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Pray that a peaceful resolution will be made with the North Koreans.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)

U.S. spy satellites have detected renewed activity at the North Korean factory that produced the country’s first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States, a senior U.S. official said on Monday, in the midst of talks to compel Pyongyang to give up its nuclear arms.

Photos and infrared imaging indicate vehicles moving in and out of the facility at Sanumdong, but do not show how advanced any missile construction might be, the official told Reuters on condition of anonymity because the intelligence is classified….

According to the U.S. official who spoke to Reuters, one photo showed a truck and covered trailer similar to those the North has used to move its ICBMs. Since the trailer was covered, it was not possible to know what, if anything, it was carrying.

The White House said it did not comment on intelligence. A senior official at South Korea’s presidential office said U.S. and South Korean intelligence agencies are closely looking into various North Korean movements, declining specific comment.

The evidence obtained this month is the latest to suggest ongoing activity in North Korea’s nuclear and missile facilities despite talks with the United States and a June summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and U.S. President Donald Trump….

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee last week that North Korea was continuing to produce fuel for nuclear bombs despite its pledge to denuclearize. But he insisted the Trump administration was still making progress in its talks with Pyongyang.

Joel Wit, a former State Department negotiator and founder of 38 North, a North Korea monitoring project, said it was unrealistic to expect North Korea to stop its programs “until the ink is dry on an agreement.”…

The Sanumdong factory produced two Hwasong-15 ICBMs, North Korea’s longest-range missiles, but the U.S. official noted that Pyongyang still had not tested a reliable re-entry vehicle capable of surviving a high-velocity trip through the Earth’s atmosphere and delivering a nuclear warhead.

It is possible, the official said, that any new missiles the North is building may be for further testing of such vehicles and of more accurate guidance systems.

“They seem to have figured out the engines, but not all the higher-tech stuff, and that might be what this is about,” the official said.

“What’s more, a liquid-fueled ICBM doesn’t pose nearly the threat that a solid-fueled one would because they take so long to fuel, and that’s something we almost certainly could see in time to abort a launch, given our assets in the vicinity.” (Excerpts from David Brunnstrom at Reuter News Service)

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Mrs. M
August 2, 2018

Lord Jesus: You say in your word that the “the heart of the king is in the hand of the Lord, and that He will turneth it whethersoever way He will”. I pray these words over Kim-Jong Un and believe that you will introduce yourself to him and speak to him of YOUR plan for North Korea. Break the power of the lie that hangs over this nation and bring it into your “marvelous light”, renewing their hearts and saving their souls, and setting the captives free.

August 2, 2018

Father, I come in agreement with the prayer that was prayed for North Korea, Kim Jong Un and the citizens there. I ask that Kim Jong Un keep his word. I pray for peace and prosperity for North Korea as they stop making nuclear bombs and missiles. May Your Word go forth throughout the nation changing lives and bringing people to salvation even for Kim Jong Un and his family. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers in Jesus name. Amen

Mrs D
August 1, 2018

Father, We lift up to You those who have not been reared in an atmosphere in which honesty, integrity and trust are at the forefront. We thank You, Almighty GOD, that faithfulness, Truth and the selflessness of LOVE are Your foundational characteristics. Give those who are unfamiliar with You and Your ways dreams and visions and the related interpretations so that they would understand the importance of integrity and high regard for one’s fellow man. Help them to understand also that safety, security and peace stem from one’s ability to trust and rely upon another’s word and “handshake.” Help them to understand that deception ultimately leads to delusion and destruction.

We specifically lift up to You those who are making decisions in North Korea that may lead to undesirable consequences for not only the people in North Korea but those elsewhere. However, we do not limit our requests to those, but even to our local neighbors and ourselves where applicable. We want for ourselves to lay aside all characteristics that are outside righteousness and holiness and we want to see others wanting that same level of purity. Help the leadership of North Korea to see the value of virtue and that willingness to lay aside material weapons and to embrace cooperation to bring improvement to the lives of that country’s citizens is not surrender, capitulation nor weakness. Show them that humility and mercy are evidence of affiliation with Your Supreme Power as Almighty GOD and that’s a GOOD thing! May Your plans and purposes prevail for Kim Jong Un and the people of North Korea as he and others work diligently to keep their words because it’s the right thing to do.

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