I Prayed have prayed
Father, You love Israel - it is the apple of your eye. We pray for the best for Israel and no less. Protect those who have your heart for Israel and empower them in their actions.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The media coverage of what’s happening in Israel is unfortunately unreliable, with bias coming through “news” reports. We bring you these perspectives from trusted sources for your prayer and consideration.

From Ben Shapiro, Daily Signal on Twitter, July 24, 2023:

The current Israeli government had to pass the judicial reform. It is INCREDIBLY mild: it merely says that the judiciary cannot simply declare a law “unconstitutional” in a land with no written constitution on the basis of it being “unreasonable.”

Imagine the Supreme Court in the United States routinely striking down popularly-passed legislation without citing anything but their own view of whether such legislation is “reasonable.” No legal arguments, no citations of a written text, no authority. Nothing. That’s the situation currently.

If the elected government stops its policy because reservists say they won’t volunteer if it passes and financial and union powers say, they will help shut down the economy, they will incentivize endless societal shutdowns. The same means of anti-democratic shutdown will be used on all future legislation and all future governments that aren’t in line with such protesters, endangering Israel’s economy and security. . . .

Israel will not collapse. It will not break into civil war. It will continue to be a fractious and chaotic country filled with highly-opinionated people who fight with each other, and then share arak and chamin and cholent and falafel.

From Amir Tsarfati of Behold Israel, Sunday, July 23, 2023:

What I am about to write now is serious and must be taken as such:

The Israeli government and parliament in the next 48 hours will either show that our democracy is stronger that this or maybe this is the end of it.
While the internal political chaos intensifies the enemies from outside are preparing themselves for the right moment to attack.
Israel is at the most dangerous situation since it was established in 1948.
The next three days are critical for Israel, pray that the worst does not happen, and we are attacked from several fronts at the same time.

Note: We are in the last few days on the Jewish calendar known as “Between the Straits” – a period of mourning commemorating the destruction of the first and second Jewish temples. . . .

The President of Israel is now meeting with the Prime Minister for an urgent meeting as part of his efforts to reach an agreement between the parties.

The President: “This is a time of emergency. We must reach an agreement.’ . . .

The Knesset just approved the first bill of the judicial reform. The members of the opposition left the plenary floor prior to the final vote thus the bill had no registered opposition and passed 64-0. . . .

In the past 30 years under the leadership of justice Aharon Barak and his successors the Supreme Court began to assume more power than it had and began to actively turn Israel into a progressive liberal country. They packed the court houses with their own kind and controlled the committee that appoints judges. They ruled the judicial system in ways that made no sense and definitely hurt the conservatives that systematically were not receiving a fair trial.
International business was staying away from Israel due to the unpredictable way the court looked and legal documents and contracts. The ideas of “reasonableness” became their new way to throw away laws, nominations, and other government related work. They didn’t interpret the law. They cancelled it and looked at it only through the lens of – “is it reasonable?”. Well, obviously what’s reasonable for a liberal isn’t reasonable for a conservative and what’s reasonable for a conservative isn’t reasonable for liberals. That’s why a fair share of both sides was required. But it wasn’t possible as they wouldn’t allow anyone else into their ranks.
Today, the coalition began to fix a damage of the last 30 years. Today’s vote isn’t about turning Israel into a dictatorship but rather to bring Israel back to what it was 30 years ago – a vibrant democracy where all people are represented and heard by their judicial system.
The liberal left built this fortress and it’s now trying to protect itself at all costs. Even at the cost of destroying the only thing that kept us united – our military.
For a few years now the left is recruiting former commanders and officers to give their efforts to topple Netanyahu and his government a flavor of a military uprise. They were sure that this time the government won’t stand the pressure if the stakes are too high, and the security of Israel is jeopardized.
Today, Israel proved to our middle eastern neighborhood that we are not a military junta that lets generals and power-hungry military personal assume the power of a democratically elected government.

(First-hand testimony from Amir Tsarfati, on Telegram. Photo: IFA)

How are you praying for Israel today? Share in the comments below.

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Dorothea Coleman
July 26, 2023

There is such a love in my heart for Israel. I pray for Israel almost every day.
Thank you for the resource you made available.

Heather M Peterson
July 25, 2023

Our Father, in Heaven, Holy is Your Name. We will be still and remember now how You are Sovereign over all nations and You keep Your people as the apple of Your Eye. We have seen how You allowed us to be scattered in times of great evil when we turned away from You and how You long to gather us all to Yourself if only we will turn away from our sins and return to You through Jesus Christ Messiah. I pray this, Father, that there is a great Return. That a great outpouring of the Spirit turns hearts back to You, that many receive Revelation and are blessed, that Wisdom and Glory rest on Your people as they worship You in Spirit and Truth. I pray for Your will to be done in these circumstances and that we would be given Wisdom and Understanding for the Times that we are in. Thank You Father for all of this that we ask in Jesus Messiah’s Name. Amen.

July 25, 2023

Almighty God, Maker of heaven and earth, the only sovereign Lord of all and faithful judge of the living and the dead, we beseech you on behalf of the nation of Israel to make yourself known in the midst of this crisis, even among those who reject you. We are admonished to pray of the peace of Jerusalem, so we continue to do that. We also acknowledge that with men things are impossible, but with God all things are impossible. You have revealed your hand of power and grace in the history of modern Israel, allowing it to continue to exist and even prosper in the midst of many enemies. You have literally saved Israel from destruction numerous times. We praise you and stand in awe of your mercies in these things, because they are not deserved but given out of your abundance patience and love. I pray that in this day of crisis your people around the world, and especially in Israel itself, humble themselves and pray, and seek your face and turn from their wicked ways, so that you will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. Without your intervention the immediate circumstances seem to be leading to chaos and defeat. In the name of Jesus Christ, and by the authority invested in Him, Lord of Lord and King of Kings, we declare defeat for those caught up in wickedness and godless plans for the purposes of destruction. Satan was defeated at the Cross,. His authority has been nullified on the Cross! He can only lie and deceive and whisper fear into hearts. We declare this truth today. May all mouths be stopped and all people be humbled through the power of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Deliver, Lord, that you alone will be glorified and honored among all peoples, especially the inhabitants of Israel. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen!

    July 25, 2023

    With God all things ARE possible. Father, Your will be done. Amen.

Pam Zook
July 24, 2023

We pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Let our prayers be as mighty walls as a cover against her enemies. Lead the hearts of the leaders and judges like a river where You would have them go Lord.

Priscilla Meyenburg
July 24, 2023

The Key to confidence: Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.” 1 John 3:21:22
Father God we lift up our Heavenly Father’s promise to Israel, where it has been repeated many times (82) in fact, God does not make promises to break them. God we’ve seen the years of stripe, the fighting, the lies, the destruction. God swore” to give the land to Israel’s forefathers and their descendants. so why should things change just because a leftists group has reigned for 30 years. But, God promised and the prophets words declared Netanyahu Would be back in power. God we pray for security on Israel and Over Netanyahu while he is recovering from surgery, give Him a quick recovery with renewed strength. A prophetic words was given on April, 16-2023 by Hank Kunneman- I want to share— “ Many are they that rise up against you, Israel,. Many say you will be no more. Yet, I laugh says the Spirit of God. “ Israel, you are the apple of My Eyes” says the living God.. “ I shall rise up once again, and I will bring great Fear to those who rise up against thee., O Israel! “ God will not allow ! “ We pray Your blessings on those who are praying.. We pray that You bless them (Israel) spiritually, physically, and financially. We pray that You bless their families and all their possessions. We pray that strength and encouragement be given them, and for unity as they work together. We also ask for hearing ears, in order to hear clearly what Holy Spirit leads them to do. We pronounce blessings over them! We pronounce favor over them! We pronounce health and healing over them! We pronounce abundance over them!” Be encouraged as the living God is overturning and abolishing Hells agenda. “ Israel will not collapse” God we declare in the name of Jesus that no harm Will attack Israel! Or Netanyahu I pray that the people eyes will be opened and their spirits will be stirred, that they lift voices toward their Heavenly Father and realize the goodness of God. I pray that these words will Bring the nations together. I know God will protect, he hears our prayers. I speak peace and Gods presence in this time of chaos. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️✝️ 🇮🇱🇺🇸Holy Spirit thank you for speaking and directing.

July 24, 2023

If Amir says Israel will not fall,..and just continue to kibitz at each other., as far as I know Amir is about the foremost authority on Israel. I have prayed a long time for Israel, almost daily,.. those prayers are part of my daily prayers..a simple prayer of “blessing your people Israel”.

Lord, I lift up Netanyahu-, that his heart is completely restored and all infirmity healed in his body. I pray that this complicated history ,government ,and the apple of your eye nation will turn to You in unity ,and be blessed with resolution and peace. Please allow Lord that those in rebellion are brought to repentance.
May all of Israel be restored to blessed peace.
In Jesus mighty Name, Amen

Mary Ann Canfijn
July 24, 2023

Oh God! Your promises to Israel continue to stand. In Your mercy, may many Jewish
people be reached with the Gospel of Your Son, their Savior, and ours.

Dewayne Deel
July 24, 2023

Praying for Israel from the news it is experiencing some difficult times. Father in heaven, we pray for a quick recovery in Israel. Deliver Israel from threats and harm. May the Holy Spirit touch everyone, teaching us the path to righteousness. Glory to God! Amen!

Erin Songco
July 24, 2023

LORD, We thank you that nothing surprises you. YOU are not moved by the division within the family feud that a house divided against itself will fall….BUT JESUS! We praise YOU LORD for your wonderful ways! You bring PEACE! YOU will have ISRAEL as YOUR OWN! YOU are jealous for your people, for mount ZION! LORD turn Hearts to the FEAR OF THE LORD. To LIVE BY YOUR WORD! To under and thirst for YOUR righteousness. You bind hearts together and become the center praise in ISRAEL’s government. That they bow their knees together to YOUR Radiance, YOUR Grace, YOUR Mercy, YOUR Throne, YOUR LOVE, YOUR Holiness. We are thank you that Angel Michael and his armies fights the chaos, confusion, and protects Israel. We pray that YOUR people will humble themselves, seek YOUR FACE, turn from their sins and HEAL YOUR LAND, LORD! HEAL ISRAEL! WE SING THE PRAISE OF YESHUA OVER ISREAL! YOU WILL HAVE YOUR GLORY IN ISREAL! We speak it done even right NOW! IN JESUS NAME! SO BE IT! AMEN!

David Cathers
July 24, 2023

FATHER in Heaven please protect and safeguard Israel and your chosen people from all threats and THY WILL be done!!! Please protect them from all evil!!!

July 24, 2023

John 11:46 But some of them went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done.
John 12.10 So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well,
DADDDEEEE! Lay siege against the corrupt institutions in Israel and America! Lay siege against the White House and all Capitol Buildings where Your name is rejected. Loose Your angels! Let them have their swords drawn and let them lay waste entire armies of our spiritual enemies, however that looks to You.
2 Kings 19:35 That night the angel of the Lord went out and put to death a hundred and eighty-five thousand in the Assyrian camp. When the people got up the next morning—there were all the dead bodies!

Joyce Howard
July 24, 2023

Adonai, Elohim, The Lord God of Israel, May your people call upon your mighty name, and that you would make yourself known to the enemies of your people, Israel and around the world. Lord, I ask that you give ears for the wise to hear and eyes to see the wickedness that besets in the house. Lord, your powerful right arm is needed to lead them and protect them in these perilous times. Lord, cover them, shelter them and lead them through this valley, you have been their strength and might in the battles. The battle is not yours Israel, but it is God’s, and we call upon you El Shaddai our great defender. Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem, and all of Israel. PS 37 In the powerful name of Yeshua!

Roger Collier
July 24, 2023

Father in the name of Jesus we know that You got this you always have had it you said in Zechariah 4:6 “it’s not by might nor by power but by MY Spirit said the Lord”! Meaning we are never in control there is nothing done that you do not allow for Your will will be Done! Thank You FATHER for all You do! Amen.

July 24, 2023

May the peace of God be with Israel.

As we pray for Israel, let us also pray “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as in Heaven.”


July 24, 2023

It took about 10 seconds to find this March 22 article that clearly refutes your claim — Israeli leader halts bill against Christian proselytizing.
JERUSALEM (AP) — “Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday said he would prevent the passage of a proposal by a powerful ally in his governing coalition to punish Christian proselytizing with jail time.

I pray that anyone agreeing with Brad’s message will read this and more so that you don’t pass along false information. Nevertheless, Christians listen to the word of God, “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:43-44). That goes for all people including the leaders of all nations as well as our own, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” – 1 Timothy 2:1-2

As we pray for Israel, let us also pray “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.”

Apostle Tarrance Darmon Austin Sr(TerryAustin) & Joslyn Burke-Austin
July 24, 2023

I continue to Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Those that bless Israel shall be blessed. Those that curse Israel shall be cursed. I pray Psalms 91 over Israel and all of Jerusalem.

Patty Holtke
July 24, 2023

Father God, during this very worrisome time, with PM Netanyahu having surgery to install a pacemaker, please place a hedge of protection around Israel and protect her from nefarious enemies. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen

July 24, 2023

Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for Israel today and will continue to. We pray for healing
of Prime Minister Netanyahu and his goverment (for protection and peace). We speak blessing over that Nation. Amen!

Anna Lovato
July 24, 2023

Father, I pray that the spirit of deception will lose its power; that the truth of your Word would be seen and heard around the world; that you will protect your people and that your will prevails each day of these last days. Amen

July 24, 2023

I thought all that started with our very own “Barak”. His VP, Biden is finishing the job. I’m disappointed to hear a large part of the Jewish community supports Biden, but I’m not sure I believe that.

Audrey Buss
July 24, 2023

Anti-Semitism is ugly, and it is certainly not welcome here. Pray for forgiveness for the hatred in your heart.

Kathi Winter
July 24, 2023

i stand in agreement with our brothers and sisters in Israel and in the US that Israel is a strong democracy and will not fail. That this call to prayer will be heard by thousands of people who love and admire all that Israel stands for. I ask for God’s protection over this country and the leadership and I pray for the health of Benjamin Netanyahu. Thank you Lord for answering this prayer.

Wendell Owens
July 24, 2023

Brad,you are one sick puppy and do not know your scriptures. Prayers going up for you.

Wendell Owens
July 24, 2023

The Lord Jehovah is the true ruler of Israel and the World. He will not suffer His people to be enslaved once again by demonic forces,,,,,, He will deliver Israel from all attacks and they will flourish. This is the Word of God and it cannot be refuted…. Amen

Esther Wylie
July 24, 2023

Father thank you for Israel. I asked you to move for Israel’s leaders and give them wisdom from you. Bless Benjamin Netanyahu, and heal his heart. Father let the nation of Israel have victory over its enemies. Let hearts hunger to know You an worship Yashua as Messiah. Bless the IDF soldiers. Give ministry’s wisdom as they share the gospel in love. Let your servants love shine brightly in the midst of sin and deception. Let the nation of Israel find Yashua as Lord. We ask this humbly in the name Yashua my Messiah. Amen

July 24, 2023

Lord I pray that what the enemy has in mind against Israeli will come to not. That what ever they try will be turned around against them. That confusion would overtake them. I pray for a mighty tilde wave of light to blind them.
I bless the Holy mighty name of our God Jesus


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