Warning to Those Who Hate
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Warning to Those Who Hate
Imagine an America in which people come to hate sin as much as they once hated other people. At a solidarity gathering of nearly 200 Christians and Jews in Nashville, Tennessee, a leader suggested we switch out the word antisemites to Jew haters — to drive home the seriousness of HATRED.
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“Don’t mess with me about hate for Trump!” declared Nancy Pelosi. She’s not alone. Politicians, celebrities, late-night TV hosts, and commentators do this daily, with the 2024 presidential election mere months away.
USA Today reported about our problem through an article headlined “Divided We Fall?” As the Bible warns us: But if you bite and devour one another, take heed that you are not consumed by one another (Galatians 5:15).
The brutal reality is that this is the state of multitudes in America today. Sad to say, this describes many professing Christians who say they identify as “Trump haters,” with many being seemingly ignorant of or oblivious to the dangerous direction our country is taking.
What’s Happening to America?
Not long ago, I heard some comments disparaging the former president from a Catholic journalist who was seemingly gleeful that Mr. Trump’s reputation is assaulted daily. When she finished the TV spot, a commentator said: “Of course she makes these statements, because she’s a Trump hater!” This is nothing different from what we hear through the ladies on “The View,” who hammer him consistently, thereby corroding our culture.
The Bible counters all of this with a reminder: Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; lest the Lord see it, and it displease Him (Proverbs 24:17–18).
- We hear hateful remarks every day. Has this become some kind of “merit badge” that people proudly wear?
- Have we drifted so far from our core values of respect, civility, and honor toward individuals and leaders with whom we may differ that we must lower ourselves to embarrassing levels of contempt, disdain, and vitriolic name-calling?
- And have we become so accustomed to profanity-laced attacks, rage, and insults permeating our public discourse that we simply wince, shrug our shoulders, and think: “Well, that’s just the way it is today”?
In a similar seriously divided time in our history, President Lincoln said: “With malice toward none” — meaning there should be no intention to harm others, but instead to demonstrate “charity for all” and thus heal the polarized state of the country.
A few years ago, former First Lady Michelle Obama challenged us: “When someone is cruel or acts like a bully, you don’t stoop to their level. No. Our motto is, ‘When they go low, we go high.'” Sadly, former Attorney General Eric Holder retorted: “The new Democratic motto should be: ‘When they go low, we kick ’em!'” This same animus came from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in blasting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Christian leader Ben Carson had enough of Rep. Maxine Waters, one of the worst proponents of hateful rhetoric, and wrote her: “My mother always taught me that people shouldn’t throw rocks. … Basic manners elude you.”
Time for a Turnaround
Before we plummet to more-dangerous levels of hostility engendering the brewing societal civil war, we must stop and remind ourselves of how seriously God views all this escalating hatred. It’s demonically inspired, unacceptable, and designed to destroy the fabric of our nation, and it is serious sin. The soon-to-be-released movie Civil War brings home this reality in a profound way.
It is not people that Almighty God hates, but sin! He is long-suffering, but He will eventually judge sin and punish those who habitually practice it. He’s especially sensitive of those who identify as Christians and yet are hypocritical with hateful speech: If anyone among you seems to be religious and does not bridle his tongue, but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is vain (James 1:26).
Counterculture Conduct
- “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you” (Luke 6:27–28).
- Whoever hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life remaining in him (1 John 3:15).
- Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, outbursts, and blasphemies, with all malice, be taken away from you (Ephesians 4:31).
In Romans 12 God tells us: “Vengeance is mine, I will repay” (verse 19), and Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (verse 21).
Seven Things God Hates
Proverbs 6:16-19 identifies 7 areas God hates because they bring enormous harm to individuals, marriages, families, relationships, reputations, careers and society itself. Praying for leaders and others is a priority but it’s not enough! Let’s remind ourselves of the specific areas God hates:
- Pride
- A lying tongue
- Hands shedding innocent blood
- Devising wicked imaginations
- Feet rushing to evil
- A false witness speaking lies
God wants to protect us from the devastation accompanying these sins. He also wants to protect us from the ultimate consequence of rebellion: divine justice and eternal separation from God in hell!
Anyone who either in person or on social media dismisses the warnings of Scripture regarding hatred should be sobered by the reality of a coming Judgment Day and the reality of hell. Jesus told us that each of us will stand before His throne (see 2 Corinthians 5:10) to give an account for every careless word we’ve ever spoken (see Matthew 12:36). Defamatory accusations, lying, slander, deceitful statements, character assassination, gossip, mockery, profanities and the like will all be adjudicated, with no provision for plea-bargaining or other legal technicalities.
Hell Is for Haters
From the very lips of Jesus came four sobering facts regarding the dreadfulness of damnation (see Matthew 25:41–46). Those refusing to repent, to put faith in Christ alone, and to follow the will of God end up in hell. This means:
- total separation from God;
- association with Satan, demons and history’s lost souls;
- unimaginable punishment;
- a never-ending sentence for all eternity.
Here’s the Deal: As the 2024 election heats up, may we true Christians remember: “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). The identifying mark of true Christians is crystal clear. Let’s light the way while we continue to pray for those walking in darkness.
George Washington Carver’s words are especially relevant for us today: “I will never let another man ruin my life by making me hate him.”
Did you find this article convicting? Share it with your friends and family to cultivate a culture of Christian love!
Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 years, an IFA board member, a bestselling author, and a public-policy adviser with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcast here. Photo Credit: 947051/pixabay via Canva Pro.
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In 2Timothy 3:12-13 Paul writes: “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evildoers and imposters will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived.”
4:3-4: For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.
Metaxas in “Letter to the American Church” writes, “Bonhoeffer saw it was the dead religion of German Lutheranism of that time that had failed to stand against the unprecedented evil of the Nazis, just as he had warned in his Reformation Day sermon in 1932. Bonhoeffer saw what happened, and his private letter to his best friend, he said as much. He knew more surely than ever that the days of mere church attendance and intellectual assent to various doctrines were the culprits, that they were what had allowed the unprecedented evils of that time to flourish.
Almighty God, Divine Intercessor, El Olam: Thank You that You are far more than I can even fathom, that even when You do show me more of You that there is an endless more of You to know. Father, I call out on behalf of this nation, for Your people and for the innocent, in Jesus Name, I ask for this country to be delivered from the evil that has temporarily established its’ presence here.
Father, forgive me for me for not drawing on Your strength, for not responding when You quicken my spirit to speak and for not always praying when You call. Help me, Jesus be more aware of the presence of Your Holy Spirit. Send Your Holy Revival and Your Great Awakening to us. Paraclete, dominate my thoughts and responses. Intervene.
In the Holy and Anointed Name of Jesus.
Thank you, Father, for loving us and giving us a nation, America, based on your truth. Guide us to love and forgive each other as you practiced through your Son, Jesus, through whom you gave us free salvation and eternity. As Jesus was dying a cruel death, he asked you, Father, to forgive them.
In Jesus’s name Amen
Absolutely a very timely article for me !! As this rhetoric grows stronger in America’s political landscape I must be wary of Satans attempts to draw me into his “hate game “.
Father I pray for revival !!!! I pray that the democrats foundation of death and confusion would change to repentance. I pray America would see its current president hit his knees and accept Jesus as his savior!! Amen
I LOVE you democrats and I very much do NOT want you to spend eternity in hell !!
JESUS is our SAVIOR and LORD Hallelujah!!
Very timely article indeed! It’s hard watching this country being destroyed by this administration. The characterization of abortion as a “constitutional right”, crime, illegal crossings at the southern border, out of control spending, inflation, embolden global adversaries Russia, China, Iran and North Korea due to Biden’s weak leadership. And let us not forget the LGBTQ+ Pride Month celebration on White House South Lawn!
I find myself struggling with these feelings too. I pray when I feel it rising up in me, especially when I’m watching the news.
Father God forgive us for being so insensitive towards others. Forgive us for allowing world view instead of Bible to guide us. Thank you for the writer of this article that listened to your voice to get us back on the narrow road. Help us Father God to walk and talk to bring glory to you. Amen