Former President Trump will return to social media on his own new platform in around two or three months, Jason Miller said.
“But I do think that we’re gonna see President Trump returning to social media in probably about two or three months here with his own platform,” Miller said during an interview on Fox News Channel’s program Media Buzz. “And this is something that I think will be the hottest ticket in social media. It’s gonna completely redefine the game and everybody is gonna be waiting and watching to see what exactly President Trump does, but it will be his own platform.”
Miller said “it’s not just one company that’s approached the president, there’ve been numerous companies. But I think the president does know what direction that he wants to head here. And this new platform is gonna be big, and everyone wants him. He’s gonna bring millions and millions, tens of millions of people to this new platform.” . . .
.@JasonMillerinDC said President Trump will be "returning to social media in two or three months" with "his own platform" that will "completely redefine the game" and attract "tens of millions" of new users. #MediaBuzz
— #MediaBuzz (@MediaBuzzFNC) March 21, 2021
What do you think about Trump creating a new social media platform? Share in the comment below!
(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by Alex Nitzberg. Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)
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I think this is awesome! A step in the Right direction!
We cannot wait for Trump’s new venture. May God bless this venture for the truth and honesty to come back to our country. I can’t wait to be part of this.
Do you think it is actually President Biden or Former President Trump whose at fault here? It is actually you and I. May God forgive us for not tending His beautiful garden. I encourage you to humbly enroll in the Patriot Academy and revisit Biblical Citizenship as America approaches her 250th birthday. Your time will be well spent. Why has our Constitution broken all records of endurance?
Can’t happen soon enough! Looking forward to him bringing some sanity to the current communications media madhouse. Will be signing up when it starts up.
God will make a way where there seems to be no way…our president’s response is “no way” to those who say there is no way! Thank you Lord for our president Trump’s never give up persistance. Hallelujah!
My prophetic message is that if President Trump humbly give himself to bring glory to the Kingdom of God on earth and Jesus is pleased with his actions He will be blessed.
If he continue in his arrogant and egotistical behavior like a dictatorship he will certainly end up like king Saul, or Nebuchadnezzar, even Lucifer who deceived 1/3 of the Angels in the face of Almighty God! Who knew it timing is the key of eternity! but everyone has a choice! Every choice has consequences. But God! Has the final say so. Brethren you who knows very well the scriptures should know that! He is not
glorying our Lord Jesus! That’s okay for such a time like this God is not knock whatsoever a man sows, that shall be also reap. Galatians 6:7
As the Apostle Paul said we shall reap what we planted!
Please brethren look unto The Resurrected Christ to see if this is truly His Spiritual agenda to let His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven! You decide🙏🏼
I have seen many acts and words of humility from President Trump for which I have been grateful. Perhaps many have not been privy to them. We do know that much censorship has gone on. May we all seek humility as we grow to reflect more of the image of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Glory to God!
Prophet Kelly,
Unless one knows the heart of a person as revealed by our dear Heavenly Father by the power of the Holy Spirit, the words are empty. It is best to refrain from speaking with authority unless one has all the facts and has witnessed everything there is to know about this situation.
Humbly yours,
SF Byrd
Sorry, this is seems to be projection to me. When the blue states were seeing riots, President Trump did *not* send in the National Guard to quell the rioting. He waited for the states to accept his offer of the troops, which they did not. (Thus upholding the Tenth Amendment). When some suggested he override the Tenth Amendment and lift the state-mandated lockdowns, (once again, in blue lead states) he listened to Senator Rand Paul and would not override the state governments’ authority. As one with prophetic gifts myself, I advise you to seek wisdom and understanding in your use of them. If anything, your words apply better to Joe Biden.
Heavenly Father, cause us to look to you for wisdom and understanding. Help us use just measures and accurate assessments, as You do. You know the hearts of all.
Father I pray that President Trump would have your wisdom and seen your guidance in selecting a social medium platform! Father may he not lack in anything you want him to accomplish! In Jesus name
good idea. We will tune in!!!!
I look forward to hear from President Trump again. At the same time, I choose to pray for those who are against President Trump and my belief in the LORD Jesus Christ. (Matthew 5.44)
My prayers are for those who support a vile, evil, incompetent man. Million of people blood on his hands. My God we have suffered enough. God has heard our cry.
The blood is on the hands of every person who voted for Biden, the baby killer. Thou Shalt Not Kill….period; not with conditions, not with footnotes. Pres. Trump is the one to lead this country back to the Commandments and to honor the Constitution. One nation under God, not under Democrats, not under Gates or Soros or Biden or Harris or Pelosi. God will never bless any nation that kills to get what they want.
God bless you and keep you.
Standing in agreement with you, Dorene. We are to love what God loves and hate what God hates. Onwards and upwards, Christian soldier.
May God Bless you and your household.
Really sad that you place DJT on the same level as your faith in Jesus.
Did it ever occur to you to trust Jesus? During this time of Lent, do not put another whiplash on the one who died for all of us. No one in the comments put President Trump on the same level as Jesus, but I’m sure our Savior will guide him back to leadership. Only the mainstream media with its lies and hatred will lead all the blind sheep over the cliff. Dems are all about hate, and everything is about racism. Who kept the slaves before the Civil War…Democrats. Abe Lincoln was Republican…check the fact. Who is killing babies, even after born alive? Some research will show you the truth, if you want to know it. This site will show you the truth, thanks be to God.
Again, standing in agreement with you, Dorene. Well said. I also have not seen one person say anything striking idolatry of President Trump either.
Sadly, it seems like there may be some people masquerading as believers trolling this site just to instigate and agitate. They especially seem to be drawn to articles like this.
God Bless you. The corruption is getting exposed more every day. Have a blessed week.
Amen and I stand in agreement with both Doreen and EAN.
Since I was DISBARRED from using Facebook, I truly want Pres Trump to start up a new platform that allows TRUTH AND OPINIONS. You see FB disbarred me due to the fact that I am a Conservative and support Trump. I am 74 and I certainly did not state anything that could be considered violent or causing violence. FB is a totally liberal platform and, if you disagree with them, they delete you…as they did me and Pres. Trump.
Facebook, the work of the devil. It’s the work of cowards who are afraid of those who promote truth. Truth will not allow their great reset plan to control the masses. Many use it to spew hate, and it is a source of manipulation for those who are too lazy or don’t care to find the truth. Facebook thrives on the stupidity of people to believe what they hear.
If one only hears one side, they will only know one side, and their life will only be one sided; not much to be proud of. Freedom of speech that is censored leads to communism…you and I know that, and that is why we are excited to know that our true President will never censor, as he has no fear, and no agenda other than to Make America Great Again.
This is so awesome! I can’t wait!
7 Bible Verses that Give Us Perspective about Praying for Our Enemies:
Proverbs 16:7 NASB, When a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Matthew 5:44 KJV, But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.
Luke 23:34 NIV, Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Mark 11:25 NIV, “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”
Romans 12:20-21 MSG, Our Scriptures tell us that if you see your enemy hungry, go buy that person lunch, or if he’s thirsty, get him a drink. Your generosity will surprise him with goodness. Don’t let evil get the best of you; get the best of evil by doing good.
1 Peter 3:9 TLB, Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t snap back at those who say unkind things about you. Instead, pray for God’s help for them, for we are to be kind to others, and God will bless us for it.
Proverbs 20:22 NLT, Don’t say, “I will get even for this wrong.” Wait for the Lord to handle the matter.
Pray can get on our iPhones
President Trump shows he loves America, the American people, and believes in God. He is NOT a politician but a businessman who handles America’s affairs quite superbly. He can stand up to America’s allies and competitors one-on-one and we know what his stance is. Our competitors listen to him and know that he means what he says. He has done more for the American people in the 4 short years he was in office than the last 50 years (interest rates are down, lowering taxes, securing our borders, making people accountable, etc.). I put my trust in GOD to truly unite our nation and bring peace and good will to all. A good start would be to guide Trump to start a platform to do just this. I pray for GOD to “Make America Great Again”. Amen.
Isaiah 5:20-21
King James Version
20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
This will be wonderful! The American people are sick of being silenced and this will allow our voices to be heard once again. God Bless President Donald J. Trump and God Bless America!
There was a time when Isarel was going to war. The captain of the Hosts of the LORD apppeared with the heavenly hosts. When He was asked if He was on their side or the enemy’s side He replied.” neither, I am on the Lord’s side”. Let’s get on the Lord’s side in this battle. Let us not argue amongnst ourselves but be united for the Lord. We have a battle to fight and we can’t do it if we are divided.
To s.Flan – How can we be united when only some of us are able to see the real truth and the media keeps the others in the dark? The people are truly divided and will only come to be united when they see the same problems in the same way and are willing to work together to stand up for our God and our Country. May the Lord remove the veils from the eyes of those who are unable to see and draw them into the light.
And may He remove those in the media who are choosing to promote lies and propaganda – both the corporations as well as those within who are complicit. I ask this and give you thanks for it in the name of Your Precious Son, Jesus. Amen
If Trump launches a new platform – Count me in!
I am so thankful that the legal President of the United States of America is going to start his own social media platform. The only one who has the guts to take a stand and demand justice. Who has the guts to stand for what is right even when it is not popular. Who cares what God thinks and not man. Who stands for righteousness, righteous laws and openly displays his love for Jesus. Prayed in the White House. A true Patriot! I would vote for Him again and again because He loves God, Country, Americans, the unborn children etc. Though I do not trust the Republican Party after all the rhino republicans that are traitors to America.
Yes we will be praying for impeachment of these evil souls set to ruin this country under god. We pray for the lord to help us in this madness called socialism it’s wicked they are wicked and all they want is god to be out of the constitution so they can kill more babies the ultimate sacrifice to Satan.
Biden is extreme pro-abortion. How can anyone that purports to love God and His word would be ok with supporting someone like that, I will never know.
At least President Trump shows love for God in his deeds. Biden says he loves God with his words, but Biden’s actions absolutely and without restraint display the actions of the enemy of God.
May God help us in this unsettling time.
I agree with Ean. This democratic party is evil. I pray those who are elected and are democrats and know the Lord will remove themselves from this party. Look at Warnock from Georgia a minister who is for and promotes abortion surly he must know he is promoting evil? And I can’t understand why Jill Biden would allow her husband be humiliated. He has a physical problem and it’s a disgrace for the democrats even to allow him to run for president.
jill nor Joe are in control They are just collecting money for being the voice This is much deeper Then any of us imagine Years in the planning the power behind this have been plotting america’s slid into socialism Just look at all the policies now in place chaos reigns from border to bills that slant towards the downfall completely of our country Next harris will take her place in line and things will be just about where the demon agenda can control us completely you have heard from the word MARK OF THE BEAST its time is unfolding everything is in place The only problem is for them is Rush showed up and then The miracle election Of Donald trump They both are part of us learning what’s going on and there are millions of us They didn’t see this coming only God could have given us our sight into the truth through them Now what do we do Well the elections depend on us changing the the pace at which to stop them Georgia has started and the corps that are behind this are using all they can through lies and sanctions next texas just boycott all company’s that are going against the law hit them where it hurts Its pretty easy to do Don’t buy their products stop going to baseball games and all games just don’t buy into it get into t he word Look at your habits change the way you think talk to your loved ones Boycott tv movies We don’t need their things we have been doing without this stuff for over a year get your family healthy get right with your savior push these demons back to hell where they belong Praise the lord and watch conservative tv for the truth
If anyone can pull it off President Donald J Trump can. Conservatives & Christians have needed our own social media platform for a long time. It is an answer to prayer
What Christian would support a evil, vile. racist and incompetent man? Yes, God has heard our cry as we could not take his corruption anymore. Racial injustice, 500k people dead from the virus. his evil attacks on the honorable Americans who spoke the truth about his wrongdoings related to Russia. Jesus promised us those who believe in him that corrupt leaders would see their justice. Mark 12:40 says so God deals not only with corrupt individuals but he promises that justice will one day come to the entire broken system that perpetuates injustice. And see Mark 13:2.
Yikes. That is word for word CNN fakenews spin.
God would NEVER be FOR anyone who wants to kill the innocent unborn child NOR would He approve of same sex marriage! You need to read the Bible! God is Holy and His word is the same yesterday,today & forever.His word does not change to suit our worldly ways or lifestyles.
Someones been drinking the kool-aid and listening to all the fake news channels. Take the blinders off and the cotton out of your ears. Try doing a little more research. you might find out that you’re being lied to!
President Donald J.Trump was to most Pro-Life,Pro-American, Pro-people & the Most Patriotic President in ALL of History.
And wether you choose to believe that or see that there are 8 million Americans who DO…. We will see the Glory of the Lord rise up on America once again!
We The People…….
DjT was one of the most for LBGQT rights presidents… look it up. Facts! We cannot compromise and the LORD showed us how much we are willing to with DJT. The Church and all false prophets got judged and found wanting this year. Get off the trump train while you still can or strong delusion will be your yoke.
President Donald J. Trump was/is the peoples president….. He didn’t show any prejudice against anyone. God’s word says to love all people…. we don’t love the sin, but we are commanded to love all people ,all sinners, even the LBGQT
community. It’s your choice to believe what you want and its my choice to believe what I want. God WILL have to final say and I will not go down wading through the blood of millions of innocent babies being slaughtered at the hand of the Biden policies….
You should seriously check your facts and stop believing all the lies of the main stream media outlets.
Yes,I’m for Godly principles, and I have a personal relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I also believe President Donald J. Trump has a personal
relationship with Jesus Christ as well and he stands for Godly principles. His
actions as President exemplified that! Pro-life,Pro-family,Pro-military,
Pro-religious freedom, Pro-Isreal, Pro-America…. His policies were stellar to say the least!
So if that means I’m part of the Trump Train…. So Be It because I too am all of these things as well. You have a Blessed day and I’ll be praying for the scales to be removed from your eyes so you can clearly see…. a Saul of Taursus moment.
We have seen the glory of God revealed in trump’s defeat. Yes, we serve a loving, awesome God who wants every individual to treat with respect and dignity. Days of reckoning are soon to come as stated in his word. Any decent human being would not make fun of our veterans who have served this country extremely well. And he can not be pro anything as his response to the pandemic and racial injustice is total incompetency. He is pro himself only.
Sorry Rita, You’re wrong again.
Trump responded in perfect timing trying to close the borders and all travel. It was the Dem’s who wanted to keep the borders open and let everyone continue to come and go. And he didn’t make fun of our veterans, you only saw half of the video
( obviously). Tell me this, what about all the illegals who are being let go into our country now who all have covid or the ones who are in cages? What about the illegal who was a criminal that was set free into our country that had 11 felony’s and raped 5 little girls and was charged with 6 counts of indecency with a child all under the age of 10 that was finally brought to justice by our wonderful
police force in Dallas?
Also can you explain why our tax payer $$$ are paying for the illegals to be put up in hotels while our soldiers are having to sleep on cold
concrete in the Capitol
basement??? Explain That!!!
Again… Your sources are skewed!
Do some research Rita,
seriously try watch other sources to get a broader
I do.
God bless and keep you.
For heaven’s sake Rita, why are you doing this? This site is supposed to lift fellow intercessors up and pray for the things that we are led to. Can’t you see that your many comments under this article are only agitating your fellow intercessors?
For the sake of unity, if you don’t like an article, skip to something else that will help you be a team player instead of a team divider.
I hope you can forgive my directness, but enough is enough.
I will continue to be a team player when the truth is exposed. God bless you.
I’m very excited about Trump’s plans.
May it be a blessing to our Country!!
I have been praying that God would direct President Trump to create his own social media platform. We desperately need this!
I love it & I will readily join him there!!
We are to pray for our leaders at the current time… Not some narcissist’s business pursuits. This is why people are rolling their eyes at our hypocrisy.
Yes!! I’ll join.
LOVE IT!! can’t wait.
God is not pleased.
I have to laugh at the people who accuse others of worshipping President Donald J. Trump who is the legal president of the USA while it is ok to worship the democrat/socialist/communist agenda?
President Trump is the only true Patriot who loves America, the American people, loves God, prayed in the White House, Acknowledged Jesus over TV in front of billions of people around the world, who loves the Constitution and Israel and yet the people are never happy because he didn’t fit their idea of a Christian, quoting scripture, wearing the biggest cross and carrying the biggest bible. But God chose Him and We prayed for Him, His family and His business as well as Patriots and America, the Constitution and unborn babies. I will never apologize for being a watchman on the wall for God. Religious spirit says we were worshipping the President? But God says we were standing in the gap! Now Biden is the goat nation church’s golden calf.
Thank youx BC. Amen.
God hates idolatry.
I believe it will be 100’s of Millions that will join and be reached!!!
We need to continue our prayers for this!!!🙏🏻 I’m praying
And Believe our LORD JESUS CHRIST to Bless HIS Body to
Have the Platform with Truth and Freedom of speech to come forth. HALLELUJAH
No more dependence on the worldly platforms!!!🙏🏻
Amen! And may we also pray for Mike Lindell’s new platform, FRANK and any other platform that seeks to uphold our First Amendment Natural Law rights.
Marcia – Is this all you got out of this wonderful article that was meant to give us encouragement and hope that we will soon see Freedom of Speech (Truth) on not just social media but throughout America?
I think it would be a great thing! The sooner the better! We NEED a different voice and one that knows what he’s talking about! I’m really tired of hearing the “democratic” voice, which only seems to add to America’s problems, and does nothing about problems they have caused. Such as the immigrant problem–allowing them to flow into our country by the millions! There isn’t enough food, space or supplies to take care of them. And shutting down the pipeline and putting people out of work, and thus a paycheck!! We need some kind of REFORM somewhere along the line, and I believe God is the only One Who can bring that about! Amen!
What a need we have for free speech! I am so grateful that Mr Trump will be making this available. Lord, guide him in all the decisions he is making. Your timing is essential in all of this.
I think this is fantastic! I’m excited to see where this goes and how it will influence others in creating their platforms to protecting our freedom of speech.
Thank You, Dear God! Let Freedom ring in America once again. Let not fraud, global mafia corruption be hidden but reveal the TRUTH of this election corruption and fraudulent gov criminals. Expose the corruption, Great Reset 2020/Agenda 2021 organized crime ring with all their dark strongholds of wickedness against humanity! LET FREEDOM BE RESTORED AND TRUTH TO America AND HER PEOPLE!
It is a great idea for Trump to tackle this new adventure! Please! I knew that Trump would not sit back and do nothing after the fraudulent election we had last November. God has a plan. We have the responsibility of praying for our leaders, our nation, Donald Trump, and the issues and bills that are so skewed with hidden agendas. Justice will eventually be served. God wins in the end!
Many of us who read the holy word feel Donald trump is a chosen man. He right down the line did all he promised took the beatings and did his job. We know also that the lord isn’t pushed he does his work in his season. We were all disappointed when he was overtaken by the enemy through the less then honest voting but the lord already knew this. God always has a plan. It will be revealed in the Fullness of time. This is the start. We see what Satan can do now we will watch how our saviour turns this mess into victory for those who prayed and believed. Don’t fear know that he is still here and it’s already started. Donald is our ambassador in the healing process of America. Truth freedom our families our souls let his light shine in us daily. He is alive.
He is the enemy. Read God’s word about evil and corrupt leaders. His days of reckoning are coming.
You mean
Biden, right? You know one of the 1st things he did after innaugeration was focus on extreme pro-abortion efforts in the US and helping funding in other countries. Can’t get more evil than that.
And opening borders means creating lawlessness which profoundly enables human traffickers to victimize even more innocents and put law abiding citizens at great risk. This grieves the heart of God. Let us also consider the Biden administration’s immediacy of killing this nation’s energy independence which, for no good reason, immediately destroyed many thousands of jobs, which will lead to the destruction of even more jobs, hyper-inflation, pollution, and more pressure on our already stressed families. Really, this is only the very tip of the iceberg. There is no good fruit coming from the actions of those in authority right now. Jesus said we will know them by their fruit!
There’ll be numerous companies and people following Trump. Bring it on, Mr. Trump!
We definitely need a conservative voice. This can’t come soon enough!
Can happen fast enough! We need conservative voices to be heard! Big tech can’t win. We the people trust Donald Trump to speak the truth over the lying left. Bring it!!!!
I think it might be promising for more voices to be heard in this country that has seen biblical and more “traditional” thinking sidelined and blocked by big Tech and the Leftists that are controlling media.
Cannot happen fast enough!! We need to pray that God will intervene in a way as to stop the damage the current administration is doing to our country for at least 2 years
we desperately need a “conservative voice”
I am glad he is going to show the world more of what is can do.
We need a new social media and we the people trust him more than anyone else at this time.
This household will connect to this information outlet for sure.
To be truthful, I’m not a big fan of social media. However, I think former President Trump would establish a fair and honest site. I pray for wisdom and God’s guidance for him and those who create this site. I pray for a site that would honor God and promote truth and our freedoms.
The Lord is raising up new ways for us to communicate so we can get the Truth and the truth without being censored!!! I knew the President(the legitimate one who won in Nov. with 79 million votes to Biden’s 68 million votes) would be used to open a door for “Freedom of Speech”, “Freedom of Religion”, and our other liberties as Americans and Christians, I just didn’t know when! Our Father God, the Creator of this Universe, is far above the defeated power of the prince of the air!! Thank you Lord God Almighty!! Bless this endeavor far above all we can ask or think!
Cant wait-GREAT news!!!!
sitting president trump you are most welcomed back. biden is just keeping your seat warm lol lol lol
Amen to that.
Great idea. I think God is using Mr Trump to overhaul social media. Great idea.
I believe God is still using Mr. Trump. This certainly is good news! God bless Donald Trump in all his efforts.
Satan has used trump mighty these past four years. God has heard our cry.
Dear Lord, I still pray for former Pres. Trump. (I still think of him as our President). I pray that Trump will put You first in his life and I pray that platforms will arise that will honor and trust You and would protect freedom of speech and religion, etc. Thank You for this, Lord! Jesus name I pray, amen!
Cool! I can’t wait!! Praise God and thank you Mr President.
CAN’T WAIT!!! It’s gonna be YUGE!!! :o)
I hope Facebook and Twitter go down the toilet!
God bless President Donald J Trump in all his efforts!
Very interesting, answered prayer.a real chance for Americans who love this country,respect law and order who’s voices are tuned out by the corrupt media and the radical left. God hears our voices and with our great president Trump,others will too!
I’ve been praying for this!
Thank You Jesus!
I cannot wait to see what President Trump is doing. I believe God is still using him. GOD BLESS HIM!
That is awesome!
Yes Lord! Let this being a death blow to Luciferian/Marxist censorship! Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty!
I think it is a very good idea. There is no question that people want to hear from him! We need a platform where we can freely discuss our opinions and disseminate information so I say, “Have at it President Trump!” ❤️🇺🇸
Great! Dear Lord, please bless this new venture. Make it user friendly, open and free for all with good hearts who acknowledge you as Lord and Savior and any others who are open to truth and give wisdom to those who are managing this platform to keep it free of porn and viciousness. I pray in the precious name of Jesus.
Looking forward to reading and participating in the new platforms since I discontinued my accounts on Facebook and Twitter in November 2020. I continue to pray for freedom of speech and for God to remove deception from all minds.
It is about time this happened💯🏵️
i will be first on it!
Whatever is Your will, all is well. Although we are encouraged by any platform that allows for the free and respectful exchange of ideas, we know that ultimately, You are sovereign and You alone are God! Ps 20:7 reminds us that, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God.” You have been and will be for all eternity! Thank You, Lord for adopting us into Your family through the blood of Christ. Let His righteousness and finished work be our victory. In His Name we pray! AMEN🙏🏼
I am abounding with joy and confidence that the LORD has prompted President Donald J. Trump to create a new social media platform! I am looking forward to the day when this shall come to pass. My prayers and congratulations to you, President Trump, continue to move forward and leave the past behind!
I hope President Trump creates a new social media platform that allows The Truth and the Light to shine through!
Where the Salt of the Earth can edify and be edified.
Where the apostles ofJesus Christ can gather and form a new government in Christ.
The way God intended it to be.This I will pray for.
The use of “gonna” repeatedly in this seems unprofessional. I realize you are quoting someone, but “going to” should be used, particularly because there are so many occurrences.
I pray the Lord has been doing a mighty work in and through President Trump as well as most Trump supporters. All power and dominion belong to God. May we be careful to only worship God and know all blessings flow from him and not make President Trump and idol. I pray we all have unity and are all on one accord as we fight this spiritual battle together knowing the battle belongs to the Lord and our God reigns forever 🙌 in the powerful name of Jesus I pray, Amen.
The amen button is not working.
I absolutely agree
I might be too late; most have exalted him as their idol of worship and not the Most High. Did 1st century believers storm the seat of power to try to overthrow Caeser and his government? Most would do better truly studying the Besorah and the ways of Yeshua instead focusing on a man. Does he really bear signs of the fruit of the spirit? I believe many are being deceived in these last days. It’s not about Democrats and Republicans because they are really different wings of the same bird both a part of this worldly system. Examine your hearts. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against
powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
War in the spirit, not in the flesh. Walk in LOVE.
Are we grammar nazis now? LOL
No, but we’re Gonna be! 🙂
I agree. There are those in the south that are gonna have problems with “going to” Amen? Amen!