I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to maintain justice and to do what is right in Your eyes. Isaiah 56:1
Reading Time: 4 minutes

The opt-in survey by the dating app Hornet was unscientific, yet its finding that 45% of gay men in the U.S. plan to support President Trump has spurred double-takes and furious debate over whether the left-skewing LGBTQ electorate may be taking a Trumpian turn.

Brandon Straka, founder of WalkAway and an openly gay Trump supporter, said he was leery of the 45% figure in the Hornet survey, which drew responses from 1,200 gay men, but predicted that Mr. Trump would make inroads with LGBTQ voters.

“In my gut, I don’t believe 45%, but I do believe it is indicative of a larger trend that we’re going to see on Nov. 3,” said Mr. Straka, who spoke at the Republican National Convention. “Will it be 45%? I don’t think so, but I think we’re going to see movement.”

The liberal LGBTQ group GLAAD fired back last week with its own poll showing former Vice President Joseph R. Biden leading by 80% to 18% among registered gay male voters, and 74% to 17% among LGBTQ voters, who include lesbian, bisexual and transgender voters. . . .

That 17% is still more than Mr. Trump picked up in 2016 with LGBTQ voters, who made up an estimated 6% of the electorate in 2018, according to GLAAD.

“The LGBT community, they are incredible. You should see how they’ve come out in full force for my father every single day,” first son Eric Trump said last week on “Fox & Friends,” prompting GLAAD’s Sarah Kate Ellis to tweet back that his father’s “record on LGBTQ issues is shameful and abysmal.”

Mr. Trump is seeking to improve on the 14% LGBTQ share he received in 2016 against Democrat Hillary Clinton, boosted by the rising profile of gay conservatives, an about-face by the Log Cabin Republicans and the outreach of his own Trump Pride coalition. . . .

Leading the charge is former U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, co-chair of Trump Pride, who has infuriated liberal LGBTQ groups with his insistence that Mr. Trump is “the most pro-gay president in American history.”

Mr. Grenell often points out that he became in February the highest-ranking openly gay federal official in U.S. history when Mr. Trump appointed him as acting director of national intelligence, a Cabinet-level position.

“The fact that I’m gay didn’t even faze Donald Trump,” Mr. Grenell said in a four-minute Log Cabin video. “Joe Biden certainly didn’t congratulate the appointment or even acknowledge it, but his silence was deafening.”

He contrasted the president’s LGBTQ record against that of Mr. Biden, noting that Mr. Trump was the first president to support same-sex marriage from the moment he was elected. Mr. Biden reversed his opposition to same-sex marriage and support of the Defense of Marriage Act.

“I know firsthand that President Trump is the strongest ally that gay Americans have ever had in the White House,” Mr. Grenell said.

Liberal gay rights groups argue that Mr. Biden should not be held to the same standard because he was elected to the Senate in 1972, before the push for same-sex marriage began, and dispute Mr. Trump’s record on LGBTQ issues.

The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest LGBTQ group, has staunchly opposed Mr. Trump, citing his transgender military ban, his move to add religious exemptions to the Obama administration’s anti-discrimination executive order and his conservative court picks.

“Since the moment Donald Trump and Mike Pence walked into the White House, they have attacked the progress we have made toward full equality for the LGBTQ community and undermined the rights of countless Americans,” the Human Rights Campaign said on its “Trump’s Timeline of Hate” website. . . .

Mr. Grenell cited the president’s fight against regimes that criminalize homosexuality and exit from the Iran nuclear deal as examples of his opposition to “homophobic and barbaric terrorist organization Hezbollah and the Iranian regime that supports them.”

The Trump administration also has made ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic a priority, and at least two of the president’s judicial nominees are openly gay.

After declining to endorse Mr. Trump in 2016, the Log Cabin Republicans, the nation’s largest gay Republican group, gave him its endorsement last year, prompting the resignation of its president and several board members.

Elliot Imse, spokesperson for the LGBTQ Victory Fund, accused Mr. Trump’s team of “attempting to hide his anti-LGBTQ — and especially anti-trans — record as president.” . . .

If any segment of the LGBTQ voting bloc is likely to swing for Mr. Trump, it’s gay men, said Mr. Straka. He said others in the movement have labeled gay men as “privileged.” . . .

Mr. Imse acknowledged that “white men are the only reason Trump has a chance at reelection and among the LGBTQ community white gay men may be slightly more likely to vote for Trump.”

“But the level of support among gay men claimed in this [Hornet] poll is ridiculous based on every other piece of data we have,” he said.

In Mr. Trump’s four years in office, the conservative movement has become more visibly gay-friendly. At least two openly gay activists, Mr. Straka and Tammy Bruce, are slated to speak at CPAC 2021. The conservative Steamboat Institute featured Turning Point USA’s Rob Smith at its August conference.

They and other LGBTQ conservatives, including Guy Benson and Deroy Murdock, are featured regularly on Fox News and Fox Nation. Mr. Straka said he spoke last year at 47 Republican and right-tilting events — and those were just the invitations he accepted.

“Even with the peer pressure of being a gay person and the expectation of hating Republicans, hating Trump, people still at the end of the day see what’s going on with the cognitive dissonance,” said Mr. Straka. “If we’re so hated by the Republican Party, why does the Republican Party love me so much? Why does Trump love me?”

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Valerie Richardson. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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William Rance Ranney
October 10, 2020

Conservatives welcome ‘every’ homosexual into their ranks, just not elected leadership. Lord, heal those of your creation who want to be healed of this deadly affliction.

Anna Vickers
October 10, 2020

I just want to clarify what you’re saying. Anyone who identifies with the LGBT community, no matter their age, must first repent before the church will minister to them? If that’s what you are saying, what about those who are unrepentant of other sins? Or is homosexuality a special sin? What about our children? Am I supposed to throw my child out of my house until they say they are wrong to have a temptation that they haven’t even acted on? Jesus told the accusers of the woman caught in adultery to go ahead and throw stones if they were without sin. After they left, He said neither did He condemn her. And yes, go and sin no more. His love and kindness drew her to Him. She had yet shown no repentance. I’m not trying to be argumentative. I want to understand what you are saying and explain what I see in Scripture.

    Corina Kostreba
    October 10, 2020

    Jesus showed us the way.
    I agree with you with regards to your comment about throwing out your child, …….
    Ms Vickers makes mention of the person first repenting before the church can minister,… That is not what the Bible says. She is quoting a “tradition of men,” which has nothing to do with scripture. Those are traditions that keep the lost from knowing Jesus.

      Anna Vickers
      October 10, 2020

      I thought I was replying to Mel’s comment. Just wanted to clarify my context. Another example is Matthew. He simply told him to follow Him. He didn’t call out his sin first and tell him to repent. Same with Zaccheus.

fran idziak
October 9, 2020

I give my amen to,
“Father, help us to maintain justice and to do what is right in Your eyes.” Isaiah 56:1
But am I the only one perplexed by what seems like mixed messages when it comes to sexual perversion? This is hard to defend with the Never-Trumpers in the church.

Mel Teoh
October 9, 2020

Thank You for who You Are. Thank You for the Bible as our guide to live pertaining to godliness.

I’m asking the souls of the people from Richard Grenell, Brandon Straka, Scott Pressler and all others who have been blinded by sin. Please let spirit of confusion to depart from them immediately. Please prepare and help them to accept Christ Jesus as their savior so that the Holy Spirit can reside in their heart therefore allowing them to understand and accept that You love them and You created them in Your image and they are perfect and that You have a plan for each one of them.
Each one of them will obey and REPENT so that they may live the rest of their life on earth as what You intended to be.
Father-God, please let 2021 be their starting year to live as a person that You’ve created not as what their feeling dictated them to be.

Father-God, I pray that as a country, America will no longer encourage people to follow their feeling to be whoever they want to be instead to be whom God created them to be. As a country, America will love the LGBTQ community or other communities, encourage unity as American who is living under the banner of God Almighty.
The Church will live in love with God and praying without ceasing for the LGBTQ community, the planned parenthood community and other communities that GOD will connect with them in their heart individually and when they’re ready to accept Christ Jesus as their Savior, we, the Church are ready to minister to them.

Father-God I’m praying also that America as a country WILL NOT let TAX PAYER $ to pay for Abortion or Sex-changed or other things that VIOLATE YOUR TEACHING.

Father-God I’m praying also that the Church in America will pray without ceasing for Your Kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven.

Your will be done Father-God, in Jesus Name we pray and thank YOU. Amen.

October 9, 2020

Abba, we agree with your Word a man should not lay with another man as he would a woman — it is detestable to you. The LGBTQ community have reaped ‘a due penalty ‘ for their sin against their own bodies. Abba, have mercy. Many young men and women have been deceived, even those who were raised in the church, and lured into this dark, dark evil place. Many are on drugs to escape their torment. I’ve seen the heartbreak of many godly families when their sons and daughters have chosen this lifestyle – the shame, the disgrace while others embrace it. Abba, bring them out! Reclaim the symbol of your covenant. So many are lonely, depressed, fearful.and condemned. On the other hand many are filled with hate and spite and spit in your face. Lord God, bring those who are called by your name out of this lifestyle. Transform those who never knew you into the image of your Son. May they find a place of safety in the body of Christ. May they find your love and restoration. Bring them out of darkness and into your glorious light. Have mercy, Abba. Give your church wisdom and understanding and counsel and might on how to receive these individuals into our fellowship and minister to them while not condoning the sin. Raise up ‘Moses’ leaders to bring LGBTQ members out of ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’. We pray for churches who do not follow your word and yet claim your name and support this evil. We pray they would repent that their lampstand not be taken away. We join in prayer and ask for your mercy and your grace on those who are blinded and deceived. Open the eyes of their understanding and we pray many will leave this sexual perversion and find you. I pray, we your church, would not be Pharisees. I pray you would teach us how to reach out to this group and love the sinner and hate the sin — just like you did for us. Say to the LGBTQ community, “But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit. Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.’ In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

    October 9, 2020

    Thank you for that prayer. I’ve spent my life in indecision about this issue, praying for knowledge as to HOW to pray for it. This prayer just illuminated the words to say.


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