I Prayed have prayed
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With the Trump Administration posts nearly complete, we can begin to pray for each one by name, as intercessors.  Pray for God’s wisdom, His plans and His solutions to become clear to each serving in their respective departments.  Pray that God would be known to them, and they would run their department in a godly way.

Also, pray for the President-elect and Vice President-elect, that they would be effective in their governance of our nation, maintain campaign promises, and be open to God’s leading for our nation.





Here are the Administration members as of today:

Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson

Attorney General, Jeff Sessions

Secretary of Defense, General James Mattis

Secretary of the Treasury, Steve Mnuchin

Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tom Price

Secretary of Homeland Security, John Kelly

Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Dr. Ben Carson

Secretary of Energy, Rick Perry

Secretary of the Interior, Ryan Zinke

Secretary of Labor, Andrew Puzder

Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross

Secretary of Transportation, Elaine Chao

Secretary of Veteran Affairs, David Shulkin

Still unfilled:  Secretary of Agriculture

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