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I Prayed have prayed
Father, do not let us live in fear. Help us to make no provision for the enemy to attack and give our nation wisdom and discernment.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A leaked video has exposed, the far-left political bias of top Facebook executives.

In a report by Project Veritas on Sunday, the social media giant’s vice president of integrity, Guy Rosen, admitted they spent the last four years building a framework of political censorship. This included a mechanism to freeze comments on posts in order to influence the outcome of the 2020 election.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg apparently expects the Biden administration to cement Big Tech’s monopoly on digital services in America.

“I think these were all important and positive steps, and I’m looking forward to opportunities where Facebook can work together with this new administration on some of their top priorities, ” he stated. “Starting with the COVID response.” . . .

This comes after a recent statement in which GOP Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) warned social media platforms are continuing to work with the radical left in an effort to eliminate political speech they dislike. . . .

Hawley warned this is developing a culture in which individuals are required to voice so-called correct opinions on social media, endorse the so-called right ideas and conform to the radical left’s divisive ideals just to earn a right to live in polite society.

The senator went on to compare America’s emphasis on social media influence with a “social credit system” used in parts of Communist China.  . . .

This either makes or breaks their ability to get a good job, stay at hotels or even be served at restaurants.

Hawley suggested conservatives should not allow political censorship to silence them. Instead, he suggested they should stand up for the right to speak freely, debate openly and address differences without fear of being silenced or punished for dissenting views as these values have been central to American identity for generations.

(Excerpt from One America News Network.  Photo by Dan Kitwood/Getty Images.)

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February 6, 2021

I am 74 years old and have never in my life have seen such as what’s going on in America now. The thought of not having free speech is appalling. The left say whatever they want but we can’t ? We need to stand up , not live in fear, contact State legislators to voice our concern over all the evil going on in Washington DC. Pray and ask God who to vote for in 2 years because our Father sees it all and He will not let America go down the tubes. He’s about to bring justice. This Nation was founded on the principles of God and dedicated to God so He won’t let us be taken down by evil government. Just wait and see what He does. Hold on to your faith while this mess is cleaned up.

February 5, 2021

Lord Jesus, you are our only hope! I pray that the citizens of the United States of America will wake-up to Communist Agendas in our country. That Christians will all be informed and support one another before our freedoms are stolen. And, I pray that every Jewish person will be visited with dreams and vision of Jesus Christ. That they will become Christ followers. I pray this specifically for Mark Zuckerberg. In Yeshua’s name I ask. Amen

February 5, 2021

I love the fact that FB has an Integrity department. Wow, if that isn’t the epitome of hypocrisy.

Anne Faucett
February 5, 2021

May evil be exposed to light. May repentance come at all levels and May those who have planned evil schemes fall into their own pits. May God’s kingdom come and His will be done in His people and those in authority. Amen

Glenn R. Freeman
February 5, 2021

And did you think otherwise?
Phil. 4:19

February 5, 2021

As the leakedvideo shows now, CEO Zuckerberg was outright lying under oath to the US government committees when he previously testified. In addition, most Dems and possibly some Republicans knew full well that his evasive or veiled answers were lies during questioning… which in turn, makes them accountable for their lack of action for willful compliance in not revealing this information to the public.
As Christians, we should continue to NOT use FB or any SocMed sites that censor our 1st amendment content /speech/etc. Remember that everytime you use FB, you allow them to glean information from you – which means you support them without your direct consent. They make millions from gleaned information.
We can try and justify the use of FB for whatever “good” reason you can think of but in doing so, we continue to support an untouchable massive corporation that is dedicated to the abolishment of your Constitutional rights. They helped ensure a fraud election by the admission on the video.
So where will our conviction be? Support FB for our convenience or will we act to break up their monopoly? What are we doing with our federal, state & local government to remove Section 230 protection from FB, Twitter, etc.? Follow the state of FL lead and push your state reps to heavily fine these multi billion dollar tech corporations who are trashing your freedoms while stealing elections. FB or other SocMed corporations DO NOT care about you. They don’t care about the Constitution. They care about power, control and money. That should penetrate our conviction on what we should be doing.
Most certainly pray for Zuckerberg but take action too. His stranglehold on elections will not go away through “inaction” from us.

    February 5, 2021

    Amen. Stopped using FB months ago when we saw that BLM and Antifa protests were being used and manipulated by the left for their narrative.

    Many Democrats( including Kamala Harris, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi)applauded the BLM protests and violence this summer. Where is the outrage regarding there true and REAL incitement of violence? Such obnoxious hypocrisy.

    Regardless, I stand in agreement with your comments. We must do EVERYTHING we possibly can turn from evil and stop feeding the beast.

    By the way OANN hosted Mike Lindell’s special today called ABSOLUTE PROOF, a compelling Documentary on the 2020 stolen election. It has a lot of new information that hasn’t come out before hand. The left is going nuts over it’s release. It’s easy to tell they are freaking out over the truth getting out. YouTube took it down within hours of it’s release, but you can search for it on Rumble or it will be replaying on OANN tomorrow.

    God Bless you and your household.

      February 6, 2021

      I watched portions of it yesterday. They can try to take it down but truth will find a way out. Praying continually to take these strongholds down and that falsehoods get consistently exposed. God bless.

    February 6, 2021

    I agree with everything you say. I have no FB. I know that some churches use social media to get the message out. It seems to me it is good to have the Presence of God on these platforms. I know one church parks itself near a porno site so people can make a choice whether they go to church or not, and apparently they have salvations. So I think this is a dilemma. You need to get the Word out. I pray for a solution that the Word comes in like a flood to anyone anywhere listening or watching.and that they get saved with the love of God surrounding them to spread to others. In the name of Jesus, AMEN.

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