I Prayed have prayed
Lord, put down The Satanic Temple's plans against Christianity and religious freedom. Deliver all those deceived by the Enemy.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Satanic Temple claims to be a religion for the purpose of their numerous lawsuits wanting protection under the First Amendment. At the same time, they also claim to be merely a parody of satanism. This inconsistency may be the key to defeating their legal battles.

From WORLD. In communities across the country, the Satanic Temple seeks to take advantage of this chaotic moment in American life to score political points. … In my own county of Ottawa in Michigan, a representative of the Satanic Temple is scheduled to give an invocation at a county commissioners meeting later this month. …

Find out when your state prays.


The best way to understand these efforts is to see them as a mocking parody of Christianity. The Satanists are not serious about the religious nature of their movement, even as they increasingly are a serious threat to traditional morality and public religion. …

… Satanists typically deny belief in an actual, literal Satan. Their devotion is instead to the high-minded ideals of progressive social justice. For Satanists, the devil is merely symbolic of “the eternal rebel” against traditional religions. …

All of this indicates that Satanism, at least as understood in this way, is not really a religion at all. … Inspired by the tactics of their namesake, Satanists use the cover of religious belief to undermine religion itself. …

Religious liberty is America’s first and foundational freedom, and this is one reason why the free exercise of religion occupies such a prominent position in the Bill of Rights. But in a diverse and complex society, no right provides an absolute claim to unlimited autonomy or unbounded expression. …

The government inevitably must draw the line somewhere. It has to discern the difference between groups, movements, and actions that are protected expressions of religion and those that are not. A government that cannot distinguish between a monument engraved with the Ten Commandments and a statue of Baphomet truly is blind, both to political responsibilities as well as spiritual realities.

It is time to take Satanism seriously, and that means to some extent taking Satanists at their word. When they say they don’t actually worship anything or anyone, then we should believe them, or at least treat them legally as a movement with no religious significance.

Satanists may not believe in Satan, but Christians know that Satan surely believes in them. And he’s certainly hoping that the Satanic Temple’s efforts to undermine religious liberty in this country are successful. It is the responsibility of courts, county commissioners, and all citizens to make sure that religious liberty is protected—from its outright opponents as well as its counterfeiters.

What do you think of The Satanic Temple? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from WORLD. Photo Credit: Marc Nozell – Flickr, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Jerald Nott
April 18, 2024

The Catholic church and the Masons are also evil and Satan worship.

Dianne DeEulio
April 16, 2024

When an organization is an outright opponent of the rule of law which is based on the Ten Commandments then it is to be stopped and concidered a counterfiet religion.

Brian Lynch
April 15, 2024

Lord Jesus, I pray that you would set these misguided, confused and deceived people free from the bondage that they are living in.Give them a Holy Ghost encounter rthat will show them that You and you alone are their only hope. Thank you, Jesus

Marj Newhouse
April 15, 2024

Hello…. I also live in Ottawa…Holland….what is your name and where do you live? I think the satanist just loves all the attention…Our God is stronger and Above all gods…why make the fuss… The commisioners have a say who can pray…they can make sure this does not happen again..thankss

    April 16, 2024

    Even though they aren’t really “praying,” they are making decrees over an area, so the commissioners do NOT need to allow them to “pray” over them! This gives new authority to the enemy! Lord, we decree right now that there will be an army of true prayer warriors who will arise, show up at the commissioners’ meeting, and pull down the strongholds already present and those new ones being decreed. We decree that spiritual eyes would be opened and that the privilege of praying over the commissioners would only be given to God-fearing, true prayer warriors in Jesus name!!

Ann Shaw
April 14, 2024

Satan will always be a liar, a deceiver and seeking who he can deceive and devour.

April 13, 2024

I don’t understand this statement and disagree with it. Satan is the father of lies. We should not believe anything they say or accept this movement. Yes, we should take satan serious, but I don’t believe what they say that they don’t actually worship anything or anyone. They worship anything that is against our one true God, our Father in heaven who sent Jesus to save us; and Christians. I believe this statement is in error and we should not accept this satanic movement…
It is time to take Satanism seriously, and that means to some extent taking Satanists at their word. When they say they don’t actually worship anything or anyone, then we should believe them, or at least treat them legally as a movement with no religious significance.
We as Christians must take authority in the name of our Messiah, Yeshua over every attack of the enemy to disguise, deceive and harm people and we say your power satan is broken by the Blood of Jesus. Our God rules and reigns. We will only worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

Alison Hogan-Vinson
April 12, 2024

I’m very concerned about this article. Perhaps the writer only talked to people who were mocking religion by saying they were Satanists, but I assure all who read this comment that there ARE real Satanists that WORSHIP Satan and do Satan’s bidding and kill children (mostly, because Satan wants the most innocent blood to be shed, and loves abortion as well) as a sacrifice to him. If you don’t believe this, please watch former Satanist High Priest John Ramirez, who accepted Jesus as Savior and tells of the Satanist lifestyle and agendas. There are also Luciferians who mistakenly worship Lucifer as the one true god, a god of Enlightenment or Illumination.

Ann Shaw
April 12, 2024

Jesus told us that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him and since God has adopted us as his children we also can have authority. Give us courage to obey and boldness to go boldly as God directs.

In Jesus’s name Amen

Denise Arnold
April 11, 2024

Let the wickedness of the wicked come to an end; but establish the just: for the righteous God tests the hearts and reigns of man. Psalm 7:9

April 11, 2024

Satanists DO believe in Satan and his power, whatever they may tell outsiders: They fast and pray for the things they want (The destruction of our airlines, the dismantling of the church, the depravity of our society), and they have an International Congress yearly in Mexico, in which human sacrifices are made, and they agree on what they will be praying for throughout the year.
To dismiss them as other than totally given over to their god is to discount the destructiveness of their prayers and sacrifices in our Nation and around the world. The purpose is ALWAYS destruction, and blood sacrifices that blaspheme Jesus’ Name and sacrifice for us are conducted.
Having lived in two states where open satanic activity was taking place, where students were carrying the satanic Bible to high school daily, where the open church of Satan made that part of the city visibly very cold and dark, I have learned that we must never underestimate our enemy, but that armoring up every day (Ephesians 6), using our spiritual weapons of warfare, praying and fasting, walking in holiness, and being spiritually wise are essential to our survival, the survival of our families, our churches, and our Nation.

April 11, 2024

Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft—so says Scripture.
That is plain as daylight—full stop.

Kathy Emahiser
April 11, 2024

Father, please open the eyes of the individuals fallen prey to the lies of Satan. Please bring down every last one of these satanic temples and protect the body of Christ. Father, please open the eyes of our leaders to this deception. Than you father for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus name, amen

April 11, 2024

The Satan article is full of oxymorons. This IS how Satan works. Deception, confusion, such as saying Satanism is not a religion….. Any such entity, words, manifestation that opposes God IS SATAN.

T Mc
April 11, 2024

It is hard to take a parody so seriously. Probably the ‘satan’ has never heard of them. The ‘satan’ does not have omniscience, omnipotence or omnipresence. Not being present everywhere ‘ít’ is probably not around Salem being fully occupied in Gaza.

Don Johnson
April 11, 2024

Well pro-abortion folks, welcome to your new allies. Psychopaths who encourage you to slaughter your own children as a “religious right”. This is no different than the ancient child sacrifice done to appease the demon-god Molech. This country has entered a black hole of murderous insanity and, barring mass repentance will pay a terrible price soon enough. The Biblical pattern is clear. Meanwhile, repent and accept the
forgiveness offered by
Jesus Christ while the window of
opportunity is still open. You can have the burden and the coming terrible eternal penalty lifted but the time is short. God is merciful but He is just and the blood of the innocent victims of abortion cry out to Him. The excuses you use now will not justify you as you enter eternity. Accept His forgiveness. You do not know what tomorrow holds.

    April 11, 2024

    Yes all True! Satan twists words, meanings. Nothing has changed since the Garden of Eden. Why glorify their words, meanings, contradictions?!? The fingerprints are clearly discerned. It’s A waste of time to entertain Satan’s meanings of his existence. Let’s keep covering the issues, strategies of the devil with The Blood of Jesus !

Jeannie Huppert
April 11, 2024

I too hate satanic temple building in Salem, Massachusetts. *But*, look: to my knowledge all the Ivy League schools were founded by “heavy duty” Christians. Now look at them. Selah = pause & calmly think about that. Look at all the cities in New Test. where Paul & others preached, founded churches, etc. “Samo”. We need to pray more. I know I need to.

April 11, 2024

In the Mighty Name of Yeshua HaMoshiach…we resist the devil and he must flee…you are a defeated foe…we take our spiritual authority in His Holy Mighty Name against ALL the plans and deceptions of the enemy of Satanic temple actions/plans/ deceptions meant to destroy those who believe in the GOD of Israel and His resurrected victorious Messiah..we are seated with Christ Jesus, Messiah Yeshua IN HEAVENLY places and place you firmly under our feet and command your will and plans to fail and fall fruitless to the ground.  No weapon formed against us shalll prosper and every tongue that rises to condemn us, we will condemn…this IS THE HERITAGE OF THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD AND THEIR RIGHTEOUSNESS IS OF ME< THUS SAITH THE LORD!  But upon this ROCK (revelation knowledge of who Yeshua is) I will bild my assembly and the gates of HELL shall not prevail against them!  

Richard J. Clifford
April 11, 2024

I can’t believe that the Satanic Temple is flourishing in Salem, Massachusetts, where the witch trials took place in 1692. I pray that this evil will be uprooted in Jesus’s name.

Louis Accardi
April 11, 2024

Evangelicals don’t like to use the term religion, but the world does categorize Christianity as one of the predominate world religions. (It is now considered the largest world religion at 2.8 billion followers). The main world religions are Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. So, there are five world-wide faiths. Satanism is not a religion according to this categorization. It has no history other than a brief history in one nation (The U.S.) in the later part of the 20th century into the 21st. Whereas, these other world religions have been around for hundreds and for some thousands of years. Holy Father in heaven please, help us to stand against this wicked plan of the Evil One to take away our nation’s original foundation and declared right; the practice of our Faith as followers of Christ. We know that You have made our nation great because of our faith in You. But enemies have worked to enslave our country and pervert justice and take away this foundation that our nation was founded upon. Rogue leaders have set themselves against us to cancel our nations declared rights according to our original agreement (U.S. Constitution) as a nation. Grant it Father in the name of our Lord Jesus.

David Kelley
April 11, 2024

The great Apostasy is fully underway here in America and around the world, as described in prophecy. The spirit of Anti Christ grows more than I ever dreamed possible. Anyone confused by these events, as a Christian, should read the very powerful, astute book by Donald Grey Barnhouse, Spiritual Warfare. It’s a challenging read, and answers many questions that may be unexpected. Satan goes about like a roaring lion, seeking those he might rend to pieces.
ABBA Father, Adonai YESHUA, Ruach ha Kodesh, pleaseaid us, protect us, cover us, enlighten us. The enemies we face are supernatural and ancient, far beyond our comprehension, and fighting to deny God, His Messiah, and lead as many as possible astray, destroying the Church, Christians, Jews, our country, the world. Strengthen us, inform us, empower us Lord in the strong name of YESHUA, Amen

April 11, 2024

This is a abomination to our Lord and Savior. They need to be torn down and people need to speak up enough is enough!

April 11, 2024

Father, we ask for great deliverance to come to those bound by demons, false ideologies, wounds, and any other tool of darkness. We ask You to heal the brokenhearted and set free those held captive. In the power name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Patricia Kirby
April 11, 2024

By the authority & dominion given me by the Most High God, I render their prayers useless and null & void put them under my feet.

Joyce Davis
April 11, 2024

May all those oppressed by, enamored of, or empowered by the enemy be saved, delivered, and healed. May their amour and chains be turned to green and rust, and may any power be deflected, diffused, and defeated. May each soul come to know the love, forgiveness, and future that only Christ can give.

    Pam Jacobsen
    April 11, 2024

    I see this happening in my own family! Please pray for my beautiful daughter, Calie, age 31, who used to believe in God, was baptized, and later rededicated her life to Him, as she now is a ‘satanist’ and has been to the temple in Salem. She is in the Marines…
    It’s so horrible and frustrating. Thank you.

      April 11, 2024

      I am so sorry to read that your daughter is caught up in satanism. satanism has sadly touched our family also. My nephew is planning a satanist wedding in May. We are praying and I prayed for your daughter to be set free.

        April 11, 2024

        Standing with Debbie and Pam to decree these family members return! We enforce our authority granted by the Father to command this evil deception to depart !! Luke 10:19,20.. remember as my pastor said last night…Gods words are Kingdom law … Hallelujah

David Scott
April 11, 2024

In 1962 the FBI director did something for me that got me started investigating communists in the federal government. It took me until 1973 to discover the link between communism & satanism. Since then I’ve found 2-4 eye witnesses that we’ve had 7 satanists in the White House since 1932. 5 were Democrats & 2 were GOP. 2 other presidents were 33rd Degree Freemasons, who believe Lucifer is god when they attain that degree. That makes them satanists too. 1 was a Democrat & the other was GOP. The Illuminati made plans to enslave the world under communism several years before Marx wrote his Manifesto. Mark was a satanist high priest, according to Rev. Richard Wurmbrandt. I also have evidence the following communists were also satanists – Lenin, Stalin, Gorbachev, Ceausescu, Alice Bailey, Chavez & Helen Clark. I’m sure there are more, but I don’t have proof yet.

April 11, 2024

1 John 3:8 (c) Amplified Bible
The reason the Son of God was made manifest (visible) was to
the works the devil has done.

April 11, 2024

“Finally, be strong in the LORD, and in the strength of HIS might, Put on the full armor of GOD that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the full armor of GOD, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to Stand Firm.” Ephesians 6:10-13 We will overcome all enemies by the Blood of the Lamb, Yeshua Jesus, and the word of our Testimony. Father God, Thanking You for our Victorious, Glorious Redeemer King Jesus! Amen.

Frank Blackwood
April 11, 2024

Dear Lord,
Thank You for anointing all believers with the singlemindedness and boldness of the Apostle Paul to proclaim the gospel. message.We are your children who have the power to bind the forces of darkness..Let us be
about Your business for the time is short.In Jesus Name I pray.Amen.

April 11, 2024

Christians, stand strong in the strength of our Lord! Put on the full armor of God ! The gates of hell will not/cannot prevail against God’s kingdom! All darkness will be shown for what it is in the Light of the Holy Spirit! We fight from victory!u

April 11, 2024

I could not agree more. Stealing the innocence from children, through sexual abuse, is the devils way of crippling or destroying their future by warping their sense of reality and morality. The deep traumatic scars will affect the victims affect behaviors and habits for a lifetime. Many, who survive, have lives riddled with drug abuse, alcoholism, prostitution, criminal activity and deep self-esteem issues IF, childhood victims of such abuse do survive, it is only by the grace of God. That is why, we, as members of the body of Christ, need to be so aware of the dangers of childhood exploitation, of any kind. It can also happen in church going families. Wolves in sheep’s clothing do go to church, it gives them great cover. I know this first hand. If a young girl or boy acts or dresses promiscuously, if there are behavioral issues, it is not time to judge. It is an indication of a true problem somewhere and they need love and help, not judgement. We need to ask God to soften our hearts to those victims who survive and come to our churches to find Jesus and Hope. We must be quick to love and very slow to judge. Yet we must also be wise and use God given discernment.

Father God, we love You and thank You for Your great love for us. We know Jesus, how much you love the children. You know that they are our future and everything that happens to them affects it. We also know that you hate those who harm your children. In Matthew 18:1-14, Your word tells us that anyone that causes one of your precious children to stumble, is a stumbling block. You say “Woe to whom that stumbling block comes. It would be better for them to go through life blind or crippled than to be cast into the eternal fire!”

We pray Your will be done for the children, for Your people, our nation and this world. May it be on earth as it is in Heaven. We pray this in the holy name of Jesus. Amen!

Daniel Felice
April 11, 2024

If it not of God, then it is an idol, crafted to pull people away from the one true God, the great I AM. No other reason.

John Kulinski
April 11, 2024

Earth is Satan domain and Satan will do everything in his power to destroy people’s lives so they will sin against God. I pray that God will protect his people and guard them against Satan as he tries to influence their minds.

Dave Urner
April 11, 2024

Do not give a foothold to these opportunists. We who believe and have the assurance of Eternal God being in control of EVERYTHING need to respect that Satan’s nature is to deceive in his attempt to win the hearts of the uncommitted. Grant that scripture be ingrained in our minds so that we can keep evil at bay. To this I pray.

April 11, 2024

All Believers in Ottawa County should show up at the meeting in which a satanic temple person is going to give the invocation and quietly pray against it. Not raucous or protesting but prayerfully overpowering the words and goal of this person.

April 11, 2024

Father we thank you that your word states that nothing hidden or done in secret will not be brought into the light. We ask that you reveal and uncover this horrible group for what they are and keep them from advancing in America. Protect those that fight against them as you did David (when the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell Psalms 27:2). We do not fight for victory but FROM a place of victory since you have already defeated the Devil. Give all of us who are called by your name the strength, fortitude and desire to obey and do as you instruct which is to SUBMIT TO GOD, RESIST THE DEVIL so he will flee from us. We worship you our precious Savior and PRAISE you because we know that you inhabit the praises of your people which put us in a place of continued support and VICTORY. I love you Lord.

Connie Segeleon
April 11, 2024

Dear Holy and Gracious God,
Please protect us from the evil one 🙏🙏🙏

April 11, 2024

Great article in the way it addresses this plot of confusion and chaos.

April 11, 2024

God has done ALL He’s going to do towards defeating/removing satan from this world for this present time. He has given US, His body the authority to keep him under or feet because he is ALREADY a defeated foe. He has no more power over us – it is up to us, Christ’s body to rake up our weapons given to us by Christ and KNOW that our warfare is not with flesh and blood. Christ told US to go and make disciples of all men. It is padt time to grow up and do this task!!

Allena Jordan
April 11, 2024

Father, let Thy Kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Deliver this nation and these people from evil and the influence of evil. As for me and my house, we shall serve the LORD. Thank You, Father, that You are always working, calling people to Yourself. Call these people out of darkness into the kingdom of Your dear Son. Jesus Himself said, He who is not for Me is against Me. Father, draw a clear line in the sand that people will know to cross over quickly, for the time left is very short. Thank You, Father for Your grace, mercy and compassion upon people who are so deceived. Amen.

April 11, 2024

The believers who are supporting the liberal politicians playing a major role in it

April 11, 2024

Proverbs 6: 16-19
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers

    Dr L Berdette
    April 11, 2024

    Absolutely of a truth, however, should not be named upon the saints of God.

Joseph Blanton
April 11, 2024

But we know the devil is real.. These individuals are pawns in the devil’s hands and are actively doing his bidding. The best weapon against them is prayer
“Holy Father in heaven, may your Holy Spirit bring a burning conviction deep within their souls of the true nature of their evil and wickedness. Bring them to their knees in sincere repentance before Christ Jesus our Savior and Lord. In His Name we pray. Amen.”

Brian lynch
April 11, 2024

It sounds to me, like, these people have been deceived, and we need to be praying for them. i also believe that our government needs to stop them from infringing their ways upon Christianity. Perhaps, religious persecution will serve a good purpose, as it has in other places in this world. What satan means for harm, God WILL use for our good. Thank You, Jesus.

Heather M Peterson
April 11, 2024

Satan has blinded the eyes of those who are his. All that do not abide with Christ belong to satan. There is no middle ground of “no religion.” That is a deception. We were created for worship. All people worship something or someone. The people who belong to the Satanic Temple worship satan. They spend their time, money, resources, energy and thoughts on doing what serves him. We are not unaware of his schemes because we have the mind of Christ and the Word of Christ.
Father in Heaven, We thank You and praise You. For we are grateful to be delivered out of the hands of the enemy through Christ our Saviour. May the Truth prevail as we fight the Good Fight against deception and injustice. May we always be ready to pay the cost of fighting for Truth and Liberty in Christ Jesus and never shrink back in the face of the enemy. May we not forget the incredible Power we have in Christ Jesus to overcome evil with Good. It is His Glorious Name that we pray. Amen.

Lewis Jenkins
April 11, 2024

Satan is a proud liar, so he would deny his own existence if it helps him destroy those whom God works to save. But only an all-knowing God could accurately say, “There is no God.” When Atheists and Satan-denying Satanists deny God’s existence, they are really saying, “There is no God but me.” So of course they have a religion and worship a God whether it be Satan or themselves. They are entitled to have these beliefs under our Constitution, but they have no rights to use “separation of church and state” as a justification for preaching their religion while denying others the freedom to preach Christian beliefs.
Dear Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, make the hypocrisy and religious intent of the Atheists and Satanists obvious to people in general and the judges in particular.

April 11, 2024

They are emphasizing the rise of White Supremecery & the Christian Nationalism movement here in the U.S.
While, perhaps not idea, they are trying to underscore the need for separation of church and state… which was intended by our founding fathers.

    Keith and Megan
    April 11, 2024

    The “high wall of separation” Thomas Jefferson referred to in his response letter to the Danbury Baptists was to reassure them the Founders intended to keep government out of religion, not religion out of government. We must view our Founding documents through the eyes of our Founders, not the eyes of modern culture’s distorted perception of those documents.

    Luciferianism and satanic worship has never been a religion but, instead, simply employs tactics to destroy our rule of law. Pedophilia and murder, main tenents of satanism, are still against the law.

    Heavenly Father,

    Thank You that You sent Jesus so we have life and not death.

    We ask You to render powerless and useless those who profess these satanic evils and restore those individuals they’ve damaged to Biblical health and wholeness so . . . not one of Your little lambs are lost to eternal damnation.

    Open the eyes of our Nation that courageous men rise up to confront and overcome this false “religion.” Protect our children and restore Anerica’s rule of law that was originally founded upon Scripture.

    Through the power and authority of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.

      Karen Van vuren
      April 11, 2024


      Abbey B.
      April 11, 2024

      My family attends a very big progressive church, where it is taught that to be a CHRISTIAN means to follow the tenants of the CHRISTIAN FAITH and uphold the teachings of Christ’s love and forgiveness. Believing in heaven/hell, after life etc., is all personal and varied. It’s most important to DEMONSTRATE CHRISTIAN BEHAVIOR! LOVE ONE ANOTHER & TURN THE OTHER CHEEK!

        April 11, 2024

        From your comment, are we to understand that you do not believe the whole Bible? Hell is definitely described in the Bible. Sins are described in the Bible that God abhors.


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