What Does ‘Geoengineering’ Entail?
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What Does ‘Geoengineering’ Entail?
This article argues that “geoengineering,” touted as the cure for climate change, is actually destroying the climate. What do you think?
In the video above, U.S. presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. interviews Dane Wigington, founder of GeoengineeringWatch.org, about climate engineering and its hidden role in climate change. Wigington also produced the documentary “The Dimming.”
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While Wigington has tried to raise awareness about the reality of climate engineering for the last two decades, his work is now gaining traction after the White House announced it’s backing a plan to block sunlight in a climate engineering effort.
White House Considers Measure to Block Sunlight
As reported by the Daily Mail, July 1, 2023:
“The White House has opened the door to an audacious plan to block sunlight from hitting the surface of the Earth in a bid to halt global warming.
Despite some scientists warning the effort could have untold side effects from altering the chemical makeup of the atmosphere, President Joe Biden’s administration has admitted they’re open to the idea, which has never been attempted before. …
Supercomputer to Determine Effects
According to Scientific American, a supercomputer called Derecho will help climate scientists decide whether to block the sun:
“A new supercomputer for climate research will help scientists study the effects of solar geoengineering, a controversial idea for cooling the planet by redirecting the sun’s rays.
The machine, named Derecho, began operating this month at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and will allow scientists to run more detailed weather models for research on solar geoengineering, said Kristen Rasmussen, a climate scientist at Colorado State University who is studying how human-made aerosols, which can be used to deflect sunlight, could affect rainfall patterns. …
Geoengineering Is the Biggest Contributor to Climate Change
According to Wigington, there’s plenty of evidence showing that geoengineering projects of various kinds are already having severe impacts on weather patterns, our ability to grow food, biodiversity and human health.
Intentional geoengineering — including solar dimming — has been going on for more than 70 years and has exponentially expanded in more recent years. A geoengineering map, created by the ETC Group and the Heinrich Boell Foundation, shows how geoengineering projects have expanded from some 300 in 2012, to more than 1,700 in 2023.
This includes carbon capture/removal, solar radiation reduction and a variety of weather modification projects worldwide. Not surprisingly, Bill Gates has been funding geoengineering for a long time. …
As noted by Wigington, the globalist power structures that now claim we need to use geoengineering to solve climate change were the ones responsible for creating that climate change in the first place with their geoengineering. According to Wigington, the state of our global climate is “even worse than we’re being told,” and climate engineering is “fueling that process.”
In other words, the globalist cabal is trying to convince us that the cause of the problem is the solution, all while pinning the blame for climate change on regular people who drive cars to work and eat meat.
Are Chemtrails Real?
One geoengineering technique used across the world involves the dispersion of chemicals and metals into the atmosphere, a practice colloquially referred to as chemtrailing. …
The persistent lines you see in the sky that very slowly disperse, creating a muddy, hazy “film” across the entire sky are NOT condensation trails. They are particulate trails, or “chemtrails.” The particles dispersed in the air column are further manipulated via radio frequency transmissions. …
What Are They Spraying Into the Atmosphere?
One of the key ingredients in these particulate trails is nanosized aluminum, which is neurotoxic to animals and humans. Aluminum also kills the root systems of plants and trees, as well as the soil microbiome. It also alters soil pH, which makes it harder for some crops to grow. One of the reasons aluminum is used is because it has high reflectivity, so sunlight bounces off it. …
We Face Abrupt Climate Collapse
According to Wigington, what we face is far worse than climate change. Due to the geoengineering already conducted, what we’re facing is an abrupt climate collapse, due to the many feedback mechanisms triggered. The particulates dispersed during these geoengineering events “shred” the ozone layer. As a result, UV-C rays are now hitting the surface of the planet.
Other ramifications of geoengineering that are currently observable also include global dimming (chemtrails reduce solar radiation by 80% to 90%), global stilling (reduced wind flow), a reduction in precipitation and protracted droughts, a 90% reduction in plankton, and toxic geoengineering elements being found on the ground and in rainwater. …
Is combating global warming really the endgame, or is that just a convenient cover story for a far more reckless goal? And if so, what might that goal be? …
To learn more about weather modification and geoengineering, check out GeoengineeringWatch.org. It has a wealth of information, shareable resources, patents and documents relating to geoengineering programs. …
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(Excerpt from Mercola. Photo Credit: Gabriela Natiello on Unsplash)
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Look up chemtrails and look at the chemicals involved…VERY SCAREY!!! We are being poisoned to death! I plead the blood of Jesus on us, that we will be spared the effects of this evil plot!!
I was watching my granddaughter who is 18 mo old. We were in the back yard and She suddenly stopped in her tracks and refused to move. She began pointing at the sky. I looked up and saw a very large chem trail in the sky. I told her to come to me but she would not and kept looking up at the sky and would not even take a step. I went to get her and hold her. She pointed and waved her hand at the trail in the sky as if to wave it away. And she was fussing at it, very upset. So we prayed. I asked God to protect all of us and our homes and our gardens and chickens. I pleaded for the blood of Jesus to protect us from the evil intent of the chem trail. God is moving. God is speaking even through little children.
It is so arrogant for the climate changers to think they can control the weather better than God. Furthermore, they do not know exactly what the result will be. There are always worse unintended consequences than expected. People ar breathing on the particulates that are dispersed. That lowers the health of people.
There IS global warming, and yes, the issue has been captured to further an ungodly cabal’s efforts to control the world, conspiratorial as that may sound. The idea of blocking the sun is ridiculous and more likely to lead to harm than good. Remedies for global warming, or climate change if you will, are things such as reforestation, regenerative agriculture, conserving instead of wasting energy, less drilling, especially in fragile ecosystems, and use of such natural means as passive energy. We need to go with what God has provided, not what an arrogant mankind has tried to create. Letting a machine make a vital decision is comparable to the end of mankind and the rule of machines. We have made machines as servants; they must not become the masters. God is the master, and humans have responsibility for their decisions. Please, let us respect and learn from the Nature God created.
FATHER,in the name of Jesus, we override these satanic efforts and boldly declare your word which says: Genesis 8:22 As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.”
Thank you that your word says you honor your word above your name. We need not fear these crazy inventiors and inventions or those who decide to play god with them.
On the name and authority won and given to us by Jesus Christ, we thank We thank you for hearing and answering our prayers on this matter.
We can only hope and pray that these attempts to play God will be limited to transient effects. How arrogant these manipulators are, to ignore the incredible complexity of the system that our Creator put into place – and holds together – for our explicit benefit.
Horrifying, but not surprising. The definition of “derecho”, the name of the computer, according to Miriam Webster is “a large fast-moving complex of thunderstorms with powerful straight-line winds that cause widespread destruction.” Notice those last two words. I think they are very significant and prophetic. God has to intervene to save a remnant of mankind, just as He did at the Flood. All a sign of the end times. Come, Lord Jesus!
I watch everyday just what everyone here is talking about and it’s destroying everyone’s life and our planet too . Jesus has a great plan for us to go through many trials and we do and on the other hand Jesus has a plan for these evil ones and the devils they worship . Let us give prayer for Jesus to give us all a greater and better world today for all and as I know when we call upon Jesus in prayer he does answer us and sometimes Jesus does so when we aren’t watching .
God Bless All and our planet he gave us , Amen.
I’m glad that people are waking up to this issue. However as for me what sort of shocks me the most is even though I’ve been aware of the Chem Trails every since 2020 but this video has evidence that shows proof that not only has this been happening for decades but also the geoenginaring is not just about dimming or blocking the sun but also about manipulating weather and weather patterns as well as effecting the environment. The climate scare is only being enhanced by all this geoenginearing.
When I first started noticing the chem trails I was telling my in laws about it they did not really seem interested but I think they’re just sticking their head in the sand like an ostrich who is scared and just rather not know about a lot of what’s going on around them.
I am very greatful that RFK JR is open minded and seems to have awoken or maybe just has had enough of the state of our country and the current state of the dieing Democratic Party which to me seems to be leaning more and more towards Marxism and Communism. Much like how in 2016 when Trump ran he was not particularly happy with the state of our country or not really sure about his thoughts necessarily on the Republican Party but as a Washington DC as whole but that Trump has always had a mission to expose the Establishment Swamp and get rid of the Corrupt officials in our Government. I am encouraged by RFK Jr for his stance as of late and his courage as he’s running for Democratic Presidential nominee as well as he’s been very vocal about what’s been going on Big Tech, Big Pharma, and a lot of the same stuff that a lot of “Conspiracy Theorist Conservatives MAGA Trump Supporters whatever you wanna call us” have been complaining about since a lot of us had woken up back in 2016. My point is I find it very positive and a great thing that now we’re starting to see a shift where now the Elite cannot just say of it’s just the Conspiracy Theorists at it again don’t listen to them to now we are having more people waking up on both sides of the aisle and independents who are actually starting to catch on to this trend of now wait a minute this is happening now which if I recall a couple months ago it was labeled misinformation or a conspiracy theory. COVID Pandemic Lockdowns and Masks is a great example. Anyway why I’m encouraged is because while Trump has brought back common since and hope to the Republican Party RFK Jr to me brings hope that you know what maybe the Democratic Party isn’t necessarily a sinking ship after all. I don’t believe in a one party system so the last thing I want to see is Moderate Democrats caving to the Communist Elite Democrats out fear. Same with Conservatives caving to Establishment Republican Elite which both groups really if you notice point towards the WEF and Globalism. Which is why a lot of the time you have what seems to be this common theme (propaganda) message or narrative being pushed from Media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, Young Turks, etc. Big Hollywood, Late Night Shows, Politicians, etc. A lot of the messaging has been either attack Trump and who ever stands against the Establishment, cause divide among the country (divide and conquer), stoke fear (Pandemic, Climate Change), Create chaos (Open Borders, Defund the Police, determine how we identify criminals or prisoners in Jails, releasing inmates who maybe a danger to society, locking up people who are actually silently protesting like the J6 protesters who had no due process and no investigation before being arrested along which a clearly biased “investigative committee” which all was done wrong anyway and I say this because we all know that the surveillance videos were cherry picked only to fit what ever bogus narrative that the Establishment wanted everyone to see even despite the defendants lawyers or those defending these people are saying if your going to show the surveillance why not show all the tape and actually do a proper investigation instead of just sending the FBI to lock up a bunch of Trump Supporters and making them political prisoners for years not months years but it was all more about sending the message of think twice about standing up for what you feel is right. Not all of those protestors that were locked up were violent. Yet for the longest time the same people allowed Antifa and BLM go around rioting and looting burning cities like Kenosha, Atlanta, Seattle, New York. How did they justify it by claiming reparations. You have people worried about slavery yet hardly no one talks about Human Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, or Sex Trafficking or about how there are women, children boys and girls being sold into slavery mostly to pedos so what’s that say about these same people claiming justification for burning cities with hardly any consequences yet lock up people for silently praying out side of an abortion clinic or those peacefully protesting an election that they had felt was rigged or stolen. Where the majority of those people really were their peacefully in support of then President Trump. Look all I am saying is there is 2 sides to every story but if we are only listening to one side all the time and only feeling how we’re told to feel or only think what we’re told to think then don’t think that may be an issue with our culture and society.
My final though is Im glad that the truth is coming out. That God is exposing the truth and raising up leaders who are courageous enough to swim against current say enough is enough. I am a registered Republican but I lean Conservative and have Identified as Christian Constitutional Conservative but I would like to see a DJT RFK Jr ticket the to seem to be very alert on what’s going on and could make a great team. I believe it would bring common since back to Washington and our voices represented on both sides of the aisle showing that the majority of us do not want Big Government or Communism. It’s a thought but I could see Trump being the Republican nominee and the Democrat Nominee being Joe Biden mainly because he’s easy to control and easy to manipulate plus he’s so corrupt all they have to do is threaten to stop protecting him then he is screwed but hey that’s politics but JFK Jr. Would be a Great VP pick or you know maybe the other was around.
Love the info. Helps me to decree and declare
Ok, so the same people that are insisting we use solar panels (made in China) and wind turbines (also made in China) as our primary sources of energy because they don’t want us using fossil fuels – these are the people who want to block the sun yet insist we “go solar” for our energy needs. The article also said that a result of geoengineering is reduced wind flow – so they are forcing China made wind turbines on us, taking up land and killing birds (where is the voice of the Audobon Society in all of this) so forcing wind turbines on us as an energy source and then simultaneously, purposefully, doing man made things that reduce wind flow? Does anyone else see a problem here? or a contradiction? We know that our planet, as our solar system, our human bodies and all of creation is perfectly designed and brought into being. We cannot improve upon God’s perfection – why we are not content to be good stewards of what God has entrusted to us to steward well is at the root of this problem – our pride and rebellion – our refusal to acknowledge God as Creator and Sovereign Lord over all.
We know that – “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. Their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”
Could it be this is evil man’s futile attempt to silence all creation’s voices, bird calls, waterfalls, rivers, trees, pines in the wind, owls in the night, crickets in the summer – I am reminded now of the hymn “This is my Father’s world” – “all nature sings and round me rings the music of the spheres.” if this is man’s attempt to silence God by destroying His creation, which sings His praises continuously, it will not succeed. When the Pharisees wanted Jesus’s disciples to be silent, Jesus told them, “If they keep quiet, the stones themselves will cry out.”
Neither should we remain silent if there is something we can do to stop these practices which are harming our perfectly created planet. The lie is that these things are being done to save our planet when in fact it is these very practices that are destroying us and our planet. They said our use of fossil fuels is destroying the ozone layer when in fact it is their chem trails that are causing the damage. They want us to go solar but they are working on blocking the sun? They are doing harm while saying they are doing good. In the name of saving our planet they are doing everything to destroy it. God’s designs are perfect, we cannot improve upon them. But that’s the problem, creation points to and glorifies the Creator – the rebellious deceivers don’t want that to happen. What God created was good and it grieves me to see it being ruined by man made actions, with insult added as those very actions are proclaimed as necessary and life saving. Lord, may we live in harmony with Your creation and not try to change or improve upon it – may we not think we know better than You. May we not try to recreate Your creation as we have also been trying to recreate ourselves at great cost of harm to our own bodies. forgive us Lord – all creation is singing Your praises, may we as Your creation join in! http://www.mtothe5th.wordpress.com
The climate change fraud has now been pulled out of the globalists hat, since the covidicus cult has softened the world through deceit, fraud, and fear porn. Climate change occurs NATURALLY and it is not significant at this point. Geoengineering was studied in at least 4 US cities prior to the Vietnam war and was utilized during it for deforestation during that conflict. Newspapers are now bring out the “possibility” of using geoengineering, making it appear as if it has not already been utilized during the highly unusual snowfall characteristics and the weird fires that have happened globally recently.
Read the entire article below to get a historical point of view. Keep in mind that GOD through Christ sustains the world. God spoke the world into existence and HE is still in charge.
God open up the minds and hearts of all of your children to not be naive nor fearful.
Another Tower of Babel, going to come down!
Very scary! The swamp is so much bigger and deeper than we ever knew,, it touches much more than politics.
Check the increase in brain cancers and dysfunctions like dementia or Alzheimer. This is probably the cause. The massive increase in brain cancer is frightening.
It seems they are trying to play God! A totally rediculous waste of money
Interesting article and here we are told it’s a conspiracy theory!!😣
Abba, You are LORD over all of heaven and earth. Nothing that is happening has taken You by surprise, even when the utter evil we’re made aware of shocks us. We desire to do all that You are leading us to do, but recognize that it is all in Your capable, almighty hands. I’m thankful for the perspective Your Word gives us – helping us to overcome fear, anxiety, rage and anger, discouragement, and all the emotions that threaten to undo us. Psa. 2 states,
Why are the nations in an uproar, the peoples grumbling in vain? The earth’s kings are taking positions, leaders conspiring together, against YHVH and His anointed. They cry, “Let’s break their fetters! Let’s throw off their chains!” He who sits in heaven laughs; YHVH looks at them in derision. Then in His anger He rebukes them, terrifies them in His fury. “I Myself have installed My King on Tziyon, My holy mountain. I will proclaim the decree:” YHVH said to me, “You are My Son; today I became Your Father. Ask of Me, and I will make the nations Your inheritance; the whole wide world will be Your possession. You will break them with an iron rod, shatter them like a clay pot.” Therefore, kings, be wise; be warned, you judges of the earth. Serve YHVH with fear; rejoice, but with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest He be angry, and you perish along the way, when suddenly His anger blazes. How blessed are all who take refuge in Him.
What a mighty God we serve!!
We need to put a stop to all this type of bio-engineering related to our climate, food, water, etc. God alone is in control of our weather. He alone makes our crops o grow. God gave us this to care for not destroy with all this man made engineering.
Almighty Father in heaven, I pray that you would turn all hearts doing this damage to your beloved earth, away from the wickedness of their deeds! Show them the harm they are causing and give them strength and courage to come before you and repent. Take all the money being used for such evil and use it for your glory
Through the power and blood of Jesus Christ, I boldly pray
Dear Father in Heaven,
My prayer rises to You, for the crushing of the depopulation Agenda of Climate Change. As Germany had its depopulation Leader, America has allowed the same murderous spirit to control Your skies. I pray You will crush the Global Cabal in Jesus Name. Please confuse and confound these death worshipping beasts ,and confuse their plans and cause their plans to fail, in Jesus Name. Cause their machines of weather warfare to crash and cause the angels of God to intervene and thwart the Global and American genocide that these demonic Principalities are creating. Snap the neck of the Dragon that is helping to exterminate America, as well. Cause whistle blwrs to come forward in droves, pilots who You will convict, and let them stand against their chemical genocide from Your skies. Bring such a blasting out cry against Gt’s plans for Dimming the sun, that he is put on his heels, and is running to hide. May this Weather Cabal be thrust backwards and according to YOUR Word, it says, You turn the ways of the wicked upside down.
And all of God’s people said:
And “NUTRALIZE” “NUTRALIZE”(!) these chemical reactions being disseminated into the atmosphere!!
I agree whole heartedly. This is a work of the spirit of the Antichrist, as well. We have lost our minds in America, which has been the Cabal Globalist’s plan. As Kamala recently said:
“Climate Change is being used for population control. ”
It’s a part of the Beast system coming forward getting ready for the Tribulation to come. The only way to stop this, is for the Lord to place a man in office in whom will ban and block this psychopathic agenda from being used in our country. American pilots spraying American citizens in the name of an Antichrist Agenda. It is chemical warfare to the hilt. May God intervene. Because if He doesn’t, His children too, will die under their psychopathic Agenda of population control called Climate Change.
They are changing our climate via chemicals under our noses..and blaming us for their intended outcome .
That the Climate is killing off the living..all the while, it is the Global Cabal gaslighting our entire Country, if not the entire world, as they spray us all into eternity..
Genesis 1:31 KJV
And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
Genesis 8:22 KJV
While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease!
FATHER GOD please SHUT DOWN every manipulator of YOUR earth and its weather and climate just like YOU shut down the manipulators that built the tower of babel! I bind every demonic plan to interfere with YOUR weather patterns for power and financial gain! FATHER GOD please thwart these plans in a most powerful way and stop these lying climate-altering people once and for all in JESUS MIGHTY NAME! Amen!
“Far more reckless goal” , try for one global depopulation. These deep state globalist cabal satanic illuminati elites think they are gods, and that the people of the world are for there use, just resources like livestock and trees/forests, and are total atheists who think they are far superior to the rest of humanity, will never be held accounable in any way and desire to depopulate the world from almost 8,000,000,000 to 500,000,000 that they can control. That’s why Henry Kissenger says ” people (majority of) are useless eaters” which they want to get rid of. And the devil wants this depopulation to kill billions of people before God can pour out the Holy Spirit and billions around the globe are eternally saved! But by God’s goodness and sovereignty it shall not happen. Let your eyes be opened and HEAR what the Spirit (Holy Spirit) is saying at this time. As such we are to pray that God would spare life and billions would come into his kingdom. This really clicked for me what these elites are, their mentality when I saw the video “CAGES-EPIC HUMAN TRAFFICKING TRUTH” 2:15:07 long on RUMBLE.
Amen and Amen! I agree!