I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to maintain justice and to do what is right in Your eyes. Isaiah 56:1
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This is an excerpt from an older article, but we think that it provides helpful background on the candidates for President:

Democratic presidential front-runner Joseph R. Biden, who has denounced President Trump’s efforts against Central American asylum-seekers, vigorously opposed resettling as refugees South Vietnamese who had helped the U.S. during the war.

The Washington Examiner reported Thursday, citing records from the administration of President Gerald R. Ford, that as a U.S. senator, Mr. Biden tried to deny refuge to hundreds of thousands fleeing the imminent North Vietnamese victory and likely Communist persecution.

Mr. Biden’s arguments about refugees reverse what he and other Democrats now insist are the only moral stances, saying that the U.S. had “no obligation, moral or otherwise, to evacuate foreign nationals,” the Examiner reported.

“The United States has no obligation to evacuate one — or 100,001 — South Vietnamese,” Mr. Biden said then. . . .

In an April 1975 meeting at the White House with Ford and several of his top foreign-policy officials including Henry Kissinger, Mr. Biden said he would not vote to fund evacuation of non-Americans. . . .

Mr. Kissinger told Mr. Biden and others in the Senate delegation that there were anywhere from 170,000 to a million South Vietnamese “to whom we have an obligation,” but the Delaware senator, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, denied that.

“I will vote for any amount for getting the Americans out. I don’t want it mixed with getting the Vietnamese out,” Mr. Biden said, speaking two weeks before the fall of Saigon.

This angered Ford, calling such a refusal a betrayal of American values in terms similar to what Democrats say about Mr. Trump in 2019. . . .

In a Miami Herald op-ed column last month, Mr. Biden called the Trump administration’s efforts to keep out or discourage asylum seekers at the border, “actions that subvert American values.”

Mr. Biden didn’t get his way on opening American doors to endangered South Vietnamese.

He was one of only three Foreign Relations panel members to vote against Ford’s funding request and one of just 14 to do so on the Senate floor.

More than 130,000 South Vietnamese fleeing the victorious Communists were eventually evacuated and granted refuge in the U.S.

(Excerpt from The Washington Times. Article by Victor Morton. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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October 9, 2020

Mr. Biden has 47 years of history in Washington, D.C that defines him. Father God, please turn over every stone and unearth all that sets itself up against your will. Strongholds are not strong to you, Lord. You have never met a wall you could not walk through, never met a fortress you couldn’t tear down, never met a demon you couldn’t control, never met a man or woman who could stand up against you and succeed. We ask that that the American people will know how Mr. Biden has voted in the past on all of the issues so that they can make an informed decision. Politicians talk, but it is their actions that matter most. I pray in the debates, President Trump will be prepared with the facts of Mr. Biden’s record in DC so that it will be clear that there is a stark difference between the two candidates in this election. Never ending prayers lead to never ending answers and we thank you for all the answers to prayer we are witnessing before our very eyes. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Mel Teoh
October 9, 2020

Heavenly Father:

Please allow the MSM to report what is truth of the history of Mr. Biden so that the voter can know about him as candidate and decide themselves whether to vote for him or not. Please allow discernment and understanding be in the air for all those voters who have been blindly believe what is reported by MSM. Please allow compassion and unity for the country as a whole not self not an ethnic. Please allow this election to be the election about America as it is first being founded by the founders 200 some years ago. Please allow these people to see who Trump/Pence are NOT as the portrait by MSM.
Please open the eyes of Taylor Swift, the Rock, Jane Fonda, Alec Baldwin, Robert DeNiro and others whom I don’t know their name to realize what they’ve done to their country by standing and voicing their opinion without first fact check what they’ve hear or listen or loyalty to the Democratic Party.
Please allow the leaders of the Democratic party who have been swayed to the left STEP DOWN and be replace by Democrat who values as what the founding fathers intended.
Please allow selfish individuals such as George Soros, Bill Gates, Michael Bloomberg and others who have knowingly or unknowingly funding such movement be put into their place Father-God. Please forgive their sins, please either dry up their resources or help them to realize to use your blessings for good in a way of not violating Your Commandments or teaching as a whole as it is written in the Bible.
Father God, my request sounds crazy but nothing is impossible with You. In Jesus Name, we pray and thank You. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.


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