vaccine roll outs, the White House announced the launch of the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, which will be directed by Major General Paul Friedrichs. “OPPR will oversee efforts to develop, manufacture, and procure the next generation of medical countermeasures, including leveraging emerging technologies and working with HHS on next generation vaccines and treatments for Covid-19 and other public health threats.” Twila Brase, founder of Citizens’ Council for Health Freedom says, “Clearly federal bureaucrats tasted unprecedented power and they want to keep it.”
As Christians who are familiar with the biblical calendar, it’s important to be aware that these events are culminating near the High Holy Days. Thus, we must tune our ears to the shofar’s resonant sound which reminds us to choose faith over fear and truth over propaganda. God’s voice is likened to the sound of the trumpet and we must always draw close to Him in prayer asking “Lord Jesus, give us discernment so we do not fall prey to deceptions and falsehoods.” In fact, the season of Elul is a special time to meet with our King so we can be strengthened. Certainly, God will provide those voices in the wilderness who will blow the trumpet, speaking truth to our hearts and preparing us to face what’s ahead.
One such trumpeter is Senator Rand Paul, who in response to the calls for new vaccines, Covid restrictions and mask mandates has declared that those pushing this “hysteria” again “have no shame.” In a Fox News interview, he stressed that the leftist media is benefiting from their “corporate pharma owners,” adding that “It’s so dishonest to put people like that on the air to promote a product that they make more money from … This defies all logic. It defies science, and it defies common sense.”
Even as voices get louder about vaccines and masks, a crucial trumpet blast is blaring in the background, warning us about threats to free speech. Social media giants like X (formerly known as Twitter) are posturing themselves to fall in line with future pandemic narratives. X’s new CEO Linda Yaccarino was interviewed by CNBC’s Squawk on the Street about “brand safety” on August 10, 2023, where she said, “We have built brand safety and content moderation tools that have never existed before at this company. We’ve introduced a new policy to your specific point about hate speech called Freedom of Speech Not Reach. So, if you’re gonna post something that’s illegal or against the law, you’re gone–zero tolerance. But more importantly, if you’re going to post something that is lawful, but it’s awful, you get labeled–you get labeled, you get de-amplified, which means it cannot be shared, and it is certainly demonetized…it’s really important to note that once a post is labeled and it can’t be shared and the user sees that, 30% of the time, they take it down themselves…and that reducing hateful content from being seen is one of the best examples of how X is committed to encouraging healthy behavior online.”
Yaccarino, who has connections to the World Economic Forum, has stated that she has “autonomy” from Elon Musk and that one of her goals is to rebuild X’s base of advertisers such as Coca-Cola and Visa. She insists, “X is the future state of unlimited interactivity–centered in audio, video, messaging, payments/banking–creating a global marketplace for ideas, goods, services, and opportunities.” Additionally, she is widely known for supporting vaccinations and masking through the More You Know campaign and the COVID Collaborative. This has raised concerns among free speech advocates who wonder what constitutes her definition of “healthy behavior.”
You Tube has updated its medical misinformation policy stating that, “Moving forward, You Tube will streamline dozens of our existing medical misinformation guidelines to fall under three categories–Prevention, Treatment and Denial. These policies will apply to specific health conditions, treatments, and substances where content contradicts local health authorities or the World Health Organization.” Joseph Mercola, an osteopathic physician and health freedom advocate who recently had his bank accounts with JP Morgan Chase forcibly terminated, reports that the newly rolled out Digital Services Act will require online platforms such as Instagram, Amazon, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Google Search, Bing and others to monitor their content, or risk heavy fines. This content would include information that endangers public health.
The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) posted an article titled Communication of Covid-19 Misinformation on Social Media by Physicians in the United States. Major themes cited included “disputing vaccine safety and effectiveness, promoting treatments lacking scientific evidence and/or US Food and Drug Administration approval, disputing mask-wearing effectiveness and other (unsubstantiated claims, eg, virus origin, government lies, and other conspiracy theories).”
Doctors and scientists speaking out against the official Covid narrative were censored and called spreaders of misinformation. As a result, many lost their licenses and jobs. This phenomenon is still continuing and doesn’t show signs of slowing down. Recently, obstetrician Dr. James Thorp was fired for “blowing the trumpet” about catastrophic damage that has been done to women and babies via the Covid mRNA injections. Other doctors, such as pediatrician Renata Moon, cardiologist Peter McCullough, and osteopathic physician Dr. Sherri Tenpenny have been penalized by medical boards or fired from their positions. Doctors, nurses and healthcare workers cannot be silenced when they are trying to protect their patients from injury or death.
Ezekiel 3:19 is a stern reminder that when we become aware of danger or wicked schemes, we must warn others. Even if they will not listen, the warning must be given.
But if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, or from his wicked way, he shall die for his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul.
As intercessors for the Kingdom of God, we should never be afraid to share the truth in love, especially when it involves life or death matters.
The writing is on the wall when it comes to the coordinated global effort to keep the pandemic going. The World Health Organization is moving forward with a Pandemic Treaty that seeks to institute a coordinated “One Health, One Narrative” response system, despite worldwide push-back. Currently, they have plans to adopt a “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response” on September 20, 2023, moving them closer to finalizing their vision for total health control. Additionally, December 1, 2023 is the deadline to reject the amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). Target areas for both the IHR and the Pandemic Treaty include mass vaccination and the elimination of what the World Health Organization labels as misinformation. To further support their plans, in June 2023 the European Commission and the WHO launched their Global Digital Health Certification Network (digital passport) that will “facilitate global mobility” during pandemics. Their goal is to get every country on board in order to foster “peace and safety.”
Intercessors, now more than ever, we must take our positions as Watchmen on the Wall. The Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) will arrive at sundown on September 15, 2023, ushering in the first of the High Holy Days. Let us go boldly to the throne and petition the King of Kings for several things:
Lord Jesus, let us be courageous and resist every deceptive scheme of the enemy. May we only comply with YOUR WILL and not the commands of leaders seeking power and control. Let our words of warning be seasoned with salt and our actions be planted firmly in faith. Above all, please stop the relentless attacks against the freedoms that you have graciously given to every human.
What do you think about the culmination of threats to personal and medical freedom? As the High Holy Days approach, what is your prayer?
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and homeschooling Mom who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at and Her latest book, Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus, was released in June 2021. Photo by Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images.
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A scripture or scriptures on Healing and Fear—-The Word of God can be your source of refuge and endurance when you are overwhelmed with health problems, bad news, or relationship struggles. This collection of scriptures on healing can provide encouragement, strength, and comfort as you trust in God’s healing power.“ “ Jeremiah 33:6 – Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.”
1 Peter 2:24 – He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.” “by his wounds you have been healed.” ~ 1 Peter 2:24” Fear—“We can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me?’”
—Hebrews 13:6” —“God says—“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
—Philippians 4:6-7” Sharing words from —Billy Graham once said, “The Bible is not an option; it’s a necessity.” This is especially true in times of despair that can lead to anxiety and fear. These are a few of many Bible verses to refer to for peace and comfort. Though I would share these words. Do not let the scare tactics bring on fear about Covid and rules about masks God I am using these words from the writer Angels said was perfect prayer I second these words as we express her words to YouLord Jesus, let us be courageous and resist every deceptive scheme of the enemy. May we only comply with YOUR WILL and not the commands of leaders seeking power and control. Let our words of warning be seasoned with salt and our actions be planted firmly in faith. Above all, please stop the relentless attacks against the freedoms that you have graciously given to every human. Jesus we ask these words in Your name as we ask for protection of these misinformation statements made from the group who are spreading lies to try and make us slaves to their false Agendas.
We need to call politicians and tell them to stop these efforts. Maybe the squeaky wheel!
Not again!!!God help us. There is nothin impossible for you! Come, Lord Jesus. Listen for the trumpet, especially during the High Holy Days and the Day of Atonement. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!
Wake up the hearts of America to truth
May we stand firm against lockdowns
Masks..and never close down churches again in Jesus name Amen
As we reach the Holy Days let us beware of the culmination of threats to personal and medical freedom? As the High Holy days approach we must take a stand against The “deceptive schemes of the enemy that is trying to destroy America and other nations. According to Dr. (cardiologist )Peter McCullough, and osteopathic physician Who was on the Victory channel this Thursday -09-01/23 he said the virus was not a variant, it does not require a mask nor does it require a Vaccine that has not been proven that it would work. The entire show was good how we win over fear and a little advice of precaution medicine to use if we get a cold. But God What I want to share in my prayer written words on how we can stand strong in Gods words and beat all of these pushes on the words from the fallen Dems. leaders trying to make power and control remove our Freedom. We are God’s children and we stand on the Faith of His words. I want to share a words from KC that he wrote on a card he fills with scriptures each month as he mails them out..(“The Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer( Covid -19) to come in unto your houses, work place, etc. to smite you.” Exodus 12-23. This is the Victory as we Declare “ No SICKNESS in our House” Christians, people that are prayer Warriors – We Declare that all manner and threats must go from our states, homes, work, churches any where our feet go.- you ugly demonized spirit that is trying to control us, make some people think they are sick because fear has presented a case in pretend sickness over them. You, are not allowed by the blood 🩸 of Jesus who is our Savior that healed us from ALL sickness. Only Health and healing is allowed in our homes. In the Authority of Jesus’ name, we reject illness, disorders, viruses, infections, abnormal conditions. God says pray and use His words through the power of the blood of Jesus- release healing, complete health, and vigor over our bodies. We stand in the strong spirit of God as we look into His presence and wrap our homes, ourselves in the promises of His words. As we pray stand upon His covenant promises concerning healing to our lives. —Exodus- 23-25 says- You shall serve the Lord your God; He shall bless your bread and water, and I will take sickness from your midst.“ AMPC— God I thank You for Your words and the resource of Faith and the ability to receive the supernatural in our Spirit. We prophesy that no deathly illness shall arise or attempt to shorten the life span of any. We need to make it a regular thing in our lives to counter sickness and disease through the power of our words without ceasing. Father God help us to stay in connection with You as we serve You. As we stand firmly we must remember that we are snared by our words and that life and death are in the power to release sickness or healing through what we say. Prov. 18-21/ Prov. 6-2 “You are snared with the words of your lips, you are caught by the speech of your mouth. God we Honor You on how to stand up to pushers of sin and darkness, with these words we are releasing the promises into the atmospheres around us to remind demon powers we are off limits to bring sickness, virus, variants into our homes and our atmospheres. God my prayers are that America, other Nations will go to Your words and Read, Shout these words using the words of Jesus’ Blood and without a shadow of doubt that we are safe and protected by His words. Father I so love Psalms-91- “2-I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 Surely he will save you
from the fowler’s snare
and from the deadly pestilence.
4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” This scripture is my go to at night. I want to say thank you Father God, I cherish these moments with You, I’ve learned so much more digging into Your words that I call my road map of Life. I pray that as we go through the challenges of tough times we are facing that Strong Faith and the Love of God will become Stronger. If You get stuck on words to pray, use Gods gift He gave us – the gift of praying in tongues God will know every word we are saying. Acts-“4And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.” Be blessed
This is the trap of the democrats to keep the people from voting in person , they are repeating the same strategies of 2020. , to keep control. We know that the World Organization is formed by a bunch of socialists, communists that want to control the World , get the money from the people and put the world into lockdown again. They fear so much President Trump to be President again that they have created secret labs like the one in Fresno California injecting rats with COVID to release them.
This is all a prank . The vaccine is dangerous, causes heart problems., and we cannot fall into the trap of the enemy again.
This has been a plandemic not a pandemic. , their maximum goal is that they can take America into the trap.
Lord you are our shield, our fortress, our refuge , my God in Him we will trust,
SURELY He shall deliver us from the snare of the fowler .
And from the deadly pestilence .
He shall cover you with His feathers
And under His wings you shall take refuge ;
His Truth shall be your shield and buckler ,
We shall not be afraid of the arrow that flies by day
Nor of the pestilence that walk in darkness ,
Nor of the destruction that lays at noonday………
I pray my Lord under all your promises of protection that you have laid up for your people in psalm 91 you have also said :
“The Lord turns upside down the plans of the wicked”
Psalm 146: v. 9
Thank you Lord for your Truth, we keep our eyes on you, and I pray that many people will come to know you., use us as your vessels and keep us strong in the Power of the Holy Spirit in JESUS Name the Name that is above all names even covid has to bow down under that name.
Glory be to God , we have the Victory in Him.
Barbara, I think you hit the nail on the head. I decree in agreement with you –
“This battle for our country is the Lord’s – so we better be sure we follow His battle plan and not our own. We want to be strong – seems like our “strength training” will include humbling ourselves, confessing, repenting, “being still and knowing He is God”, praying, interceding, obeying, trusting in His ways rather than our ways – following where He leads us, even if it means a silent walk around seemingly impenetrable walls, (and the walls of corruption, deceit, tyranny, injustice and evil seem pretty high right now) – the battle is the Lord’s – ours is to obey and follow where He leads us. Thank You Lord that we can “take heart, for You have overcome the world.”
I commit to do so, and trust You for the outcome.
We invite your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven right now, today in the days to come, we give you all the honor in the praise for breakthrough for your people all over the world. Ephesians 3:16 declares ” that You desire to bless us, exceedingly abundantly more than we could ever ask or think, in Jesus name, we decree declare Your word, amen
I would hope we learned something the first time around, so that we will not repeat the mistakes of the 2020 pandemic response. We were lied to, everything they told us turned out to be a lie. They attempted to isolate us, fill us with fear and get us to comply. Isolation killed more people than covid did. People stopped going to the gym, to their regular doctor’s appointments, to church, to their social activities – they didn’t want us out and about where we could observe for ourselves that what we saw on the news was not actually happening – when I and those I knew weren’t experiencing what the news said, I just assumed it was happening, just not to people I knew firsthand. Thing is – if they can get us to doubt our own senses and our own observable reality – they can control us. What do I believe? My own actual experience and the experiences of those I know or the canned narrative we are force fed 24/7? This article mentioned that medical professionals who spoke up or asked questions or had a dissenting opinion from that of the government approved narrative based on what they observed actually happening with their patients, lost their jobs, licenses, were labeled as conspiracy theorists, discredited etc. – propaganda has no room or place for truth. But it is truth and free speech that will set us all free. We ALL need to stand up – the government has been able to control the few that dissent – lockdowns and masks failed the first time – they caused more harm/death than they helped/saved – they didn’t help at all – but caused unnecessary suffering at a time that was already difficult. We must stop believing the lies – all medical protocols were broken during the pandemic, – we don’t quarantine the healthy but the sick – we don’t vaccinate over natural immunity (in the past, of course it’s not really a vaccine as was made abundantly clear by the numbers of people who continued to contract the disease after receiving the shot or even multiple shots) The loss and suffering the prolonged lockdowns caused cannot adequately be measured – the human toll is incalculable. The damage was not so much physical at all – but mental, emotional and spiritual – that’s where the damage was done. Anxiety, depression, alcoholism, suicides, violence all rose dramatically during the lockdowns and people weren’t connected and receiving the help that they needed and were receiving pre covid. A return to God and His ways is our only hope, we need His deliverance – individually and corporately in our churches and in our nation.
“This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.’ ” (Isaiah 30:15)
Seems counterintuitive for sure, but God’s ways are not our ways, His are higher. (and better) Reminds me of the battle plan at Jericho – first circumcision for all the men, then a silent walk around the city of Jericho for six days (one lap per day) with instructions – “Do not give a war cry, do not raise your voices, do not say a word until the day I tell you to shout. Then shout!” Interestingly though, on these six laps around Jericho’s walls (one each day) guess what was heard? That’s right – trumpets sounding! seven of them in fact. ” . . . the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets before the Lord went forward, blowing their trumpets, and the ark of the Lord’s covenant followed them. . . . All this time the trumpets were sounding. But Joshua had commanded the people . . .” – we already know what he commanded them – to be silent! Seems like the Israelites were learning – “in quietness and trust is your strength.”
This battle for our country is the Lord’s – so we better be sure we follow His battle plan and not our own. We want to be strong – seems like our “strength training” will include humbling ourselves, confessing, repenting, “being still and knowing He is God”, praying, interceding, obeying, trusting in His ways rather than our ways – following where He leads us, even if it means a silent walk around seemingly impenetrable walls, (and the walls of corruption, deceit, tyranny, injustice and evil seem pretty high right now) – the battle is the Lord’s – ours is to obey and follow where He leads us. Thank You Lord that we can “take heart, for You have overcome the world.”
Thank you for this article! I had heard that this was being discussed, but your comprehensive report on the status of the next pandemic! Thank you for being a watchman and sounding the alarm!
As I was thinking about all this, and the church taking up it’s inherited authority in Christ over it, i thought about how God intervened miraculously for Israel, with Egyptian chariot wheels coming off, and the other great true stories of His amazing interventions recorded in the Bible, as well as many comforting verses to us. We the church need to rise up, know our God, know our WORD (the WORD who was with God and WAS GOD and was made flesh and dwelled among us) we need to recognize our identity in Him, our rights as Spiritual Israel, Abraham’s heirs, as well as our inherited authority in Christ in which he FULLY, once for all, triumphed over ALL principalities and powers and made a spectacle of them, including these modern day elite powers. We need to magnify God, and His power, His willingness, and faithfulness to deliver us according to His word and ask Him to do some victory struts through the earth in our day as He did in ancient days. These are the days for our great exploits, which i feel are really us just believing God’s power and willingness to do HIS exploits to intervene on our behalf and show the modern day world that something great, something truly divine and miraculous is happening here, and that it can not be explained other than to say “it is the hand of God, the one and only God of Israel”
psalm 77:14
You are the God who works wonders; You have made known Your strength among the peoples.
I am talking about praying and believing God for miraculous interventions that He will just be tickled pink to do for us because He delights in our faith in Him even as Hesus delighted when people believed Him to do miracles. I am talking about believing God to do miracles like when he loosened the chariot wheels of the Egyptians as they pursued Israel…even the Egyptians knew it was the God of Israel. We could be Goshs next Gideon. The first time we see Gideon mentioned he was hiding in fear threshing his grain in a winepres trying to hide it and protect it from the Mideonites. Gideon started out fearful, and even needing some signs from God, but God turned him into a might warrior for Israel. Friends, only believe that God can do the same transformation on you and me and turn us into His mighty men and women of valor!
Father, we as for you to do exploits, Miracles like shipments of these vaccines becoming miraculously lost and not found, or mysteriously destroyed, strange fires the burn only these vaccine shipments, or glass or plastic vials arrive all broken leaking, needles rusted or bent and broken, vaccine facilities having mysterious fires contained only to the spot where they are making the vaccines, electronic files with COVID vaccine recipies suddenly altogether missing, vaccine making machines broken down, I am talking about creative miracles like God did in ancient days for His people that even the enemy had to admit could only be the God of Israel. CHURCH: let us pray for God to do these types of creative exploits on behalf our prayers, let us specifically ASK and BELIEVE Him to do the type of things which turn heads and minds to wonder and awe and realize,”this was GOD”.
CHURCH God is the same! HE hasn’t changed! WE have to hold on to that, and the fact that He WANTS and DELIGHTS To do miracles, to wow the church and the heathen, and that we can move His hands and His angels to do them by our child like prayer and faith in His word, his promises.
*I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses (despises, dishonors, treats with contempt) you (Gen 12.3)
*Whoever assails you will fall … no weapon that is formed against you will prosper (Isa 54.15,17)
*I will be a wall of fire around her … he who touches you, touches the apple (pupil) of the LORD’s eye (Zech 2.5,8)
*Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you (Isa 41.10)
*Those who strive with you (Israel) shall perish (Isa 41.11)
There are more promises, search them and post them here in this forum and the stories of His miraculous interventions and let us encourage each other in them and in our Wonder working God, asking Him and believing Him show even the unbelievers in our day and even modern day Israel, that there IS still a God who is the very same God of ancient Israel, who does the same type of miracles to save his people, and show the world that He alone is the true God among the false ones on this modern day world. Father, do this. STOP THE COVID PLAGUE, all the real, the trumped and the lying versions of it,
Kerp exposing all the lies and plans, interfere with the mandatory vaccine making and vaccine shipments so that so much gets destroyed that our enemies can know it was You saving your people from the lies and controlling devices of the enemy, which can not be enforced, We magnify you far above the enemy and their plots and plans seeing how You intervened miraculously in ancient days for Israel and knowing Jesus already triumphed over all our spiritual enemies, Hear our prayers, receive our awe, our praise for you the Ancient God of Israel who is still the same, yesterday, today and forever.
JUDGES 6: 13-14 And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.
And the LORD looked upon him, and said, Go in THIS THY MIGHT, and thou shalt save Israel from the hand of the Midianites: have not I sent thee?
Knowing THIS miracle GOD, this God who intervenes for His people, knowing THIS Our GOD is OUR MIGHT
Wake up Gods Children . Look up ERIS GODDESS..the Greek Goddess of STRIFE and DISCORD, she is the patron deity of the modern Discordian religion. Her ONLY truty is Chaos…look it up and spread the truth
It makes you wonder how did they know so many people would die from covid? I also think that the medicines we take, that used to be manufactured under good manufacturing practices may put us at risk. This should be investigated. For example a recall on Atorvasatin? How many people take it? Wow. Drug companies give it away for free. I don’t want to operate in fear. We need to be eating as healthy and close to our food supply as we can and do healthy exercise to insure to keep up our health as much as we can. God we need your help to revive and restore, expose the evil and save us.
Thank you for your on time info.
Father thank you ,you have not given us the Spirt of fear, but power,love, and sound minds.
My people perish for lack of knowledge. Totally agree with everything.
FATHER, Thank You for ELUL
“I am my beloveds and my beloved is mine” 40 days of Teshuvah, THE KING IS IN THE FIELD (we don’t have to go to HIS THRONE) 30 days plus 10 days of AWE before Yom Kippur.
We seek Your Face in repentance and turn to You for help in “such a time as this” IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN
Amén 🙏🏽
▪99% of covid labeled DEATHS were NOT from covid, but normal deaths from heart, lung, kidney, diabetes, FLU, cancer, ETC. . .
▪Vaxx NOT effective for covid or variants!!!
Father, as we approach Your Holy Days, I want to align myself to Your truth! Is this the shaking that is being prophesied? Fear has no place in our lives, no bowing to the corrupt government or their mandates that keep us in bondage when You have set us free! Worship goes to You not the government, praying against these upcoming mandates! Father, Holy Spirit continues to expose the wickedness and root it and those out who desire fear to come!
Jesus, may Your blood that was shed cover us, protect us cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Abba Father, we stand on your forever words in Psalm 91:9-10- “ 9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10 no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent.” Thank you Lord for your faithful protection. In Jesus powerful name! Amen
Father, in the name of Jesus we exercise our rights in Christ and implore you to overcome these plans and these people by the blood of Jesus who triumphed over ALL principalities and powers (including these in our day) and made a spectacle of them. Father we take our inherited authority of Christ over these enemies and we trample on these snakes and scorpions declaring that we are the God appointed authority over them in Christ, which has the rights to say “NO” to their plans and overcome them. They do not get to decide over us, we rightfully decide over them and we declare to the WHO and all their cohorts that their plans and devices must fail now, we declare delay we declare confusion and lack of cohesion within their ranks, we declare fumblings and failures and the inability to bring forth their evil plans in Jesus name.we thank you Jesus for the victory.
Just wow