I Prayed have prayed
Father, reveal truth to our nation and its leaders. Guide President Trump with Your wisdom in this decision and protect our nation from evil.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Democrat Rev. Raphael Warnock, who has worked as senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta for 15 years, has come under heavy scrutiny for his past speeches, sermons, writings, and run-ins with police as he challenges Republican Sen. Kelly Loeffler in Georgiaā€™s U.S. Senate runoff election. . . .

Below are nine of the most talked about issues, in no particular order, surrounding Warnockā€™s Senate candidacy:

1. Warnockā€™s Wife Calls Him a ā€˜Great Actorā€™ After Alleging He Drove over Her Foot

Warnockā€™s then-wife, Ouleye Ndoye,Ā toldĀ police in March her husband is a ā€œgreat actorā€ and ā€œphenomenal at putting on a really good showā€ in bodycam footage of Ndoye commenting to Atlanta police right after a domestic dispute. Ndoye accused Warnock of running over her foot with a car, according to a police reportĀ obtainedĀ by theĀ Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

2. Warnock Defends Rev. Jeremiah Wright

Warnock has repeatedly defendedĀ Wright, who served as former pastor to President Barack Obama and is known for a number of incendiary statements ā€” which Obama himself hasĀ condemnedĀ ā€” includingĀ declaringĀ that ā€œAmericaā€™s chickens are coming home to roostā€ in regard to the 9/11 terrorist attacks andĀ giving an impassioned sermon in which he shouted several times, ā€œGod damn America!ā€ . . .

During a 2013 speech, WarnockĀ saidĀ Wrightā€™s ā€œGod damn Americaā€ sermon was a ā€œvery fine homily entitled on confusing God and governmentā€ and that it was ā€œconsistent with black prophetic preaching.ā€ Warnock argued Wrightā€™s sermon had been taken out of context and noted that the black church was ā€œbarely understood by mainstream America.ā€

The Black Church Center for Justice and EqualityĀ postedĀ a video in 2014 in which Warnock described Wrightā€™s ā€œGod damn Americaā€ sermon as ā€œChristian preaching at its best.ā€

3. Warnock Says America Needs to ā€˜Repent for Its Worship of Whitenessā€™

WarnockĀ said while addressing Atlantaā€™s Candler School of Theology in 2016, just before the presidential election, that ā€œAmerica needs to repent for its worship of whiteness on full display.ā€ . . .


. Warnock Says People Cannot Serve God and the Military

Warnock said in a 2011 sermon, ā€œAmerica, nobody can serve God and the military,ā€ a clipĀ of which has garnered close to three million views online since it surfaced in November. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) called Warnockā€™s words ā€œan insult to everyone who servedā€ ā€” Georgia is home to several military installations, including Fort Benning, Fort Stewart, and Fort Gordon, and an analysis by 24/7 Wall St.Ā foundĀ the state has the tenth-most active duty personnel in the country.

. . . 5. Dr. James Cone Was Warnockā€™s ā€˜Mentorā€™

Warnock has described Dr. James Cone, who often defended Marxism and used provocative, race-fueled language, as his ā€œmentor.ā€ Cone servedĀ as Warnockā€™s academic adviser at the Union Theological Seminary, and Warnock considered Cone to be the ā€œfather of black theology.ā€

InĀ My Soul Looks Back, ConeĀ called forĀ the ā€œtotal reconstruction of society along the lines of democratic socialism.ā€ InĀ AĀ Black Theology of Liberation, ConeĀ argued that salvation comes from being like God and becoming ā€œblackā€ ā€” that is, adopting total political solidarity with the black community. He determined that ā€œsatanic whitenessā€ makes ā€œwhite religionistsā€ incapable of ā€œperceiving the blackness of Godā€; therefore, they must purge themselves of said whiteness. Cone wrote, ā€œThere will be no peace in America until white people begin to hate their whiteness, asking from the depths of their being: ā€˜How can we become black?ā€™ā€ . . .

6. Church Where Warnock Was Pastor Hosts Fidel Castro

New Yorkā€™s Abyssinian Baptist ChurchĀ hostedĀ communist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro while Warnock worked as a pastor there in 1995. Castro received a warm welcome at the gathering, including chants of ā€œFidel! Fidel! Fidel!ā€

In 2016, just after Castroā€™s death,Ā WarnockĀ said, ā€œWe remember Fidel Castro, whose legacy is complex. Donā€™t let anyone tell you a simple story; life usually isnā€™t very simple. His legacy is complex, kind of like Americaā€™s legacy is complex.ā€ . . .

Warnock has received enormous backlash for the association to Castro, who is widelyĀ consideredĀ responsible for thousands of innocent lives lost during his regime. Just last week, while campaigning in Georgia, South Carolinaā€™s senior senator, Sen. Lindsey Graham, asked a crowd, ā€œWhat kind of church is it that would invite Fidel Castro to come by and speak? Warnock is the most radical person to ever run for Senate in the history of Georgia.ā€

CNNā€™s Jake TapperĀ asked Warnock about the issue in November. Warnock said, ā€œI was a youth pastor. I had nothing to do with that program. I did not make any decisions regarding the program. I have never met the Cuban dictator. And so Iā€™m not connected to him.ā€ Tapper pressed further, ā€œBut do you understand why people would be appalled by anyone celebrating Fidel Castro?ā€ Warnock responded, ā€œWell, absolutely. And I never have. What Iā€™m putting forward in this race is American values.ā€

7. Warnock Defends Louis Farrakhanā€™s Nation of Islam

In a 2013 sermon, WarnockĀ praised the antisemitic Nation of Islam: ā€œIts voice has been important, and its voice has been important even for the development of black theology,ā€ Warnock said. As Breitbart Newsā€™s Joel Pollak reported, the Nation of Islam is led by Louis Farrakhan, ā€œwhose racist and antisemitic rhetoric has long been a matter of public record.ā€ . . .


8. Warnock Oversees Camp Suspected of Child Abuse

Warnock worked as senior pastor of Baltimoreā€™s Douglas Memorial Community Church, which ran Camp Farthest Out, from about 2001 to 2005. The camp was suspected of child abuse in 2002, and according to a 2002 report by theĀ Baltimore Sun, Warnock wasĀ arrested for interfering with a state trooper who was questioning the campā€™s counselors on the matter. . . .

Warnock himself has not been accused of child abuse and little detail is public regarding the allegations against the camp; however, one of the campā€™s attendees, Anthony Washington, who was 12 years old at the time, recentlyĀ detailedĀ his experience at the camp to the Washington Free Beacon. Washington said he received a financial settlement after filing a lawsuit against the camp alleging child abuse, including an instance of counselors pouring urine on him and punishing him by forcing him to sleep outside.

LoefflerĀ toldĀ Breitbart News she found the allegations ā€œdisgustingā€ and chastised Warnock for refusing to answer questions about the allegations.

9. Warnock Does Not Denounce Marxism, Describes Marxism as Useful

In their last debate, LoefflerĀ asked Warnock whether he would denounce Marxism, and Warnock evaded the question. The momentous exchange was widely circulated online and has since been incorporated into Loefflerā€™s stump speeches as evidence of Warnockā€™s ā€œradicalā€ viewpoints. . . .


. . . In his 2014 book, The Divided Mind of the Black Church: Theology, Piety, and Public Witness, WarnockĀ espousedĀ Marxism, saying it has ā€œmuch to teach the black church.ā€ WarnockĀ citedĀ more than 30 separate works by the aforementioned Cone in his book,Ā including several works on Marxism.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Ashley Oliver. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

What surprised you most from this list on Raphael Warnock?

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January 6, 2021

If Warnock even goes into the lead, it simply means he cheated – like Biden. Warnock is dangerous. His true God is fame, money, power and control. He is a deceiver, so it makes sense that he would run on a party that encourages and willingly participates in deception and fraud. Like their so-called leader(s), he will violate any oath to get what he wants. If you want the inside scoop of who he really is, just talk to his ex-wife. But make sure you offer her security protection before asking her too much.
Warnock epitomizes end times anti-christ mentality. Right is wrong and wrong is right. There are many trojan horses in the arena of politics today -Warnock is most certainly one.

Jack Pattison
January 5, 2021

Pro-abortion pastor? Looks like the devil has his pastors too. Like wolves in sheeps clothing. Titles mean nothing to God. By their fruits you will know them. He is not a pastor of God, he is past or gone, into evil.

January 5, 2021

Raphael Warnock is a complete total fraud. He is no more of a pastor, than Al Sharpton is a Reverend. Both are lying Charlatans.

They both support abortion and have the unmitigated gall to call themselves pastors or men of God.

Both of these men are false prophets and are trying to mislead people with their sinful rhetoric all disguised behind a false religion.

Matthew 7:15
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Just because someone claims they are Godly doesn’t necessarily mean they are. It also doesn’t guarantee they will enter Heaven.

Matthew 7:21
ā€œNot every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.ā€

Matthew 7:22-23

22Ā Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23Ā And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Matthew 8:12
ā€œBut the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.ā€

Yvonne Metcalfe
January 5, 2021

Quoting Marxism as good in a sermon…

January 5, 2021

Lord if there is anyone who is still believing the lie to boycott this runoff and not to vote Republican, please shake them to get in the queue to vote by 7PM ET. Lord twitter does not think that the Republicans will win this run off. Please have mercy on your people. Lord your people have been divided. Lord forgive those who spoke not in accordance with your will. Lord we can only look to you now to deliver us from the onslaught from the enemy which will follow.

in Jesus’ name. Amen

January 5, 2021

I’m sure Warnock would argue he has many good qualities. But I’m guessing if you would ask him to explain what they are, he would hesitate to tell us either.
His arrogance will be his undoing. Like anyone, he has the right to run for office. But he doesn’t have the right to deny his past inflammatory racially fueled rhetoric and belief system.
Warnock does NOT KNOW the living Savior. If he did, it would be reflected in his speeches, conduct and an overwhelming passion to unite people. He has passion but it’s so misaligned that his hatred oozes out of his pores. Unity is nowhere to be found on his radar. A senate seat would be nothing more than a way to crush people he hated.
We pray for his soul Lord. We pray he will come to know you Lord as his Savior and that you will change him.
Protect us Lord from wolves posing as sheep. Amen.

Rolanda Shrader
January 5, 2021

Lord Expose All darkness and liars and let YOUR Light prevail for Your kingdom purposes. šŸ™ŒšŸ¼
Let the glory of God fall on GA and W.D.C. and throughout America.

January 5, 2021

It is so heartbreaking that we have come to a point in our history that people like Raphael Warnock is even a viable candidate to serve in the Senate. It a grievous time of the church and God’s people not STANDING for God’s principles and values. May God have compassion on all of us.

Danna B.
January 5, 2021

I cannot read this name without thinking “WARLOCK.” Lord, swallow these corrupters up just as you did in the days of Dathan and Abiram! YOUR will be done in AMERICA as it is in Heaven!

January 5, 2021

Please Georgian republicans, do not boycott today’s run off elections. Do not spoil your ballot either. There is no viable plan B if no-one votes for Perdue and Loeffler and the Democrats get in. Please think about the Democrats rejoicing about victory and then play your part and vote. The Lord can expose the fraud if people vote. If no-one votes, what is there to expose? Apart from a lack of the Lord’s wisdom. Forgive us father that we are distracted. Let us focus our eyes on you and hear your voice alone and your battle strategy. The enemy seeks to confuse and to divide in order to defeat and destroy your people and Israel and the unborn.

Lord fight on behalf of your people and forgive us.

Lord the heart of the king is in your hands, but please break the spirit of confusion and division amongst Republicans and your people and shake them to vote. Lord we want to see souls saved not lives and the unborn destroyed.

Lord in judgment remember mercy.


    January 5, 2021

    I early voted, in GA, the week of Christmas and have asked all my friends and family to vote. Unfortunately, many from the church are discouraged to vote. Please pray for the spirit of discouragement to be removed from Christians who have not yet voted, and pray for any stumbling blocks to be removed so they will vote today.

      January 5, 2021

      Laura I am standing in agreement with you as are others in the UK. Lord move this mountain of lies and discouragement from your people. Shake them, trouble them. It will be too late if the Democrats get in and no voter fraud can be exposed because noone voted.

      Lord move the eclipse of your glory. Your will alone be done. Your voice alone be heard. Thy alone be the glory. We will not bow to anothe. Your sheep hear your voice. Bind the spirit of seduction that is seducing and lying to your people. Lord today is the day. Tomorrow will be too late. The enemy has already got plans for the destruction of your people and Israel. What will be the response? But I boycotted the election run off.

      Lord have mercy. Show your people the truth that they must vote. You can do abundantly more than we imagine if we stand our spiritual ground and do not waiver in the resolve to vote to save the unborn.

      Father bless Laura and Lillian and other intercessors in Georgia. Lord we thank you for them. Lord this is your battle. Please deliver your people.

      In Jesus name. Amen

      January 5, 2021

      Go pick them up and take them to the polls. Also share this article with them as a motivator.

      Blessings to you.

      January 5, 2021

      Standing in agreement with you and praying also that God fearing people will get out and vote in GA!!

      January 6, 2021

      Dear Laura

      I am truly heartbroken by the Georgia election run off results. The Lord used us to try to warn the people yesterday. There is so much spiritual confusion and division of the enemy that the battle continues. It will implode. The enemy is using people around President Trump who have not stood in the Lord’s counsel and are confusing the people.

      The Lord will get all the glory, no-one else. But it is going to be very tough now for America.

      We truly wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, rulers of the darkness in the world and spiritual wickedness in high places.

      Ephesians 6 v 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

      The battle is real and ongoing for the sake of souls.

      The Lord will build His church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

      Blessings from UK


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