I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that You would stop the sales of this pill. Protect the unborn from these dangerous chemical abortions, Lord!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The abortion pill is the new frontline of the abortion battle. We have to pray that God strikes down all sales and transportation of this pill.

From Breitbart. In the sixth months following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, an “underground abortion pill network” shipped at least 20,000 packs of abortion pills across the United States, “two sources with knowledge of the situation” told VICE News.

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According to the Thursday report:

The suppliers of these estimated 20,000 packets are neither abortion clinics nor abortion telehealth organizations, but instead operate outside of the U.S. legal health care system. The demand for their pills, as well as their success at shipping them out undetected, are evidence of the thriving underground abortion network that has sprung up since Roe’s demise devastated access to abortion clinics.

Christie Pitney, a licensed nurse practitioner, a midwife with Forward Midfwery, and co-founder of Abortion Freedom Fund told the outlet that self-managed abortions are “just going to grow more and more” as Republican led states pass laws protecting unborn babies from the violence of abortion. Pitney reportedly works with Aid Access, an organization that mails pills to pro-abortion states, “and to states where it is not, through a doctor who is based overseas.”

Pitney, who said she legally provides abortion pills to people in two states, estimated she used to give pills to roughly 60 people each month, and now “helps” hundreds per month.  …

The news comes as both pro-life and pro-abortion activists await a decision from a federal court which could block the distribution of mifepristone, the first pill used in a two-drug medication abortion regimen. The FDA’s 2000 approval of mifepristone is the subject of  the lawsuit out of the U.S. District Court for the North District of Texas. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed the lawsuit in November of 2022 on behalf of four national medical associations and several doctors, alleging that the agency “chose politics over science and approved chemical abortion drugs for use in the United States.” …

Overall, mifepristone is used for more than half of all abortions in the United States. …

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Photo Credit: Getty Images)

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February 28, 2023

I have been reading up on these pills. Besides the horrendous outcome of the murder of a child there is great danger to the women who are taking them. There is no one to help them with the problems as they arise. Most women are on their own. There are many changes to the body that can lead to sterilization and potential damages to the reproductive systems. Plus, the traumas of seeing the forming/formed bodies of their child. It becomes a reality that this is not a blob of tissue but a child. The reality of being a hitman to their own child hits. Most of these women are alone when all of the horrors of abortion happen. The reports coming out are not something people will want to read – but they must! This is bad stuff. It is not freedom. It is … really bad. I don’t know what to say. Truth about these pills must get out to women before they take them. Lord help us to help them to save their children so both will have fruitful lives. Yeshua, Amen

Merle McDonald
February 27, 2023

Lord Jesus, by the power of Your Name stop this!

Bill Buck
February 27, 2023

Lord of Pregnancy and Birth, reveal to all who may become pregnant, without the desire to bring in children, the danger of this drug and the life it snuffs out. You, LORD, knit together these little lives, open a close relationship to those who risk pregnancy so that children are cherished. In the Name of Jesus, Who invites the little ones to come to Him.

February 27, 2023

Father God
Please take the evil of abortion out of our country and the world. Stop the people from doing this. We have done enough killing and it needs to stop. In Jesus name amen


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