There is a crisis in our nation today that is destroying the moral fiber of our a nation. It is like the frog that died in water that was gradually heated. Since prayer was taken out of school in the early 60’s, we have been gradually desensitized to the biblical standards of righteousness on which the nation was founded. We don’t realize it, but slowly we have become adjusted to accepting sin. However, it is written that Jesus loved righteousness and hated iniquity (Heb. 1:9); but today many in our nation call good evil, and evil good, which borders on the sin against the Holy Spirit.
That is why this fall election is so important. We must let our voices be heard. We still have the privileged and also the responsibility to go to the polls and vote, after careful prayer and consideration of the candidates and their records and conduct.
Join the IFA Vote Your Values Webinar this Friday, July 18, 2020, at 1215 pm ET to learn how to discern who are the godly candidates. Watch at
Christian values and our freedom to express God’s standards of righteousness have increasingly been maligned and mocked by the enemies of God, and even our history books have been rewritten to delete references to the godly foundation of our nation. The first educational institutions in our nation were established to train men for the ministry, but now these very institutions are openly hostile to biblical truth and to God’s moral standards of righteousness.
That is why you as a believer must take seriously the election on November 3rd (probably the most important in our nation’s history). It is God’s will that righteous men rule in the land, men who fear God and seek to do His will as humble servants in public office. We must pray for and support those who have not been corrupted by the power of politics and are not catering to special interests by compromising their convictions. We read in Proverbs 11:11, “By blessing of the upright the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the mouth of the wicked.”
In order to vote we must register to vote, and then we must pray diligently for God in His mercy to raise up righteous men and women and remove the wicked. But Satan has gained so much ground in the affairs of our country through what is called “political incorrectness.’ But Jesus said this would happen. In speaking to His disciples before going to the cross, He said, “If they persecute Me, they will also persecute your. . . . In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, i have overcome the world” (Jn. 15:20; 16:33) . . .
“Righteousness exalts a nation.” and “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Prov. 14:34; Ps. 33;12).
At the end of 2020 we will again be a nation under God, or a nation gone under!
Remember: Register, Pray, Vote!
America is at the Crossroads!
(Lisa Torres is an IFA Intercessor.)
Share your prayers for this upcoming presidential election in November!
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Lord, we have sinned so egregiously that it seems there is no hope. We are all affected by the sin around us. People use Your name in vain rather than having reverential awe for You. Many of our churches are weak and people are too busy pursuing money and pleasure to center their lives within the church. Many churches have little to offer perhaps because believers are not interested in more than a Sunday morning service. Sweep through Your church and bring people to weep over their indifference towards You. May churches be houses of prayer. And may people be transformed. Protect our children from the onslaught of the enemy. My hearts cry is that righteousness would once again characterize our nation. This is such a big prayer, but You are the Omnipotent One. May. Your will be done in this election. May godly leaders be raised up at the city, state and federal levels. In the mighty name of Jesus Amen
We are at a crossroads. Only country that has just about lacked nothing with all of its excess.
TVs in every room Air-conditioning, hot and cold running water refrigerators freezers stove,oven and microwaves Cars internet electricity every food snack food option imaginable. Its not that way other places.
This has allowed fascism and road to autocracy.
I pray that there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed,or hidden that will not be known.
Trump quote: “when people wrong you,go after those people,because it is a good feeling and because other people will see you doing it. I always get even.”
Jesus: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,bless those who curse you.”
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
Where do you see that in Trump?
What is Trumps fruit? Does he love and not hate, have joy and promote peace instead of division strife? Is he patient or impatient, gentle or harsh? Is there love and tolerance for those that oppose? He is not meek,does not glorify God for his talents or gifts.
He is prideful,lives for himself Proverbs 20:11 says, “Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.”
Trump says
“Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.”
“Why do I have to repent, why do I have to ask for forgiveness if [I’m] not making mistakes?”
“Part of the beauty of me is that I’m very rich.”
He obviously was not chosen by God. Is goodness present?
Democracy is threatened when there is distrust in elections (not substantiated), divide its citizens. Making truth and media enemy of the people. Fascists suppress the opposition. It is difficult to discern for example, the swarm of tweets to understand its destructive power as a whole. Not trusting our own intelligence, inhumane policies against children keeping them in dog kennels. Still praising Putin when they paid bounties to kill our troops. Truly all of the foreign policy decisions like abandoning the Kurds, undermining threatening Ukraine by not providing aide has not benefitted America but has benefitted Russia and Putin. One of the things Trump asked was: How long would it take Russia to invade Ukraine.. He is not watching out for our allies or America,, pulling troops out of Germany.. Dismantling our norms and standing in the world.. We need to take a deep breathe here, wake up and pay attention. I pray we are protected from false prophets and that we can see truth and that it be exposed. Pray for love peace and protection during this Pandemic.
well i don’t agree with everything that president trump says but compared to the democrats he’s a whole lot better. he loves this country and the american people. he’s pro religion. pro life,the constitution, the right to bare arms the demorats prove everyday how much they hate this country and the american people. you are a sinner as am i your not perfect nor am i the Lord never used perfect people to do His will. moses was a murder, abraham was a liar, jacob was a thief and a liar as well, david was a murder and adulterer and peter betrayed Jesus but he used each of them mightly to carry out His purpose and plan.he chose president trump for such a time as this and for this occasion. the word says he who is without sin cast the first stone and we’re commanded to pray for those in authority. we need to pray that God’s will will be done in and through president trump. the only hope for this country is God and President trump.
You have it right my friend I agree with what you said about our president. It’s too bad people don’t pray more and criticize less especially when it comes to the president
amen. we need to pray like never before so that this country as we know it is destroyed at the hands of the democrats.
Father God thank you that the end of 2020 we will again be a nation under God.
“Righteousness exalts a nation.” and “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” (Prov. 14:34; Ps. 33;12).
In Jesus’ name, we thank You
Praying for our Nation. Grateful for IFA seeking truth and encouragement to pray. Asking God’s blessings on you all.
God is faithful and He is able. He is Sovereign and all powerful. He works through His people. Let us pray that God would desire to work through us to reveal His Glory. Amen
Just FYI, Friday is the 17th for the call.
Dear LORD GOD Almighty, bless This young woman, please~ raise up an army of Kayleighs! Hallelujah, help every Christian to Stand Firm, Be Bold, Be ready on That Day!!! all for Your Glory Father! In Jesus name we pray, Amen!
I keep praying for Godly Intercessors to be Salt and Light to the world as they hear the voice of the Father for directions in how to reach the lost in the most effective way. Blessed be His Name. AMEN..
We will be a nation under God. I believe God has ‘broken the back’ of chaos.
Well spoken, Rich!
In 2004 Holy Spirit started to speak to me about a New Song coming! At the same time I’ve been hearing of a New Sound coming!
He prompted me to read Psalm 40:1+ …‘He set my feet on a rock and has established all my going, and He has put a New Song in my mouth, even praise unto my God. Many shall see IT and fear and will trust in the Lord‘ See that? Many will see ‘IT‘ – this word is only in the KJV! In modern versions it is omitted, but it is very important, because sound creates! That’s why God ‘inhabits the praise of His people’!
Our voices in praise create the atmosphere over the nation that allows Him to perform His Word. He told us that His Word never returns to Him void and always accomplishes that for which it was sent.
So people, let’s start praising and singing the Word of God over the nation! Psalm 67. Is a good place to start!
Watch Carefully what you speak out, because ‘life and death are in the power of the tongue!
Many leaders are telling Christians to be silent, to not meet together, to not sing in church.
Where is our faith? Are we cowering in fear? Are we becoming compliant to dictates that are not laws, but mere declarations of lawless men and women?
Ps27:6 Then my head will be exalted
above the enemies who surround me;
at his sacred tent I will sacrifice with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make music to the Lord
Jesus said in Luke 19:40 But Jesus answered, “I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!”
If our leaders tell the church to not worship the LORD indoors, we need to go outdoors and praise the LORD in the street!
Our leaders have said it is OK to go outside without a mask and march, shout and chant in the street and in front of city hall and state capitol buildings! Christians can go outside and praise the LORD in the streets of the nation and the leaders will be silent to stop the church, since they have already said this is permisable!
Lord, lead your church to praise You outdoors, in the open!
LORD, lead your people to march outdoors, in the streets of ALL our cities in this great country and proclaim your Great Name to ALL the people of this land!
Lord, we repent for being silenced, we repent of living in fear. Your word says you not only forgive ALL our sins, You also heal ALL our diseases!
“He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He keeps me from the grave and blesses me with love and mercy.” | Psalms 103:3-4 GNB
LORD, you were not surprised by this disease and you already have provided a cure! Jesus said , which is more difficult to say, your sins are forgiven or BE HEALED. Show us hos to pick up our bed and walk in faith!
LORD, we proclaim your word and take authority over COVID and proclaim your healing for those who are sick, and salvation to all who will place their trust in you.
LORD, lead us, your church, the body of Christ, to rise up taking all the authority you gave to all your disciples; and in YOUR NAME we trample COVID under foot, we will trample the attack of the enemy, a defeated foe, underfoot, as we walk in faith and trust in your word.
Ps 32:12 “So I will not be silent; I will sing praise to you. LORD, you are my God, I will give you thanks for ever.”
Rich, Thank you for your powerful prayer! I stand in total agreement with it, in Jesus’ Mighty Name! AMEN!🙌🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏❤
My friends and I have been saying the same thing. The church should be praising the Lord indoors or outdoors. I did attend an outdoor praise and prayer time here in Ft Worth, Texas, on Friday night. It was organized by a group of pastors and was a blessing. I am praying for believers across our nation to march and praise in every city. May we find our voices! Thank you for your prayer!