I Prayed have prayed
Father, remove the strongholds we have in our lives. Let our nation turn to You and repent of our wicked ways.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We are facing a time in our nation’s history where there are many strongholds that need to be cast down. In this video teaching by Derek Prince, IFA”s founder, he discusses how we can cast down those strongholds that have a grip on our nation.


(Photo Credit: Canva.)

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Lynn Miller
January 27, 2021

The son of man will send his angels and they will gather out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all lawbreakers and throw them into the fiery furnace. In that place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their father. He who has ears let them here! Matthew 13:41-43
This is my prayer for my country the United States of America. I will give God the praise and the honor and be very thankful for what he’s doing in our country now. Amen

    Lynn Miller
    January 27, 2021

    I bind the strong man of rebellion and witchcraft over my nation in the name of Jesus. What is bound on earth is bound in heaven! Amen
    I proclaim that no weapon formed against our nation will stand for we are a nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all! God given rights to the founders of this nation.

      Regina Whitley
      January 29, 2021

      Amen, I am in agreement with you. This teaching was awesome. Remember there is power and victory in our praise. to God be the glory for all the marvelous things He has and is doing.

Kathy Burke
January 27, 2021

Such a powerful insight into how we as christian need to offer thanksgiving and prayer. We are not unequipped or abandoned by our gracious Lord..
Thank you Almighty God for your Spirit of Truth who is leading your remanent to use the gifts you have already poured out on us. You are the strength of our hearts and to you alone will we raise our voices in thanks, praise, laud and honor. We Bind the strongman in this nation and throughout your church worldwide who seek to deter, harm and silence us. Thank you God for your great harvest that you are gathering even now.
Thank you Jesus for you are tge victor.
Amen Amen

January 27, 2021

One of the best videos on teaching Intercessors about pulling down the strongman over people and nations. Now if we would just apply these truths and Bind the strongman over the US. In the video He tells us toward the end who he thinks it is.
A must listen,
Thank you.

Grace Strong
January 27, 2021

Wow! Thank you for this message.

nancy bolitho
January 27, 2021

From this video I learned where and how my prayers can be vastly improved! Thank you!

January 27, 2021

Thank you for sharing this video. I have sent this to others so that we can all be praying effectively and pulling down the kingdom of darkness.

January 27, 2021

There is a new catchword in the media that has spread like wildfire among the people. The word is systemic and it is used over and over to overthrow a government that is for all the people and by the all people. Well, I will use that word now to describe what is happening in our nation. It is systemic evil pouring from the mouths of the media and government officials in an attempt to destroy the American dream and in its place bring us into global compliance.     
  Day after day we are seeing that evil spoken and taking hold in a nation that has been asleep for too long.  The enemy of America has exposed itself and is becoming more willfull and arrogant as each day passes.
   I am appalled at how many are so blind to what is happening before our very eyes!  Truth no longer holds us securely within a solid standard.  It is simply a watered down word that means nothing more than an individuals thoughts (as in “your truth” and “my truth”)  and thus becomes relative with no solid foundation to stand on!   But that is an illusion and a lie! 
  If we allow this deception to blind us as a people, we will surely, most surely lose our nation,  for Jesus said, “you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free!”
  So,  I ask you, I plead with you not to give up or give in!   Stand for the truth, seek the truth, hold on to the truth for the sake of this generation and the generations to come.   It is time for us to take our place in history and draw the line of TRUTH in the sand!
  When Joshua drew the line in the sand and told the people to choose that day “whom they will serve”, it was the line of TRUTH that he drew! And so today in America that line is being drawn and we must choose, as a people, “whom we will serve”


    Sharon Scott
    January 27, 2021

    I agree with you! I cannot agree more strongly! And first and foremost, the church needs to wake up! My pastor literally told our congregation of thousands, before the election, that the election wasn’t that important – after all, there will be another one in 4 years. (!)
    We are in a total media blackout, along with a direct assault on the church! It is truly time for America to wake up, and I pray that it starts with pastors and Christians.
    AND, I pray that our churches will once again be called houses of prayer. There is no corporate prayer at my church, which is one reason why the ignorance and death assails us……


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