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Father, we ask that You would illuminate the minds of Harris and all in the pro-choice movement. Show them the error of their ways, God, and bring them back to You.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

VP Harris recently compared the abortion debate to American slavery. This comparison works, but not how she thought it would.

From WORLD. The downfall of Roe v. Wade has energized the apocalypticism of the left like few other moments in the last 50 years. Seemingly, every week since the Dobbs decision brings a new expression of panic from progressives, many of whom appear to have little to no awareness of the strength and popularity of the pro-life movement (and argument) until this summer.

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The cluelessness on display is reaching new levels of desperation. Vice President Kamala Harris, speaking Monday at the NAACP National Convention, compared the Dobbs ruling to chattel slavery. “We know, NAACP, that our country has a history of claiming ownership over human bodies,” Vice President Harris remarked. “And today, extremist so-called leaders are criminalizing doctors and punishing women for making healthcare decisions for themselves….”

It is … a deeply revealing comparison, one that invites a historical and philosophical examination of pro-abortion rhetoric that leaves no doubt where the legacy of slavery continues comfortably today.

The idea that the subjugation of human life is a net moral good was a familiar one to the Confederacy’s architects. Infamously, John C. Calhoun made the argument explicit… In “Slavery a Positive Good,” he proclaimed that the enslavement of Africans had unequivocally benefited them….

[There] is a worrisome continuity between Calhoun’s arguments and the sentiment of many pro-abortion activists. Consider, for example, the notion that pro-life laws are bad because they will result in more poor people….

What is the alternative viewpoint? According to the pro-life argument, poverty is terrible, and no poverty is worse than the deprivation of life itself. While it’s common for abortion advocates to malign pro-life people as disinterested in the material suffering of mothers and families, the astonishing breadth of goods and services offered by the same pregnancy resource centers that Sen. Elizabeth Warren wants to shut down contradict this slur….

Slavery takes ownership of another’s life while abortion snuffs one out. Such moral hideousness should be roundly condemned—in every form. The vice president’s moral argument is an atrocity and an embarrassment. But the pro-abortion movement is desperate, and that desperation is showing.

How are you praying for the abolition of abortion? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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July 25, 2022

What is very sad is that many of the aborted unborn are children of color. Don’t they see that the abortion clinics target impoverished areas to exploit women of color?

Sue Tracy
July 24, 2022

Lord You are The Lord, Giver and creator of life, abortion is not from You, reveal yourself to Vice President Harris and bring her to repentance that leads to forgiveness. Have mercy on her and those who are pro choice and fight for life. Save Your precious children.

July 23, 2022

This is what the Lord of Heaven’s Armies, the God of Israel, says to all the captives he has exiled to Babylon from Jerusalem: “Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce. Marry and have children. Then find spouses for them so that you may have many grandchildren. Multiply! Do not dwindle away! And work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.”
Jeremiah 29:4-7 – https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=Jeremiah%2029:4-7&version=NLT

Abortion flat out is not the will of our Heavenly Father. We are to be multiply & be fruitful in Genesis. Jeremiah confirms His will has not changed. Culture changes & adapts, the Word of God lives & abides forever.

July 23, 2022

These people are absolutely nuts! Harris is supposedly vice president to the entire country, yet she feels no allegiance to any citizens except those that feels and believes like she does! I am writing my representatives to begin impeachment procedures against this person who took an oath to uphold the Constitution of this United States which includes governing equally those she does not agree with. FATHER GOD please send YOUR angels to quickly remove kamala harris from office in such a way that she will never be able to hold public office again in JESUS NAME! Amen!

Vicki Olson
July 23, 2022

Abortion is the worst human rights violation in our time. Slaves were freed from slavery. Babies cannot get their lives back once they are barbarically killed. God open eyes and hearts of leaders, media and those who blindly follow their evil deception.

Shirelle T Johnson
July 23, 2022

Watching this topic through Prophet Robin Bullock on Elijah Streams, the Prophet revealed that God they weren’t really caring that there was an overturn. The decision was traded for the authority over gun control. God was going to give us that anyway, but do not surrender gun control and it was surrendered or traded the same day. Now the deal is they can decide who is eligible to own a weapon. If your a Christian, whom they consider radical and dangerous, they can decide that that person does not have a right to own a gun. Also Sorros has placed people in areas that are in the republican party to bring it down. Mich McConnell and some others we should be praying for those that appear to be on God’s side but have snake venom in them. Also, that is what the vaccines are comparable to, snake venom and they don’t want hydrochloriquin because it’s comparable to antidote. Also if you’ve had covid, don’t get vaccine or remesivere, it will make you sick. Blessimgs.

Rich Swingle
July 23, 2022

I’ve seen a link between abortion and slavery since I was in college. I wrote a sketch in which a slave owner said of his slave, “It’s my property. An abortionist stood by a pregnant woman and said to her, “It’s just tissue.” Then, as the slave was whipped and the baby was aborted both cried out together.

Both institutions kept their place in society by dehumanizing the victim.

That’s why I love saying, “Roe v. Wade has been abolished.”

I went on to write a one-man play on an abolitionist who helped spearhead the largest movement against slavery at that time… 1758, 103 years before the Civil War. The play is titled, “I Dreamed I Was Free.” Toward the end of the play the abolitionist, John Woolman, says, “God has reminded us that they are mothers and sons, fathers and daughters, sisters and brothers. They are fellow human beings, and is that not reason enough to live without owning them. You all know somewhere in your hearts that slavery is wrong. Can’t you feel the lash on your hearts? Can’t you feel the chains on your souls? We are the ones in bondage because we will not release our slaves!”

I do a hot seat after the play, staying in character to answer questions. After a performance one night abortion came up, and “John Woolman” pointed out that slavery was rationalized by not recognizing slaves as human and then observed, “My generation left a mark upon yours. Do what you can to save the lives of the unborn. Do not leave a mark upon those of future generations.”

Lord, empower us to do all we can to abolish abortion and help those who choose to bring humans into the world no matter how challenging that might be.

I pulled some of this from my review of. Unplanned: http://www.RichDrama.com/Unplanned


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