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Father, we pray for Your truth to be revealed. Bring the deeds done in darkness into the light, and reveal why a member of the president's cabinet would have done this!
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Former Secretary of State John Kerry blocked the arrests of several Iranian terrorists. Why would he do such a thing?

From The Federalist. A pair of top Republican senators revealed the Obama-Biden State Department intervened to prevent the prosecution of Iranian operatives involved in adversarial nuclear programs nearly a decade ago. According to lawmakers, former Secretary of State John Kerry blocked several FBI arrests of individuals responsible for proliferating Iran’s military capabilities between 2015 and 2016.

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On Wednesday, Sens. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and Ron Johnson, R-Wis., sent letters demanding documents related to the interference from the FBI, the Department of State, and the Department of Justice (DOJ).

pray for iran israel conflict

“The records provided to our offices show that the Obama/Biden administration’s State Department, under the leadership of John Kerry, actively and persistently interfered with FBI operations pertaining to lawful arrests of known terrorists, members of Iranian proliferation networks, and other criminals providing material support for Iran’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs,” lawmakers wrote to all three agencies. “The records also show that DOJ and FBI leadership apparently allowed it to happen until the Trump administration altered course.” …

Sens. Grassley and Johnson gave the Biden administration a June 4 deadline to deliver records requested by congressional investigators.

Share your prayers for truth and justice in the comments.

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: U.S. Embassy Dhaka from Bangladesh)

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May 29, 2024

I echo Dee’s sentiments.

In addition, “Vanessa Kerry, the daughter of former US Secretary of State John Kerry, has been chosen by the World Health Organization to advise and give recommendations on the increasing health risks related to a warming world.” Bloomberg Law 2023.

Corruption runs deep in some of these politicians. When wickedness comes, so does contempt. Proverbs 18:3.

More will be exposed. The exposures of the last 4 years are the tip of the iceberg – not what lies underneath the surface. The extent of this “corruptive political culture” is yet to be seen.

Heavenly Father, EL ROI – the LORD who sees me, who sees everything, I am so grateful that Your Son, Jesus the Christ conquered death and was given all authority in heaven and earth, that Your Holy Spirit hovers over these matters as He did when You created, that Your eyes are here and Your heavenly agents are involved in Your missions.

Father, another who flatters himself too much to detect his own sin, whose words are wicked and deceitful, who has ceased to be wise and do good (Psalm 36) is exposed. I thank You for that. I know more will be exposed.

Father, You are the God of Justice, as this, and one of many, crimes against this Nation and Your people continues to be revealed I ask that Sens. Grassly and Johnson and all those involved in this inquiry be anointed and appointed Your wisdom, discernment and perseverance. Favor them as You did Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, Meshach
and Azariah while in Babylonian exile.

Father, Break the strongholds and lies that run deep, bring an end to the violence of the wicked. Do not relent for I know the wicked are brought down by their own wickedness (Proverbs 11).

Thank You for being here with us during this age of exposure and great shaking.

In Jesus Name. Amen

May 27, 2024

John Kerrys daughter is married to an Iranian, i believe, and that is why Kerry votes that way. He is not nor ever was true to America….a terrible politician who also lies a lot.


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