Tips For a Christ-Centered Christmas
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Tips For a Christ-Centered Christmas
With the business of the holiday season, it is easy to forget the true reason for the season. This Christmas, let’s try to stay focused on Christ, not the holiday itself.
From The Federalist. The birth of Jesus was the beginning of the greatest act of love ever known, which leads us to devote an entire season to celebrate it. Unfortunately, the secularization of Christmas means Christ’s arrival on Earth doesn’t always get the attention it deserves.
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It’s easy for people to overlook something that happened more than 2,000 years ago when they are bogged down with end-of-the-year parties, shopping, and hosting hubbub. Those traditions are fun, but if you really want to experience the joy of Christmas, Christ’s birth must be remembered and observed.
Here are seven easy things you can do to remember and remind others of the reason for the season.
1. Read the Christmas Story
A 2018 Lifeway study found that while two-thirds of Americans said they wanted more Christ in Christmas, most of those respondents were unable to accurately recall the details of the Biblical Christmas story. …
If you are serious about making Christ the center of your Christmas, don’t just read the first two chapters of Matthew and Luke one night of Advent and call it quits. Pore over the words and meditate on them. …
2. Give Back
God gave the world the best gift when he sent his Son to Earth to die for our sins. What better way to celebrate that than sharing that generous spirit with others.
This year, extend your gift-giving beyond the walls of your home. …
If you don’t want to hand out physical presents, consider giving someone the gift of your time and attention. …
3. Go to Church (and Invite Your Friends)
One of the best ways to ensure Jesus stays at the top of your mind during this busy season is to attend church every time there’s a service. …
4. Listen to Christmas Hymns
Some of my favorites include the choral versions of “O Holy Night,” “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing,” “Mary, Did You Know?”, and “Messiah.” …
5. Invest in a Nativity Set
Investing in a hand-crafted nativity is a small and easy way to literally put the image of Christ’s birth at the center of your home for many Christmases to come. Make sure the nativity set is displayed somewhere for everyone to see, like your living room or dining room. …
6. Throw Jesus a Birthday Party
This one is especially popular with kids because it brings to life the reason we celebrate Christmas. It also gives you an opportunity to share the joy of Jesus with the family, friends, and neighbors you invite to partake in festivities. …
7. Say ‘Merry Christmas!’
Saying “Merry Christmas” is a great reminder that Christ is the reason we celebrate. …
How are you celebrating the birth of Christ this Christmas? Share in the comments below!
(Excerpt from The Federalist. Photo Credit: Canva)
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I celebrate by putting a sign outside that says,”Jesus is the reason for the season”. Inside, I display nativities, angels, wise men on camels, etc. and keep songs playing on, or YouTube, that are about the true meaning of Christmas.
this time of year always brought thoughts of how I could as a parent use the advent season as a teaching time for my children. When I asked the Lord to help me teach my family about staying focused on preparing, I really believe the Spirit of God in me led and showed me how to do this and for many years I have followed these simple steps. 1. All Christmas shopping is done by Thanksgiving time and any. mailing gifts ready to go the first week of Advent. 2. I found a book with 25 readings of the history and times of Jesus and we would read each night followed by an opening of our Advent Calendar. This was a challenge because we had five children and had to wait til it would be their turn for the big opening for the day. I made a large felt banner with a tree on it and many small ornaments that each day the children could place an ornament on if they reflected a Christ like deed or word to another person. We called these our gifts offered to Jesus. Of coarse the end of the Advent season always was a celebration at Church service and a reading of the Gospel on Christmas morning. My heart and hope was to put the reason for the season as a priority for our family. Now all my children are grown and we are sometimes blessed with the presence of children and grandchildren. but my focus for us as a family is to gather together and remember the gift that God gave.
I write poetry so every year I make my own Christmas cards with a new poem inside, centered on the gospel message. I enjoy giving out cards that show the true meaning of Christmas.
Father God as we celebrate this season may we realize what the true meaning is the true meaning is Christmas is every day every breath that you give us everyday we live most always remember how much you love us unconditionally let us always stand firmly on your foundation when it comes to this world father God we need to show the world we are your army that you are the almighty all powerful God this celebration has nothing to do with the give me attitude it is what can you give to somebody else just like you Lord you give to everybody else let us remember it is not about the price tags or how many gifts it’s to give thanks to Our Father God at all times in Jesus name I pray
Today our culture’s commercialism of Christmas does threaten to cover up the true miracle of Christmas – but it can’t – the True Light has come into our world and the darkness cannot hide it, but rather the Light shines in the darkness and overcomes it! All of Christmas is a miracle – the Creator of the universe left His home in glory and took on human flesh to walk some miles in our earthly shoes – Immanuel, God with us – (“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, . . . we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are – yet was without sin.”) a miracle – Eternity entered into our temporal world and tore time in two (thirty-three years later a curtain would also be torn in two) – a miracle – God loving us while we were still sinners, God sending us the gift of His Son, a virgin birth, all the Old Testament prophesies fulfilled in Jesus’s birth, God’s promise to send us a much needed Savior kept, angels talking to shepherds, wise men following a star, Simeon and Anna rejoicing at the sight of the baby Jesus, knowing this was God’s faithfulness to mankind revealed, knowing death was already defeated, even though it would be thirty-three years later and they would not live to see the earthly resurrection of their long awaited Messiah – they didn’t need to – they believed God’s promise, He had sent His Son!
All of Christmas is a miracle that should be celebrated – but unless we remember how great a gift God gave to us in His Son, Jesus, – unless we truly realize the miracle that Jesus’s birth is -we are unable to fully celebrate and rejoice in what God has done for us. It is a miracle of such magnitude that I can scarcely take it all in. The miracle of Christmas? is this – “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son” – the greatest gift ever given! Advent is a time of preparing to receive this gift from God, His Son, Jesus. Focusing on the things mentioned in the article, the Bible story of His birth, the Christmas songs that tell the story, the Nativity etc. put our attention where we can see the true Christmas message. reminds me “turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.” May it be so this Christmas as we all turn our attention to the Christ Child, God’s miraculous, undeserved gift to each and every one of us. The King has come! The King is coming! – posts “an alien view of Advent”, “the question Advent asks”, “Advent – seeking and celebrating the sacred”, “gifts of Advent” / children’s book- “Looking for Christmas” by Grace Day
Thank you for keeping the focus on eternal truths from God’s love letter to us, IFA. Bless the work of your hands.
And that is our fault as believers when we allow the secular public to tell us what we can say, do or display. No to Merry Christmas, no to public prayer, no to nativity displays. We HAVE to stand up and say that Jesus is the only reason for our Christmas season.
We have added to our Christmas tradition watching the Christmas episode of THE CHOSEN by Angel Studios. Very moving!