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Lord, we pray for those who have been affected by COVID-19 and the vaccine. It says in your word that you are near the broken-hearted. Would you come so near, and would you give wisdom to the leaders in charge of the vaccine to give answers on why this is happening.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Data released recently by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed over 9,000 reports of deaths for all age groups in the US from the COVID vaccines. The latest numbers show an increase of more than 2,000 compared with the previous week. The data comes directly from reports submitted to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

VAERS, the CDC’s primary mechanism in the U.S. for reporting adverse vaccine reactions, historically only reports 1% of the total actual adverse events according to a Harvard study. Reports to the system come from medical professionals regarding patients, and most are failed to be reported for various reasons.

Some experts say that if VAERS only reports approximately 1% of the total adverse events from vaccines, the high number of adverse reactions already reported to VAERS by healthcare professionals could possibly be much higher.

The newest data show that between Dec. 14, 2020, and May 28, a total of 438,441 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 9,048 deaths.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) held an emergency meeting on June 18 to discuss reports of heart inflammation in youths after doses of COVID-19 vaccine.

The official reporting from VAERS shows more than 1,200 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis in people under 30, but experts say the same flaw Harvard found with the VAERS data overall exists in those numbers as well.

Following the meeting, a CDC safety group concluded that there’s an association between a heart inflammatory condition in adolescents and young adults after they’ve received their second Covid-19 vaccine shot.

Coronavirus vaccines may be widely available by the fall for U.S. children as young as 6 months, drugmakers say. Some schools may move to mandate the vaccines for children to be able to return to classes without masks. . . .

The latest data shows the vaccines have very low efficacy against the new Delta variant of coronavirus and an even lower efficacy against the Lambda variant.

Around 90% of the people in the UK and Israel are contracting the Delta variant of the virus. Around 50% of those people have been fully vaccinated with the new MRNA technology.

Pfizer announced Thursday that it will seek FDA authorization for a booster shot of its COVID-19 vaccine as the company acknowledges its two-dose vaccine has shown waning effectiveness against variants.

According to doctors, the Delta variant’s symptoms are much milder. Dr. David Priest, an infectious disease specialist with Novant Health, said while the loss of taste and smell was the most telltale sign of the coronavirus throughout the pandemic, many getting sick with delta present with more mild symptoms, like a runny nose or sore throat.

The symptoms closely resemble the common cold or hay fever.

According to the first-quarter results published by Pfizer this week, its coronavirus jab has reaped revenues of $3.5bn for the biopharma giant in the first three months of 2021.

The financial results also revealed that Pfizer has vastly exceeded its Covid-19 vaccine sales forecast of $15bn, and now expects the jab to bring in $26bn of revenue in 2021 – an increase of 73% on previously anticipated figures.

What are your thoughts on the rise of deaths in regards to the COVID vaccine? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below! SHARE NOW.

(Excerpt from Dailyveracity. Article written by Dailyveracity Staff. Photo by UnSplash)

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Sheila A Reynolds
July 15, 2021

I don’t trust ONE “report” that comes from the CDC.
God Almighty will be bringing ALL the truth to LIGHT!!
He will expose the people and the motive behind this evil plot that has affected the whole world.

Amy Herl
July 15, 2021

I value IFA and the information they share, but this article is garbage. They provide the total number of ” vaccine deaths ” reported on VARES but that system is used to report adverse effects for all vaccines, not just the covid vaccines. Also, these are just raw numbers, there’s no conclusion that there was not another underlying issue that may have contributed to the adverse effects / deaths reported. That kind of information is important to share when posting such concerning articles as this one. There is so much misinformation on the vaccine and it doesn’t help when this kind of information is posted without some sort of qualifying data as I suggested above. I do continue to pray for God to reveal the truth as to whether these vaccines are safe or not, but the truth is that most people have made up their mind without having the benefit of a reasonable objective information to go off of.

Nancy J. Davis
July 15, 2021

The media publishes covid deaths, but not vaccine deaths, as they profit from vaccines.
I keep my immune system strong with vitamin C,D, and zinc. I eat healthy so have no fear of getting covid .Also children have a minimal risk of covid so should not be vaccinated. Budesonide helps greatly with those who get covid. May God help us as we search for the truth about the harmful effects of the vaccine.

July 15, 2021

Lord God,

Give us wisdom! Grow our faith and dispel all fear! You are greater! We put our trust in You! In Jesus Name I pray!

Laura K
July 15, 2021

I refuse to be affected by and stand against all this scaremongering no matter the source of information. My God is bigger than this virus.

I absolutely will NOT be getting this or any other vaccine. If others do so then that is their choice but as for me I will serve the Lord and not bow down to the idol of vaccine.

Lord I pray you will preserve us from all evil, deceitful governmental and big pharma actions. Speak to our hearts Lord and let Your truth prevail in Jesus name.

Gary Troidl
July 15, 2021

Baloney. The figure of 9000 deaths was from a Facebook video made by an unamed source who claimed every death reported to CDC’s VAERS was caused by the vaccine. CDC says the claim is not true. The article is from Daily Vetracity which appears to have no standing in the world of journalism.

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