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Give thanks to the Lord for the transforming events of the past year under President Trump. Pray for an increase in positive influence over the media.

ā€œYour eye is the lamp of your body. When your eye is healthy, your whole body is full of light, but when it is bad, your body is full of darkness.ā€ (Luke 11:34)

President Trump emerged Saturday from a meeting with Congressā€™ Republican leaders at Camp David and outlined an ambitious legislative agenda for 2018, including the budget, infrastructure, a border wall, immigration and beefing up the military.

He called the agenda setting sessions ā€œgreat meetingsā€ that had been ā€œtransformative in certain ways.ā€

The president said it would be ā€œhard to topā€ the accomplishments of his first year in office, but they were going to try.

ā€œWe are very well prepared for the coming year. We finished very strong,ā€ he said, mentioning the tax cuts, ending the Obamacare individual mandate and opening the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to energy exploration.

Flanked by Republican leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, Mr. Trump projected a unified GOP front on the 2018 agenda.

Mr. Trump did not mention welfare reform in brief remarks to reporters. But when asked about the issue, he said it was something that was important and he would try to accomplish it in a way that would garner support from Democrats.

He also stressed the need for Democrats to support immigration measures, including fixing the soon-to-expire temporary amnesty for ā€œDreamersā€ and spending $18 billion for a border wall.

ā€œI think it is something that [Democrats] would like to see happen and something that I would like to see happen,ā€ he said of the fix for Dreamers, the illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children.

He stressed that a key goal of border security would be stopping a flow of illegal drugs into the US., including opioids that have fueled an addition epidemic thought the country.

ā€œOne of the things we are discussing and discussing very powerfully is drugs pouring into the country and how to stop it, because it is at a point over the last number of years [that] it has never been like this,ā€ said Mr. Trump. (Excerpts from S.A. Miller’s article in The Washington Times)

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January 10, 2018

If the miracle of the stock market going up, jobs increasing, and Gross national product rising, with the church becoming free of 501C3 is truly a miracle, then Pres. Trump qualifies as the head of the church: 2 Cor 12:12

12 Indeed, the signs that indicate a [genuine] apostle were performed among you fully and most patiently in miracles and wonders and mighty works.
So pray for Pres. Trump to fulfill his calling, 2 Cor 12:12

12 Indeed, the signs that indicate a [genuine] apostle were performed among you fully and most patiently in miracles and wonders and mighty works.
As you can see the pope has no claim to be the head of the church.

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