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Father, thank You that Iowans' voices were heard. As Trump, DeSantis, and Haley continue onward, may Your chosen candidate prevail.
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Last night saw many surprising and interesting developments, but the former president emerged victorious.

From The Epoch Times. Former President Donald Trump claimed a huge victory in the Iowa caucuses, cementing his place as the prohibitive favorite in the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

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The night was not a total loss for others as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis claimed a second-place finish, scoring well above his recent standing in the polls. Former U.N. Ambassador finished third, falling below expectations based on recent polls that showed her in second place.

The tally with 97 percent of votes counted showed President Trump at 51 percent, Mr. DeSantis at 21 percent, Ms. Haley at 19 percent, and Vivek Ramaswamy at just under 8 percent.

Trump’s Big Win

President Trump proved the polls correct, winning the Iowa caucuses with 51 percent of the vote and establishing his dominance in the race for the Republican nomination. …

President Trump’s 30-point victory is the largest in the history of the Iowa caucuses. …

A big victory for President Trump “would likely blunt momentum that Haley has in New Hampshire,” Thomas Hagle, a professor at the University of Iowa, told The Epoch Times before the caucuses.

“If Trump wins Iowa, New Hampshire, and then in South Carolina, it would seem to be very difficult to stop him unless some extraneous event shakes up the race,” he said.

Early Call for Trump

Multiple media outlets called the Iowa Republican presidential caucus for President Trump very early—a little more than half an hour after caucusing first began at 7 p.m. CT, and at a point when many Iowans were still voting—and could easily check the results on their smartphones. …

“This is the earliest I can remember ever calling such a thing,” CNN’s Jake Tapper said moments after CNN projected a victory for President Trump. …

Vivek Bows Out, Backs Trump

While the three main players in the ongoing Republican campaign remain in the race, the avatar of what he has called MAGA 2.0 has bowed out in favor of MAGA Original.

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy ended his campaign late on Jan. 15 after finishing in a distant fourth place in Iowa’s Republican caucus, much to the dismay of his supporters.

“This one’s hard for me, I’ve got to admit this,” Mr. Ramaswamy said in a video that he live-streamed on X, formerly Twitter. …

Mr. Ramaswamy then revealed that President Trump would enjoy his “full endorsement.” …

Former President Trump spoke positively of Mr. Ramaswamy during his victory address. …

Haley’s Path an Open Question

As the night wore on, President Trump retained a strong lead over Ms. Haley and Mr. DeSantis, with Mr. DeSantis ultimately coming out ahead.

In at least some parts of Iowa, however, the former ambassador to the United Nations may have done better than the big map suggests.

“Everywhere we’ve been, Nikki Haley won,” Jacqueline Rieckena, a caucus captain for Vivek Ramaswamy, told The Epoch Times. …

One big question is what the results mean for Ms. Haley.

In some respects, the next few primaries may look favorable to her. She will soon compete in South Carolina, a state where her past service as governor may give her an edge, though likely not enough to defeat President Trump. …

Yet, even in Iowa, many participants registered as Republicans long enough to vote against President Trump by choosing the least threatening alternative for many Democrats and liberal-leaning independents — Ms. Haley.

“He wants to be a dictator,” Christine Urish told The Epoch Times. She said she had registered as a Republican to vote for Haley at the Pleasant Hill, Iowa, caucus site.

Yet for all those factors, the trends in Iowa don’t bode well.

In urban and suburban counties where Ms. Haley would be expected to overperform, President Trump still came out ahead. …

DeSantis Gains Slightly

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis took the stage at his watch party to tell an enthusiastic crowd of supporters that his campaign had overcome opposition to achieve its objective in Iowa and would now carry the fight to New Hampshire and South Carolina. …

Mr. DeSantis managed to close the gap between himself and President Trump slightly, but enough to claim that he outperformed expectations. He also reasserted his position ahead of Ms. Haley, who had been widely expected to place second. …

On to New Hampshire

Mr. DeSantis gained a reprieve by placing second in Iowa but must now face Ms. Haley on tougher ground.

Ms. Haley is significantly ahead of Mr. DeSantis in the Granite State, whose primary is slated for Jan. 22, just eight days after the Iowa caucuses.

President Trump leads the polls in New Hampshire, though the margin is smaller than in Iowa. President Trump is polling at 44 percent in the Granite State compared to Ms. Haley’s 28 percent. Mr. DeSantis is a distant fourth at 7 percent, behind former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie who suspended his campaign a week ago. Some polls have placed Ms. Haley within 10 points of the former president.

If the polls are accurate, Ms. Haley could deliver to President Trump a black eye, if not an outright loss. …

What do you think about these Iowa caucuses? Are you happy with the result? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America – This file has been extracted from another file, CC BY-SA 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Peg B
January 18, 2024

Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of the Iowa caucus. You kept many safe who traveled in very cold conditions. Our process went smooth and we were blessed to gather together. Eli sorry that you believe Iowan’s are not informed, not sure where you drew your conclusion. Many are engaged within their small groups of influence and are thoughtful in their considerations. We do value freedom and the price that has been paid by many. We engaged in prayer multiple times throughout our caucus. Thank You to the intercessors who prayed, we are truly grateful! May each of you and your states be blessed as well. May prayers continue to be lifted up, may God be glorified/exalted and the U.S. turn to God and His wisdom in all that we do. In Jesus’ precious name. Amen.

January 18, 2024

Only 15% of registered Republicans voted in the Iowa election. So, the results may not accurately reflect what people are thinking.

Can’t help but notice that those who did vote seem to not be informed. Only 3% said international issues were a concern.

Lord, have mercy on this country! Intervene and turn this situation around!

January 17, 2024

Lord, I am praying an open-ended prayer. Give us wise leaders, those who know how to unite rather than divide, those who understand the complications of our economic situation, those who understand what is taking place in the world around us.

January 17, 2024

Father God your hand on this and on the elections may your will be done amen

Carol R
January 17, 2024

Name 1 President or elected official that was or is perfect in all of his/her ways? I know I’m not! I like President Trump’s personality just fine! I like even more how he fights for all Americans, not just them that agree with him! Thank YOU FATHER GOD for delivering us from the enemies of both YOU and America and President Trump in this next election! Please bless President Trump to win big the 2024 Presidential race in spite of bogus law suits and critical lying mouths! Please send YOUR angels to surround and protect all of his family and his property and let the trap-setters for him fall into their own traps in JESUS NAME! Amen!

January 17, 2024

In everything with prayer and supplication, with Thanksgiving, let your requests be made unto GOD; Thank YOU FATHER GOD for President Trump winning the Iowa Caucuses! Let him sweep the nation with so many true votes that the democrats can’t blantlantly steal another election ever!
Please send YOUR angels to surround and protect him and his family at all times in JESUS NAME!

January 16, 2024

Thank you Father for your divine and perfect will. Mya our new President and Vice President be your indicated choice as we pray for God’s perfect will to be done in every one of these elections in 2024. Thank you Father, in Jesus’s Name. Your ways are exactly what we need in all aspects of our lives.

Bridget A. Bonczyk, Florida
January 16, 2024

Thank you, Father God, Your will accomplished on Monday the 15th in Iowa Caucus, 2024. Thank you, too, Father, for Martin Luther King Junior. His friends and life celebrated on Monday. Thank you for rejuvenating and renewing citizens in The United States of America. What a privilege and honor to be living in this season, right at this time. Holy Spirit have a free hand in New Hampshire at the end of this month. Asking and believing for the peace in Jerusalem according to Your Word from Psalm 122:6, (NASB). Your will, Father God, be done. We love you Sweet Jesus. Thank you for Your grace, strength, protection, wisdom, discernment and healing graces over America. Asking for nothing more, nothing less. In Your Holy Name we pray. Amen and amen.

January 16, 2024

Hope people will vote for what Trump can do for America, not his personality. He is a very successful business man, not a politician. That is what America needs.

    January 17, 2024

    Donald Trump has been somewhat successful as a businessman. The information about his businesses in New York have revealed that he has vastly exaggerated his wealth.

    I am concerned. He doesn’t seem to understand that tariffs cause inflation.

    January 17, 2024

    We are not going to be able to return to 2016. The debt packages issued under both Presidents Trump and Biden make that impossible. what worked then, will not work now.

    Lord, give us wise and understanding leaders!!

    January 17, 2024

    A business leader will be of little use in a military confrontation.

    We are heading into a season of international crises. Xi, Putin, Isis and Hamas are not going to be impressed by Mr. Trump’s ‘let’s make a deal’ diplomacy. Afterall, it didn’t work with North Korea because they continued building up their nuclear capability during both the Trump and Biden administration.

Priscilla Meyenburg
January 16, 2024

Father, we recognize that we are extensions of Christ’s ministry’s, releases of His authority on the earth. Today, we appeal to heaven for Your Mercy and grace. We decree that nothing will stop the reset You have begun. Psalms 110-4” says” The Lord has sworn and will not revoke or change it. You are a priest forever! “ God as I read and pray, it is Your Will I want in my prayers and in my life. If we are going to be truly effective in prayer, we must acknowledge and understand, and learn to in fluency the spiritual realm. Even though President Trump won the Iowa Caucus last night we do not to let up on prayers and soaking up Gods words to be able to function in the invisible spiritual realm. I truly believe that the more we apply Gods words to the Heavenly forces of darkness, against the spiritual forces, the rulers of earth. That is hidden but real. Much that happens on earth is influenced from it. God, when I learned that You gave us authority to bind, what the evil spirits are trying to do to each of us and what they are doing to President Trump is enduring, makes me feel pain in my heart. I realize many people do not want to believe in this realm of praying nor do they believe in this spiritual realm, we must move beyond beyond fear of criticism and read and agree with the scriptures. I had a low moment 2 years ago when I was on a prayer line, I was praying softly in tongues and when it came my turn to pray, I did pray in English. Next prayer session came around- The first statement from prayer leader – was I have an announcement to make. She said whoever is praying in tongues do it do that again, some others were offended. Mockery would of hurt a new seasoned Christian, but not me. I thought later as I prayed, God this is a problem in IL. No wonder the darkness surrounds this state. How are we going to win these dark battles? God spoke- be bold. Pray they need to be awaken to the tools I have given them and be awaken to a greater revelation of how to release the Victory of Christ. My prayers for President Trump is that the principality of darkness and evil spirits, will be broken in any of the people that surrounds Him. God we ask that the twisted lies be stopped, we ask in His travels to protect Him. We decree that the wicked candidates will not prosper in this election of 2924, and their words against Your Davis will fall on infertile ground. You said You shall expose them just as promised. God You have spoken,” 2 Why do the [a]nations [b]rage,
And the people plot a [c]vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed,[d] saying,
3 “Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”
4 He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
5 Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:“ Psalm 2— Keep praying – we need the words of God for Power. 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🇺🇸

January 16, 2024

cnn’s Jake Tapper lies again .. “the earliest I’ve seen something like this called”… except of course for the 2020 election. It was commented in another article here that the president Trump gets back in the White House that some are concerned he may retaliate. Well I think there’s more concern that the leftists are planning to end his life according to all the rumors.. and that we might lose our country if he doesn’t get back in the office.. and that our time is short here on this planet anyways.

Lord I pray that you would protect president Trump and cause repentance to be the order of the day, in the hearts and minds of all who would assault our country ..our system-, and president Trump and his family. Help us Lord to not grow weary and prayer and as we continue to be overwhelmed with the ongoing revelation of subterfuge and evil that has been ingrained in our election system and in our government for so long Lord way longer than any of us realize.. and as the realization comes about that these evils will continue to be revealed lettuce not lose Heart Lord and let us not expect that all these things will be resolved in a day Lord.. but that we need to stay the course and not give up hope, Lord ..praying You will guide us Lord in prayer and we will continue to seek Avenues where we may be involved and be the Salt and Light in our communities to rebuild our system of governance.. Lord and I pray that you will continue to raise up Godly leaders in the meantime.. as we learn how to become a self-governing nation.
In the mighty name of Jesus, – amen

January 16, 2024

Thanks LORD JESUS CHRIST Donald Trump got 51%.
I pray to GOD he will win coming 🇺🇸 US election and do GOD duty in his Government.

Liz Williston
January 16, 2024

Why does everything written or spoken have to end with negative words. Of course President Trump’s win in Iowa could not just be celebrated….the article made SURE that it included those that registered Rep.to vote against DJT and that Haley would probably deliver DJT a “black eye” in NH….
Sick of all of it…

    January 16, 2024

    It is because IFA favors-, A contributor to this platform that has heavy globalist influence.. that is not openly acknowledged ..but is in fact protected-, which is part of the evil in The Human Condition.. our tendency to not want to call out the truth -and call human beings to accountability- because we may like them as people-ot be impressed by their academic accolades-, and somehow feel we must be ‘nice to the enemy’.. which is how Obama got in the White House in the first place. It is also the mindset that allows leadership and media to still use the extremely inaccurate term” vaccine” when referencing the deadly covid jab..in spite of mountains of evidence proving its murderous design and intent..

    Lord, when will the church and christian media finally walk in the truth and fully expose evil.. instead of catering to it?
    In Jesus name, Amen

    January 17, 2024

    IFA is trying to be accurate and fair. That is to their credit.

    Lizzie A.
    January 18, 2024

    I don’t regard it as negative that New Hampshire could turn this around.

Francis (Frank) MARLOW
January 16, 2024

I am very pleasantly surprised by President Trump’s victory in Iowa! If his successes continue enroute to the election, I will likely vote for Mr. Trump. That said, I feel very strongly that he must tighten-up his “presidential act” once back in the White House. I greatly appreciate his stance on abortion, but there are many other issues also to consider. You know, you simply can’t be your “own worst enemy”! Go, Mr. Trump!!

    January 16, 2024

    Remember that the Lord uses who he Wills in spite of our opinion of that person’s Behavior..like Cyrus

January 16, 2024

Father God we cry to You, hear our prayer. America has suffered repeated blows since Biden was inaugurated, his administration has wreaked destruction in almost every quarter. But this season of trial has uncovered treachery and exposed wickedness in high places and for that we thank you. May it be dealt with according to Your justice.
Clearly the people in our country are ready to elect Donald Trump again, for the third time. Foil and thwart every plan to stop him. Cover him and his family and his supporters with divine protection. Let no weapon formed against him prosper or stand. Let the will of the people prevail.
We are ragged and weary from the curse of wicked leaders.
Ms Haley would simply be another tool of globalist tyrants and we reject her. Our enemies have changed sides to vote for her on our behalf. Do not allow this trickery to prevail.
O Lord be not still, do not be silent! See how your enemies plot against Your purpose for America! Hear our hearts’ cry for righteous and competent leaders , and hold this election in the palm of Your hands.
Because we have set our love upon You, rescue us! Protect us, Lord, according to Your promise. Deliver us from the evil one.

    Diana Muckelrath
    January 16, 2024

    Dear Jesus,
    I pray for our countries leaders and our federal higher educators honesty and integrity, as I have endured these seasons of trial and hardship. Pray for our families and for our churches. That the secular seeking after publicity and worldly over Godly values change. I pray for our college students and our police officers in our universities and our parents.

Patty Vogel
January 16, 2024

I am very happy with the results of the Iowa Caucus. In spite of numerous fraudulent court cases against Trump, aimed to tie him up in court and damage his reputation, he prevailed. In spite of bitter cold weather conditions, Iowans prevailed! Their voice has been clearly heard! We the people, choose Trump!

January 16, 2024

My heart breaks for this country.


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