A new video has been released sharing evidence about the 2020 election fraud allegations, “Absolute Truth.” The video itself is very compelling.
Just as interesting, however, is the fact that it has been virtually wiped from every place online that it has been shared. (YOU CAN STILL WATCH IT BY CLICKING HERE.) In fact shortly after Mike Lindell posted his video to YouTube it was censored and taken down. This is what most of us see when we click into the videos of “Absolute Truth” that have been shared:
But you can still watch the video on the website of Mike Lindell. CLICK HERE TO WATCH. Let us know what you think in the comments below.
(Photo by Stephen Maturen/Getty Images)
Share your thoughts on this video in the comments below!
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It is obvious that every facet of US Government is involved in the FOREIGN ATTACK on our Constitutional Republic ! The Illegitimate 2020 election results must be overturned and the Legitimate 2020 election results posted for all US Citizens to see if not We The People have lost our Constitutional Republic for ever !
This is impressive work. So why won’t judges even look at it? Why isn’t someone in power doing something?
Tyrannical Oppression is underway as New World Order is being assembled. Pray we shine as lights and listen for Holy Spirit leading of how to advance. Founders and Framers weren’t satisfied being enslaved and oppressed, Christ may not desire that for us either…
Sandra M. Bieselt , Answer to you question is the 2008 presidential election when the US Congress both Republican and Democrat allowed an ILLEGAL ALIEN berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama to run for and be sworn in to the US Presidency not once but twice all because of Race ! The US Congress of 2008 and 2012 are guilty of TREASON ! Less We The People forget it was Chief Justice John Roberts who swore in the fraud and usurper berry Soetoro aka barack hussein obama ! The US Congress and US Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts is still protecting the fraud and usurper berry soetoro aka barack hussein obama to protect themselves from the Charge of Treason . So allowing the 2020 election to be stolen by Socialist in the US and Foreign Governments is no big deal to the people who could be charged with Treason .
Father, I thank You for the holy boldness invested in those who loved not their lives but chose to bring forth forensic evidence from all sides to expose darkness’ lies to the people of the United States and the world. “He whom the Son sets free is free indeed” I pray, Father, that Your word and this exposure would be heeded unbiased by personal opinions. You are presenting freedom to those who will listen to what is being exposed of darkness’ foray. Thank You. I pray eyes would be opened and ears would hear the Good Shepherd’s voice resounding in truth to dispel the lies of Satan trying to deceive Your people. I say Lord, let their be light – new light, revealing Yourself to Your sheep. Holy Spirit, reveal what is righteous, You convict and convince us of what is truth – hover over us until true freedom is dispelled in the hearts of Your people to glorify the name of Jesus for the mighty work of redemption He has accomplished for us and let the rewards of His faithful suffering be seen. I declare we overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and love not our lives even unto death. I ask for the penetration of Your anointing oil on those being persecuted for righteousness sake to bring forth the new You are birthing in this earth for Your glory. I ask for angelic activity to surround those who are standing strong with Your righteous agenda, Father, thank You for great grace. I bless You.
Lord Jesus, please help America. We spend hours and hours trying to find and know the facts. Still– we can’t be sure. Once again, I realize we can believe and trust only You! It is an eye-opener for our educated Christian society. As I read these responses, I think You are trying to show us most about our individual selves.
I actually am convicted, as a citizen, that I do need to discern the truth about our election’s electronic process but is it even possible?
America’s future is in your hands only Lord. I pray for your help; may the Holy Spirit penetrate every square mile of this nation. Surprise us with a great movement of your Holy Spirit. Please help America, Lord. In You alone, can we trust for truth! Amen!
A very enlightening video to say the least. I praise God for raising up Mike to pull this expose together. The truth can not be hidden forever! May god move in a mighty way to stop censorship of this and all narratives containing truth. We must continue to pray for exposure of the lies by the media and many of out government leaders.
So you are saying that people that are successful in overcoming drug addiction no longer have value? That is obnoxiously unfair. How about Rudy Guliani? And Michael Flynn? They are resolute in their findings of elections crimes.
How would you like it if your value was judged on all your past mistakes? I wouldn’t want that for myself, Mike Lindell, you, or any of God’s children. Aren’t we all trying to be better than that here, especially on a supportive site like ifapray?
you are sent to discourage and agitate people,,,,, the same thing they did to Nemihiah when he was rebuilding the wall.. People will always try to discourage truth and you are indeed one of them!
I like buybull verses too. Here’s a good one: There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses. Enjoy
Also, remember to let jeebus to come in you first.
Mike is totally truthful and everyone knows that has been paying attention that the 2020 election was stolen by China CCP and our own elected officials. America was attacked and now the Army has to stabilize our corrupt government that has been compromised as high as our Supreme Court.Army needs to shut it down and form a new constitutional government..
If this video is so foolproof why aren’t any people in power in the USA worried about the cyberattack and election fraud? I understand there is a cancel culture, but surely there must be many powerful people in this country who are not under the sway of the cancel culture. The video seems compelling but the fact that no one with financial or political clout has joined Mike in his campaign makes me doubt the veracity of the information presented – although I would like it to be true.
For example if the proof that the election was stolen is so incontrovertible surely there must be some mechanism to bring the cheaters to justice and investigate the election process. It is no small matter that 74 million Americans have been fooled. And I, personally, think it is no small matter that this fraud will probably lead to eventual one party rule through more trickery, censorship, threats, vindictiveness and manipulation of our system of government. Even before seeing this video I had the impression that threats from the left seem to have many Republicans cowed, or perhaps it is that many Republicans are beholden to the deep state and the swamp, or a combination of both.
Mike says we should thank God that all this is now out in the open. But what good is it to be out in the open if no one acts upon this information?
It is the absolute truth you will always have people such as yourself, who will deny the truth NO MATTER HOW CLEAR IT IS….to you, Truth is Hate (because you hate truth) ….No matter how much evidence,his video is presented!!!! is absolute proof and we are praying it will get the attention of the supreme court to prove it!!!
If this is true, why is Biden still in power?
What if anything is being done?
I like how Mike says “Wow” every 30 seconds.. The spooky music playing in the background to scare me, worked.. I felt very creeped out while watching it. I wouldn’t say the documentary is believable but it is a fun watch, especially if you are a fan of Qanon.
So far, the most comprehensive rebuttal to Lindell’s video, and the most professional, least partisan and snarky, is from ('s-absolute-proof-video-promising-to-expose-election-fraud-is-full-of-false-and-unproven-claims.html). Based on this rebuttal, the weight of the evidence is definitely NOT on the side of Lindell who I believe is a sincere Christian, but sincere Christians can obviously be wrong. May God grant us all wisdom during these troubling times and let’s all honor the Lord by not jumping on the bandwagon of wild conspiracy theories.
Please watch some of the hearings on election fraud. I found the one in Arizona one of the most compelling. NTD news still has the videos online.
Mike Lindell’s video is one of many spokes in the wheel. This is kind of presentation is not his specialty, but he is one man that is carrying his cross in this regard. For that, he has my deep respect. He did a great job with the resources he had available and definitely had excellent professionals on his program.
I saw the video. Very compelling, but I knew the election was stolen right away. I ask the Lord to write this wrong, and put the rightful winner in the White House.
Thanks Mike Lindell
Thank you God for men of courage like Mike and Potus Trump and Senator Ron Johnson and Attorny Matt DePerno and all the whistleblowers!
God SaVE USA with this video. May the SCOTUS see it and accept the cases to have the evidence and proof of the great STEAL!
I believe in Mike Lindells findings and know he is a man of God, and God is using him to show the fraud that happened in our country.
Nothing can beat the Truth. I pray for Mike Lindell and his company – for protection, encouragement, health, strength to press on and that God will open the doors no man can shut! Thank You Lord for allowing our eyes to see what really happened. Help us to believe You are in control and You have good things in store for Your people and Your country. Use Mike Lindell’s video to bring more people to understand the truth. I pray truth and justice will prevail! I pray the video goes viral, and to the degree the enemy tries to suppress, the more it will explode. Spread it like wild fire Lord! In the Name of Jesus I ask these things.
Mrs08Boaz, U said that so well! My sentiments exactly! I am going to concentrate on getting the “Absolute Proof” video into the hands of the people I love who are open to truth. We know how to pray. God is working behind the scenes. Our common enemies are Communist China and other countries who want to bring America down. The Dems, media, Hollywood, 57 or so senators who voted to impeach President Trump, etc. they want to keep the hatred going then we will tear each other apart! Wow, that is so short-sighted! Galatians 5:15 says: “If U bite & ravage each other, watch out–in no time at all U will be annihilating each other, & where will your precious freedom be then?” Galatians chapter 5 talks all about the life of freedom! I am holding on to that passage of Scripture. Let’s keep “Ezekiel 23” (see responses above) in our prayers. It’s easy to pray for people wo agree with us. A prayer for Ezekiel: “Father God, Ezekiel seems to be far away from U. Only You can woe him to yourself by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is angry with the world it seems. Please set him free of the hatred he has allowed to enter his heart. It is not healthy for him to be raging like he is. Soften our hearts so we can listen to each other and feel each others’ pain. I want to love my fellow Americans. God, will U open Ezekiel’s eyes so he can experience a relationship with U? Please help the body of Christ to reach out in love to Ezekiel. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
I was sure of what has now happened, many years before this evidence was posted. I reported on it to senators. These foreign cybeber attacks were likely assisted by our own intelligence agencies. The data on the right hand side of the column, if collected in real time, is absolute evidence. The data on the left only represents the last hop to the target. If they went through many servers to get to the target, the maps could be even more broad than reported. More reason to believe the US is in more danger than we realize.
THE DEEP STATE MUST GO DOWN. All of them at once. If not, those of us who are not in their inner circle will be slaves.
To get to the Video: FLASHPOINT MARY FANNING FEB 6 2021.
They are trying to block truth! Very hard to find this video. Took all day. Finally.
Now I bookmarked it.
“Buy the truth and sell it not”.
It is also available on the video platform Rumble.
Sad for you! Democrat?
No such thing anymore. Either a Leftist (ie. Globalist/Facist/Totalitarians) or American. They shouldn’t be allowed to use the word. Democracy is the farthest thing from their actions. I cringe when I hear them speak about it, seeing the proof of their wicked, deviant Totalitarian goals.
In case you did not know the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic with Laws ! The United State of America is NOT A DEMOCRACY with mob rule ! The Founding Fathers in 1787 created a REPUBLIC FORM OF GOVERNMENT . The Founding Fathers avoided a democracy form of government at all cost ! Ben Franklin on leaving the First Continental Congress , Madam “You have a REPUBLIC IF YOU CAN KEEP IT “
I am saddened that Lindell produced such a shoddy and unsubstantiated “documentary.” I know from my career in software development that the claim that the “algorithms broke” is absurd — a program does not break just because it is counting more votes than expected because there is no practical limit on how many votes it can count. And the idea that Trump won the popular vote is ridiculous. Sadly, Lindell’s unfounded claims are embarrassing and the fact he is a Christian can be used by godless people to ridicule all Christians.
Just curious do you have three MIT degrees like many of the consultants on this film? I am absolutely sure you do not have their IT skills, although you apparently think you do. As far as his affect on non believers, he has probably led more people to Jesus than you ever will. Your critique is elementary and only shows your own lack of knowledge and depth.
Lindell is relaying evidence others have found. He trusts those others, because their evidence fits together and adds up to a picture that indicates that at the very least America has a huge issue with the use of computers. One inaccuracy by a non expert does not negate anything any of the other witnesses noted. Until you can verify that it is not possible to modify the vote at all, only paper hand counted ballots will restore trust- with a check by a computer counter (not connected to the internet! This view into the possibility of getting to the system will mean the next election is going to be huge mess as all players think their side has to cheat to win. Unless there is complete trust – accurate voter rolls, good checks and a reliable counting system, there will be no trust, and in that environment of no trust there is no honor!
Well I don’t think they are saying it broke, as much as saying it was taking off line whilst votes were being altered….
they didn’t break they were stopped, what’s the difference, they were shut down to give time to get what they wanted done, surely you knew what he meant didn’t you?
So you know the algorithm they used? My career in engineering says Trump could have exceeded the max field lengths, max allowed iterations or probably more accurately the ratio RE-apportionment STILL couldn’t overcome Trump’s massive win…Unless you have more info to provide on the ground game theft that occurred. Thousands-not several or even hundreds-thousands of signed affidavits-Democrats included.
690,000 votes in PA alone. With 64% reporting at 1am…entering into Trump terroritories. CA-with 5 times the population- started 2 HOURS LATER-was already in. In other words, We The People overwhelmed the cheat. Speaking of ridiculous, are you really believing that a man who couldn’t even carry democratic strongholds-Orange county, the bronx or manhattan actually overcame 690,000 votes in a swing state…WEEKS after CA and TX submitted their numbers? Why did all the down-ballots go red, red, red but then they voted for Biden? We are ridiculous to note that Biden, who couldn’t even get a handful of people to show up to his rallies, got MORE votes than Obama? Every rational person knows, Biden had to steal the primary. Bernie, the rugged anti-capitalist, again-cashed in on another mansion instead.
If Biden won so handily, why all the censorship instead of factually refuting? Why are you here trolling? Don’t you have some pages to be laying out? Logic doesnt seem to be your strong suit. 😉
I’ll pray for your desire for Truth not just your own way and to overcome propaganda that WILL lead to your harm. Make no mistake, every lie will be revealed. A fair election is paramount to Freedom. If you object to it, or its pursuit, you have enslaved yourself.
Here are the actual numbers at 1am per NBC…
The bullshit media always removing the true. Are you thinking we patriots are stupid?. We know was a stolen fraudulent election!!!
God is answering our prayers, the Epoch Times has a story release on the 6th Supreme Courts to Consider 2020 Election Challenge lawsuits in Feb Conference please read and lets be in pray that God will work through this opportunity for all the evidence to be presented and the truth to come out in Jesus name. Also let us continue to fast and pray. God is doing great things behind the scenes
As absolutely amazing. We prayed last night that God would continually “reveal the slime under the rock”. Now we need to be patient and pray that God’s will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.
Proof positive.
If only this video would convince the doubters. Thank you Mike Lindell, Patriot.
AMen and amen.
What I loved about Potus Trump and Mike and other patriots is that they are positive and kind.
Mike says in the video, this is a miracle!!!!!! this is good that the voting stopped at 11:03 pm and so forth and then he explains why it was GOOD, I mean, that is so positive. Just like in the final speeches of Potus Trump he said, “this is just the beginning of . . . ”
The last words of our Courage President Trump, a man for the little people, was basically “get excited” it is not over! it is just the beginning!
You will not hear such smiling positive words of hope in the criminal party of dems . . .they scowl and get angry and accuse falsely and just make one feel icky and sad! hopeless!
GET EXCITED, patriots! do what POTUS TRUMP said, “go out to your precincts and get organized and primary them out . . .” That was the only call to any action I ever heard or even felt from POTUS TRUMP!
DO IT! I dare all of us to go out there and PRIMARY them all out! and bring in vetted Patriots for the people and of future of our nation under GOD!
God bless you all and Mike Lindell and Potus TRUMP and Father Frank Pavone and Dr. Alveda King and Eric Metaxis and Adam Schindler and all of the intercessors for America! and the world!
Father, I also ask you to Bless President Trump and his family, as well as Mike Lindell, Sydney Powell, Lind Wood and all the lawyers that are being disbarred and threatened even being expelled from their Churches!!! Evil knows no bounds! They are trying to impeach Trump so he will have NO Secret Service Protection. We need to humble ourselves, repent and pray Lord I am afraid for Mike Lindell’s life and the risk he is taking exposing our own government. Oh God let a multitude of your Heavenly Angels surround all of these folks and their families! We thank you for answering our prayers Dear Lord. All the praise and Glory to YOU! And May God Bless America! Amen!
God bless you Mike, thank you for this insight. I tried to watch your presentation Absolute Proof and could only find it at your website . you really need to get this out to everyone. Your money would be better sending out CD’s, flash drives could be faked with malware same with down loads…… send CD’s by request I would share them be with everyone I know!
Yesterday I heard Mike say the video had been viewed 10 million times- here and around the world.
I posted the video on FB and they censored it for partial nudity! If it wasn’t so serious, it would be hilarious! Praying that this knowledge opens many eyes and makes a difference!
Mike has hard evidence that Trump election was stolen and China and other countries and crooks here are behind it. May God bless and protect him and out great Nation and continue to expose and arrest the corrupt ones here in out Nation. Thank you Thank you Mike Lindell. You put everything on the line for us and God will bless you.
Thank you that you are showing this documentary. It’s outrageous that youtube pulled it. Our constitutional rights of freedom are being censored. We must pray for our country that we will remain free and not be silenced as in socialist and communist countries. This is what Hitler did and China is doing. Are we next? I pray we will not fall to communism. God Bless the USA! One nation under God with liberty and justice for all. Although Mr. Nadler doesn’t think it’s worth repeating more than once.
The video and evidence is very compelling; however getting the evidence out and having it recognized by the proper authorities so that we may have integrity returned to our elections seems to be the problem.
My prayer is:
Lord, help us find someone in our country who will be able to have the courts of our land see this corruption of our voting system and return integrity and justice to our land. Touch the hearts of the opposition to not see it as a threat but as a revelation of truth and justice. Thank you for brave people like Mike Lindell who love our country and god.
This information must be given to the American people
ACTION with this video of ABSOLUTE TRUTH
send it to your AG of your state and demand justice
Send it to the SUPREME COURT website or at least email the
call your local and fed state politicians to review and protect our vote! call them every day!
If you are in Wisconsin, call the Wisconsin Election Commission, 608 261-2028, 608 262 2028 and demand justice.
If we do not act, the 2022 election and the 2024 makes no difference!
we must be in unity! prayer and unity! the cause: MAGA for revival and God’s glory!
GOD will raise up those champions who will compete and replace the media moguls repressing liberty. When the enemy comes I like a flood, The LORD lifts up a standard against him. The Standard is a banner, a flag for the scattered troops to regroup!
FACEBOOK’s fact checkers have done everything they can to debunk it, but we KNOW about FB fact checkers.
The left call the truth a lie and a lie the truth. Snopes is also false. It’s a new time in America where people will no longer believe everything they hear. We’ve been lied to enough. Mike Lindell’s heart is in the right place. He has been slandered, mocked and bullied and yet he still stands firm. That speaks volumes. God Bless.
Bitchute is still showing the Mike Lindell video. It originated through Bitchute.I have a copy but you didn’t allow me to post it.
Lengthy but worth the watch…absolutely irrefutable evidence of foreign interference…which in my humble opinion should mean an overturned election result…let’s have a do over with a legitimate election
Re: Availability of the Video. Mike Lindell’s “Absolute Truth” video is, as you stated, available on his website Michael J. FYI, Mike’s “Absolute Truth” video has also been available on OAN news network. (One America News Network.)
Thank you all for your comments. So encouraging to hear from so many who are willing to actually examine the evidence – and thus are able to clearly see the truth. May this somehow get into the hands of some key people who will have the right kind of influence to turn this whole thing around. May the truth be fully revealed. May the corruption be fully exposed.
For any of you who haven’t yet seen the video and are short on time – for the key evidence that none of us have seen before, make sure you at least see the part starting at 1:36:04. It was his own website, that worked for me. That seems to still be functioning fine even now, on Saturday evening.
Dear Lord Jesus,
You say, honor me and I will honor you. Protect us, from censorship, and too much over reaching leaders.
You said I will contend with those who contend with me and fight against those who fight against me.
Fullfill your word, You are the judge over the living and the dead. Intervene, protect Mike Lindel, S Powel, Lin Wood, and Gulianni. Winnow dominion softwear, and smartmatic, weed them to the core. Publically display over and over the lies Biden and Haris are standing on. Let the coup sink in the sand they are standing on.
Will you let me see the Lion of Judah fight? Thankyou for your mercy to provide better leadership, even if its Mr Pence or Pompeo temporarily. Separate the wheat, the good away from the chaff. Weed and displace leaders that will not Honor You O Lord.
Steer the NSA to reverse the treason coup leaders as they help expose all for a right judgement.
Working ‘Absolute Proof’ video link:
Watched his video today. Go to Absolute Proof is a must for everyone to watch. Even the most NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!! Trumper will be convinced. The election was stolen. Period! God bless Mr. Liddell for putting his life and livelihood on the line for us.
OAN is scheduled to run the video again. Saturday Feb 6th @ 8am | 11am | 3pm | 7pm
Sunday Feb 7th @ 1am | 4am | 7pm EST
Other sites to view the video online include:
Isn’t God good! I distinctly remember Intercessors praying that God anoint and appoint a common man to interpret the findings of the fraudulent voting on November 3-4, 2020. There were several IFA articles in December where data experts (geeks) explained what they found in terms of votes being dumped at certain times in specific states that showed in an inordinate tally for Biden. However, not being technically savvy, it was hard to decipher, let alone understand. Mike Lindell broke down this voting fraud information so that most of us can understand and that truth is revealed. Thank God for Mr. Lindell.
Now I pray, Father God that you said throughout your Word, your judgement upon thieves, thievery(Obadiah 1:4-6, disaster awaits the thief); (Galatians 6:7, a man reaps what he sows); (Proverbs 20:18, treasures of wickedness profit nothing, God cast away the substance of the wicked); (Proverbs 20:18, Bread obtained by falsehood is sweet to a man, but afterward his mouth will be filled with gravel); (Proverbs 6:30-31, thief is caught, he must pay sevenfold, though it cost him all the wealth of his house): (Exodus 22:2-4, If a thief is found breaking into a house…if what is stolen is actually found, he is to repay double); (Romans 13:9, You shall not steal, you shall not covet). Therefore Mr. Biden and his den of thieves has had since November 20th to repent and nothing has come forth thus far. Your Intercessors stand faithful to pray out your will, your way. We trust that you would bestow justice and turn this situation around for our good. In Jesus Name (in this power, authority, and character) do we pray. Amen.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Yes Lord, look to your word to perform it and vindicate your people, vindicate our nation and vindicate Israel all to your glory in Jesus name✝️🙏🏽
Mike Lindell’s
Absolute Proof documentary Must see. Social media outlets are blocking it! Go to to watch and please give link to others. We must get the word out! This is proof we’ve never heard.
Absolute proof!!!
The youtube video has been removed but the link in this article no longer works, so I have yet to view what Mr. Lindell has posted.😕
Just tried the link again and it works! Absolute Proof (
The full video is on Rumble! 🙂
God Bless
Taken off before I could view it. Hoping its available elswhere. Wow! Lord make a way for your people to overcome the censoring of truth in Jesus name.
Check out the full video on Rumble!
I am also praying that OANN will do another replay. Praise God for OANN’S courage to put this on their channel. Of course they add a disclaimer due to Dominion’s bullying lawsuits, but they still played it.
Thanks, I got it the OANN play through a private group.
Lord God thank you for Mike Lindell and the people who put this out.
We ask that You would bless and increase tenfold Mike’s business. Overflow him with blessings that he cannot contain it.
We pray for those who are trying to cancel Mike out. We pray for their salvation and ask that their continued cancel culture efforts would boomerang back on them and that they would realize why as it “happens”.
In your name we pray amen.
Lord God – a simple request. As intercessors, we ask that this video will make it’s way into the homes of 150 million people before the end of the month. And we declare that no tool of the enemy will be able to stop this from happening. In Jesus name we pray amen.
Thank you Great God of Heaven for the actions of these heroic men and women who are standing for Truth and Freedom.
Lord you said in Isaiah 5: 20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
I humbly cry to you Lord to bring your Justice upon all involved with these heinous crimes against America because your desire to have it as your own.
May your wisdom, discernment, truth and mercy guide us as you lead us out of the Lion’s den.
May your name be Glorified Lord and all the world see as you take down these criminals.
Amen Amen
It’s the “We are afraid everyone will know the truth” guideline, because if one of their associates gets caught, they all are in trouble. They are all protecting each other.
Standing in agreement to pray that all will be exposed no matter what.
YouTube took this down so fast that I believe it highlights how afraid they are.
With the communist/Democrat Party isolating Patriot Americans we have to get this video out to the United States and the free World. This treacherous act by the Democrat Party and Chinese Communist Party must be brought to American justice. The U.S Supreme Court need to isolate Roberts and the five constitutional Justices take two actions: 1) Declare the November 3, 2021 election invalid because of the widespread Act of War and the foreign attack by the China Communist Party, and 2) Declare the November 3, 2021 General election in the USA null and void and order a completely new election using paper ballots and an equal number of Democrat and Republican Poll administrators and workers to provide a fair and balanced team of poll employees… AB
No need for #2 as the count is available in the segment that Mary Fanning showed. 79 million for Trump and 60+ Biden.
I tried to download the video with Real Player but that is now allowed. Mike probably doesn’t want any nefarious individual to edit it. Makes perfect sense.
Sorry for the typo: “…Real Player but that is NOT allowed.”
And that doesn’t even count all the paper ballet cheating that went on. I’ll bet trump got another million taken from him with that as well.
So true! Probably much more than 1 million. I am so grateful that the Lord is working right now for His children. Praise You Lord.
Praying for greater discernment of those that have been blinded. Open their eyes, Lord.
I so agree with you, sir.! This was the most corruptible thing this country has ever seen. And by Republicans and Democrats alike, as well as government and other countries. We as republicans have been so trusting because we are. No Longer the case, as we MUST open our eyes, ears and trust but Verify, as the saying goes. You can watch this documentary on Google. It’s documentary Absolute Proof. Very compelling and VERY scary to see the manipulation of our votes and hearing how our government turned a blind eye!
Thanks Susan!
I viewed Lindell’s video in the gloom and dark of the rainy night last evening, which was a suitable setting for such solid and horrible evidence against the corrupt Democrats and China’s Communist Party’s collusion.
This is truly a covert act of war by China aided by criminal elements of the corrupt Democrat Party against the citizens of the USA, and it should be addressed as a serious National Security assault on American’s liberty! We, the People, of the USA must stand tall and strong and fight for what our ancestors fought and died for–freedom, independence and individualism in our own Christian nation…
Please safely pass this documentary on to all you know that are interested in the truth. All I know for sure is that God will not let evil stand. He will bring judgment upon those who have done this against righteous people, especially the killing of his unborn children. I am putting all my prayers for Mike Lindell and the others verifying this documentary, as I am fearful for their lives. But he is standing tall and in no fear. May God’s arms surround them all, including our President Trump and his family. Blessings, Susan
Susan, AMEN!
Been praying exactly this since the election
Speechless! Incredulous! Justice has been denied at every level, even the Supreme Court. Foreign intrusion, Domestic intrusion and leaders throughout our beloved country were complicit in this Fraud of the Ages. They sowed the wind, now I pray they will collectively reap the whirlwind. GOD bless America. Amen.
Billie Lee-Minor
We need to contact our Representatives, DC and local, and urge them to watch it. Especially the end graphs and facts are 1 hr, 38 minutes.
I will be writing snail mail letters all week. To leadership, to my senators and congressman and to all I can think of
I am truly sorry Sharon but We, the People of the USA must address this issue head on and use our RIGHTS AND POWERS of our Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights and Constitutional law to separate from this illegitimate Government and restore Constitutional law in our Nation…
In Congress, July 4, 1776
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.
It will take a miracle from The Lord God of heaven and earth to save us from the corruption revealed here. Even so, come Holy Spirit in the power of the resurrected Christ! In Yeshua we hope and in His Name we pray.
Amen amen amen! The word of the Lord declares, not by might nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord. I remember a prophecy that declared that God was going to expose and bring all the contemptible to His righteous justice. Father, we believe to see your glory in Your righteousness prevailing and defending us from this governmental coup that has taken place in Jesus name✝️🙏🏽
We would love to own a copy of this very important video. Please inform us if this is possible.
Me too! Maybe Mike Lindell will offer them soon.
If OANN replays this you can record it that way. Check out their schedule. I am praying for a replay. In the meantime you can watch it on Rumble.
God Bless
Actually, my guide shows the Absolute Truth is replaying on OANN in a couple of hours.
I pray that truth will prevail. I pray that God will bring justice to all and Unite once again The United States of America. I pray that God will have the right people in authority to arrest those involved that have been a part of treason and that this election and swearing in of Biden/Harris will be deemed illegal, and because it is illegal, every policy and executive order that Biden has put in place will also be revoked because it was done illegally. I know that this would be an absolute miracle. However, my God is a God that works miracles. I know that miracles are not God’s best action plan for His people. However, we sometimes get ourselves in a position where we need miracles. I pray that God will help each one of us to listen intently to His voice and be obedient to what He says. I know that God has anointed us to do specific things. If we will listen and obey, we would be in the right positions and have Godly leadership. That is what we need. Thank you, God for your love and mercy which endures forever.
Thank you dear Lord for giving your servant Mike Lindell the wisdom and guidance and opportunity to share all that he knows about the 2020 election. I pray that you would use it in a great and a mighty way to touch hearts of the regular American people and those in Congress. We pray Lord that you’ll protect Mike Lindell and bless him for this. We pray that we would be able to stop and get rid of all of these voting machines and stop this illegal government administration. Thank you Lord in Jesus Name.
I urge everyone to watch this video. You can see it here, and Gab, and Mike Lindell‘s website, and OAN today Saturday and Sunday, February 6 and 7.
Excellent video. A must to watch for every American. For the sake of our country, our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Cindy Jacobs said we must fight from heaven’s perspective, not from earthly. Help us Lord to fight. Please protect Mike Lindell and all those who spoke on this video.
“For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.” Genesis 18:32. Our country has been the victim of a coup by foreign and domestic enemies. The proof is clear. As a nation, we murder the pre-born and worship idols. We uphold what is evil as good, and call what is good evil. Do we as a nation deserve judgement? Yes, but God is merciful. If he was willing to spare Sodom for the sake of 10 righteous, will He not spare our nation for the sake of tens of millions? Jonah was a true prophet, and Jesus himself told us so. Yet when Nineveh repented, God relented.
We have repented. We have prayed. Oh Lord we wait for your mercy and grace to be poured upon us. No as a nation we deserve judgment. Oh be gracious to us Lord. We will wait on you.
Gracious Heavenly Father, we praise and thank you! You are our mighty God, true to Your Word. For as Jesus taught us: ” Again, I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in My Name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:19 Thank You Lord for answering our prayers. Thank you for continuing to protect Michael Lindell, his family, his business and employees. I petition You Lord, to guide us through Your Holy Spirit and empower us with boldness to speak Your truth and pray for Your Will on Earth as it is in heaven. In Christ Jesus Name. Amen
FYI Charlie Kirk exposes an article by Time magazine. “How They Did It / The Charlie Kirk Show Live 02.05.21
Thank you God for people like Mike Lindell who as a Christian businessman puts his faith to work! This is a powerful, well documented and well presented facts and verifiable evidence of the coup against America by these evil forces. A must listen / view for all and especially those in Congress as they consider the impeachment article this next week. May God use this video to turn God fearing Republicans and Democrats back to faith in God Almighty. Many of us have prayed for the Spirit of Truth to reveal truth to ourselves and to our nation. God is answering our prayer. The fact that You Tube had to take this video down so quickly is further proof that God is at work in our country! Praise the Lord! We serve an awesome faithful God Who is Truth and Who reveals Truth to those who seek Him. May God bless America and God bless you! John and Bonnie Newman
I tried to watch it on Rumble, but some sort of glitch occured to make it difficult to follow so I found it here:
watch it on whatever platform is available (someone mentioned Gab and his website)
Isn’t it interesting that they have tried so hard in recent weeks to discredit this man. Why? I will tell you why! Any God fearing Christian will tell you why-it is because the truth set’s us free!
That’s why those who oppose it are so afraid. Watch the video and pass it on to everyone you know. This isn’t about the presidency, this is about the TRUTH. Who has the most to lose if this is true? Everyone that is trying to lead you to believe it isn’t true. When you look at every effort done to suppress everyone who tries to speak the truth and then the massive efforts to intimidate and condemn ANYONE who believes the truth. Trying to scare us into believing we who speak truth are the evil ones…it is truly maddening.
But hasn’t our Lord commanded us-we are not be afraid and not be discouraged! With regards to the truth are we going to cower to the enemy (the devil-because ultimately that’s who is behind all of this deception and uncertainty)? or are we going to be strong and courageous and boldly proclaim what we know is truth?…we can do it with the facts we get from this video and not be afraid to do so.
More than that, we must do it with the gospel…people are desperate for truth, if we can’t stand up for it on any level, how are people going to know from us who believe Jesus Christ, the Son of the one and only Living God, is their Lord and Savior! Our stand for truth wherever it exists brings witness to all truth, in my opinion and how much when we do so does it bring glory to God?
We must learn to fight the good fight, no matter the consequence…the Lord is with us, for us and not against…He gave His life for truth, so let’s give Him ours for the same! Praying with you all for strength and peace.
Love and blessings to all!
Wow!! Arizona has got lawsuits going on and just recently heard the Supreme Court will be hearing some now. But most likely will not be until October. These lawsuits should had been held 2 mos ago. This is scary. How do we come back from this? Don’t see the election being overturned. Are people going to be prosecuted?
I have read that the Suoreme Court is scheduled to hear 3 election cases on February 19. Hopefully that is true.
You said it
I have been praying for him. He has been taken down because he is a friend of Don ztrump. I support him, praying and ordered something to support his workers. God will bless him for standing up.
It was on OAN yesterday & is now showing in that same network. On Direct TV channel 347- I’m praying for Mike Lindell & family, business,etc. He is such an inspiration – Father God is working thru Mike to bring hope to the body of Christ!!
Video appears to be missing. It is available for those on GAB, an alternative to Twitter, where you can also find President Trump.
Dear Lord. May hearts be stirred to watch this video and may the power of the Holy Spirit move within to prompt us to respond and act according to your will. You said you’d rather us be hot or cold but NOT lukewarm. Stir a fire in us that can’t be contained. Amen
I believe there are other platforms on which to view “Absolute Proof”. We give thanks for this program, O Lord!
Go to
Praying for God’s will to be done. His Kingdom Come, on earth as in Heaven.
You can pull this up at Mr. Lindell’s web site at MIchael J also. I have been able to send it via messenger on face book as well. I decree exposure and God directed action in reference to the video movie. LOrd I ask all the brave people that are connected to this video to be protected by war angels and remnant support. LOrd especially work in the state of Michegan to uncover and prosecute the government leaders suppressing this fraud and all swing states as well. Mr Lindell was disgracefully treated on News Max and Lord I know that when the apostles stood up for the truth and were persecuted, you used it mightily to work your purposes. This is not really about Mr Biden or President Trump but about your destiny purposes for the world. I decree there is an unraveling of evil in the world and the third great awakening is here to usher in the biggest harvest of souls in history. Use this movie for your purposes LOrd and I decree your will be done in all of us. Help us to be bold for your purposes. May the intercessor community and the remnant be sharpshooters adnd territorial takers for your divine purposes in the Earth. No King but Jesus. There is an army rising up. Let God arise and his enemies be scattered. LOrd help the church and government to have repentant hearts when needed as you are looking for ones with cleans hands and pure hearts.I humbly state judgement begins in the house of the Lord and root out all spiritual harloty and examin and discipline all of us as needed. LOrd protect Representative Greene from Georgia and her use mightily for you purposes.
Thankfully he is airing Absolute Truth on One America News this weekend Friday and Saturday. God protect him and his family. I understand he is safe in an undisclosed location. We will continue to pray for him and this information. I have already gone to the manager at our local Kohl’s that I will not longer do business with their store. I told them that i have loved shopping at kohls for the past 15 years. All because they jumped into the political game and stoped carrying My Pillow products. I also wrote the upper Management at Kohl’s an email explaining why I will no longer shop their store.
His grace,
Jennifer Hecker
Has his life been threatened??
Very well done. Thank you Mike! Stay strong in the Lord
Vimeo and YouTube have removed his video. Go straight to his Website, America is the greatest exporter of pornography, much through YouTube and other social media (and many other varied methods), yet people are being censored from speaking and writing and watching what they choose as regards truth, Christian stands on social issues, perspectives on politics, etc. May we clearly hear from God and from the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ, as to what to do and what to say and what not to do and what not to say. We seek THEM first and wait upon Them for our next steps. We trust in THEM as They certainly know what is going on!
Go to
to watch the video.
A very enlightening and astounding documentary! Revealing so much evil and fraud…. Only God can sort it out… I’m praying for all involved and that all eyes and ears will be OPENED! thank you Jesus!
I agree will all the comments here. It was like balm to see, for a fact, that Trump WON! How this treachery can have happened in our country is mind boggling. But praise God it is all now revealed… The devil loves the darkness, but now he is out in the light! I’m rejoicing and praising the Lord for all He is doing, all He has done, and all He is going to do! Amen?
We want justice and truth
You may have to install DuckDuckGo as your browser (free and uncensored, I’ve used it for a year). You prolly will have a hard time getting it with most browsers. Big tech is working overtime to get rid of it!
When I click to watch Mike, I can see him but no sound. Perhaps it would be good to put the words on the bottom
It has been removed
Sorry I actually got the right one now. Wow! 🙏🙏🙏
My husband and I watched it on utube before it was removed. I’m not surprised they removed it because it clearly exposed the fraud in great detail. Mike Lindell has made it his mission to fight for truth and show the world what happened in this election. I’m so sick of people saying that President Trump didn’t win the election and accusing him of inciting a riot when he clearly did no such thing. It’s unbelievable that something of this magnitude can happen in America and not one court will hear the evidence! Not to mention censoring the President of the United States! This is the kind of things Hitler did to Germany and look how that turned out. I hope everyone has a chance to see the video and God bless Mike Lindell for exposing the lies of the enemy. I never thought I would live to see this kind of deception in this country, it makes me sick. Let God arise and scatter His enemies and ours! God save America 🇺🇸
Clouthub and Rumble also have the video, I even got an email from the CEO of Clouthub saying his platform will not shut down free speech. I heard the FBI never gave this info to Atty Barr, he may really not have seen the cyber interference.
I have waited for this Proof to be made public
Where is it?
Dominion is suing for 1B.against allegations made about their company. The media narrative is hammered on daily. We Christians are being laughed at and that s alright to.
Many have said their are affidavits, videos etc but without proper procedures in the court system. What difference does it matter among Christians if we have the truth in the matter with videos, Epoch Times etc. If its not proved.
No one will believe.
Time will tell.
I don’t mind being made a “fool for (the cause of) christ” but not man.
Nevertheless, in all our ways acknowledge him, God is Sovereign and “what is done is done in secret shall be revealed” Awaiting the True Exposure.
Awaiting the awakening and for hearts to be changed in man by True Repentance of America to TURN to JESUS and Not a Man or a party.God does not belong to a party he is neither. His word says “he saves those of a broken and contrite spirit”
He is Righteous Just and Holy
For His Kingdom as he said is not of this world. He is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever. Amen
George Washington’s 1777 prophetic vision of the Final Battle for America is NOW: he saw Red Armies from 3 different places in the world converging to take America down. Of course the Angel could not explain a cyber attack in 1777. But the people kept praying and a miraculous intervention would save us. The DOJ, The FBI, they have all been compromised. William Barr sure had me fooled. I am sure even Pres Trump was shocked to discover military heroes like Mattis and Kelly are really globalists and not for America First( which is their job)
His video can be seen on Gab Mike Lindell absolute proof the new u tube. Get off u tube and go to gab.
U tube is the same as Facebook we don’t need either.
We need to as Christians to vote with our dollars. When we use their platforms we support them financially.
Avoid companies that don’t support us. Avoid Starbucks avoid Target avoid Amazon avoid Twitter avoid Facebook avoid u tube.We need to stand strong and hit them in their wallets.
Yes we fight in the spirit but we can also fight in the natural to. Using our combined resources we can make them bend to us.
Let’s wake up children of God and do battle now is the time.
God bless you all
The first three sites I went to had already “scrubbed” this video. Brighteon has several uploads that are still working. [Brighteon was started with the aim of having a ‘safe haven’ for videos that were being hunted down and erased.] But the information and evidence in this 2 hour video is so pertinent and convincing that it will go viral, no matter what. Who would have guessed a Pillow Salesman would deal a crippling blow to the combined forces of the mainstream media and the social media, combined !? They said that about Gideon, too. Praise the Lord !
This link still working 8AM ET
I love your analogy of how God raised up a modern day “Gideon” (Pillow Salesman), “Who would have guessed a Pillow Salesman would deal a crippling blow to the combined forces of the mainstream media and the social media, combined !? They said that about Gideon, too. Praise the Lord!”
I am still weeping… Let us also be willing to be and do whatever the Lord assigns us to be and do. Our God is so faithfully watching and working in all these things. He allowed these delays so the depth of corruption could be exposed, and so the enemy (in the spirit and in the natural) will not mistake His sovereign power when He steps in. May our response to this knowledge be complete obedience to the direction of the precious voice of Jesus, the One who loves us and redeemed us, and gave us freedom. Let us seek Him. God bless America!
Thank you, Frances ! “Obedience to the precious voice of Jesus”. Yes! I love it!
!. “The foundation of God stands sure, having this Seal: The LORD knows those who are His.” II Timothy 2:19 (Remember the most terrible words ever spoken by God to man: (“I NEVER KNEW YOU”… “Depart from me, you cursed ones, into everlasting fire!….” Matthew 7:23 & 25:41) YOU ARE HIS, AND HE KNOWS YOU.
2. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, Who gave them to me, is greater than all, and no one is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand.” John 10:27-29 WHEN JESUS SPEAKS YOU KNOW HIS VOICE, AND YOU FOLLOW HIM. And NO ONE CAN SNATCH YOU AWAY FROM HIS HAND!
Best line I heard this week was from Mario Murillo on Flashpoint, Victory Channel. He said, “Mike will be the first man in history to defeat the devil with a pillow!”
Makes us realize also how much socialism has infiltrated into our USA.
If the last part of this video is Legit, with the IP adresses of Chinese computers and proof of flipped votes, it will be impossible for the fakenews media and the democrats/Globalists to hide! I am watching this closely, and waiting for it to be verified or discredited.Where did Mary Fanning obtain this intel? We should all email the Department of Justice and the FBI and demand a vigorous investigation! If it’s true China OWNS our voting machines and can penetrate their firewalls like Swiss cheese and flip votes, this is a HUGE National Security threat! It’s not a partisan issue. Finally, why should any voting machine ever be connected to the internet? Voting machines should do one simple thing, count votes with integrity! Lord let your light shine on this issue, and may your truth prevail.We say again to you satan, don’t tread on us! Luke 10.19.
Youtube removed his video but it can be seen on
Mike Lindell is a true Jesus lover. He like President Trump answered the call and said YES to the Lord for the good of the nation. May the Lord cause this truth to be as a bullhorn for truth! I was a poll worker November 3rd and saw many irregularities that were clear fraud. The Church must not be silent. This is an Esther moment. Thank God for Mike Lindell. Every Believer should share this video. Proof President Trump won and there were other positions that were targeted. There is Thief in our Whitehouse and he will be evicted in Jesus name.
God is in control. I thank God for courageous Christian men, like Mike Lindell, who stand for God, the unborn children and I have complete faith that God is listening. I am on glorious anticipation as to how God will work in our nation.
Thank you Michael for getting this out at great cost to yourself, your family, and your business. You are a true American patriot!
May God protect you, your family, and your business and shine his light brightly on this uncomfortable truth.
Got a chance to watch it before it was taken down. Wow it showed beyond the shadow of doubt that President Trump won the election! It was posted by a private person in the comment section of The Epoch Times. Which they have had there reporters podcasts blocked too.
And you shall know the TRUTH, and the TRUTH shall make you free.”
John 8:32 💞
Praise You, Lord for this courageous warrior. I pray he, his associates, intercessors and all that are fighting for justice and truth goe forward with Your guidance, strength, and protection.
I pray that the efforts by the media to censor and block this video fail, fail, fail. I pray legions see it here is the US and worldwide.
Praise You, Lord for the landslide of corruption you have and are continuing to expose.
I pray that it becomes more obvious how much the Demonrats are sweating over their fear of getting caught.
Expose it All Lord to Your great satisfaction where even the fakenews gives up the charade.
Let this bring on a new golden era for the US where justice and righteousness prevails above all.
I watched this entire 2 hour video – which everyone needs to do. It presents proof of foreign manipulation and interference in our election. The last 25 minutes of the video present this evidence very clearly, and the first 1.5 hours deal with interference from within our country. Mike Lindell has paid a great personal cost in order to do this, and we should all support him and share this video and pray about what the next steps should be.
Yes. He did a great job and EVERYONE needs to see it. Praise God! Oann is showing again tomorrow and if you search Rumble for “Absolute Truth” it is there.