I Prayed have prayed
Lord, I pray for strength and courage as we face this encroaching doctrine of humanism and ungodliness that faces the children of not just America but the nations of the world. We know that with those that oppose you is the arm of flesh but with us is the power of the Lord our God. I thank you for blessing the children of our inheritance with the truth and knowledge of Jesus. Amen
Reading Time: 4 minutes

For decades, the United Nations has wanted to complete their infiltration of public education to transform the students in our public schools into dumbed-down citizens of the world with no national allegiance. They now have a radical plan to do just that. In November 2021, the UN education arm, UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization), released its most radical report yet on Global Education, Reimagining Our Futures Together: A New Social Contract For Education. This humanistic plan would drastically change education throughout the world. Two years in the making, the report touts extensive consultation with over one million people. Commissioned because they believe “our world is at a turning point and urgently needs a new framework for education. Steeped in the report are multiple reasons to incorporate into school curricula around the world extensive education on social justice, globalism, human rights, climate change, sustainability, and the common good. One can fast forget that getting an education is about acquiring knowledge as no mention is made in the almost 200 pages of the importance of academic achievement.  

UNESCO is not a friend of families, the church, our students, or our nation. However, UNESCO is a significant influencer in education in America and worldwide. They are known for producing educational guidelines used extensively by the educational elites of the world. This recent plan covers everything from global warming, sexuality, sustainability, to AI. Once embraced by an educational system, the humanistic content shows up in a government’s educational policies, international think-tank papers, public school curricula, educational films, and special educational presentations. Most of the concepts mentioned in Reimaging our Futures Together are already in place in our public schools.

As believers, it would be to our peril to ignore this recent UN leap forward as academia nonsense. We must pray to stop it dead in its tracks. Those in academia know that out of the multitude of dry academic studies have already come some of the most damning and harmful ideas already being taught in our public schools.

A few of the items included in Reimagining Our Futures Together are:

  • Teachers should be … recognized for their work as knowledge producers and key figures in educational and social transformation. Embracing teachers as social change agents began in American education in the 1970s. The UN has won when our students think primarily globally.
  • We should enjoy and expand the educational opportunities that take place throughout life… Cradle-to-adult-and-beyond education takes children from the influence of their parents at the earliest possible age, ideally at birth. This communist idea, grounded in Marxism and brought to fruition by Stalin, trains children to look to the state as their provider. The U.S. Department of Education has multiple government-funded birth to K programs. One of the more recent programs, Promise Neighborhoods, was funded with COVID-19 funds. A recent article from Brookings Institute cited several senior fellows as looking for more early childhood programs in 2022 as a sign of progress.
  • Climate change is real, and we should prepare our students to deal with an exhausted planet in peril with fewer spaces for human habitation where education is only available for the elite. This goal should be easy to obtain as 78% of conservatives ages 18-38 believe the U.S. should steer away from fossil fuels to renewable energy.
  • Teaching should be organized around the principles of cooperation, collaboration, and solidarity. John Dewey had a disdain for American individualism and, in the early 1900s, encouraged collaborative effort between students. Today group study, tests, and projects are practiced in our classrooms.
  • Schools should be protected educational sites because of the inclusion, equity, and individual and collective well-being they support. Parents would have no say in what their children are taught or the counseling they receive on life-changing issues like sexuality, abortion, and allegiance to Christian values.
  • Universities and other higher education institutions must be active in every aspect of building a new social contract for education. According to Dr. John M. Ellis in his book, The Breakdown of Higher Education, American institutions of higher learning are infested with Marxist professors. The left/right professors ratio is 8 to 1 for full professors and 49:1 for junior rank professors.
  • All exclusionary populism, political extremism, hate speech, fake news, religious fundamentalism, and exclusionary nationalism are all used to favor narrow interests should be replaced by a world order anchored on the common values expressed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. No country would have the right to be called an independent nation. The United States of America would be considered a part of the United Nations and under their world governance.

By the design of its founders, educational labor unions, and federal government overreach, public education in America has become a liberal endeavor. The United Nations feeds that liberal monster that waits at the door of our schools to consume our students to make them followers of Carl Marx. UNESCO has no shortage of educators and curriculum writers who gladly supply liberal fodder to promote their globalist anti-God agenda. It is time for believers to pray to stop the influx of evil into our schools.

What is your prayer about the UN’s plan for education? Please share in the comments.

About the Author: Nancy Huff is an educator with a mission to equip believers to pray strategically for the Cultural Mountain of Education. She has authored Taking the Mountain of Education: A Strategic Prayer Guide to Transform America’s Schools. She leads prayer groups to pray at key educational locations across the US. Currently, Nancy serves as the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network (HAPN) Lead Prayer Coordinator for the Mountain of Education. For additional information go to: https://takingthemountainofeducation.com/author/nancyahuff/. Photo by Jonathan Ansel Moy de Vitry on Unsplash.

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Brenda Ludtke
January 25, 2022

Breaks my heart, thank God we have soldiers with boots on to battle this great takeover of American thinking. God is on the move. Without His blessing we will become a country without the Holy Spirit. The spirit of man will rule. Pray!

Patricia Vince
January 25, 2022

Thank you Father God for Frontline information like this. Lord Jesus thank you for equipping more and more of your saints with wisdom, knowledge and understanding on how to win this spiritual battle for the minds of our children and grandchildren. Father protect and deliver us from the evil one. Fill us afresh Father by the dynamite power of Your Holy Spirit to stand firm in this spiritual battle with beast system education. Thank you Lord Jesus for constantly interceding for Your saints and for our guardian angels and ministering angels who hear from Your throne to help the saints of the Most High God. In Jesus name Amen and Amen

Patricia Vince
January 25, 2022

Thank you Father Gid for Frontline information like this. Lord Jesus thank you for equipping more and more of your saints with wisdom, knowledge and understanding on how to win this spiritual battle for the minds of our children and grandchildren. Father protect and deliver us from the evil one. Fill us afresh Father by the dynamite power of Your Holy Spirit to stand firm in this spiritual battle with beast system education. Thank you Lord Jesus for constantly intercepting for Your saints and for our guardian angels and ministering angels who hear from Your throne to help the saints of the Most High God. In Jesus name Amen and Amen

January 17, 2022

Everyone should read the UN universal declaration of human rights (link in the briefing) and realize that virtually everything our government has done with respect to “Covid” has violated numerous rights set forth in the declaration and that LGBTQA+, transgenderism, and the overthrow of parental rights also violate this UN declaration which among other things says that parents should determine their child’s education. Please pray that the inconsistency of new agendas would be brought to light so they will be thwarted. Pray also that igrorance would be replaced by knowledge so that the stronghold of devious designs will be broken.

January 15, 2022

How do we stop them?

Mr Eric Reed
January 13, 2022

When we look at what this evil world has done to us and our children, we will want them gone

Nancy Huff
January 12, 2022

Thank you for your prayer, Dave!

Herb Johnston
January 11, 2022

There is one more thing. Do you guys remember when someone was commenting on all of the good positive accomplishments of President Trump-at the end of his presidency -when it looked like things were going downhill rapidly. These comments were made in an effort to sustain H
hope by that commentator. I heard that more than once from various sources. Well I think that when we look at the situation with the U.N being infiltrated with the world’s Global system- which is not surprising -, and how the enemies have gone past our gate-and are in our system, and in our homes, and in our institutions, The one Saving Grace might be- or one of the saving Graces -could very well be, similar to what that commentator was saying about the work that President Trump accomplished -and that similarity is that- you know our country didn’t just show up suited up in armor,the way it is, in the last you know in the last 10 minutes- right?.. as i
we know. Our institutions of Freedom have a foundation of 245 years of germinating into the ground of our Liberty- and into the souls of Our Lives -and into our minds and into our institutions. So if we continue to stand against the evil -even though it looks bad- we may well have a chance because of that 245 year history of the foundation of goodness -and Liberty, that came from God’s Word and is guaranteed in our Constitution

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    Herb, Thank you so much for your comments. It is those like yourself, who will make the difference in this attempt by the UN to Further harm our nation through their influence in Education. I join my prayers with yours that God will raise up people who will be able to stand at the gate of American Education and stop this tide of ungodly influence.

Herb Johnston
January 11, 2022

The prayer at the head of this article that IFA provided-is an honorable prayer.. but does not speak to the whole situation.. Remember we are the Lord’s hands and feet- and the ancient Jews-, and also.. Joshua and Caleb -and all of them were in the trenches. It will take facing this head on… like Doug Logan did- founder of cyber ninjas.

Herb Johnston
January 11, 2022

.. as far as the older adolescents,and the college age young adults -, and the ones that display the sold-out mentality or the Lost mentality..besides witnessing to them… they need to be treated like prisoners of war-because that is what they are- and they bear those wounds…it will be a stunning task to extract them from the lies they have been subverted with.

Amy L. Moore
January 11, 2022

We should leave the United Nations and remove it from our country.. It is not what our constitution calls for and should be removed for that reason. We should stop funding it also. May God be praised and prosper it’s removal in Jesus name.

    Herb Johnston
    January 11, 2022

    .. and we need to remove the younger children from the public school system altogether. Even if it means that while they are in their parents homes their education is based upon the ability of their parents which is not necessarily A Bad Thing. Remember that our society has been inculcated that it takes a professional quote unquote to educate a child and that is not true.

      Ellen Hoffman
      January 11, 2022

      I agree wholeheartedly! Because of covid, I ended up teaching my preschool Grandson, instead of the school. He just watched a zoom meeting for an hour twice a week. It is a Christian school, but he learned to read in preschool. He learned math and he totally enjoys history. He is now in first grade, he is reading on a 3rd grade level and is on a third grade level in math as well. We are shorting our children so much. When I was in school it was reading, writing and arithmetic. Social studies. History. But the 3 R’S were emphasized. I do not think it is torturing students to have standards and to teach the basics. I use the skills taught in school all the time still. I hear so many saying, we live in a different world now. My nephew just graduated. He cannot read in cursive at all. If we drop these as useless, there will come a time when most will not be able to read our constitution. I get all fired up about this!! Our kids can handle so much more than were requiring. Mediocre education leads to problems. I think we are seeing this now. Sad.

        Nancy Huff
        January 12, 2022

        Thank you, Ellen, for your sharing your actions to combat the tide of humanism in your family. I will pray with you that other grandmothers will be able to follow your example. I also pray for grandmothers who see the problems with our education system and will pray for a transformation of education in America.

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    You are right, Amy. Let’s pray that will happen.

Paul Subbie
January 11, 2022

I am 74, and was 12 yrs old when Nikita Kruschev came to America, and addressed us at the United Nations on live TV, which I will never forget. This is what he told us: “We will bury you, without firing a shot, and by using your own means to do so.” Kruschev realizd that Americans are armed, and the cost of invasion too high for Russian troops. So they, and the Communist Party in the US infiltrated our complete Education System, Newspapers, Magazines The News Medias, Unions, and now Marxist Unions inside Big Tech Internet like Google (most recently). They took control of our government with the recent fraudulent Coup of our Election System, and placed a Marxist-Communist-loving Democrat Pawn, a puppet of Obama, whose own Father was an active Communist in Kenya.
The Communist Party has its players throughout our Government and our entire Education System. Will we wake up, or let the UN and the Communists destroy America ?

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    Paul, It is those of us who through the years have witnessed the threats of Communist leaders along with the fulfillment of those threats, who will be able to pray effective prayers. We’ve seen what Communism can do firsthand while our students only know the glamour of Communism as it is taught in the classroom. We are the intercessors who can effectively stand in the gap.

Lauri roberts
January 11, 2022

The old hymn. This is my Father’s world oh let me never forget, that though the wrong seem awfully strong, God is the ruler yet. Keep standing and praying. And having done all to stand

David Kelley
January 11, 2022

Father God, Lord YESHUA
This plan by the UN is all a long game plan of instituting the Beast system globally, and destroying national identity and sovereignty! Please Lord! If it be your will, allow us to stop, slow, repeal this abomination against You, Your purpose and will! Father, forgive this country for we are being targeted as an example, to destroy liberty, free speech, meaningful education, national sovereignty. Al, these things prepare the way for the coming of the Beast and his kingdom of 3 1/2 years. Please Lord let us be kept out of his hand, and remain as a zone of safety and respite for people of God till YESHUA returns! For the sake of your people ISRAEL and Gentile believers. In the strong name of YESHUA, amen

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    Wonderful prayer, David! I agree with you.

      David Kelley
      January 12, 2022

      May God richly bless you! I deeply thank you and appreciate your remark, as propaganda, secularism, political correctness often make proponents of Faith feel isolated, disconnected, helpless. Blessings to you and yours

January 11, 2022

Matthew 6:9-10
Our Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your name.  Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Our Father is the Great Almighty God who created the Universe and all life on earth, including men and women. No human soul can comprehend the magnificence of that ongoing process. We who are alive and remain need to proclaim His Righteousness and Grace to a very lost world of unbelievers. The spoken, read, and heard Word of God will never remain void to human comprehension. The Holy Spirit will fill the soul of even the vilest offender with the Word of God. Nothing on earth could be more important.

January 11, 2022

Lord, I in the name of Jesus Christ we take authority over the demonic powers of hate and secularism in our educational system. We tell them that right now they have no authority their power is broken over our children and over the nations. We say schools will teach TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNES. We speak protection over our children’s mind and cover them with the blood. In Jesus Name Amen and Amen!

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    Thank you, Sandralea, for this powerful prayer! I join my faith with yours.

    Linda Hoover
    January 13, 2022

    Wonderful prayer!!! I agree too, Sandralea!!!

January 11, 2022

Father Eternal,
Humanity is pulled away from you. Have mercy on us,. Please help our dirigeants to leave the UN as this evil plan is against all what we believe. We don’t have the power to change this demonic plan. Only You can guide us and those who have vowed to remove You from the heart of your children. Strengthen our faith, embrace us with the power of the Holy Spirit and protect our children so that there are always believers that keep your Holiness, your Will, Your Love among heathens. Your Love will be a beacon of hope among men and never leave until you return. Have mercy on this earth Father,. We ask you this in the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen

Gail Segars Rainey
January 11, 2022

The Bible should be the central book for teaching in all schools at every age. The Constitution, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights should be taught along with the TRUE HISTORY OF HOW AMERICA BECAME A NATION UNDER GOD, the covenant Jesus made when our forefathers penned the binding, legal documents as aforementioned. Anything else taught to the contrary is a treasonous act against our great country, and we ALWAYS SUPPORT THE NATION OF ISRAEL, THE VERY NATION THAT GAVE US OUR SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH, YESHUA HAMASHIACH. iS THAT CLEAR ENOUGH FOR ALL THOSE POLITICIANS OUT THERE WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO BE WORKING FOR THE PEOPLE????????????? I am standing and nothing will keep me quiet. I don’t care what people think; I care about My God!!!!! If the church does not fully awake soon, you want have “church.” You won’t have a nation. You will be slaves of the current Marxist-Communist coup. This is an American Revolution of Spiritual Warfare!!!!!!! Put wings to your prayers WITH ACTION!!!!!!

Lori Meed
January 11, 2022

I have been praying for years for the UN to be removed from our nation – literally and spiritually. I was so encouraged when President Trump stood firm against it. I often pray Ps.33:8-11 “Let all the earth fear the Lord; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast. The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes the plans of the peoples of no effect. The counsel of the Lord stands forever, The plans of His heart to all generations. Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.” Lord we declare and decree that this UNESCO plan comes to nothing, is of no effect! God, we release Your plans for education in the USA and the nations! Amen.

Anthony Gaby
January 11, 2022

I believe truly that the United States of America withdraw from the United Nations..This “entity” has done more AGAINST Israel that protecting and helping them..Therefore it is in the best interest of U.S.A. to withdraw from the .U N.

Michael T Bailey
January 11, 2022

Oh Lord Jesus we pray evil be bound and your purity prevail in the education of our children.
Your will be done.

Patricia Vince
January 11, 2022

Thank you for keeping all of us informed on these critical issues. I will be praying on these important issues. Godspeed to all the remnant of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    Thank you so much, Patricia. I hope to share more in the future.

Elizabeth Crouse
January 11, 2022

Praying for leaders, teachers and parents will know and stop evil from schools and our children.

Cassie Booker
January 11, 2022

I am an art teacher (27) years. I pray every single morning that the evil across this land starting with its leaders will be exposed. I pray for a revival and for healing. I pray out loud that our people will turn from their wicked ways and turn Back to Jesus. Thank you for this exposure. It is an answer to my prayers.

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    Thank you, Cassie. As a teacher you know firsthand the battles teachers face in the classroom. God bless you for your prayers and I agree with your prayer that the evil will be exposed!

Mary Ann Canfijn
January 11, 2022

God help us to embrace, to herald, and to live by Proverbs 9:10: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding.”
May God’s people come to know in our time as in days of old, “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.” May we realize who He is and what He is prepared to do because He reigns!

    Pam Schilling
    January 11, 2022

    Thank you for sharing this.

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    Thank you, Carole, for sharing the information on Corey’s Diggs. I signed up on the website and look forward to learning a lot more about the workings of the UN, especially in education. Thank you also for praying!

January 11, 2022

Lord God you are mightier than human agenda. Father please place a hedge of protection around our children against evil, evil doers, and the evil one. Protect our nation’s children from being swayed to the extremes on either side. To not walk to the left or the right but towards the cross on the narrow road. To bring up a revival in our young adults and children to come back to you and fully follow you Lord. To protect their minds as they are in schools as well as rise up ways for parents to be involved in education without be being deemed a terrorist. In Christ Jesus name I pray amen.

Linda McKenzie
January 11, 2022

The UN should be ended. Lock up the building and send them all packing. They can raise their own children and stay out of how other parents want to raise theirs. The UN has been a horrible, evil disaster from the beginning.

Jerry E Sauls
January 11, 2022

I thank God for people like Nancy Huff and pray that God will raise up many like her around our nation within the US Education system to confront and impede the efforts made by UNESCO and all of those who are seeking to change our educational system in this Nation.

    Nancy Huff
    January 12, 2022

    Thank you so much, Jerry. I totally agree with your prayer!

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