I Prayed have prayed
God, we thank You that Vice President Harris has publicly decried the sexual assaults committed by Hamas. We pray that You would hold these terrorists accountable for their crimes.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many have refused to condemn Hamas’ sexual violence. Now, in an answer to our prayers, our Vice President is standing up for Israeli women.

From The Times of Israel. US Vice President Kamala Harris expressed her concern Monday that testimony on Hamas’s use of sexual violence will pile up when additional hostages are released.

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Harris made the comment at a White House event marking International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict. The vice president was joined by Amit Soussana, the first released hostage to come forward about the sexual abuse she endured during her captivity, and former Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who screened her film about this aspect of Hamas’s October 7 onslaught.

“We cannot look away and we will not be silent,” Harris said ahead of the screening of “Screams Without Words” to a room packed with representatives of women’s and human rights groups. “My heart breaks for all these survivors and their families and for all the pain and suffering from the past eight months in Israel and in Gaza.” …

“Some pretty mainstream people are either ignoring or worse denying this happened,” Sandberg told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency after the screening. “So this aspect, I think, gets to the heart of what people need to believe to understand what happened and what this kind of terror really is.”

“Being in captivity means having no control over your mind, body or soul,” Soussana said in her remarks. “You have absolutely no control over what happens to you. All your basic human rights are taken from you. Even your feelings are completely controlled by someone else.”

“The sexual assault I experienced should never happen to any human being under any circumstances. No one should ever be sexually violated, and there are no justifying circumstances for these crimes,” she said. …

Harris … called on Hamas to accept the proposal but admitted her fear that testimonies on Hamas sexual violence “will only increase as more hostages are released.”

Harris framed the event as part of an initiative she is spearheading to raise awareness about conflict-related sexual violence. …

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(Excerpt from The Times of Israel. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – Kamala Harris, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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June 21, 2024

I thank you father that V.P. Harris is standing against the violence toward the Hamas prisoners. I pray that Ms Harris gets saved and steps away from the wicked agenda of her party. Let her be a clarion call for government leaders to stand for God’s justice. In Jesus’s name.

Judith Leitner
June 21, 2024

This is definitely a step forward in the right direction. And yet, what is the real motive behind her approach??!! Took too long! VP Harris needs to watch “The Silent Scream” to complete her message and for me to start believing her. She has no good and convincing
consistency at this time.

June 21, 2024

Are you kidding me? K. Harris of the Democratic Death Party💀 who perpetually promotes the murder of unborn people and is the fool’s Border Czar where over 85,000+ unattended children crossing America’s unsecured Southern border are unaccounted for -lost into human trafficking to be sexually violated probably unto death, NOW, 8 months later directs her attention to Iran Hamas Muslim terrorist proxy group established within the hearts and minds of the people of Gaza? PLEASE, do not be derelict Christians thinking blessings can come from a mouth of curses and death. The motive here is political as always. Harris’ based hypocrisy is revolting as over 150+ countries empty their jails and female American citizens are raped (and murdered) continuously in America by these illegal aliens. Does she really think we females feel safe in America on a daily basis where there is no traditional war but a war on women and children because of an unsecured Southern border. Harris is deflecting because she is such a failure as a Border Czar, and because of that American female citizens are being attacked, raped, and murdered by illegal aliens crossing the broken U.S. Constitutional Southern border. Bring back the death penalty for all those who rape especially pedophiles. That threat of accountability alone works to protect women and children more than any politically motivated words expressed by a lying Harris. God bless America!

June 20, 2024

The “Mindset” if such a thing is possible in terrorist groups as the sub-human monsters of HAMAS, must NEVER be acceptable to normal human beings.
There is NO excuse or even forgiveness possible for the atrocities – the genes of this race need purging from that of the rest of humanity before irreparable harm is done to the entire world.
HAMAS are a mindset whose very existence depends on HATE and VILE actions against those whom they are indoctrinated from birth to despise and kill.
The whole world – not just the petty-minded American Democrat Party – must realise that there is NO dealing with or reforming of those involved in HAMAS – once they are old enough to carry a weapon they are beyond salvation on this Earth.
They never-the-less still have the right to be JUDGED by God Almighty, and I recommend they be sent without delay to His Final Court of REAL Justice.

Bryan Tetzloff
June 20, 2024

Without Life, All Other Human Rights are irrelevant!

O Observation
N Needs
E Experience

R Recognizing
A Acknowledging
C Confessing
E Expressing

Think In [3D] While Reading These Four Bible Verses Out Loud!

Moral Liberty
= Leviticus 25:10
Ethical Freedom
= 2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV Only
Self Sovereignty
= Psalms 33:12
______ Equal_______
You: Your Declaration
= Romans 10:9


Bryan A
[CAPS] Member

C Christian
A American
P Patriot
S Soldier

Darlene Estlow
June 20, 2024

It is good that the administration is finally speaking against the sexual violence of Hamas. But why did it take eight months? Could it be than a coming election made them realize they better speak out?

June 20, 2024

Dear Lord, we know you see the heart! The VP may be speaking things we can agree here, but I believe you see a forked tongue! This is an election year and we need to be aware and prepared for the enemy to say things that are good to the hearer, but actions speak louder than words and only you know the intentions of the heart! The enemy is a liar! We lift these atrocities and injustices to you Lord and pray for YOUR intervention and justice, in the Name of Jesus! Amen!
🙏🏻🙌🏻✝️🩸🔥 📖 🛡️ 🗡️

Missy Dice
June 20, 2024

Father, I am thankful to you with this spotlight on sexual violence that happened and is happening by Hamas terrorists. But Father, it is happening every day in America and around the world in the form of sex trafficking. Would you shine your light on all those involved in that evil organization and agenda, and who are funding it and receiving money from sex trafficking? In Jesus Name Amen.

June 20, 2024


Zoe Ella
June 20, 2024

Defeating Hamas does not mean destroying the entire population of a land. Palestinians are NOT Hamas, even if Hamas hides under their cities. Genocide is no more acceptable than the terrorism of Hamas, which deserves to be eradicated. Look to Iran, the sponsor of Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthis.

    June 20, 2024

    You are so very wrong Zoe Ella.
    The so-called Palestinians elect and re-elect HAMAS as their “government” without hesitation or pause. These days it is a very simple situation – “Palestine is HAMAS and HAMAS is Palestine” – there is NO difference between the two words, nor is there any difference in the mindsets of the people – from birth to death they are an ongoing threat to civilization worldwide – not just to Israelis.

Ann Shaw
June 20, 2024

God created us male and female and God was pleased. Glorify God!

June 20, 2024

It seems that VP Kamala Harris states that the piling up of evidence of sexual violence by Hamas is concerning because it will make it harder to defend them without looking bad herself.

Tim Kuehl
June 20, 2024

Don’t believe this woman, she speaks out of both sides of her mouth. Sometimes one can understand the word salad she is saying and I do here. She may be condemning their sexual violence but she fully supports HAMAS which means she excuses their sexual violence, invading Israel and martyring their own citizens for betterment of their movement and a means to an end of Israel

June 20, 2024

The most humane thing VP Harris has spoken. Praying for more conviction & leverage against these beasts in a public & direct way.

    June 20, 2024

    If only I felt I could even partly believe Kamala Harris !
    She is sadly only a very simple-minded follower of the Demonrat / Obama philosophy – I can almost excuse her foolishness as a very simple case of self-preservation during a period of public examination prior to “Election Day”. The Demonrats know very well that two or at most three days after the elections, and again during the inauguration ceremonials of the “New” President, the general public interest will move on to more interesting things – like the price of petrol or milk !

June 20, 2024

Words are cheap !!
I’m not impressed by Harris’s words. The only thing that will make a difference is action.
We spent billions funding Ukraine which we should have never done instead the money should be put on totally annihilating Hamas off of the face of the earth.
These compromises of ceasefire,making deals Etc will never work you cannot shake hands with the devil and expect to have peace.

Maria F
June 20, 2024

Father God we pray your mercy and healing in Jesus name on all who have been and are still suffering from sexual abuse and also those who are still in captivity. Rescue them Lord and we also pray for the families Comfort them in Jesus name we pray your hand upon this Lord Jesus God we love you amen


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