As news and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic has spread, many Americans have encountered conflicting narratives about how the new coronavirus originated. Scientists have determined the virus came about naturally, but there is some uncertainty about how it first infected people.
While a plurality of Americans (43%) say the new coronavirus most likely came about naturally, nearly three-in-ten (29%) say it most likely was created in a lab, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted from March 10 to 16, 2020, as part of the Center’s nearly yearlong Election News Pathways project.
Around a quarter of adults (23%) say it is most likely that the current strain of coronavirus was developed intentionally in a lab; another 6% say it was most likely made accidentally in a lab. A quarter say they aren’t sure where the virus originated.
Americans differ by age, education level and race and ethnicity when it comes to who believes that the virus was created in a lab:
- Younger adults are more likely than older people to say the virus was developed in a lab. For example, about a third of adults ages 18 to 29 say the virus was developed in a lab (35%), compared with 21% of adults 65 and older. Nearly four-in-ten (39%) adults under 30 say it came about naturally, while 51% of those 65 and older say this.
- Educational attainment is also a factor. Those with a bachelor’s degree or more education are less likely than those with a high school diploma or less education to say the coronavirus was created in a lab (19% vs. 35%). A majority (61%) of those with at least a bachelor’s degree say the virus came about naturally, compared with 31% of those with a high school diploma or less.
- The belief that the coronavirus was created in a lab also is more prevalent among Hispanic and black Americans than among whites. About four-in-ten Hispanic adults (39%) say the virus was created in a lab. Among black adults, 34% say the same. Around a quarter of white adults (26%) say it was developed in a lab.
- When it comes to political affiliation and ideology, Republicans and Republican-leaning independents are more likely than Democrats and Democratic leaners to say the coronavirus was created in a lab (37% vs. 21%). About four-in-ten conservative Republicans say this (39%), the largest share of any ideological group. . .
(Excerpt from Pew Research. Article by Katherine Schaeffer.)
What do you think? Was COVID-19 an accident of nature or was it created in a lab? Leave a comment.
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I’ve looked at reports from many sources and I’ve come to a similar conclusion that the “biological stuff” was moved from a US bio-weapons lab to Wuhan. From what I understand the reason it was moved is that the research being conducted was ILLEGAL according US and international law. So here are just a few of many questions I believe we need to ask and have absolute clarity on before we come to conclusions about where the fault lies.
1) Who did moved it and for what reason? Was this officially sponsored by the US and/or Chinese governments or by rouge elements WITHIN each government under the guise of “legitimate” research? The answer to that question has many nuanced implications for our relationship with China and our political leaders.
2)How should we respond if it turns out that the research, though illegal, was done by BOTH countries with the “justifiable” reason of looking at how to MITIGATE a potential bio-weapon attack, whether from China against the US or from the US against China?
3) How different should our response be if the research (done on dubious legal grounds)led to an accidental release as opposed if it was done deliberately? Though the answer to the that question has HUGE implications for the relationship between China and the US, in the immediate, for the people suffering from COVID-19 and the economic crisis it caused, it doesn’t really matter. Before the Lord, I believe that BOTH nations are guilty for conducting illegal research and playing God. But perhaps, we as a nation, with a deep biblical heritage, even more so. To him who is given much, much is required. So let’s start with repentance…
4)Prior to this crisis, most American Christians (myself and our “prophets” included) had little knowledge or concern about illegal bio-weapons research going on in the US since the 1940’s. Were we asleep before the TV? Were we hoodwinked by secret societies? For those who knew, were they deceived by the hubris of America right or wrong?
Living in close proximity to the epicenter of this virus, I fear God more than the virus, the American Deep State or China Communist Party. It is time we add bio-weapons research right up there with abortion as a critical issue for repentance. Blood is again on our hands.
I would like to submit a ‘where do we go from here’ strategy. It’s urgent that God’s people, both American and Chinese Christians, come together according to 2 Chronicles 7:14, to humble ourselves and repent for giving into fear. We must stand in for our leaders and repent for crimes we have each committed against the Lord and each other in conducting bio-weapons research. Research that has now spread death across the entire planet.
As Americans, still blessed with freedom won by our forebears, let’s ask for the courage to search out every illegal bio-weapon’s lab and pray the way we do about abortion clinics: that they close down!
Let’s again pursue the promise of James 5:16: “Therefore, confess our sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed.”
Yes, my spirit, along with some prophets I follow, lead me to believe the virus was man-made. I also believe, although there is no proof YET, that it was intentional and planned. Too many precursors. In 2014, a US lab had to stop working on this very ‘biological’ stuff, so it was moved to China, to Wuhan, and $3.7 million US dollars went with it. Dr. Fauci was responsible for this action. Then, in October of 2019, global leaders for the One World Order met in NYC for a Conference201 to plan for a pandemic, and they used Corona Virus as the chosen one. It’s too ludicrously blatantly in the open to sound true, but that is what they hoped. The general public does not want to believe this is happening. But God told us the signs to look for as His return approaches, and it all fits into God’s plans.
Check out: The Chinese Virus Is Man Made According to Luc Montagnier. (2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine for Discovering HIV): https://www.gilmorehealth.com/chinese-coronavirus-is-a-man-made-virus-according-to-luc-montagnier-the-man-who-discovered-hiv/
I’m certainly no epidemiologist, but as a pastor for over 20 years, I’ve seen my share of misinformation, accusations, and lies and learned one thing, that all men are lairs, starting with my self. While this “group” or any other, including governments and medical experts can certainly be called
out for spreading “misinformation”, the ultimate source is the “accuser” aka “father of lies”. Truly we ALL need to be sanctified by truth as Jesus prayed.
TJS, thank you for reminding us that we are vulnerable to misinformation. This can certainly lead to dangerous accusations as I believe you are indicating. At the same time I would admonish you not so quickly shrug off with a belittling tone the possibility of an institutional cover-up. We ALL need to be VERY careful at this point in the unfolding story. Let us on this site not be too quick in accusing the Communist Party of China of deliberately releasing the virus (as opposed to an accidental release), at the same time, let’s not allow ourselves (including our scientifically trained brothers)be deceived by very powerful corporate and political interests in covering up the truth.
Here’s a good take-away for the day. Wherever the truth leads us, whether we find ourselves with those sincerely spreading what turns out to be dangerous misinformation on the one hand, or the with those sincere experts deceived by dangerous institutional lairs on the other, as followers of Christ, let us always be ready to look at the plank in our own eyes first. Let us be quick to practice James 5:16: “Therefore, confess our sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed.”
I heard about your group spreading this misinformation. I’m an epidemiologist, and unless you are one as well, you simply have not analyzed the data to put forth a hypothesis on ANY public health crisis. Please don’t contribute to the bad and dangerous information being spread. As Christians this should matter to us more than non-Christians.
We cannot place our trust in man. The Chinese government is corrupt and is well known for cover-up’s. We must place our trust in the Lord. Regardless of where the virus came from the Lord allowed this time-out to happen. The Lord is giving us extra-time to reflect about our lives and focus on Him. This “Time-out” is provided so we can SPEND MORE TIME WITH JESUS. In the end, we will have no excuse, for the Lord has provided. Amen
Virus was “Made in China”. They will be exposed and pay back Retribution.
God shows his Prophets first (Amos 3:7) Tracy Cooke:
Then also Hank Kunneman :
Compelling evidence is provided in the Epoch Times documentary as to the source from a BW lab in Wuhan.
Its man made listen to Dr. Rashid Buttar, http://www.advancemedicine.com!! And see for your self!!
Righteous God in heaven, Holy and Just in all that You do (Deuteronomy 32:3-4), Arise and let Your enemies be scattered (Psalm 68:1-2). Vindicate Your Holy Justice (Psalm 7:6-17) by seeing to it that the covenant breaking Communist Chinese leaders reap the self destructive consequences (Galatians 6:7-8) of their wicked strategies to persecute Your Church and destroy Your Law Word (Deuteronomy 28:15-68).
Ask Jesus/Yeshua, or ask in the Courts of Heaven! This has far greater implications than you think.
It has been revealed to us that a frequency of 320 hz will stop it. It doesn’t cost anything to try. On your browser type “Online tone generator” (www.szynalski.com). Set the frequency to 320 hz; then turn on the sound.
May the Peace of God’s Love be with you.
China is the responsible that a lot of people lose her lifes because someboday irresponsible spread this
virus For that irreponsability innocent people are dying, been infected This situation is terrible
because a lot of business are affected, churches have been close we have to use mask Is not fair
What the chinese do to resolve this situation Many people feeling fear
This virus was created in a lab in Wuhan,China by scientists working for the Chinese Communist Party. The godless government wants to control the world. They are evil and power hungry. God help us all.
So many of the today’s articles seem intent on focusing on personal rights or opinions and conspiracy agendas. The word clearly instructs us as to how we are not to cry conspiracy, as they cry conspiracy. Isaiah 8:12 “Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy;do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.”
All news sources even conservative, even Christian – as this and other articles reveal have bias and agenda. I know this is part of humanities character. Still, as I follow this web-sites prayer points I look to them for clear headed and God directed intercessory points – and often find them, so that I can know my enemy and pray for them. But it seems that of late, there is much stirring-of-the-pot and conspiracy-type titles. Our constitutional rights are part of man’s governmental system, the manipulation of viruses in labs, creation of bio-weapons; the economics during this time are all points of concern but in God’s government, in His economy they have no power and no value. Regarding my opinion- it is not important.
I was encouraged when I heard today that Arkansas court reversed the decision to allow abortions as necessary surgical procedures. Hallelujah! Let’s praise the Lord, His mercy endures forever.
I think that the virus was the result of a lab tinkering with an already existing virus. Then one of the lab technicians took a vial out of the lab and somehow spilled the container in some way that caused the virus to spill out into the atmosphere. So it would be a genetically altered strain of an existing virus.
I believe it was created in a lab and its purpose was for germ warfare, only it backfired. We need to beware of the political ramifications of what those in power are doing to Americans. Germany is back and we all are the problem.
I listened to an article by the Epoch Times on the Utube channel…It said the Chinese Communists manufactured the virus. Thank you.
Prophet Tracey Cook said the Lord took him into a Wuhan lab through a dream and showed him that it was created in this lab. You can find him on YouTube with Sid Roth in a 13 or 14 minute video entitled Revelation.
We think it was created in a laboratory intentionally and expressly for this purpose. Also we think it
was a collusion between China and evil politicians. We think it was aimed directly at our President and all Americans who support and stand with him. We think President Trump got some bad advice from people he thought he could trust because of their “field of expertise”. And we think because he cares so much for the people of America and America he wanted to do the very best thing for the people. We pray that those who are responsible for this horrible trap will fall into it themselves. We pray for President Trump and Melania and and all their
every day. We believe God will rescue and vindicate him. Dear God please bless President Trump and all his loved ones.
We have been doing research on these viruses for a while: The NIH was doing research that sought to increase the severity of infection from this virus, in 2013 a moratorium was placed on this type of research because of its potential for intentional and accidental harm. Fauci / NIH outsourced the research to Wuhan to be continued, however. Note, this was using our tax dollars via NIH. So we know viruses “like” this have been created in the lab. We have learned there are suspicions that the bat implicated in this was not even a product sold at the wet market in Wuhan. So if this is the exact virus… if so how and why it got out is another question. I personally believe it was created in the lab and its release accidental. I suspect it was intended for release once a vaccine was ready. Another interesting piece is the slow-roll of the articles of impeachment over to the senate (1/15/2020) and the date of the first Covid-19 infection here in the states (1/12/2020), considered in the context of the ongoing activities of democrats to unseat a duly elected president, including back channel and inappropriate communication between the democrats and foreign leaders, Soros’s investment financial interests, and the use of news cycles as smokescreens. Note, I called this piece interesting, something to follow perhaps. My sources are not proof, but evidence of suspicion among informed people. Regardless – I pray that truth be brought to light with this increased scrutiny of viruses..vaccines…therapies….
thank you for waking up America to the threat of China. We pray that we will realize we have been a cold war with them even if we did not acknowledge it before. Give great wisdom to our leaders in dealing with all the ways China threatens our country. Give special grace to our President, and please keep him and our VP safe, they and all their families. In Jesus name, Amen
I believe Covid 19 was created in the Lab at Wuhan as a weapon of war. The figures above indicate the blindness that can come with a university education. My university gave me socialist/one world propaganda, not how to think, analyse, use critical thinking. Our universities are one of our weakest points, if not enemies.
The outbreak of Covid 19 on the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt is important to note. The best and strongest vessel in the Pacific, the signature piece in our defense and control of the Pacific ocean has been totally stopped by an outbreak aboard!! How did that get started??? Why no other navy vessels??? Someone needs to investigate this, not discipline the Skipper for recognizing an act of war in front of his face. Pearl Harbor again without firing a rocket??!!
We need to pray for the total truth to come out , if no tto the public, at least to those responsible for the safety of our fleet.
I do not know to whom else to say this. I
hope someone besides the Skipper has their eyes open!!
I do too.I pray that Tramp will not truth China or WHO with any thing.
Personally I don’t think it matters how it came. The important thing is that it was allowed by God to come. I believe God allowed it to wake His children up, to unite us once again the way HE has always intended us to be; under HIM, our Chief Cornerstone. His children as a whole have been wrapped up in religion; individual leaders, rules, regulations etc causing America which was founded on Christian principles to be divided. We have allowed many of those principles to fall into satin’s camp. Hopefully from all our praying a revival a mighty downpour of Holy Spirit’s fire and light will fall upon us, uniting us once again to withhold our national motto of In God We Trust. Yes divided we have fallen; United we will once again stand as God intends us to. Love & Blessings to All!!
God did warn us this was coming in a prophetic word released in 2018. HE did not want this to happen. The word then was that it was created in a lab by evil people for evil purposes in the earth. We, the church, failed to pray against this to any degree. That’s why it’s so devastating now. We, the church, failed to pray back in 2018. We must pray even more now, not just for the saved, but also for the unsaved. HE does not take pleasure in the wicked perishing. When they do perish, know that HE did everything HE could to save them. And, yes, revival is coming in a mighty way. From Passover through to Pentecost, the glory of God (light) is gradually increasing in the whole earth. That light will release many under the influence of the forces and power of darkness. The harvest is on the way! We are confined to our homes, just like in Egypt. We must continue to pray like they did at the 1st Passover, using the blood of Jesus (our Passover Lamb), for the death angel (plague/virus) to passover us and, Psalm 91. We will come out of this with wealth, just like they came out with the wealth of Egypt. Donald Trump is the Moses God is using to do this, so that we can “recover all”. His business mind is not like the “professional politicians” around him. We must cover him and those around him who know our God. Much peace to you!!!!
No, God didn’t want this to happen any more than HE wanted to allow the flood in Noah’s day. However HE did allow it. Greater is HE Who is in us than he who is in this dark world; God could have certainly stopped it.That is why it is so vital that we are praying NOW; for HIS purposes & plans to be accomplished through this time; Rom. 8:28 & Jer. 29:11. Yes, pray for the wicked, evil & vile people to have experiences as Saul had on the road to Damascus. Yes, the harvest is ripe; all HIS children must unite in reaping / bringing others to Jesus. It is my prayer that all of us who proclaim to be Christ’s followers are fervently praying and will continue praying even after the mighty outpouring of Holy Spirit’s fire is once again rained down. It is my prayer that the church won’t just fellowship and pray for a few day as it did after 911; But will receive this Wake Up Call and continue being Jesus’ hands, feet & mouths until HE comes again. We will remain fervent and not allow lukewarmness and even worse to set back in. YES the United States was founded on Biblical principles & is intended to remain the One County Under God He formed us to be. United we sill stand!!
It was created in a lab, just like HIV was!
AMEN!!! I am an intercessor and have shared with you what HE has shown me and other intercessors is coming. Help is on the way! Many/masses are coming into the Kingdom. We must be prepared with a contemporary gospel message that can be received right away; we must have a comprehensive discipleship process; and we must be prepared to deal with broken people and prepared to get them delivered from demonic oppression. They are coming and many churches are not prepared to handle the flood. YES, we need to pray, so that WE, the church wil be ready! No more delay. With long patience has God waited for the fruit of the earth!
Amen! How many times does God have to wake us (the church) up!? Good message, thank you!
I believe the corona virus was created in a lab in Wuhan, China to purposely be used as a weapon
I believe it as intentional to bring down the US. Coming from Communists from within and without our country. They are puppets for our adversary, the devil.
The virus whether created in a lab or naturally I believe was brought on by our disobedience to obeying God’s word. We have lost our first love. Even long-standing Christians have cowered down an not fought the standards brought upon this great land. I believe this is a wake up call, for us to reevaluate our stand with the Lord. This is a time to draw closer to Him.
I believe it was manufactured. We know that Gain of Function research is done even in the US and that recombinant SARS bat coronavirus were made here at the University of North Carolina. Bioweapons are made to kill, steal and destroy. We saw the panic that weaponized anthrax caused…..and now we see what this virus has done. But Jesus can use this evil chaos for His own purposes.
The latest news makes it pretty clear that this was lab created. It was not intended to be released, but the accidental release was covered up. The intent of working with the virus was to proactively create vaccinations that would be able to deal with a super virus. Clearly, it did not come from the meat market or the bats that are located 100 miles away. We have been lied to by the Chinese and most of our news media.
This comment by Thomas Winscher makes the most sense to me. It’s just my opinion.
I do agree with most of what you have said but I do not agree that it was accidentally released but that was intentionally released. I believe it was to bring down the world economy put people in such fear that they would be willing to give up their personal rights and sovereignty of their Nations to be ruled by a one world government. There have been some prophetic words concerning this very fact that it was deliberately released.
I am not totally against that idea either. I do know that our government better start working together and stop working with and selling ourselves to China. They own our health and our news agencies, not to mention members of Congress. We need prayer badly because God is the only one who can sort this out.
Definitely think it was intentionally developed in a lab.
Research: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdd7dtDaYmM&feature=youtu.be
The three scientists from China who were arrested as being threats to our national security were from WuHan.Isn’t it probable the virus they were working on in their lab was indeed the same virus that spread throughout the world.
I believe the Prophet of God who was shown it was created in a lab. Democrats are trying to derail President Trump, the great economic strides that have been made under his term so far, and set up stricter regulations and surveillance to push their One World Order agenda. Casualties are just part of the cost of power, and another form of population control. The demonic knows no bounds. ,but God!
We work with a Minister in China, and with the stepped up surveillance of Christians in China, and the persecution of Muslims
and other Faiths the, arrests, prison sentences and other things in the news, it would be a great way to commit genocide
and get rid of all those that you dislike, or that won’t follow and do your bidding, just as the Nazi’s did in WWII to the
Jews, mentally ill, gypsies and others. Why not spread it worldwide and speed up your plans to take over the currency
market, and take down the dollar.
It was intentionally created in a lab for the purpose we are all now living with.
Why would they create something in a lab to kill us off, is the question that I have? I have heard that the weather can be tampered with by frequencies or something. That is bizarre to me also. I wasn’t good at science during school. I didn’t see the point. I should have listened better so I could try to figure this out now. Good thing there are people to expose this now to us. Many of the supposed educated are okay with voting for abortions too. Right To Life should be the first agenda on the voting list of must haves, not the Green New Deal. MAGA WWG1 WGA In God We Trust!!!
Because their eugenics program by Planned Parenthood is taking too long. Go to YouTube https://youtu.be/lNeGjAGKha4
We know it is not a germ and has no living organism associated with it. Can’t be killed by a germicide because it isn’t alive. If it isn’t alive, how did it get started? Like the stagnant pond postulated by evolutionists? I was once a chemistry major in college. Spent lots of time in labs. Nowhere else COVID19 could have come from, in my opinion. We have heard Chinese Communists lying about its origin. And Communists worldwide acting complicit, as do outspoken America-haters in the U.S.A. who were preparing vicious, untrue verbal attacks on President Trump as early as last fall. How did they know? Why aren’t the Communist nations worldwide being as afflicted (or not afflicted at all) in comparison with free nations? How come it just happened during a crucial election year in the world’s most prominent free nation? This is a no-brainer.
I believe that Dr. Bill Haseltine along with the Chinese scientist that have been working with him over a couple decades are directily and indirectly responsible for this pandemic. After doing thorough research, his coincidental trip to chair the 2019 November US-China Health Summit just 4 weeks before the pandemic is interesting. His pursuit of preeminence in the Scientific Healthcare field testified to by his collegues, professors, family members and ex business partners depicts a man driven to build a ill gotten empire on the backs of peoples health. He has raked in billions of dollars through NIH, CDC and foundations such as the Bill Gates and Clinton to name a few. His genome “Oracle Bank” produces revenue that anyone would wonder about for him. He is one of the only Dr.’s in the country that glorify the way the CCP handled the outbreak in Hunan, China. It is disturbing how he has his mark in the pending European Patent that embedded in it is the “human” component. See below
[0173] The coronavirus of the present invention may be used to treat and/or prevent a disease.
[0174] To “treat” means to administer the vaccine to a subject having an existing disease in order to lessen, reduce or improve at least one symptom associated with the disease and/or to slow down, reduce or block the progression of the disease.
[0175] To “prevent” means to administer the vaccine to a subject who has not yet contracted the disease and/or who is not showing any symptoms of the disease to prevent or impair the cause of the disease (e.g. infection) or to reduce or prevent development of at least one symptom associated with the disease.
[0176] The disease may be any disease caused by a coronavirus, such as a respiratory disease and and/or gastro- enteritis IN HUMANS AND hepatitis, gastroenteritis, encephalitis, or a respiratory disease in other animals.
Hey Jay, I appreciate your opionion but you need to look at the Video of Bill Gates in 2015 warning us that World War Three isn’t the concern but a Virus that is what we should be worried about. It’s not conspiracy or being Gullible it’s understanding that evil knows no bounds.For the Love of Money people will do all kinds of things. Funny he started Microsoft and then computers got viruses and he developed and profits on the programs that prevent and clear your computers of viruses. Interesting, create the problem, solve the problem, profit from the entire event.
I believe after reading some in depth articles that this was created in the Wuhan lab and very possibly the Chinese Communist regime is using it for bio warfare. The virus which stems from bats had to be
modified in a certain way to be transmitted from animal to humans.
The fact that it was created in a lab was clearly revealed in a 2hr dream to prophet Tracy Cooke
Amos3:7 shared in an interview with Sid Roth (Apr.6, 2020). Seer Emma Stark was also on the
interview. Please check it out for details.
I think it is reasonable to believe that COVID-19 came from a lab in Wuhan. I do not align with conspiracy theories often, and to be completely honest I often judge people who do so as gullible. Like the Bill Gates thing, sorry I don’t buy it, and makes me shake my head as much as Flat Earthers. But I watched the Epoch times piece on the lab theory and find it compelling. Now I don’t implicitly trust the Epoch times since they are basically an organization in China that is anti-CCP and highly biased against them. That said they can still reveal facts, and in this case I believe they did. Does it prove the theory that it was developed intentionally to attack the Western world? No, but it comes close and a deeper investigation and other pressure on the Communist Party of China is warranted.
Lord, watch over us and send a spirit of truth to our leaders. Give them the strength and courage to stand up and do the right thing for our country and the whole world. America is a light on a hill and she needs to shine right now for your glory and for your kingdom.
Jay, I think your comment on Epoch is very reasonable. Actually I share your point on that.
at this time it is insignificant how it originated,more importantly.how will this time impact our
lives beyond today. this is a time to look inside of ourselves,hopefully,we will be a little kinder,considerate and thoughtful .
Don, professionally the key practice when making efforts to get a pandemic under control is to find out asap where and when and how it first started.
It doesn’t matter where the virus came from, only God knows – who is all knowing. We as Christ disciples have to stand on Ephesian 6:10-17
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
We need to trust God’s word.
I agree that we need to trust God and stand on the Word. It does, however, matter where it came from. Why don’t you realize that? If it is intentional to harm the world then we should be aware and alert the world. If you saw someone about to drive off a cliff would you not warn them? As Christians we are not called to bury our heads in the sand and say we are trusting God. Faith without action (or works) is dead.
Sure it matters where it originated and to recognize the enemy.
We put on the armor of God but as in battle we need to know who and from which direction the enemy comes. In spiritual warfare we don’t always see the enemy.
Matthew 10:16 Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves. (NLT or also NIV 1984)
Yes Covid 19 absolutely started in a lab created by Bill Gates. His motivation is to depopulate the world through Vaccines. He is also wants using Covid 19 to destroy our economy so that Trump will not be re- elected. Watch these informative videos if you don’t believe it.
Father, we pray for the hearts of wicked men to be turned to you as your word says. I urge then, 1st of all that requests, prayers, intercession and Thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our savior who wants all men to come to a saving knowledge of the truth.
(1 Tim.2:1-4)
But Father we also pray as You’re word says in (Proverbs 11:8) The righteous man is rescued from trouble and it comes on the wicked instead. And in
(Proverbs 11:20-21) The Lord detests men of perverse heart but he delights in those whose ways are blameless.
Be sure of this: the wicked will not go unpunished but those who are righteous will go free.
Just as Your word says we pray for the wicked men to be brought to Justice and punished. We thank you Lord and we ask at all this in Jesus mighty name.
Amen to your prayer part but not sure about the rest
THE release will be worse: Be Prepare | The Next Pandemic | Prophetic Conference 2020 | Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MhgY7xcaoIY&t=31s
Gail Evil knows no bounds!
It did not come from the wet market that’s for sure! Bless you
The Virus was created in a Lab with the financial help of Evil people like George Soros and Bill Gates. The sole purpose was to cause the uneccesary fear and panic and shut down the world economy. The Deep State Liberal Democratic Party know they can’t beat President Trump in November so this was the next big event to try and stop him. It’s backfiring just like the list of other things they have tried. Ask yourself who does this Virus benefit and you will have the answer on where and by who it was started. God will turn their evil plans into Good and those in the Dark will be exposed by the light. Do not fear and sit back & Watch the Show!
I agree with Michael Anthony Finelli’s position. I couldn’t have said it any better than he has stated.
Christians need to wake up and learn about what’s going on behind the scenes, and who is doing what! I have taught about this and many other related things in seminary for a number of years. Read “Money and Wealth in the New Millennium” by Norm Franz, and you will learn so much that will give you a much better understanding of what is going on in the world, and how it all leads to the New World Order and the anti-christ.
The evidence is rapidly accumulating that it came out of the Wuhan Researh Lab. Most plausible is that it was accidentally released because of the lab’s well known poor safety standards. But one never knows the evil that lurks in the hearts of men who are godless dictators.
My most worry is
if it was created as an weapon, it is obvious, any one that got it, despite been healed, was a host of man made weapon which can disguise itself. Until the anti-virus is found, we are navigating in dark waters.
I pray an anti-virus will be so powerful to destroy any shadow of it asap
I believe it was created in A Lab.
I believe that it was created in a lab partially funded with U.S. taxpayer dollars by the previous administration. Whether it was accidental is up for debate but the uproar that occurred when our President closed the borders causes one to wonder if the diabolical intent was to spread the virus that way. My prayer is that the hidden things of darkness will be brought to the light and that the enemy will fall into the pit that he dug.
Yes, it was man-made so China could rule the world by breaking the economy of the world and paralyzing the citizens with unfounded FEAR, and taking our LIBERTY and FREEDOMS away from us. Dividing ALL peoples from each other.
I have also watched the video on Epoch Times and agree this virus was created – most likely as a bioweapon that accidentally got out. God in His mercy saved us from a much worse pandemic.
I don’t have a college degree, but I’ve got plenty of common sense and Gods wisdom and I believe it was manufactured in a lab and purposely released to see exactly what it would do to the U. S.
It was definitely created in a lab.
I have a bachelor’s degree in nursing. I am 77 years old and now retired.
I have a Master’s degree level of education, and, yes, I believe that this was manufactured in a lab.
I believe this to be true, because of what God has shown me, and prophetic words spoken by highly respected and accurate people with the prophetic anointing.
I have many friends from international backgrounds, including Asian, and always have appreciated different cultures, and my convictions have nothing to do with racism.
This explanation is not too farcical to be true. China has shown disregard of right and wrong by oppressing its own people for a very long time, especially Christians. I believe God is not pleased with this.
God did not intiate this crisis, but He is using it to expose and turn the seeker sensitive/compromised churches in America back to Him. He is using this time to shift people and nations spirtually and economically, towards Him, if the body of Christ prays.
I also believe (based on the prophetic word), that other people, politicians (including Nancy Pelosi and others) may have had knowledge of/even been involved with what happened with the Wuhan lab. If this is the case I believe it will be exposed.
I think this was meant to play a part in attempting to remove President Trump since they could not impeach him. He is a real threat to the enemy/hated by many because he is God’s choice. Trump has had a hand in reversing the evil that has existed in this country for the past 60 years.
The enemy has attempted to push America completely away from it’s Christian roots, and Trump has interrupted that momentum, which has caused those of the kingdom of darkness to attack him more than any other president.
God knows all things. I am praying that if this is true, it will be exposed, and justice brought forth.
We serve a God of compassion, who wants people to turn to Him during this time, and pray.
Well said!
I agree with everything stated, but please also know that Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birk are affiliated with Bill Gates and China. They are calling for a TRACKABLE vaccine. This is one of the other primary reasons: control of the populations movements and currency. We won’t be able to travel or work without taking the vaccine and it’s coming quickly. Gates has been working on establishing a new crypto currency.
Revelation 13:16-17(NIV) It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.
Pray for strength and courage to endure to the end and to be bold witnesses for King Jesus!
From the very beginning I’ve believed this virus was man made. I have been praying for the truth to be revealed. I believe the Word of God, there’s is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, nothing made in secrecy that will not be exposed. Standing in this truth.
Father God, we thank you that You are the all knowing and true God. Thank you that your Word is living and active and sharper that any two-edged sword.
Lord, as the body of Christ we come to you and ask that you will continue to expose the lies of the enemy. Our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. Father God, we ask for your wisdom, discernment and direction for our President, please continue to surround him with godly counsel and expose the people working with him that want him to fail. Lord I plead the blood of Jesus over our President, Vice President, families and administration. Be with them and strengthen them. In the mighty and matchless name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.
I agree with you in prayer! Amen!
I don’t fit any of those stats. I am a conservative, Caucasian, 64 years young with a masters degree in education and bachelors in theology.
I don’t believe I am a conspiracy theorist but I am very suspicious.
Too many coincidences and unanswered questions.
Now was it by accident or on purpose that is the question.
Just my thoughts.We know evil is lawless, doesn’t have borders or respect human lives.
But we have God who is with us and can turn what is meant for evil to GOOD If his people pray so THATS MY PRAYER.
I’m totally convinced it was created intentionally in the Wuhan lab! Listen to the video from Epoch times. They did a thorough investigation.
We should refrain from expressing our various opinions and wait to speak when we know all the facts.
The truth is that thousands of people are dying!
Let us keep our minds fixed on praying that GOD would show scientists how to formulate a vaccine, after which we can address the facts.
Before you think that a vaccine is the answer, research what is being reported about said vaccine. The desired outcome is to be able to track people as to whether or not they have been vaccinated and thenlimit travels of the ones that weren’t. Check out Bill Gates foundation and his views.
A vaccine will prevent people from dying; I have a daughter, a Nurse Practitioner, on the front lines. A vaccine is needed asap.
I totally approve of vaccines–My mother was only 38 years old when she died of a complication of measles leaving three little children motherless.
What Bill Gates Foundation does is a secondary consideration at the moment and we have a government who can prevent actions the like of which you are suggesting. I will continue to pray for a vaccine, and trust you will begin to pray for GOD to prevent all unholy rules and regulations. In Jesus Name. Amen.
If you want to take a vaccine – go for it – but please do not support forced vaccinations. If a person experiences lethal side effects from a prescription drug they are able to sue and possibly receive millions in compensation. A person injured from a vaccine is limited to $250,000 in compensation. Instead of a vaccine information should be promoted on how to boost and create a strong immune system through diet and nutrients. Dr. Shiva (Google him) is one among many making this case.
Beverly, Each of us needs to consult GOD over every decision we make including whether to accept a vaccine or not–we have free will. Vaccines have saved many, many people from disastrous diseases including polio which struck people in all walks of life regardless of their diet!
You cannot operate from a place of fear. I believe this was created in a lab and spread on purpose for the opportunity to vaccinate everyone and have a national registry to track us. I think this is the way the mark of the beast will come into power. I do not believe that the numbers are as bad as the media has said. There is a hidden agenda being pushed here and we need to be praying that God will expose and reveal exactly what and who was behind this whole thing. I do not need a vaccine because I am protected by the Blood of Jesus, and according to Psm. 91, no pestilence will come near my door. I have prayed the blood of Jesus over my car and house, and placed oil over the doorways. No virus or illness will come near my house.
Dear Debi,
I am not operating from a spirit of fear. I have walked with The LORD for over forty years and He has never failed me. HE gave us doctors, scientists, and dedicated nurses of which my daughter is one. A vaccine would have saved my mother’s life. The polio vaccine saved millions of people and we thank GOD for the Salk vaccine and the team of scientists who formulated it.
Ultimately, God has help this kind of thing back until now. Regardless of where it is from, He allowed it. He is in control. He could rope us out with a very small effort if He wanted to, but His mercy and love daily sustain us.
I believe that the COVID 19 was created in a lab. Wuhan has a couple of biological warfare labs, whether it was accidental it got out into the public or not, is not a matter of concern. It’s out and we deal w/it with our spiritual warfare prayers and belief that we are protected by the greatest protector of all. If we get it…we don’t fear because we have Christ and remember….there’s more people surviving it then passing away from it! United States economy versus the virus. Truth against lies. This was not an accident.
I strongly believe God allowed this and using this to shake the nations, people to come into the Kingdom, and to wake His church up!
I have sensed from the start that this will stir us up, show us the truth about many things (drain the swamp!) and call us to prayer and to WAKE UP!
Ephesians 5:14 ….. for the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”
Shine light on the darkness Lord and wake us up!
According to Prophet Tracey Cook, God showed him on a dream that it was created in a lab in China. In fact, the Epoch Times did an article on a Chinese scientist, naming her, about how and exactly what she did to create it.
A close friend works as an attache with “The State Department”. He told me flat out that he and many of those he works with believe it was created in a lab and intentionally released. The motives? To kill many of the members of the pro-democracy movement and tell people that they died from the virus. He also said China has huge cash reserves and is planning to use shell companies and cut outs to buy up huge amounts of stock while the market has bottomed out. When the dust clears, they will own huge swaths of corporate America. None of that would surprise me in the least. Mao killed millions to pave the way for total CCP control. I believe Xi is just as ruthless.
I listened to a jounalist hour report on Messenger that through many interviews in China and here, the evidence pointed to the lab in Wuhan that was made by scientist there. This lab is part of China’s biological warfare program of which they have 30 plus such labs. A doctor in one of the hospitals in Wuhan said the first infected person had no contact with the wet market as did one third of the patients. Thus the Chinese in a cover up pointed to the market but this was not the source. Lots of information found in the States that our government was also working with this lab on other issues but under Obama cut off this funding. I believe our own government is now researching this back to this lab. The WHO president was placed in office through the influence of the Chinese government, WHY? This is why they covered up the outbreak. What is China hiding? Why have they refused to allow the US from sending people to investigate? Lots of uncover and make know to the world. Why has India filed a case against China over this? Man made for sure. China needs to be held accountable to other nations and pay for damages.
If any have Messenger and will send me their request on Messenger Robert Bickert on Facebook, I will forward this hour presentation researched document.
I have messenger and would love a copy.
I have this on messenger on my phone so I need your full name to forward it. I believe we need to be friends first so I can find my I’m Search.
Happy to send but need help in knowing how.
I have two university degrees. My time before the Lord causes me to feel that this virus was not accidental but intentional, and I am not a conspiracy minded person. There are too many unlikely coincidences for this to be accidental (read:natural). Either way, our Father in heaven knows all things and is working ALL THINGS together for good for the Bride He is preparing for His Son. While we can pray for every wicked hidden agenda to be exposed, we must keep our eyes fixed on Him Who holds all things together.Col.1:16-18. We are being prepared, a Bride without spot or wrinkle, a Bride in love with her Bridegroom, fearless and humble, ready to rule and reign with Him. In a lab or naturally, we have ALL authority over this usurping crown. We must cling to Him and make ourselves ready (Rev.19:7). Lift up our King today in worship, exalting His Crown above all others.
Yes , a weapon of Bio-Terrorism . But what consequences to their actions ? Stimulus checks go world-wide ? China pays $3T in reparations for their complicity in the death and disease of millions ? I pray for a peaceful resolution .
I had a dream on 3/28/2020 in the dream it show me that it was created in a lab and the Chinese scientists were trying to keep it a secret. But in my dream the government knew but were not sure. That morning I did pray that the truth would be exposed. Lord Jesus let the truth be exposed because this will set the people free. In Jesus name
I believe based on what I have read that researchers have been playing with this new strain of Cornovirus (19) that now infects us for many years; under the disguise of protecting us and our animals in the future from these viruses. This is dangerous in itself since the virus is not only in a bat but now in a tube under the control of man. It would have better for man to leave it in the bat since many of us would have never come in contact with it. It seems that man is playing with nature as if the man is God, and therein lies our problem. I pray we let God be in charge and we do not mess with the natural order of things. Why do we need a virus in a tube (altered or unaltered!) because it can become a bioweapon or released by accident; which one of these had happened, to my point.
I had a dream on 3/28/2020 in the dream it show me that it was created in a lab and the Chinese scientists were trying to keep it a secret. But in my dream the government knew but were not sure. That morning I did pray that the truth would be exposed. Lord Jesus let the truth be exposed because this will set the people free. In Jesus name
I think this was man’s doing. When man messes with God’s Design, you always create Disaster!
It would not surprise me that this virus was created in a lab and then got out. China is covering up the truth.
God knows all that is for sure. My thought only my thought is the virus was created on purpose for depopulation for the last days we live in. Biochemical warfare is my opinion. God did allow this to help wake people up and for people to turn away their sins and repent. God is sovereign. He is on the throne. Nothing happens by mistake. God bless. Be safe .
I am white. I have a bachelors of science degree. I totally believe it was created in a laboratory.
My spirit has felt from the beginning that Satan had a whole lot to do with this virus. We fight not against flesh and blood but principalities and powers of the unseen world. And there is a deep deep state at work trying to destroy man. We have the victory in Jesus! Psalm 91 tells us of God’s protective powers against the evil one and is full of God’s promises. Make a habit of reading it out loud with your family. A calm will settle in your home. And let us all pray for accountability for the “release “ of this evil virus. PRAY!
The following leans toward the idea of the virus being generated in a lab for biological warfare. These points came to my ears from our News resources in the U.S.:
1. The information of the existence of the virus was delayed for for several weeks before it was
released to the world.
2. China sent 12,000 people to countries around the world as agents to release the virus into the world.
3. Some scientist in China were either killed or taken out of society without explanation as to why.
4. The WHO would not allow the CDC to enter China an assist them.
5. For many years China has been manipulating us to gain an upper hand regarding drugs, and other medical items that are critical to the healing of the body.
These are a few of the reasons I lean toward the “biological warfare” creation of the virus. May God have mercy upon us and “So let sudden ruim overtake them! Let them be caught in the same snare they set for me {us}.” Psalm 35:8. We the people of Jehovah God should be praying for the salvation of the of those in our world that do not know about Salvation through the Blood of Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen!
Based on virologists reports worldwide and be reknowned Dr Shi Zhengli of wuhan, China research and dev. Sciences whose team works specifically with bats and strains of Covid and SARS this was created and they found S Protein that they used. This is a synthetic self replicating virus that can cross species … Chinese Communist Party developed for threat military use.
With all the $millions and decades that we’ve given to research these viruses, it seems we might know more than we are letting on. This article introduced me to Dr Zhengli Shi who as the global expert might have been as visible as Dr Fauci in all this hoopla, yet we’ve never seen her mentioned.
Jesus is LORD and He is coming soon, so the world is yet to see stranger things.
Father you know truth. I have heard your voice clearly!
I pray truth would be exposed and strategies from your wisdom would be heard! Psalm 91 protection over your people is what I pray for the world to know.
I just left my comment that God revealed (Amos3:7) exactly through a two-hour dream to prophet Tracy Cooke in 2010 how the virus was created. He shared the details in an interview with Sid Roth (It’s Supernatural tv) April 6, 2020. Seer Emma Stark was also on the interview. Please check this out
I suspect that the virus was a form of biological warfare. At the least it’s opened us up for biological warfare coming.
I believe that this was created in a the Wuhan lab for a BIO WEAPON and actually accidentally got out before they were ready and wound up infecting their own people first. These types of labs are the most dangerous labs in the world and why we and WHO would certify a lab in a communist country is beyond reason and the fact that this lab had been flagged as unsafe and not closed is unthinkable and yet we are living the unthinkable every day. Stupid is as stupid does. When we deny God, when acknowledging and reverencing Him is the beginning of WISDOM, we are left to be STUPID.
It is clear that the CV-19 virus is (was) the catalysis for the current season of humanitarian, economic and financial markets and governments. Some additional questions are:
1. who put the catalyst in motion? God, man or the evil one?
2. How is the advent, event or invent of the catalyst being leveraged by media, politicians, international businesses and/or bankers?
3. If these questions are asked in the form of a prayer, what is God instructing His people to do in this time as the “Next Right Thing”? Accept something? Reject Something? Wait on His next move?
Not a sermon just my prayers today.
It seems to me that what ‘I think’ is irrelevant. What is important to know is what the facts are regarding this virus. This is what ‘polls’ have done to our country. We’d rather find out what people think rather than find out the truth. We are self-centered enough in this nation. We need to get the focus off of us and onto Jesus if we are to pray rightly! God help us!
There are only 2 types of “people” in the world with us today. Believers and Non-Believers. It is confusing to both groups when we ask the same questions of both or give the same instruction to both. Depending on the group we are a member of, it benefits us to position our questions or instructions in a context that others may know the love, truth and source of our hope.
In this world for some people, truth can be relative and based on a perception. For those of us that can claim belief in Jesus, the peace we receive from our belief, faith and obedience can be a sweat aroma. In my case i will boast of a peace I do not understand in a time when we are all in a fact deprived environment.
So I hold some true truths close to my heart, family and friends and hope that my salt will be flavorful and my light will shine.
I don’t think I answered any of your questions or addressed your instructions. It has been a blessing to have this dialog with you.