President Trump on Thursday told former prison inmates graduating in a program to reenter society that they are “made by God for a great and noble purpose.”
At a ceremony at the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department in Nevada, the president handed out diplomas to each of the 29 former offenders, who were wearing caps and gowns to signify their passage through the non-profit program called Hope for Prisoners.
“We are here to reaffirm that America is a nation that believes in redemption,” the president told them. “We believe in second chances. You have paid your debt to society and showed your commitment to change. Your future does not have to be defined by the mistakes of the past.”
The ceremony also was attended by 25 law-enforcement officials in uniform, and family members of the graduates. In its 11th year, Hope for Prisoners has graduated more than 3,100 former prisoners to prepare them to reenter society.
Mr. Trump, who has made criminal-justice reform a pillar of his agenda, said he campaigned on a pledge “to fight for those who have been forgotten, neglected, overlooked, and ignored by politicians in our nation’s capital.”
The program was founded by Jon Ponder, a former offender himself, who met with the president in 2018 as Mr. Trump signed the First Step Act, an initiative to offer more services and training for former inmates reentering the workplace.
“I have not seen another sitting president move with this much compassion when it comes to the people in the reentry community,” Mr. Ponder said.
The president surprised Mr. Ponder by revealing that he is giving “absolute consideration” to granting him a full pardon, based on his work.
“He’s saved so many lives,” the president said. “I have a feeling he’s going to get that full pardon.”
Pointing to the strong economy, Mr. Trump said his administration has begun a nationwide campaign “to encourage businesses to expand ‘second chance’ hiring.”
“Together, we are building the most prosperous economy. — and the most inclusive society — ever to exist,” the president said. “We want every citizen to join in America’s unparalleled success and every community to take part in America’s extraordinary rise. In fact, the Trump economy might be the best criminal justice reform of all. Our jobs market is so strong that businesses are recruiting former prisoners off the sidelines in great numbers.”
(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Dave Boyer.)
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Father- Thank you for this initiative by President Trump. Thank you that it is Your word that shows us about forgiveness and second chances. Thank you that there is a way to move forward after wrong choices. I pray that the people impacted by this will turn to you and find grace and strength as they seek to build a new life. Help them to build on the solid foundation of your word. Please let the truth about these positive actions by our president be made known to the populace at large.
What strikes me about this article is that President Trump has begun to “parent” the American people. He is setting boundaries, reestablishing vision, encouraging those who lagged behind to catch up, looking for those who have lost hope, and has begun to concretely lead them into a new life. He is fighting for “his family” and doing all he can to motivate them and help them thrive. For the ones who didn’t have a father doing this..He is filling a HUGE void that is incredibly healing.
“We are here to reaffirm that America is a nation that believes in redemption,” the president told them. “We believe in second chances. You have paid your debt to society and showed your commitment to change. Your future does not have to be defined by the mistakes of the past.”
Those words are simply stunning. Father God, Thank You for the blessing of this man You have given us. We ask that YOU keep and guard him, as You guide Him to do Your will for this country. We bless Your Holy Name!
Praise You Lord for Your justice that carries with it men and women who will humble themselves in prayer the desire to see Your will and purposes fullfilled for Your glory and that all people will know that You are the Lord of the universe and there is nothing that escapes your eyes. Father I pray that these precious men and women that have been imprisoned that they no longer see themselves as Prisoners of the Law but are captives of Your love and Your Son’s Redemptive restoration. They are free from the inside forever! Those who have sought you – bring them open doors through this wonderful forgiveness just as you do for those who were/are imprisoned by the enemies lies. Raise up many in the Prisons and Jails to bring Revival in this land!
Lord bring holy convictions to each of the Nations courts this week – may none be able to vote for the killing of anymore children in the womb – and declare it America’s law! IN Jesus’ Name. Amen!
I’m so proud of our President! Thank you for caring about the least of these! I live in New Mexico, and have been fighting for dual treatment (mental illness – addiction) for my 31 year old son for 12 years. Things look like they will change, like we are making progress, getting somewhere and then fall right through our fingers. Over and over again for the past 12 years! I have not been able to get him the treatment he needs. He doesn’t think anyone cares any more, has lost heart and continues to go from jail to the streets. To see president Trump do this blesses my heart. I remain hopeful, I can’t give up on my son. He has a God given purpose!
Father God,
I ask You for a complete deliverance for Danielle’s son that makes him well and whole. I ask Lord for this mother’s prayers to be answered swiftly. As Hudson Taylor said, “We don’t need a great faith, but faith in a great God.” Our Jesus is worthy of all honor and praise so I ask all this in His name. Amen.
There is no more loving act than your prayer. Thank you so much. Together we unite our faith and declare Victory and Freedom! God’s time, God’s way and for the Glory of His name and the Freedom of all who hear Scott’s story and testimony! Hallelujah, and to God be all the Glory and Praise!
Wow what a post about Our Greatest President yet in our history the only one that has taken the time to stop,talk & visit former inmates that have made a purpose & life for themselves. Join every citizen& myself with Trump today to come along side of every unparalleled success& rise in the community to take part in American extraordinary Rise. Praise God from whom all blessings flow in all that is happening & taking place in this man of God Presidents ways. I love you & Thank you Trump for taking stand for this,Our Babies that can’t speak for themselves, Our Families& children,Our Veterans the protection of our Nation’s borders creating & passing laws that are to go down in history that will stand for this nations defense in God being immovable in all that you do.More Favor&*Blessing to come on our Great Country PRAYING & Believing.