I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for moving in powerful and miraculous ways. Continue to bless these students and draw them closer to you. Let revival sweep across the nation.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

It is one thing to see worship break out on a Christian campus, but at a well-known party school? Praise the Lord!

From CBN. New York Times best-selling Christian author and founder of IF:Gathering Jennie Allen is reporting once again that the Spirit of God is moving in the hearts of thousands of college students, this time at Florida State University in Tallahassee.

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In a post to Instagram and Facebook on Friday, she shared a photo of a student who had just been baptized in the university’s Westcott Fountain on Thursday night. …

In a second post, Allen shared a video showing hundreds of FSU students gathered around the fountain, singing and praising God.

“4,500 Florida State University (one of the biggest party schools in the nation) students confessed struggles and sin tonight. Hundreds came forward to trust Christ. And this is them singing and dancing as they head to spontaneous baptisms,” she wrote in text over the video of the students.

Along with the video clip, she explained, “God keeps doing it!! They confessed their sin. They came forward in droves tonight to trust Jesus. We baptized hundreds in a fountain usually used for partying and worse. And it’s all just the beginning. It literally is everywhere I go right now. Revival is here. And there is no explaining it – when it’s God! #FSU #baptisms.”

FSU is the reportedly the top “party school” in the state and is the second-biggest so-called “party school” in the country, according to the website Niche that has more than a half million reviews submitted by college and university students in the U.S. …

One person asked what follow-up was being done by local churches to help the students grow in their new spiritual journey. A few users responded that the students who were baptized are being connected with area churches, who will follow up with them individually. …

The impromptu baptisms were the result of a free worship event titled Unite FSU that was held on Thursday, Feb. 15 at the university’s Donald L. Tucker Civic Center. Ā Jonathan “JP” Pokluda, the lead pastor of the Harris Creek Baptist Church in Waco, Texas, and Allen were the featured speakers. Unite is a movement of college students united to lift the name of Jesus, according to the organization’sĀ website. …

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(Excerpt from CBN. Photo Credit: Prayitno / Thank you for (12 millions +) view from Los Angeles, USA – Florida State University – SEMINOLES, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Ann Shaw
March 10, 2024


Ron Glenn Deere
March 4, 2024

The question is whether there will be churches and people to disciple these new believers. Not all churches will be on board about a revival, but the churches that are participating in this revival are bursting at the seams.
I grew up in Nashville and had been in Christ during the revival of the early 70s. Belmont Church of Christ participated in this revival and grew into a mega church long before the other mega churches. Belmont “look” nothing like a church of Christ. It is just about Jesus, hallelujah!

Susan S
February 26, 2024

Praise God!! Thank You, Lord Jesus, and pray for more and more souls to be saved!

Sheila Price
February 26, 2024

Not JUST Revival… but REFORMATION, Lord.. help this younger generation to carry the mantel my generation dropped before Reformation could happen. In Jesus’ Name… Yes and Amen!

Nydia Rojas
February 25, 2024

Praise God!!!!

Sharon Binkley
February 24, 2024

Thank you Lord for revival in America and in the world.

Neil J Sogge
February 24, 2024

Praise and glory be to You, O Lord! We humans have corrupt, deceitful, desperately wicked hearts that seek our own appetites. But You, O God, are mightier and perfectly loving. Your spirit can pierce into the hearts of the unbelieving and transform them. We pray that the many students who come forward in this FSU revival will experience genuine, lasting relationships with You, Lord! In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

February 23, 2024

This is a very encouraging post. Our prayers are being answered. So I will keep on the prayer wall with the Holy Spirit’s leading.

February 23, 2024

Praise the Lord for some good news once in awhile! Now quit labeling it as a “party” school and give it a new name!

Darlene Estlow
February 22, 2024

What a beautiful report! God is working. We praise his name.

Rich Swingle
February 22, 2024

GLORY TO GOD!!! So blessed to read about these new believers being connected to local churches for discipleship! #ImportanceOfRepentanceInRevival

Lord, bring these new believers to full maturity as Kingdom citizens. Prevent the enemy of their souls from luring them off the course of Your plan for them!


February 22, 2024

I was once a college student Montana State University in 1980, who heard the gospel at a Josh McDowell & Dallas Holm meeting.
It Rocked my world! I heard LIFE and never looked back!
COLLEGE is where kids are trying to find out who they are and what is their purpose for living.
Praise God for what HE is doing on college campus’s!
Pray for the kids to fulfill their Book of Destiny!
Psalm 139:16

February 22, 2024

Praise God!! I pray for these students’ salvation, and yes, I pray for great revival not only at this school but also at universities across our nation. I pray that local pastors will follow up with these students, encouraging and directing them and of course continuing in earnest prayer for them. I pray that this will not be just a short-term interest for these students but a life time commitment to Jesus Christ. Let’s continue repentance and revival!

Zoe Ella
February 22, 2024

I hope these are like the “seeds” that fell on fertile ground. May they grow and strengthen in alignment with the will of God.

James Lumbert
February 22, 2024

We serve a tenderhearted and long-suffering God! He who spared not His own Son, how shall He then not freely grant us, His adopted sons and daughters, the heathen for His grand inheritance? Blessed be the name of our Reigning King, amen.

Mary Ann Mertz
February 22, 2024

Praise God! He hears us calling out for this generation to be saved and He answers! This generation will be leading the way for Jesus in this nation and beyond! Let us never get weary as we call upon the Lord. Hallelujah!

    Eileen Wright
    February 22, 2024

    PTL, I am praying for all schools esp. those in Ks. And ESU where I live. Several Of us have done prayer walks around the campus and prayer drives

Clarice Jane Mullikin
February 22, 2024

I believe this kind of action on the part of many will prove to be the thing God’s waiting to assist.

Brian Lynch
February 22, 2024

This is wonderful! Praise God! What satan means for harm, God is turning around and using for good. The final chapter has not been written yet. Thank you Lord. May this be only the beginning of the End Time harvest.

February 22, 2024


(Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and be blessed)

February 22, 2024

Praise The Lord! Was so happy to read this! Such encouragement during these times! Thankful churches in the area are following up with each student, so often they get saved, but no follow up and the person doesnā€™t grow beyond that!


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