I Prayed have prayed
Lord, guide us to make wise decisions and help us to dig deeper than the surface when we feel the nudge of Your Holy spirit that something is not right.
Reading Time: 5 minutes

Pray: We disrupt the plans of the enemy who has come to steal our children. They do not know the thoughts of the Lord, and that He intends victory for His people. Let God’s people rise up like a mighty army and throw off the bondage of debt and deception that American Colleges and Universities have placed on our children.

Over the last four months, Ivy League universities like Stanford, Yale, Harvard, Princeton, Duke, Ā and Brown announced their decision to do away with any usage of the ACT and SAT exams, not just for the upcoming school year, but permanently. As if on cue, other institutions of higher learning quickly followed their lead.

Why are colleges suddenly averse to entrance exams? Ā According to a press release by Harvard University, they are looking to find a more well-rounded applicant who is not a part of the upper-middle-class. Somehow, the elimination of testing will allow universities to increase diversity without any loss of academic quality. All of a sudden, university leadership considers college entry exams the ultimate act of discrimination against people of color. According to them, entry tests, required by our educational system, are a blatant example of the systemic racial disparities embedded in American society and were put in place by white supremacists to assure people of color remain lower class and poor for generations. Some decry the exams as unfair to students who score lower, or average as compared to the scores of their more advantaged peers. Almost every reason one can imagine to promote racial prejudice in education is given as a reason to discontinue the SAT and ACT as college entrance exams.

Newly devised entrance applications will consist of some combination of the following: essays, video presentations, lists of extracurricular activities, and organizations to which the student belongs. All of the listed items will quickly identify a student’s political ideas, race, and susceptibility of falling in line with the university’s predominant radical ideas, promoted by the majority of the school’s professors.

The original intent of the SAT and ACT, instituted during the 1940s, was to assure every college applicant an equal chance of admittance, regardless of color. Nicholas Lemann, in his book The Big Test: The Secret History of The American Meritocracy (pg 52) writes about James Conant, as the President of Harvard and the major player in not only getting Harvard to start requiring entrance exams but others institutions of higher learning as well. Conant wanted a governing elite selected on the basis of merit, not parentage ā€“ and the most deep-seated wish in American culture, an opportunity for everyone.

The real issue behind discarding entrance exams lies deeper than the academic community cares to admit. Colleges and universities need systemic change by promoting academic discourse instead of political radicalism. Also alarming is the high cost of university tuition. Universities could lower their tuition to allow more students to attend their institutions without accruing excessive student loan debt. But instead of much needed positive changes, educational institutions have thrown in their woke version of change by the elimination of entrance exams. This semblance of change allows many universities to continue their anti-God, anti-American, and anti-family indoctrination of our youth, with no interruption of their budget because of the continuing flow of grants and student loans. Ā 

Universities and Colleges have two reasons to eliminate entrance exams:

First: As colleges and universities face declining enrollment, they look for a new pool of potential high school graduates who will fill their student quotas.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, twenty percent fewer students intend to enroll in four-year schools in the fall of 2020. There has been a steady decline in college enrollment as students and parents are no longer consider a degree necessary to jumpstart a career. Since 2016, four-million high school graduates who might have enrolled in a college in the past, have opted not to pursue higher education. President Trump’s June 26, 2020, executive order didn’t help. The federal government, as the nation’s largest employer of 2.1 million civilian workers, can now hire non-degreed applicants equally as those with degrees in hiring new employees.

Second: Higher Education needs a continual influx of young minds, easily influenced who will fit into the new socialist America.

Radical professors are in the majority in college classrooms, and they intend to remain that way. According to John M. Ellis in his new book The Breakdown of Higher Education: How It Happened, The Damage It Does, And What Can Be Done About It (pg.27), states, ā€œIt is rare to find a college or university in America where departments are not predominately radical or, at a minimum, leftist. The virtual extinction of conservative voices occurred about 1999 when it became clear that radicals were not hiring others like themselves, but rather they were hellbent on hiring fellow radicals.ā€ Socialists employed in academia, do not hire conservatives, they hire those as radical as themselves, if not more so. Ā Ā 

Higher Education’s Solution

To maintain their new student quota, colleges now turn their attention to a different kind of student than they once courted. Their perfect student will be a student of color, whose family is not part of the upper-middle class. And he will be the first generation in the family to go to college. The parents’ yearly income is less than $125,000. Parents will most likely not able to pay for the child’s college tuition, requiring the student to use student loans to reach his dream of a college education. Much of the massive expansion of colleges and universities have been at the expense of the students who incur student loan debt to pay the high price of college tuition. Student loan debt in America surpassed credit card debt in 2012 and continues to rise with student loan debt currently at $1.6 trillion. Colleges bear no responsibility for student loan debt. The burden falls on the backs of the individual student for years after graduation.

To continue the radical agenda we witness in colleges today, universities desire their applicants to come from the public schools of America. To continue teaching radical ideas, radical college professors need new minds, who already have a predisposition toward socialism and anti-American thought instilled in them during their years in our public high schools.

For the last sixty years, America’s colleges and universities took in the cream of the crop of our youth. Over a four-year timeframe, professors enlightened the new students with anti-American, anti-God, and anti-family rhetoric. Many graduates remain forever changed – lost to their families, the church, and to the country that gave them hope for a future. The more extreme returnees embrace socialism and Marxism, and actively seek to overthrow the government of America. As believers, we say, “No more!”

(Used with permission from Nnacy Huff. Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authoredĀ Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform Americaā€™s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to:Ā https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/. Photo from Unsplash by Ben Mullins. )

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Mel Teoh
August 4, 2020

Our Father in heaven,
Holy is Your Name. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
We thank You that we can pray 24/7.
Please forgive our sins as we forgive others who sins against us.

Father God, we ask for Your will be done in ACT and SAT matter.
Father disrupt the plans of the enemy who has come to steal our children. Let Godā€™s people rise up like a mighty army and throw off the bondage of debt and deception that American Colleges and Universities have placed on our children.

I pray that these Ivy League universities remember their beginning curriculum foundation was the Bible since most of them are started by clergyman.
Father God, please help Betsy Devos to establish a curriculum that include studying the books of the Bible from Grade school to College.

May the grace of the LORD Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be upon us all from today onward.
In Jesusā€™ holy, mighty, majestic, and matchless name we pray, Amen.

August 4, 2020

Excellent article. Well worth taking time to read and pray over.

Richard Lemon
August 4, 2020

Why go there ? To learn how to be a Marxist? Instead go to a Christian school or trade school . For get the leftest University’s , there going to continue to teach anti Christ doctrine

Ken Budz
August 4, 2020

Lord please help students who are in college or are about to enter college. Too often too many act too inappropriately. We have impressionable students under radical teachers and we are as a nation now reaping the seeds that have been sown. God please give guidance, wisdom, courage, strength and whatever else is needed to help our future generations become educated in a way that benefits them and our nation. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Karen Secrest
August 3, 2020

I certainly relate to your message. I’ve met many that have just graduated from high school that are angry and saying, “what’s the point of college now?.” I empathize and try to assure them a virus has a beginning And an End.
However, there is another group who want to go and continue the fun as long as possible. These had lots of activities and some paid to have homework done. This group still makes my daughter’s and me angry. We worked so hard at studies and my daughters had jobs that paid through Master’s degrees. This had nothing to do with race, equality, etc. It was a desire to make a difference not just “take up space”, a truism even if it is corney? I didn’t think so then, nor have I changed my attitude 20 years later.
Thank you for challenging what I see as a destructive path for the entire school system.

August 3, 2020

Dear Intercessors & Saints,

Please pray for those of us in higher education who are Christ-followers. Those who strive to walk, teach, and conduct research in line with the Word of God; be led by the Spirit; pray in the power of the Spirit; & cover themselves daily with the prayers of the saints & the power of the Blood of Jesus. We do exist!

Pray that we will be able to stand strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, putting on the full armor of God, able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil, struggling not against flesh & blood but against the rulers, powers, world forces of darkness, spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Thank you, Lord, for providing us with the full armor of God, so that you are able to resist in the evil days we encounter so that after we have done everything according to His Word and Spirit, we can stand firm.

In Jesus’ Name, that we daily gird our loins with His Truth, put on the breastplate of righteousness, fitting our feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace. In addition, that we daily take up the shield of faith in order to extinguish *all* the flaming arrows of the evil one & take the helmet of salvation & the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

That we, with all prayer and petition, faithfully pray at all times in the Spirit, always mindful & on the alert, with all perseverance and petition for all the saints.

Finally, pray on our behalf, that utterance may be given to us in the opening of our mouth, to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel through all channels of communication, behavior, and action as directed by Him.

We pray that through your prayers and intercession, we will to be able to serve Him with all of His Might, Power, Righteousness, & Holiness in the midst of the generation(s) of those who follow Him as well as those who dwell in darkness.

Thank you all for your prayers & faithfulness to the Body of Christ.

    Darlene Estlow
    August 4, 2020

    Thank you for commenting. I will be praying for our colleges and universities and for Christian professors.

    Nancy Huff
    August 4, 2020

    Thank you so much, Barbara. What a wonderful heart-felt prayer. I sincerely appreciate your sharing and will pray.

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