I Prayed have prayed
Lord, continue to give our president and other government officials wisdom and discernment. We pray that the fear of the Lord in their lives would cause them to shine as a light to the world.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

“We will safeguard our values, traditions, customs, and beliefs. We will teach our children to cherish and adore their country so that they can build its future.” – President Donald J. Trump

President Trump is working to defend our nation’s founding principles and preserve American history.

  • The President hosted a White House Conference on American History to address the way some have distorted America’s history.
    • The conference brought together a diverse group of professors, scholars, and historians to discuss the approach to teaching American history and to assist educators across the country.
  • President Trump will always protect America’s ideals and defend our Nation’s incredible history.
  • Standing before Mount Rushmore earlier this year, President Trump decried the radical “web of lies” actively distorting our children’s views of American history.
  • The President took executive action to ensure that those who seek to destroy our history by tearing down our monuments are prosecuted to the maximum extent under the law.
  • President Trump designated Wilmington, North Carolina as America’s first World War II Heritage City to commemorate the city’s exceptional acts of heroism.
  • At the President’s direction, the Trump Administration is in the process of building a National Garden of American Heroes, which will feature statues memorializing extraordinary citizens who made positive contributions to America.

The President is fighting against the left’s attempt to instill radical, misleading, and unpatriotic history curricula.

  • Divisive and distorted histories of America propagated by people like Howard Zinn and the New York Times’ 1619 Project, seek to erase from memory America’s tradition of liberty, freedom of expression, and self-determination.
    • Though the 1619 Project has been criticized as inaccurate by multiple prominent historians, it has already been disseminated in 4,500 classrooms across America.
  • According to polling, over a third of young Americans now believe other countries are better than the United States, and only 20 percent are “extremely proud to be an American.”
  • Additionally, in 2018 fewer than one in six eighth graders tested proficient in United States history according to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, despite 72 percent of eight graders taking a United States history course. . . .
  • President Trump is fighting each day against the left’s attempts to indoctrinate our children with a radical, misleading, and unpatriotic story of America.Divisive and distorted histories of our country—everything from Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States to The New York Times’ 1619 Project—seek to erase America’s tradition of liberty, free expression, and self-determination from memory.For too long, the left has been winning that fight. For example, even though the 1619 Project has been criticized as inaccurate by multiple prominent historians, it already has been quietly disseminated in 4,500 classrooms across the United States.

    🎬 President Trump: We must stop the lies in America’s classrooms

    Today marks 233 years since the signing of our U.S. Constitution. To honor this Constitution Day, President Trump spoke at the White House Conference on American History held today at the National Archives building in Washington, D.C. The event brought together scholars to address the way some have distorted American history.

    “Our Constitution was the product of centuries of tradition, wisdom, and experience,” President Trump said. “No political document has done more to advance the human condition or propel the engine of progress.”

    The President also announced today that he would sign an executive order launching the “1776 Commission,” which will promote patriotic education for our students. The commission will encourage educators to make plans to celebrate the 250th birthday of America’s founding, as well.

    Earlier this month, President Trump banned Federal agencies from using taxpayer dollars to fund divisive, anti-American employee training programs.

    “American parents are not going to accept indoctrination in our schools, cancel culture in our work, or the repression of traditional faith, culture, and values in the public square,” the President said today.

    When left-wing mobs tear down statues of our Founding Fathers, burn small businesses to the ground, and attack law enforcement officers daily—all with barely a peep from Democrat politicians—it is clear we are witnessing the results of decades of left-wing indoctrination in our schools, universities, and news media.

    “We are here today to declare that we will never submit to tyranny,” President Trump told those gathered at the National Archives today.

    “We will reclaim our history and our country for citizens of every race, color, religion, and creed.”

    🎬 No American should be made to feel ashamed of their history

    🎬 Watch President Trump’s full Constitution Day speech here!

(Excerpt from The White House. Photo Credit: The White House.)

Are you encouraged President Trump’s defense of our nation’s founding principles, preserving America, and supporting our youth?

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Lee Behnken
September 23, 2020

Here’s a song I wrote for America called, “The Christian Anthem”.
The Bible is our Constitution
The Word of God is our decree (Declaration)!
We stand upon the Rock (Jesus Christ) of the truth that set us free
And proclaim the law of love and liberty
From the album, Remember and RETURN.
Sooooo thankful for all of you… agreeing with you in prayer!
Your brother in Jesus,
Lee Behnken

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Henrietta Ame
September 20, 2020

I pray for our president and our country God Bless The USA

Joan Bartruff
September 19, 2020

Thank You, Lord for President Trump. You have raised him up to turn the tide, and halt those who desire to destroy knowledge of our nation’s founding principles, our youth, and all the wonders of American history. Thank You for calling the nation’s attention, and President Trump shutting down government programs of “brainwashing” employees with anti-American rhetoric. Thank You for granting courage to those in public office to stand courageously and defend our Constitution, history, and statutes commemorating our history.

In the Name of Jesus, I rebuke the lies of those who do not appreciate America. I pray they will turn from their lies, confess them. If they do not know Jesus as their Savior, I pray they will not reject the promptings of the Holy Spirit to bring them to faith. Lord, Bless us, protect us, and bring peace to America.

Jamie Hanson
September 19, 2020

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the song stand President Trump is taking to protect our American Way of Life. Be with him and his administrtain at they take steps to ensure Our United States of America stays free under your love and care. I pray you lead them wisely and that our people hear the words and act on them. Guide us in these troubling days and give us the signs we need to do your word.

In your sons name I pray Amen.

Vanessa Hacker
September 19, 2020

It is so true that the left and what they believe is indoctrinating our kids in the school system, I just started college at 41 years of age, I’ve only been in school for 4 weeks and every book I had to get for my classes is filled with the agenda of the left. I now see why our young people that have been raised in church, go to college, then start believing the lies of the enemy, and give up the principles they have been taught in church or from their Christian parents.

September 19, 2020

Lord, please bring us to repentance! Remind us that You gave direction and discernment to our founding fathers. You grew and blessed our nation. Help us to see our need to repent! Bring revival to our nation. Open the hearts and minds of Your Church and remove all distortion and compromise of our Truth! We stand in need of You, Oh Lord! Hear us and revive us as only You can! In Your Name we Pray!

September 19, 2020

1983 *** President Trump will ‘lead America back to God,’ according to 1983 prophecy; Tom Zimmer Loreto, Italy.


Maria Walker
September 19, 2020

To God be the Glory!!!!
This nation belongs to God!
This nation belongs to Jesus!
Thank you President Donald John Trump!
I am so thankful to be in this nation!!!
I myself am not American, but I am thankful for America!!
The following words were given to me by the Spirit of the Lord last year on July 4th 2019
Reformed and Transformed in Jesus Name!
The following words were given to me by the Spirit of the Lord on September 16th 2018
America Shall Be Saved
America Shall Be Saved
America Shall Be Saved
For I AM that I AM
It is I that Rule and Reign
Both now and forever more!
I say “ Glory to God “!!!!
Hallelujah to Jesus!!!!!
And lastly I share these words.
The Spirit of the Lord says,
My daughter and My child, yes praying is a good and wise thing to do at all times!
As I have told you before my Angels are all around this nation protecting this nation from the evil one!
Nothing that he does or will try to do will prosper! But is brought to nought!
I already have my prayer warriors placed all around this nation!
Prayer and Worship goes together! So praise the King, My Son now and forever more!
Remember that you are led first and foremost by My Spirit!
I AM that I AM
And My Will be done, for such a time as this!
This was given to me on July 3rd 2020!
My prayer is that these words are comforting and serves as a reminder who America belongs to!!!!
God Almighty!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 19, 2020

Thank you, Father, for our President’s stand for truth in our history. Expose the lies so that we can be a country under God that blesses You as You have blessed us.


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