I Prayed have prayed
God, we pray that You would continue to bring truth and justice. Prevent anyone from tracking us, God, and protect our data and our freedoms!
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Why did the CDC buy data about cellphone users? Are they being entirely truthful?

From The Epoch Times. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) purchased data from tracking companies to monitor compliance with lockdowns, according to contracts with the firms.

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The CDC paid one firm $420,000 and another $208,000. That bought access to location data from at least 55 million cellphone users.

The contracts, approved under emergency review due to the COVID-19 pandemic, were aimed at providing the CDC ā€œwith the necessary data to continue critical emergency response functions related to evaluating the impact of visits to key points of interest, stay at home orders, closures, re-openings and other public heath communications related to mask mandate, and other merging research areas on community transmission of SARS-CoV-2,ā€ the contracts,Ā obtained byĀ The Epoch Times, state. …

Under a heading labeled ā€œpotential use casesā€ for the data, the CDC said it could be used to try to connect the forced closures of bars and restaurants with COVID-19 infections and death rates, as well as try to assess the impact of state restrictions on close contact between people outside of their home.

The data could also be used to monitor adherence to mandated or recommended quarantines after arrival from another state and to examine the correlation of mobility patterns and spikes in COVID-19 cases at facilities such as churches, concerts, and grocery stores. It would also enable examining movement restrictions such as curfews to show ā€œpatternsā€ and ā€œcompliance,ā€ the contracts state. …

Early Research Published, Unclear What Purchased Data Used For

The CDC, early in the pandemic, received the data for free from the firms, SafeGraph and Cuebiq.

CDC researchers in 2020 published two studies utilizing the data. OneĀ focused onĀ data from four U.S. metropolitan areas, finding that people moved around less when measures such as social distancing were imposed. AnotherĀ foundĀ that harsh lockdown orders led to decreased movement, while there was more movement after states began lifting the orders.

Other researchers have also used the mobility dataĀ forĀ studies.

No CDC studies were published after the agency bought the data and a CDC spokesperson did not provide examples of what the purchased data were used for. …

While the data is deanonymized, it can be used to identify people, researchersĀ have shown. …

A SafeGraph spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email that the firm ā€œcompiles and provides objective, verifiable facts about physical locations around the worldā€”like the address or operating hours of a particular point of interest,ā€ adding the data it sells cannot be ā€œde-anonymized,ā€ or ā€œused to identify or to ā€˜trackā€™ the movements or behavior of individual persons.ā€ …

Cuebiq did not respond to a request for comment. …

What do you think about this? Share your prayers and scriptures below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: By James Gathany, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – https://www.cdc.gov/media/subtopic/library/building.htm, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26840361)

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Karen Secrest
March 23, 2023

My jab card had date’s time’ place.
We now know places that were listing ALL deaths as covid were also receiving million of those generous govt. funds that required no accountability.
If you’re weaponizing your data for political enemies what bett we r way to control paycheck and groceries. In years gone by a wrist
tattoo accomplished the same. There are still 150’000 in Israel that can tell you about the tattoo. Praise. WORKS…

March 22, 2023

I literally don’t care what the CDC does! They can track me all the way to Heaven! My GOD is in control of me and will fight every battle I bring to HIM and many that I don’t know to bring to HIM! “Martha, Martha, you are cumbered with much serving, but Mary has chosen the best part!” Some things we just trust our GOD for! HE is Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient! HE cares for me and fights every last one of my battles! FATHER GOD let us stop being tossed about with every wind of doctrine, and every step that a defeated devil makes! Let us worship and praise YOU, our Maker and our Protector and our Deliverer, and spend our time learning of YOU in JESUS NAME! We are not ignorant of satan’s devices but we also remember that GOD created satan who is ALREADY defeated and has NO power outside of what we give him! Amen!

Gretchen Carter
March 22, 2023

A couple I know, who live in the countryside, were tested positive and quarantined with COVID19, went for a walk on their dirt road. When they returned to the house, their iPhones had a message that they were not to leave again/ break quarantine. That was 2020.

Hedy wilson
March 22, 2023

Father in heaven
I pray in the name of Jesus Christ for the evil that exists in the members of the CDC organization. Relieve them from their positions and restore a spiritual truth in the organization. Amen


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