I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for all the unborn children. We pray for North Carolina's leaders. That you would unveil the value of life in their eyes, and that they would encounter your love in a way that changes everything.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

A three-judge panel unanimously upheld a ruling Wednesday finding that North Carolina’s ban on abortions after 20-weeks is unconstitutional.

The state implemented the partial ban in 1973 following Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion. The North Carolina legislature adopted amendments in 2015 that imposed several additional requirements to receive an abortion such as longer waiting periods, reporting requirements, and other measures meant to narrow who was allowed to receive an abortion.

Advocacy groups argued that abortion providers would be prosecuted for performing the procedure, with a judge agreeing in 2019 and blocking the law’s enforcement in cases where the unborn baby is considered not viable.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the 2019 decision. The defendants argued abortion providers had no standing to sue over the law, noting North Carolina has never charged an abortion provider under the statutes and doesn’t have plans to do so. Judge Diana Gribbon Motz, however, said state lawmaker’s attempt to codify the law in 2015 proved defendants want the law enforced.

“It is difficult to explain why the legislature would have altered the text of the 20-week ban if it did not expect for those words to ever be given effect,” she wrote. “As a nation we remain deeply embroiled in debate over the legal status of abortion. While this conversation rages around us, this court cannot say that the threat of prosecution to abortion providers who violate the law is not credible.” . . .

“Today’s ruling is an important victory for our patients across North Carolina,” Planned Parenthood South Atlantic President and CEO Jenny Black said in a statement.

“Abortion remains inaccessible for many North Carolinians, and we will continue to protect and expand access to this essential health care. When people can make decisions about their pregnancies that are best for them, families thrive and we build communities where each of us can participate fully and with dignity,” she continued.

The Supreme Court recently agreed to take up a case challenging Mississippi’s 15-week abortion ban. The case will hear whether abortion bans prior to fetal viability are constitutional. Unborn babies are considered viable at 24 weeks but typically require medical attention and a stay in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

What are your thoughts on North Carolina’s ruling on abortion? Let us know your prayers on this matter in the comments below! We need to prayer more than ever before!

(Excerpt from Daily Caller. Article written by Brianna Lyman. Photo by Maria Oswalt/UnSplash)

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June 20, 2021

Why does anyone call abortion, “essential healthcare?” Why does anyone use the word dignity in the same sentence as abortion? It seems many people have lost their concept of humanity and decency and what is right and wrong! Unfortunately, some are judges. Those same judges will be judged, one day, by Almighty God! If there are any judges who call themselves Christians, and make those horrendous decisions, I pray that the fear of the Lord will overtake them, and cause them to repent!! I believe the enormous killing of unborn babies, in this country, is a huge reason why our country is going through what it is now.
I cannot wrap my mind around why everyone doesn’t “get” that, a baby is a baby, at the moment of conception!! If they think they can continue this killing of babies, and get by with it, they are very deceived! God will not allow that! Supreme Court, you’d better make the right decision when it comes to abortion! God will not hold you guiltless, and HE is the Judge of all judges!!

Susan CC
June 20, 2021

I am ashamed. Ashamed as a North Carolinian, that abortion is treated with such indifference. Ashamed by ungodly and ineffective leadership in North Carolina. Ashamed that Planned Parenthood continues to have victories despite the “expense” of their tiny voiceless victims. I pray Psalm 83 over all who support abortion.

Father, don’t remain silent, don’t stay quiet. Your enemies who defy you are conspiring against Your people and against those who You treasure. With one mind they plot and scheme. Lord God Almighty, I pray as the Psalmist did, fill their faces with shame so they will seek Your Name. Let them know that You alone, whose Name is Adonai, are the Most High over all the earth. If they will not cease from this sacrilege, let them be ashamed and fearful forever, to perish in disgrace. Please Lord God, have mercy on the babies. I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, who was our Savior even in the womb. Amen


    June 20, 2021

    I am saddened and and it only convinces me to pray more for my leaders and “hunker down” in the fight for the preborn until victory. I am a North Carolinan and this is far from over. This battle is the Lord’s…I will continue to pray!


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