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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, please stop H.R. 1. Please preserve righteous election laws and please preserve our Republic.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Right now the Rules Committee in the Senate is meeting, moving forward on passing H.R. 1, which will disastrously federalize election processes. In fact, they are looking for a way to pass this legislation that will:

  • Allow convicted felons to vote
  • Take away voter ID requirements
  • Federalize our elections laws
  • Remove the FEC’s bipartisan oversight
  • Spend public money on politician’s campaigns
  • And so much more

Judy, we are asking you to take a moment right now and PRAY about this Committee meeting, and the fate of this bill in the Senate. Then, send a message to your elected official about H.R. 1 and your concerns. Click HERE to send.

More than ever our voice must be heard, and our prayers must be unceasing. Our country needs active intercessors right now. Thanks for joining with thousands of other intercessors to make a difference!

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Meg Welker
May 12, 2021

Father God, I take large portions of this prayer from Jami R’s 2/18/21 article “Prayer for Wicked & Evil Politicians” –
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name. Father , Your Word says to enter into Your gates with thanksgiving, and into Your courts with praise. Therefore, Father, we thank You that You alone sit above the circle of the earth as the Judge and Redeemer of mankind and of nations. You alone are great and fair and wise and just, and You hear every righteous prayer. We praise You for that, Father God. We praise You for who You are, and we thank You that You can be depended upon.

Father, we lift our voices and cry to You right now for Your help and justice in America.

We ask You, Father are any unrighteous politicians in the U.S. Senate & especially the Rules Committee who have an open heart to receive Jesus as Lord over their life, we ask You to save them:

Wake up their consciences to see the horrors of every sin they are involved in or perpetuating. Convict them of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Show them Jesus so clearly that they cannot deny He exists. Let them have a holy terror when they see Jesus. Reinforce to them that judgment is coming if they are not clothed in the white robes of righteousness, washed and forgiven by Your grace through the blood of Jesus Christ.
Let them experience a holy horror at what they have done and are doing. Grant them a deep, heart-felt, gut-level, transformational REPENTANCE, and turn them around to go after the righteousness of Christ.
Help them then to make right everything they have done that was wrong. But Father God, for those wicked and evil politicians who have given themselves over to a degenerate mind—those who have rejected You for the last time, who have no conscience left and for whom there is no hope of salvation—for these, Father, we ask:

Expose them.

Let Your light shine in the darkest places, and do not allow them to hide what they have done any more. Let truth-telling witnesses and truth-telling whistleblowers come forward, and let them tell their stories at the right places, to the right people, at the right time. Let there be no more coverups any more, Father! Expose the unfruitful works of darkness, and let the American people be outraged! Cause Your People as well as “Walk Away Campaign” citizens to give outcry to every person in leadership & media outlets related to these evil & corrupt politicians & their evil ways. And may they continue to cry out in horror & demand justice. Let every person surrounding these wicked and evil politicians decide to keep no company with evil and divisive men; let the wicked person be found alone and without any help that would perpetuate his or her wickedness.

Hinder them.
Hinder and prevent them from carrying out any more evil. Bind their hands from doing any evil. Remove their resources; transfer those resources into the hands of the righteous. Let confusion and chaos enter the camp of the enemy, but let righteous order and victory be found in the camp of the Lord. Let the wicked turn upon themselves, as they did so many times in Scripture when YOU intervened on the day of battle.

Bring them to justice.
As the great Judge of the earth, Father, we ask You to force the correct law enforcement departments to get involved in each situation and case, according to Your will. Let all truthful, reliable, solid evidence be considered admissible to court—but let zero evidence be admitted to any court anywhere that is doctored, false, or fabricated in any way. And we pray that at each step of the justice system, that Righteousness would oversee the process without any interference from Greed, Favoritism, Cronyism. Protect Justice officials (law enforcement, prosecutors, judges) & their families from undue pressure & threats. But, Lord, bring these US Senators in the Rules Committee, in the larger Body & their support staff to justice, Your Justice.

Father, Psalm 109:8 says, “Let his days [in office] be few, and let another take his office.” We pray every one of these US Senators that does not bow their knee to Jesus… that their days IN OFFICE be few. Father, You have ways to bring the wicked to justice—and we ask You to do it. We ask that, STARTING RIGHT NOW, the countdowns would begin and the clocks would begin to tick if they haven’t already—and that whether Left or Right, wicked politicians would be exposed and removed from office forever.

Father God we pray this prayer for Senate Rules Committee members:
US Sen Amy Klobuchar (MN)
US Sen Dianne Feinstein (CA)
US Sen Charles Schumer (NY)
US Sen Mark Warner (VA)
US Sen Patrick Leahy (VT)
US Sen Angus King (ME)
US Sen Jeff Merkley (OR)
US Sen Alex Padilla (CA)
US Sen Jon Ossof (GA)
US Sen Roy Blunt (MO)
US Sen Mitch McConnell (KY)
US Sen Richard Shelby (AL)
US Sen Ted Cruz (TX)
US Sen Shelley Moore Capito (WV)
US Sen Roger Wicker (MS)
US Sen Deb Fischer (NE)
US Sen Cindy Hyde-Smith (MS)
US Sen Bill Hagerty (TN)

May 11, 2021

Lord, it is only by your mighty hand that this bill can be thwarted. Please forgive us for having gone astray and sinning against you by turning our backs on you. We plead for mercy and forgiveness. Had we worshiped you instead of Government we would not be in this mess today. We know we do not deserve your grace. If it be your will please hear our pleas and not allow this bill to pass. In the righteous name of Jesus.

Nancy Bryda
May 11, 2021

I say no to this bill. Partisan politics is bound and I loose a holy ghost conviction to vote for the will of the people. I am asking Abba Father to loose warring angels to bring a holy ghost conviction on the Sen anators and to prick their hearts. I declare and decree many moderate and conservative democrats will break rank and vote no because in their hearts they know this is an evil bill and is a power grab strategy. I bind that spirit of control and greed and loose humility and righteousness over the Senate and the Senators. Holy Spirit hover and convict people with impure motives to turn and shift to vote what is good for the people. I decree null and void to this bill. No weapon formed against integrety voting will prosper. I decree a unified agreement of no against this bill. This bill is bound in Jesus Christ’s name and I decree justice and for a passionate fight against this bill.

May 11, 2021

We declare God rules over every heart right now demonic strongholds are bound, senate members hearts and minds are set free from deception. God’s will and destiny for USA prevails. We shall have state rights, voter integrity, voter ID, no criminals, minors or illegals voting. No mass mail voting. In Jesus’ name we decree.

May 11, 2021

Give thanks to the LORD, for His steadfast love endures forever!


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