Trial By Fire: Suffering Leads to Full-Time Intercession
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Trial By Fire: Suffering Leads to Full-Time Intercession
I am often asked, “How did you become a full-time intercessor?” God worked on me for over 20 years, molding, shaping, and preparing me for this role—even during one of the most painful times in my life.
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In 2003, my husband’s battle with cancer took a devastating turn as doctors delivered the heartbreaking news that his condition had worsened. In that moment of testing, I had to dig deep to find strength in my faith to guide me through the tumultuous road ahead. This was a pivotal moment that forced me to confront my beliefs and trust in Jesus. I cried out to God, “Please give me something—a word, a verse, something!”
I felt a sense of peace wash over me, then I opened my Bible and it fell to John 11:4: “When Jesus heard this, He said, ‘This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.'” Facing a difficult decision regarding the medical care of my husband, I found solace and guidance in this verse that pointed me to trust in God’s plan. Despite the pressure and opinions of others, my faith in God ultimately led to a miraculous outcome that reaffirmed my belief in divine intervention.
Just before it was Dan’s time to go, God did something supernatural. He temporarily put life back into Dan’s body so he could keep his promise to our 8-year-old daughter to escort her to the Brownies father-daughter dance. The following week, with limited options available, Dan told me I could take him off the feeding tube that was keeping him alive. Making that decision was heavy and heartrending.
This crisis taught me the importance of cherishing every moment. I also learned strength, resilience, and how great our Heavenly Father is. While I was amid despair and hopelessness, I could not imagine that God had a greater plan for me. It was during this darkest hour that my true purpose and calling in life began to emerge, leading me on a journey of faith and transformation.
My “God Assignment”
In January 2019, during a 21-day prayer and fast, I felt in my spirit that God asked, “If you could do anything, what would that be?” As I pondered this question, I felt excitement and possibility wash over me. I was filled with a sense of purpose and motivation. This was an opportunity to pursue my deepest desires. I answered, “I want to be a full-time intercessor and get paid for it.” Then I laughed! I have never seen a sign that reads: “Now Hiring, Full-Time Intercessors.” This moment of divine intervention is one that I will always remember.
In January 2020, God led me to go part-time at my job for the second half of the year. This became a period of preparation, much like the biblical story of Esther and the time she spent preparing to become queen. I wondered what lessons and transformations were ahead. Esther completed twelve months of beauty treatments, including six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics (Esther 2:12). However, my preparation time was painful and involved a deep process of self-reflection and growth. God stripped away layers to cleanse and refresh my heart in unexpected ways.
In January 2021, God gave me the assignment of full-time intercessor. I felt God say, “The church isn’t praying, so I’m taking you outside of the church to lead prayer.” With faith as my foundation, I let go of financial security and embraced complete trust in God’s provision. Just like George Müller, who relied solely on prayer for his orphanages, I witnessed God’s faithfulness firsthand.
As I prayed for others, my state, the nation, and Israel, I found fulfillment in surrendering control to Him. In January 2022, I was honored to become the IFA Florida state leader, which pushed me out of my comfort zone into a leadership role. This journey has deepened my faith and strengthened my connections with fellow believers as we unite in prayer.
Here’s what I’ve learned on this incredible journey of intercession!
- Trust God’s timing.
God’s calling on our lives often doesn’t happen immediately. There are usually years of preparation, growth, and working through challenges to become ready for the role God has for us. Trust in the Lord’s timing and stay faithful to His plan. Doing so will lead to fulfilling His purpose in due time. From a human perspective, I have lost much, but in God’s kingdom, I have gained much. Every challenge and obstacle I faced along the way made me stronger. Through it all, I learned to trust God’s plan, guidance, and to embrace the journey with faith and perseverance. I also remember James 4:15 and hold all things loosely.
- Remember that Satan will attempt to derail your calling.
We all know, just as God has plans for our lives, Satan is there waiting to derail us from God’s path. The enemy has attempted to derail me many times over. Each time I fell into Satan’s trap, I cried out to God for his help and mercy. Trust me, I was a slow learner. Many times, I had to fall hard for God to get my attention. But each time I fell, I learned valuable lessons and my faith increased. It was a humbling experience that ultimately deepened my relationship with Him. Each time I fell and got back up, I found my way back to God and His love. God’s love is unconditional and forgiving. His grace knows no bounds and His mercy is endless. This realization brings immense peace and comfort in knowing that I am always loved and accepted by Him.
- Always be thankful.
Colossians 3:15 and other Scriptures encourage us to “be thankful always.” It is easy to be thankful when God blesses you, but are you able to be thankful when He strips away things that matter to you? Gratitude is easy to express when things are going well, but it is tested when we face loss or hardship. During these difficult moments, we must dig deep to find genuine gratitude to be able to “praise God anyway” and trust in His plan. Hard times, tests, and trials strengthen our faith and deepen our gratitude. Despite current hardships, find reasons to be thankful. This will bring comfort and hope amid adversity.
- Seek God’s heart.
Are you able to trust God’s timing, even when you’ve been waiting years, or decades for an answer? Are you able to continue waiting on the Lord when your dreams for the future have been destroyed? Are you able to stay the course when the enemy attacks with doubts about God’s provision, or when there are more bills than money? Are you able to keep standing and fighting as the enemy continues to speak lies to derail you? Are you able to be thankful when you’ve been laid off or your dream job is given to someone else? Can you still thank God when you must downsize? Are you able to rejoice in the Lord when a loved one has died or during extended seasons of loneliness?
Our Father loves us so much that He gave His one and only Son to die for us. He is loving, compassionate and He daily blesses us. When God allows trials and hardships to strip away our flesh, He is working to refine us so that we are filled with His Spirit. I love this quote, “God allows many into His presence but He’s much more selective with his heart. His presence is free, but his heart will cost us time and effort.” This quote beautifully encapsulates the idea that while God’s presence is freely given, earning His heart requires dedication and effort. Seek God’s heart and pursue a deep love-walk with Him. We have a relationship with God Most High, Creator! In times of blessing and stripping away, through the highs and lows, stay focused on the Lord. He alone is altogether beautiful, lovely, and good!
What about you? Where are you in your intercessory prayer journey? Share below!
(Anita Lynott is the IFA state prayer leader for Florida. Photo Credit: Ben White on Unsplash)
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Thank you so much for sharing! What a blessing and an honor to know you and to experience the Lord working in and through You. You continuously remain moldable in His ever loving hands – bringing Him honor and glory. Your statement of “God allows many into His presence but He’s much more selective with his heart. His presence is free, but his heart will cost us time and effort” touched my heart – a challenge to me and one that I see being walked out in your life. Your pursuit of the Lord and worshipping Him breaks down barriers that the enemy devises. Walking hand in hand and spreading His Word through intercession has smoothed the path and bared unimaginable fruit. Thank you for all your points of encouragement for remaining steadfast!
I’ve often thought of Anita as a modern version of Anna who was always in the temple courts praying at the time that Jesus visited the earth the first time. Funny how their names are so similar. Anna was a prophetess of the tribe of Asher. She was a widow whose husband died only 7 years into their marriage. But she dedicated herself to the prayer. “She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day.” Interesting that she was one of only two people to recognize Jesus and speak prophetically of His true calling when His parents brought him to the temple to be circumcised on the 8th day. I often had the thought (and I believe it is from the Lord) that the most recognized and rewarded in heaven will be the ones who quietly fought the battles in the heavenly realms through dedicated and constant intercession. Thank you Anita, for your labor of love to the Lord and to His body by dedicating yourself to a life of prayer and intercession and for standing firm in the face of withering opposition from the enemy. You are a blessing and example to all of us.
Anita has been my spiritual mom “MomNita” for over a decade, even more so in these last 5-6 years. She’s stepped in for our family in so many ways, she is MomNita to my husband and me, and an extra bonus grandparent to our kids. The words she wrote are what we have watched her live out. I thank the Lord for her! She is raising up more Esther’s and Deborah’s in this generation and what a beautiful gift it is to not only my family but the other young woman and their families. This is the church! I also have the gift of intercession and my prayer is that God continues to grow me more into faith every day, just like He’s done for Anita! I just wanted to give her honor, she never seeks it and never seeks recognition… and I believe that’s why God gives it to her so freely! She truly is the one that the host would say “come sit at the seat of honor” after she sat in the lowest seat, because she simply gives and honors others like Jesus did 🧡
This is a great article, loved reading it; thank you. Appreciate very much the quote at the end too, “God’s heart requires dedication and effort” . Loved it. Ty again.
I’ve been a full-time intercessor since 2014. What a awesome adventure in trusting Christ for everything. Thank you for telling your story.
Thank you Anita for your testimony. It inspires hope and not giving up.
I love your answer to God’s question “If you could do anything…? and your laughter! (I laughed, too.) God is so good!!!
Thank you Anita, For sharing your testimony and giving God the glory for getting you through that difficult time with Dan.
Thank you for your encouraging words.. You are an inspiration to all of us. Keep shining for Jesus!
Thank you for your article, Anita. I was very encouraged by your words and life story. They helped me to refocus on seeking the Lord. Blessings this Thanksgiving Day. 🙋🏼♀️💕
Thank you for your testimony and sharing the steps to apply to our lives! This has encouraged and impacted my life!
God bless you always!
Yes, Anita – “He alone is altogether beautiful, lovely, and good!” Loved your testimony1
The church is praying and interceding, because we are the church – without walls. May we as the body of Christ have His mind and heart as we do so.
Thank you Anita, for this article that is such an encouragement to me. In my heart I want to be an intercessor, but I confess, in my practice, I am not – probably not the platform to admit this. I do pray, not my desires but His, as I remind Him I’m almost 68! Lord bless you!
Dear Anita, My heart rejoices that you said, “Yes” to the Lord’s call to intercession. It is a joy to pray alongside you in this beautiful, privileged partnership with our King. The Lord bless and reward you greatly.
God bless you, Anita. How wonderful to achieve the privilege from God to intercede on the behalf of those who are suffering in this world and to bring them closer to the Lord. Through it all, you feel the joy and the power of God’s plan and mercy for those with whom you commune. God bless you as you help others in their journeys through the valley of the shadow of death.
Thank you, Anita. You have been a faithful pillar of strength with your prayers for Florida and Intercessors. God bless you.