NYC to Let Noncitizens Vote
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NYC to Let Noncitizens Vote
Despite misgivings, New York City’s new mayor, Eric Adams, has rolled over for the city council and allowed more than 800,000 noncitizen residents to vote in future elections for mayor and all other city officials.
Starting in 2023, the city will have to print separate ballots for city races, since noncitizens will still be barred from voting in statewide and presidential elections. But make no mistake. The new New York law is part of a nationwide push to blur the very meaning of citizenship and promote noncitizen voting everywhere and for all offices.
There are few limits on how far the “woke” Left will go to change the rules of voting. In 2019, a majority of House Democrats voted to lower the federal voting age to 16 years, from 18. This week, Senate Democrats will try to ram through a bill that would nationalize elections by taking away the right of states to determine their own voting systems. Liberals will use any hysterical argument to justify this power grab: Representative Eric Swalwell (D., Calif.) even told MSNBC last week that if Republicans win November’s midterm elections, “voting in this country as we know it will be gone.” . . .
The very notion of noncitizen voting is fraught with peril, especially in a big city such as New York. Seth Barron, a contributor to the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal, notes that the city’s board of elections has long been a den of partisan hacks and has consistently demonstrated its incompetence, most recently in the Democratic primary for mayor last year. He also questions how legitimate some city-council races would be in parts of Queens or the Bronx where more than 50 percent of the population is made up of foreign citizens.
In 2016, New York Board of Elections commissioner Alan Schulkin, a Democrat, was videotaped at a party by Project Veritas confirming the existence of voter fraud and decrying the city’s failure to require voter ID. “Certain neighborhoods in particular, they bus people around to vote,” Schulkin said on the tape. “They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site.” Schulkin was forced to resign by de Blasio for saying “absolutely the reverse of what someone should be saying on the Board of Elections.” In other words, these aren’t the scandals anyone should be looking for.
Few experts believe that in a place where noncitizen voting is allowed there would be effective enforcement of laws still barring illegal aliens from voting. They already can choose to vote without much fear of detection. A 2014 study by two Old Dominion University professors, based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, indicated that 6.4 percent of all noncitizens voted illegally in the 2008 presidential election and that 2.2 percent did in the 2010 midterms. . . .
As Howard Husock, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, says, “the right way to bring noncitizens into the electoral process at the federal, state, and local levels is old-fashioned: encourage them to become citizens.” It’s not hard to go that route for legal residents — they must have been in the U.S. for five years, pay some fees, and pass a test, given in English, on U.S. institutions.
What do you think about noncitizens voting in municipal elections? Share in the comments.
(Excerpt from National Review. Photo credit: Getty Images.)
In related news, the NYC DA recently announced that jail time will not be sought for crimes other than “homicide, public corruption, and a few other exceptional cases.”
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Allowing noncitizens to vote is ridiculous!
The “public corruption” crimes will only be enforced on Republicans, Libertarians and Constitutionalists.
Non-citizens should have to follow thebprocess to become a US Citizen before being given that right. Very straightforward process, laws already exist for this. No other country in the world allows a. On-citizen to vote.
Citizenship being required is essential to preserving our democracy.
I am against any noncitizen to vote. If they care for our country and what we believe they should become citizens. They should contribute to society and learn our culture.
The attempt is to destroy the American way of life in a seemingly Democratic way. If successful, civil war will be inevitable, the Democrats want slaves, the republicans want moderate behavior and the results will be civil war. No longer blacks killing blacks. Whites killing blacks… and then slaughtering Republicans or modest living folk. This Supreme Court ruling will tell the story sure enough.
this is insane!
I don’t believe that non citizens should have the right to vote in any of our country’s elections. I believe that a voter should show an ID to prove their residency and whether they are a citizen of the United States. I don’t think this is in anyway unfair. It is protecting our Constitution and the people of our United States.
I disagree with non-citizens being able to vote in elections. This is another way to lessen our boarders as a nation and allow anyone to partake in the benefits. The hard working Americans are paying a big price for this idea. If there is any benefit to be gained, one has to work for it. That includes becoming an American citizen legally.
This totally undermines our democracy. We have allowed fools to occupy seats of power. May God help us!
This is a continuing push, first eliminate borders and then eliminate citizenship so we can live in a free-for-all world where anything goes. Property rights are likely next. The concept of crime and punishment is being redefined, even as history is being rewritten. The inmates are running the asylum in many American cities. Not only do we need prayer, we need faithful Christians to step up and run for office and demonstrate true servant leadership. Jesus walked among all manner of people, we must be willing to do the same. Heavenly Father, bring forth those with courage to serve and lead this nation in ways that glorify you and not us. Let the glory be yours so that we may rest in your peace.
When the Bible says lawlessness will abound in the last days, we are definitely seeing it. The left are working hard to get rid of laws they don’t agree with. Only God and action by His people can change this.
I don’t think that there are very many legal citizens in this country on either side of the fence who will go for this. Once again it is a case of the screaming minorities at the silent majority….seems to be our battle cry these days….it is so loud that you can hear the absolute silence. We have become one big oxymoron.
Father God…
Please hear the battle cries of Your people no matter how silent they may sound in the secular world…I know that You hear us. What You hears matters….please intervene before all rights are taken from all of us. Give us gumption to speak out even if it feels uncomfortable in this WOKE world of unwoken people…those who think that they are WOKE…but are actually blinded by the enemy. Open their eyes before it’s too late…open our mouths before it’s too late…in Jesus’ Mighty Name, Amen!!
Honest election voting and integrity vanished the moment Swalwell and others took office in the last few years. My heart is burdened, like many of you…at the volume of lies, dishonesty and deceit that spew forth from people that have been elected (legally or illegally) to office. They don’t even blink an eye at what they do or have done. Worse, they have no fear of God for their willful actions or speech.
Today’s Dem party (along with certain Repubs & Independents) are dangerous in ways I have never seen before. Their conscience is completely void and they have no moral compass. Many have given themselves over to a debased mind, ungodly spirits and use the excuse that “it’s politics – anything goes”. For those people, the idea of serving the people or honoring the Constitution and the law does not exist because they never had any intention to. *We humbly ask You Lord to remove them from office or any position (s) of influence both now and in the future through whatever ways You decide to.*
The push from Dems to paint elections as “never being fair again” is one of the greatest lies being forced on Americans. The federal government taking over elections is exactly what other foreign nations did to establish tyranny through communism or misuse of authority. That is exactly what many Democrats are doing today under the “narrative of fear” and the “falsehood of equality and fairness”. Many politicians use that ruse because they know they can’t be held accountable for their outright lies. Let us continue to pray (and act) to publicly call out and stand fiercely against these continuous streams of lies. Let us pray that other elected leaders will call them out with a veracity that we haven’t seen before.
He better NOT be ALLOWING them to vote for national or U.S. related issues like President of the United States, Senate, Representative, or any branch of the body of our government that is protected by the constitution. ONLY U.S Citizens should be allowed to vote with proof of voter I.D., or their state should NOT be counted at all especially for President of the United States!!!
People who are not citizens and know nothing about the United States could only try to bring in issues that our country does not stand for and would be hurting us. I also believe a person wanting to be a citizen should not become a citizen unless they have had 5 years of true American History to learn what we stand for, have fought for, and how NOT knowing history is harmful to our democracy!!
It should be illegal for any illegal immigrant to vote in any election. What part of illegal do people not understand.
Wow! I knew Obama didn’t win legally; in either election! But I didn’t know how to prove it! He was satan’s man to begin the chaos in our country! Gay marriage. Homosexuality open in our schools. Destroying our medical system with obamacare. Ramadan celebrated in the white house instead of the National Day of Christian Prayer in a nation founded by men who honored the Christian GOD, not mohammed! Bible studies discontinued in congress. He said to the world that America is NOT a Christian Nation. Attempt to privatize our military and police forces with the evil new black panther party. Black lives matter and antifa sent out and PAID to destroy our country. All of the chaos going on since 2008 came from community organizer obama! I knew all of this but no one believed me. I worked the polls in 2008 and 2012 and many non English-speaking people voted and were trained to look for an “O”! The 1st coup! The 2nd one was the 2020 farce of an election! FATHER GOD please restore America in JESUS NAME!
Apparently we (citizens) no longer have a say.
Legal citizens of NYC should legally through the courts withhold their city taxes as long as non citizens can vote since most illegals (non citizens) also do NOT pay taxes of any kind! The NYC officials were elected to office to represent the legal citizens of NYC’s best interests. REMOVE EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM FROM OFFICE QUICKLY that supports this nonsense! The left wants a civil war and are determined to undermine decent, honest, law-abiding citizens until they have been pushed too far! Chaos does not bring order, it brings destruction! I would be ashamed to be called a democrat after watching these nuts operate! Kamala Harris compared Jan 6 to Pearl Harbor and 911; both were where many brave Americans lost their lives at the hands of terrorists! So is Kamala saying she sides with terrorists? Ignorant beyond measure! FATHER I bind satan and demons who are operating through these ignorant people. Open their eyes to the devils that are leading them straight to hell and send laborers to them to tell of the abundant life CHRIST offers in JESUS NAME! Amen!
Noncitizens should NOT be allow to vote. They have opportunity to become a legal citizen. Voting is a privilege for citizens of that country. ONLY legal citizens should ever be allowed to vote.
Such stupidity and overreach
Lord God speak to the hearts of those in power to ‘rule’ with wisdom. Let there be visitations and dreams to convict and convince them of those things that are right
Do the state governments not honor the laws set down by the founders of our nation anymore. Do they think they can just make up what ever feels good and gets them the most votes?
What utter nonsense!!!! Lord, please right the wrongs that these misguided politicians are doing in their attempts to ruin our nation. Please, Lord, let there be a return to honest, sane, decision making by our politicians in this nation. I bind the spirit of deception that is over these misguided, deceived politicians, such as the mayor of NYC. I loose a spirit of integrity and good, sound decision making. In Jesus’ name.
Why are we changing the laws for voting? Voting is a privilege for the American citizens of the state. We need to pray for our nation and those who think they are the “leaders”. They are not thinking of the American people. They are not God-centered.
IS THE COMMON SENSE????????????????????? ROSE
Non-citizens should NOT be allowed to vote in ANY election!!!!!
It is not those people that are here illegally that we should be pointing our finger at but the people that were born and raised in the United States that are tearing apart what America stands for little-by-little and this is just another case where if they get a foothold it will never stop so pray people pray people pray for America and the world God answers prayer
Voting is a sacred constitutional right to be safe guarded for the American citizen only.
It is a scary thought that this could be the beginning for world wide global voting in a one world government or voting infiltration. What is to stop another country to send visitors to vote during elections. When will America wake up. Keep on praying
Lord God
Please open the eyes hearts and minds of New Yorks Mayor and city council that this is not right and instead help noncitizens to become citizens. To protect our electoral system. In Christ Jesus name I pray amen.