Headline Prayer LIVE is streaming live Headline Prayer LIVE live at 12:15 PM ET
I Prayed have prayed
Father, bless this event and help it to encourage us in our faith. Show us how to be lights in this dark world.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

This year marks 70 years since Reverend Billy Graham stood on the capitol steps in February 1952 and called for congress and the president to establish a day of prayer. By April of that year, President Truman signed the legislation into public law.

Through the decades, the efforts of the National Day of Prayer Task Force have mobilized Americans to observe the National Day of Prayer in all 50 states and in U.S. territories to praise God and intercede for our nation. In the evening we “gather” as a nation around our televisions, radios, phones and computers to pray for our nation from all across the nation. Through the generosity of our host and sponsors, The Museum of the Bible and OneCry.com, we invite you to join us at 8PM ET to unite in a significant evening of prayer.

As we believe and pray in 2021, our theme echoes our prayers: “LORD pour out Your LOVE, LIFE, and LIBERTY.” Once again proclaiming a promise of God in our theme verse, 2 Corinthians 3:17 NKJV, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”. . .

You can pray along through the broadcast with any of our partner stations:

Click HERE to watch the National Day of Prayer Broadcast!

You can also watch at God TV & Daystar

(Excerpt from The National Day of Prayer. Photo Credit: Canva.)

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May 6, 2021

It’s about 90 minutes til airtime! Let us pray for all Americans to become aware of the evebt in time to pray along; Abba, send out your holy angels to clear the way for everyone to access this event in whatever way available to them; let the Holy Spirit lead all the “channel surfers” via online, TV or radio to just “happen” to come across this powerful event! Thank you, Jesus, for sending forth godly conviction that produces repentance that revives and restores the United States of America!!

Susan CC
May 6, 2021

I didn’t know the history of this day but I thank God for Billy Graham’s motivation and perseverance. Look what the Lord can do when 1 stands in His Name! We read of so many of these individuals in the Bible and should remember the power of 1…in the Name of Jesus Christ.


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