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Heavenly Father, we thank You for this judge's ruling. We continue to ask you for truth and justice in all of Trump's cases, especially the Georgia election case.
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Amidst several indictments, former President Trump earned a win in court, securing a later date for his Georgia election case trial.

From The Epoch Times. A judge ruled Thursday that former President Donald Trump’s Georgia election case won’t start in October.

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The ruling (pdf) from Judge Scott McAfee of Fulton County Superior Court stated that the former president will be tried separately from and after the trials of two of his former attorneys, Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell, in the case.

No specific date has been set for President Trump’s trial in the case, where 19 defendants were criminally charged in August with violating Georgia’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, along with a laundry list of other charges, in their efforts to dispute the 2020 election results in Georgia. …

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis had been pushing to try all 19 defendants together, arguing that it would be fairer and more efficient.

Judge McAfee cited logistical concerns and the pending legal issues in separating the trial of Mr. Chesebro and Ms. Powell from that of President Trump and the other 16 co-defendants.

“The precarious ability of the Court to safeguard each defendant’s due process rights and ensure adequate pretrial preparation on the current accelerated track weighs heavily, if not decisively, in favor of severance,” the judge wrote. He also hinted at the possibility of further splitting the cases among the 17 remaining defendants. …

Judge McAfee further pointed out that the Fulton County courthouse doesn’t have the space to accommodate all involved, and that finding a larger venue might pose security issues. …

Judge McAfee also noted that five defendants are currently seeking to move their cases to federal court and litigation on that issue continues. …

Co-defendant Mark Meadows, former chief of staff to President Trump, had filed a notice to remove his case to federal court one day after the indictment. The request was denied by U.S. District Judge Steve Jones on Sept. 8. Mr. Meadows is appealing the ruling in the 11th Circuit. …

Four other defendants have filed similar notices as Mr. Meadows to remove their case to federal court. They have hearings before Judge Jones scheduled next week. …

Share your prayers over Trump’s Georgia election case below.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Michael Zarrilli/Getty Images)

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September 18, 2023

Lord God of the Universe thank you for your unfailing love and mercy upon President Donald J. Trump and his family and his fellow patriots. I ask that you cover them with the blood or your dear Son Jesus the Christ. Thank you for overturning this injustice to innocent servants. Expose and replace these self-serving people in Fulton County. Foil the works of the devil and his followers. Thank you for crushing the head of the serpent. Let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Maynard Beck Sr
September 17, 2023

Funny that this article followed Gloria Robles article about pride..

Marsha Bashor
September 16, 2023

Thank you Lord God that the judge has ruled that Donald Trump’s case will
Not start in October like he requested. I pray that the hand of Satan will be removed in Trumps case and in all the cases that they want to try. Let this whole stinken mess fail miserably Lord. Please foil the plans of Fani Willis, cause these plans to fall apart before her eyes ! We pray for your mercy and justice upon Donald Trump, Mark Meadows, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Chesebro, and all the others. Bless these ones who tried to do good. Remember your people dear Lord.

John c Raby
September 16, 2023

There is a large and beautiful four ft diameter Ponderosa Pine tree in my front yard. It stands tall and strong. Yet, one can see, on the shady side the tree, it is being attacked by thousands of tiny parasite beetles that borrow into the new growth bark drinking up the so called “free” nutrients.
Then looking to one side there is the dead remains of an even bigger Ponderosa that was devastated by much larger ½ in dia. voracious Beatles that burrowed into the weakened tree left behind by the tinny beetles.
And as I looked at the progressive nature of the beetles I saw “you” the very members put in a place of honor by the people of America. You who gave holey oaths to protect our country, have disgraced our country by direct and treasonous corruption. You are the “Judas goat” beetles that open the door for the voracious Beatles that eat the tree unto its death.
Shame on you DemoRat congressional cowards who kiss the ring of Satan behind closed doors. How can go home to your families knowing that you participate in a plot that will destroy your own children? What have you done? Have you sold your soul in your quest for power? Have you traded your spark of decency for fake promises of fame and riches from Satan?
And you the Republicans, you are even worse. Most of You beg for donations that you squander on foolish buffoon lip service thinking you have the voters fooled. But behind closed doors you participate and look the other way while the despicable left destroys our sacred America and kiss the ring of Satan in step with the DemoRats. You have betrayed your duty and enabled Satan to sink his teeth into the heart of America. DO NOT DENEY that in doing noting YOU are the tip of Satan’s spear and the scourge of treason. The judgement of all mighty God will be your first taste of actual truth.
A Korean War Veteran.

    September 16, 2023

    Christians who do NOT vote for YeHoVaH’s righteous candidate’s are the cause of corruption of America. We need term limits, replacement of liars & thieves who do NOT Honor our Constitution. Trump has NOT started a war, he has fulfilled most of his promises, BUT was hamstrung by DNC DOJ FBI CIA NSA IRS DOD Alefbet Soup & Deepstate swamp rat’s. (IE, “THE WALL”)

    Bruni O
    September 17, 2023

    Wow!🙏 Right on target 🎯! AMEN And AMEN!

September 16, 2023

Father , I pray that you remove evil justices, prosecutors and people away from Georgia courts. We pray your will be done in these cases and the truth be revealed, you said you’re Alpha and Omega, the begining and the end Trump came through you and he fulfilled your purpose in his term don’t let him walk through the snares and traps set by the devil in the justice system, shame him dear Lord so that we the great people will exalt and glorify your holy name We pray in Jesus name Amen.

Denise Moore
September 16, 2023

Father in Jesus YESUHA the CHRIST NAME, I Pray that You will open the door to Justice and RIGHTEOUSNESS in heaven as it is on Earth, please expose All Truth 🙏 because You Are Our exposing GOD of the Devil schemes, Protect his families as Mr. Trump goes through trials and tribulations, You knows his heart to see any wicked scheme in there, I’m praying to giving him clean hands and Heart as repentance to You, in Jesus YESUHA the CHRIST NAME, Mr. Trump is a Child of GOD.

Denise Moore
September 16, 2023

Father in Jesus YESUHA the CHRIST NAME, I Pray that You will open the door to Justice and RIGHTEOUSNESS in heaven as it is on Earth, please expose All Truth 🙏 because You Are Our exposing GOD of the Devil schemes, Protect his families as Mr. Trump goes through trials and tribulations, You knows his heart to see any wicked scheme in there, I’m praying to giving him clean hands and Heart as repentance to You, in Jesus YESUHA the CHRIST NAME

September 16, 2023

FATHER, YOU are NATURES GOD. YOU have STOREHOUSE of Wind, Lightning, Rain, Snow and Ice to foil the enemy like in 1700’s with the red coats and this September 2023 Worms Germany Storm.
FATHER, I ask YOU to foil the Fulton County Courthouse with a Sign from HEAVEN of YOUR disapproval of their handling of TRUTH IN YESHUA’S HOLY NAME AMEN AMEN

Mari Williams
September 16, 2023

Our Father, I pray for the those involved in this satanic scheme to bring shame on President Trump and to prevent him from reaching the goal that You have set for him. I ask You LORD to open their eyes,and help them by Thy grace and mercy to see the truth, to change their minds, or remove them from the situation. May You show Yourself mighty in defending President Trump as well as defending all those other people who are being wrongly accused, some of whom have lost their jobs, and others who have even been sent to goal. We claim the total defeat of the wicked one and all his evil schemes. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Revelation 12: 10 And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

September 16, 2023

Father , we pray you remove evil justices, prosecutors and people away from Georgia courts. We pray your will be done in these cases and the truth be revealed. We pray in Jesus name Amen. John P.

John Galt
September 16, 2023

Heavenly Father,
I ask that you rescue and protect this man and his family; someone who has done so much for this country. I ask that you give him true Wisdom and open his eyes to the many snares around him from the pharmaceutical industry, technology (AI), military, Deep State and more. Give him unexpected aid in the 11th hour and vanquish his foes, those who do the works of darkness and would have humanity enslaved.
I ask this in your son’s name, Yeshua.
Thank you.

September 15, 2023

According to Your word, rescue these defendants from their enemies, O God. Protect them from those who have come to destroy them. They have set an ambush, and they are waiting, LORD. See what is happening and help them! O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, be their strength and their fortress as they wait for You to rescue them. In Your unfailing love stand with them. Let these defendants look down in triumph on all their enemies. Then the whole world will know that God reigns in the United States of America.


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