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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, protect the freedom we still experience in our nation today. Please heal our land and give us wisdom of how to move forward..
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The organizing groups behind the White House “siege” that is supposed to last until Election Day suffered a set back on the first day as they canceled the first event related to the protest.

Minutes before the “General Assembly” was supposed to convene in Lafayette Square at noon, Twitter accounts announced the meeting was canceled due to the groups receiving “MANY threats of death and violence from Trump supporters and white nationalists.”

We are still organizing to occupy and feed the homeless of Washington DC this evening. Currently in Lafayette Square standing with core group of peaceful warriors. Could use help feeding as many people as we can. $reoccupy on CashApp. #FoodNotHate #Service @Adbusters

— DC General Assembly (@DCAssemble) September 17, 2020 . . . 

The “siege” was being advertised as a spiritual successor to the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011:

“It’s time again for dramatic, decisive action. Which is why, on September 17th, in the original and enduring spirit of Occupy, we and tens of thousands of our fellow citizens will stream into Lafayette Square, in Washington. D.C.

“We will lay siege to the White House. And we will sustain it for exactly fifty days. This is the #WhiteHouseSiege.

“A siege only works if it is sustained. We witnessed this — the multiplying power of a strategic occupation — nine years ago. You dig in, hold your ground, and the tension accumulates, amplifies, goes global.”

(Excerpt from Town Hall. Article by Julio Rosas. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

Share your prayers of praise that this siege has seen major setbacks. . .

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September 19, 2020


Praise and thanks to You LORD for exposing the enemy’s schemes and showing us in advance the enemy’s plans so that we could pray for our nation, for the protection of our White House, for the permanent setback of this siege.

We continue to pray for a hedge of protection, a wall of spiritual holy fire, warrior angels, and the precious blood of Jesus as our nation’s defense.

I pray for ongoing obstruction and confusion in the enemy’s schemes and bring division into the camp of the enemy.

In Jesus’ name I cut off the satanic head and cancel all the evil assignments of the enemy against our nation, and against our righteous leaders who seek Your counsel and guidance.

No assassination attempts against our President, his family, and his administration shall prevail but full exposure of their schemes and all the culprits be exposed and brought to judgement for treason.

I declare victory over evil and pray for law & order in every city in America, in Israel, and abroad.
I declare the whole and complete work of redemption that Christ fulfilled on the cross for all people to have opportunity to receive with their eyes opened, freed from deception, and the grace to turn from their wicked ways in repentance to You for forgiveness & wholeness.
I pray Thy kingdom to come, for Thy holy will be done here in America and abroad, in Jesus’ name. Amen!

September 19, 2020

Dear LORD thank you for hearing my prayers to release your organizing angels and messenger angles to warn your sons and daughter my sisters and brothers of the EVIL planned by this group of anarchist and rioters that were going to bring chaos to our leaders your sons and daughters of the W. H. Your WARRIORS, Donald J, Mike Pence and the whole administration. We ask you to take all financial support from these EVIL groups that are bringing chaos and terror to our cities and nation. These groups that funnel money to them are planned parenthood , Democratic Party, Soros, foreign countries that funnel EVIL blood money from abortionist, drug cartel through our businesses, Kohl’s, Toms shoes, YWCA and others. Help us expose them all as in your word Heb 4:13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from GODS sight. Everything is laid bare …
Help us hold them to account. Thank you for the gift of LIFE and your AGAPE love. We love you with every fiber of our being. Amen
Susie ( A Prayer WARRIOR)

    September 19, 2020

    Are Kohls planded parenting supporter ?

    Thanks for answering

      September 19, 2020

      Not sure haven’t researched that yet. But did confirm with Kohl’s that they are supporting BLM and have given them money I support of there EVIL. Have launched a new line of clothing that has the BLM logo on it. I called the corporate office asked to speak to their supervisor. She wasn’t available. Thousands of people are cutting up their cards. I will not shop their anymore. I told the receptionist that by supporting this group they are condoning business being burned looted and destroyed. They are condoning attacks on our brave men and women in blue. She said you want to cancel your card? I replied yes! I have reader her these issues. I don’t go by what I see posted I call and talk to the company. I also call candidates running for office and state and U.S. representatives to ask ? too before I vote. Then I pray then I vote.

Christine M Martha
September 19, 2020

Father, thank you that the Seige is off to a nose-dive of a start, and it will continue to plummet downward! We decree strength and stamina to all the believers who are there worshiping and praying and we ask that You would supply many more worshipers to keep the fire burning on Your altar! We cover them with the Blood of Jesus and pray the Hosts of Heaven all over Lafayette Park, in Jesus Name!

September 19, 2020

Praise God!!!This is evidence that prayer changes things for the better. Lord, by Your grace, please allow this attempt to set up this event in Washington to fail miserably.We need to not grow weary in praying for the good. This is our greatest weapon against the ungodly events that these radical people are trying to create. They are obviously deceived by Satan and his minions. We bind the attempts of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy. We loose the love of Jesus to replace these ungodly spirits. Thank You, Lord.

September 19, 2020

Their strategy has always been to accuse the other side of what they are actually doing.
Heavenly Father, help me/ us to pray for these people who are being deceived by the great Deceiver.

Shirley Kufeldt
September 19, 2020


Heavenly Father, may those who planned to protest around the White House, the People’s House, have their eyes opened to Truth, that Jesus Christ is their Need Meeter, not a president or government agency. As their eyes open to heart-felt needs, may they learn that confession, repentance and forgiveness is True Freedom that lasts for all eternity.

Thank you for hearing and responding to prayers of Your Faithful Warriors. In Jesus’ Name ~ Amen

Elisabeth King
September 19, 2020

The siege to the White House was not cancelled because of threats made to the demonstrators. It was cancelled by our faithful God. Two nights before the siege was to begin, a nation-wide conference line prayer meeting took place . We prayed that the Lord would intervene. He did! We must be pro-active and defeat the enemy before he has the opportunity to do damage and destroy. I urge all Americans to pray fervently for God’s Help in these elections and to become physically involved in the election precincts. Let the Body of Christ be a visible and active part in turning our nation from a free-fall into more evil. Let us be counted faithful servants of God and not shirk our responsibilities. Bettina King

Mary Lawless
September 19, 2020

Father God, You are Alimighty all powerful over our enemies.You have once again heard the cry of your people. Thank you for pushing back and disrupting the enemy’s plans of destruction. I give You all honor and praise due Your glorious name. In the Name of Jesus.

Ron Jaeger
September 19, 2020

May God guide and protect America; may we humbly honor and praise Him in all we do, say and think!

Lloyd King
September 19, 2020

Isaiah 54:16-17 Behold, I have created the craftsman who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its task; and I have created the destroyer to wreak havoc. 17 No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their vindication is from Me,” declares the LORD. May almighty God apply this promise to our president and all who stand with him in the battle for decency and morality. I pray that the Ruler of all that exists to keep Donald Trump the president of the United States. May all God’s people say in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

September 18, 2020

Hmmmmmmmmm…..Did they really receive death threats?? Or are they lying about the death threats to get attention?

    September 19, 2020

    Remember in psalms what is so as the Lord hates most…
    A lier
    And what is facing them in the other side ?

    Billy Grahams prayer gathering

September 18, 2020

We declare that the lies of the enemy are being exposed in the mighty name of Jesus! Job 22:28 says, “You shall Declare a thing and it shall be established in to do in the light shine upon your ways.”

September 18, 2020

Father God, what the enemy meant for evil, you turned for good. To think that this group was going to set up a rebellion but instead decided to feed the homeless! Wow! Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. I know we have prayed for “rioters” to find something better to do with their time, and that their priorities would be family and love and kindness. You have answered these prayers very specifically in this situation. We ask that you will continue this work in the rebels, the rioters, the haters, the bitter, the “siegers” in this nation. Show them a better way, Lord. Rescue them from the spirit of tyranny and from everything that sets itself up against the knowledge of you. Inform them, Lord; educate them, Lord about the GREATNESS of America and its principals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In Jesus Name. Amen.

    Asenath Brown
    September 19, 2020

    Thank you for this example of love. Father help all of us pray like this… That the deceivers would be changed to serve Your kingdom as Saul was changed to Paul.
    In Jesus powerful name. Amen

September 18, 2020

The spirit of “Occupy” will be cast out of Washington DC in Jesus Name.

Elizabeth Ann Ashley
September 18, 2020

Well, if they weren’t involved in the works of the devil, maybe they wouldn’t receive attacks from God’s army.
God is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Most of the Bible was about His love and bringing people closer to Him even if he put them in danger to bring it about. Maybe they all need to read the Bible instead of burning it. Where there is darkness, God brings his light. Maybe their assembly was not of God. God is in control, and maybe He Himself wanted to destroy that assembly. We have been Prayer Warriors. Maybe they need to send thanks to God and to Trump’s supporters for trying to make sure all is well with their souls.
I pray that God’s people will repent their sins and decide to live as God would want them to live.

Barbara Hesch
September 18, 2020

It’s all just a propaganda stunt. They continue to blame all their problems on President Trump, but they are doomed to fail. Even the Democrat party is starting to realize that they can’t win this way. I keep praying that the evil and madness of these days will be ending soon ,but I have to trust that God is in control and I just have to keep my eyes on Him. His timing is best.

    September 19, 2020

    Yes we’ve given the power and authority the crush the serpent
    They have nothing else to go on

    Continued prayers they redirect their emerges in feeding homeless in dc


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