The Truth about Vaccines and Aborted Fetal Cells
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The Truth about Vaccines and Aborted Fetal Cells
A recent interview on the Tucker Carlson show, which highlighted the use of aborted fetuses in vaccine research, is going viral. Clips from the interview, featuring medical freedom attorney Aaron Siri, have been circulating through social media, sparking conversations and debate over the unethical practices of researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and government agencies.
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“In every single dose of an MMR (Measles Mumps Rubella) shot, there are literally millions of pieces from the cultured cell line of an aborted fetus. In every single injection,” Siri said. “Now, again, that might sound crazy, but I could literally pull up right now the CDC’s own ingredient list for the MMR vaccine.”
How are Aborted Fetal Cells Obtained?
Upon hearing this information, a visibly disturbed Tucker Carlson prompted Siri to elaborate on the process used to procure the cells from the fetuses. Siri explained that all viruses must be grown in cells. The ingredients listed as MRC-5 and WI-38 are cultured cell lines obtained from aborted fetuses. He stresses, however, that in order for a viable vaccine to be developed, the tissues (cells) must be “alive.” He added that those procuring the samples from the aborted babies must “immediately act to make sure the tissues don’t die.”
Stanley Plotkin: The “Godfather of Vaccines”
Siri went on to share information that further shocked Carlson where he described the research of one of the world’s most prominent vaccine experts, Dr. Stanley Plotkin. In 1988, Plotkin developed the standard textbook for vaccines titled Plotkin’s Vaccines. Bill Gates has called his book the “bible for vaccinologists.” Plotkin, who is an atheist, has been quoted as saying that he hopes his book is “more accurate than the Bible.” Plotkin has been a consultant for pharmaceutical companies for decades, offering advice on how to make their products.
In the past, Siri deposed Dr. Plotkin in court, where he testified about how the tissues of aborted fetuses are obtained. The apathetic Plotkin revealed under oath that one of the vaccine studies he presided over included over 70 healthy fetuses, aged three months and older. Body parts of these babies, including the lung, skin, pituitary gland, kidneys, spleen and heart were cut into pieces and then viruses were cultured on them to determine which medium could produce a viable vaccine. At one point, Plotkin snickered when asked if the tongues of the fetuses were used in the experimental study. To this question he responded, “I don’t recall, but probably yes.”
Siri continued, reminding Dr. Plotkin that that was just one experimental study where aborted fetuses were used for research. He asked if more babies were used in other studies. Without emotion, Plotkin stated, “I don’t remember the exact number, but quite a few.”
Siri probed further, inquiring “Are you aware that one of the objections to vaccination by the plaintiff in this case is the inclusion of aborted fetal tissue in the development of vaccines and the fact that it’s part of the ingredients in vaccines?”
Plotkin responded, “I’m aware of those objections.”
Siri fired back, “Do you take issue with religious beliefs?”
Plotkin answered, “Yes.”
Siri reminded Plotkin that he’d been quoted as saying that “Vaccination is always under attack by religious zealots who believe that the will of God includes death and disease.” Without batting an eye, Plotkin declared that he still stood by thar statement.
Experimental Testing on Orphans and the Mentally Disabled
Plotkin’s admissions under oath were sobering. At one point he acknowledged the use of experimental vaccines on orphans and the mentally disabled for testing purposes. Additionally, he testified that he made the following statement in a letter to the editor of ethics on human experimentation: “The question is whether we are to have experiments performed on fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society, or to perform initial studies in children and adults who are human in form, but not in social potential. It may be objected that this question implies a Nazi philosophy, but I do not think that it’s difficult to distinguish non-functioning persons from members of ethnic, racial, economic or other groups.” Plotkin also stated he had used babies of mothers in prison to study experimental vaccines, as well as individuals who were under some form of colonial rule.
Siri explains in his interview with Carlson that when it comes to the development of vaccines, “A lot of times they like to say they only involved a few babies, way back when. So, I have a whole series in these depositions showing it’s not a few babies way back when. It was a lot of babies and it’s still ongoing. And this industry has only grown.” Both Siri and Carlson agree that babies have been sacrificed for health, as the pharma industry profits from abortions and fetal tissue.
Do Not Ignore the Facts
Dr. Theresa Deisher is the president and founder of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, a 501 (c)3 non-profit organization “with a mission to end human trafficking and exploitation for the purposes of biomedical research and commercial products.” With over 30 years of pharmaceutical research and leadership experience, she is well-educated on how human fetal tissue is used. In the past, she has appeared on shows like The High Wire, speaking about the inhumane way that fetuses are procured and utilized for scientific research.
Dr. Deisher reveals, “What you have are procurement companies, who are working side by side literally with the abortionist, typically right in the building. What happens with the heart is that it will actually go into this contracture, and once that happens, you can’t get good data from it. So, the tissue really becomes useless. It has to be flushed. It has to be put into a preservative that stops the heart within two minutes. The baby has to be born alive, or they’re not going to be able to get the heart and get it rushed and get it in the blocked solution so they can preserve it for processing.”
She adds that when a baby’s heart is cut out, he/she is not given any anesthetic. “I would never do this to a mouse or a rat. I would not be surprised that we might get some hard numbers not in the so distant future that abortions are delayed later and later so that the scientists and the procurement companies can get better late-term tissue.”
Which Vaccines Use Aborted Fetal Cells/Tissue?
Deisher’s website lists the vaccines which utilize aborted fetal materials (human diploid cells). They include the MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella), Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Poliomyelitis (DTaP/TdP), Varicella (Chickenpox), Shingles, Hepatitis A & B, Rabies, and some Coronavirus vaccines. These vaccines contain “human fetal DNA fragments and cellular debris, and in quite high levels.”
On Deisher’s website, it states, “The United States government has known about the dangers of human DNA from aborted fetal cell-lines since at least 2005. They set guidelines which are supposed to keep the DNA at a specific limit, which they hypothesize will not cause cancer. There is no monitoring of vaccines by our government agencies to ensure those limits are adhered to. Vaccines (MMR, Varicella, and Hepatitis A) sent for independent analysis have consistently shown levels of human fetal DNA that are far beyond the ‘established safety limits.’”
Dr. Deisher continues to sound the alarm about using aborted fetuses in medical research. In 2019 she wrote an open letter describing the potential harms to children. She warns, “We absolutely know that the levels of DNA in these vaccines get into our children’s bloodstream at levels that are above sometimes 100-fold higher than levels of fetal DNA that has been demonstrated to massively activate the immune response, causing a general cytokine release and cytokines are toxins. And we are giving children 10 to 100-fold higher concentrations…The pharmaceutical companies have never measured cytokine release and they’ve never measured that acute auto-immune response.”
In 2023, Dr. Jim Meehan also discussed the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines on The High Wire, stressing that many vaccines contain residual components of human DNA. He adds that even the names of the cell lines, which are denoted as letters and numbers, dehumanize the children who were sacrificed to “become the endless production substrate” for certain vaccines.
How Many Aborted Fetal Cell Lines Exist?
Other fetal cell lines are utilized for vaccines besides the MRC-5 and WI-38. The HEK293 cell line is derived from human embryonic kidney cells, while the PER.C6 line is procured from human embryonic retinal cells. IFA reported on the brutal origins of the HEK293 cell line and its link to the Covid vaccine back in 2021.
In 2015 a new cell line was created for use in vaccines known as WALVAX 2. It was taken from the lung tissue of a “3-month gestation female who was selected from among 9 aborted babies.” Specific guidelines were followed to “mimic WI-38 and MRC-5 in selecting the aborted babies, ranging from 2-4 months gestation.” Scientists described how they “induced labor using a ‘water bag’ abortion to shorten the delivery time and prevent the death of the fetus to ensure live intact organs which were immediately sent to the labs for cell preparation.”
As Intercessors, How Do We Respond?
The issue of aborted fetal cell lines in vaccines is of utmost importance. As intercessors, we cannot just sweep this information under the rug. During the COVID pandemic, people became more aware of vaccines and their ingredients. As light continues to be shed, this provides intercessors with an opportunity for deep prayer.
First and foremost, we should pray that God has mercy upon our nation for this grievous sin against innocent babies. Ask the Lord to specifically direct our response both individually and as the Body of Christ.
Secondly, we must pray for the people (lawyers, scientists, doctors, journalists, pastors, parents, etc.) who are informing the public about the use of aborted fetal tissue (cells) in medical research and products such as vaccines. Pray they would not be hindered, censored or canceled, as they bring this information to light. Also, pray for their protection as they do battle against a fierce enemy that wants the truth hidden.
Third, pray that the public would have ears to hear, instead of turning a blind eye to what’s happening in the pharmaceutical industry. Instead of putting faith in vaccines, pray that people would turn to Jesus Christ, the Great Healer, to protect them from sickness and disease.
Fourth, pray that the funding for medical research utilizing aborted fetal cells/tissue would run dry and that scientists/doctors involved in this research would repent and cease from engaging in this type of work.
Fifth and most importantly, ask Jesus to restore our medical system so that the products and treatments on the market are safe, ethical and pleasing to God.
Lord Jesus, our hearts are grieved about the way innocent babies have been used in the pharmaceutical/medical industry. Even though this information is hard to hear, continue opening our eyes so we can make informed decisions about vaccines and protect our children and ourselves, from harm.
For more information about aborted fetal cells, you can read Abortion, the Human Fetal Cell Industry and Vaccines White Paper by Tanya Foster M.A. by clicking on this link.
IFA also has a Special Report titled The Mystery Behind the Covid Vaccine.
How are you praying about the use of aborted fetal cells/tissues in vaccines and other medical research? Share your prayers below.
Angela Rodriguez is an author, blogger and former teacher who studies the historical and biblical connections between Israel and the United States. You can visit her blogs at and She is also the author of Psalm 91: Under the Wings of Jesus and Hallelujah’s Great Ride. Photo Credit: Elen Sher on Unsplash.
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Is it any wonder that we do not trust our government? When the shots first came to be available, I read an article about the kidney cells extracted from aborted babies. My husband and I decided that day that we would not receive the vaccine and we became pariahs. No matter who is in place in government, my trust is completely shattered when it comes to pharmaceuticals.
Father, forgive us for believing the lies the pharmaceutical companies tell us. I repent for our nation and our health care system for not sharing the truth. May we be faithful to stand with you against evil.
This Hellish practice is obvious in all of its Hellish details. The perpetrators show NO remorse.
I am encouraged that this article was sent to me by someone who’s always vaccinated her family without a second thought about what vaccines are!
Being military, you never question, you get in line and do what you’re told. For yourself and your family .
Praise Jesus, people are hearing the truth and saying “no more!”
We are no better than the Mayans or the Aztecs, who collected humans sacrifice to their gods and cut out their heart when they were alive. Those cultures do not exist anymore because of the judgment of God.
Dr. Plotkin, An angel of death should be considered to be a confederate with Nazi Dr. Mengela.
Farher,Father, thank you for bring to light the wicked deeds done in darkness. My these deeds be brought, quickly, to an end.
David Daleiden exposed this back in 2015 through actual videos pf Planned Parenthood executives bargaining with labs willing to pay exorbitant prices for body part of babies aborted live. See IFA article THAT BABY YOU DIDN’T WANT? HER HEART SOLD FOR $595. HIS BRAIN SOLD FOR $3,340. ttps:// (Oct. 13, 2021).
This is so sad. We have not vaccinated out kids since 2012 bc of this. Vaccines are really not helpful (see The Truth About Vaccines, a docuseries by The Truth About Cancer).
I’ve also seen the video of the evil dr’s testimony in court a few years back. Pure evil. Keep praying We stand for all life.
I pray for Jesus to return and stop this evil.
Dear Heavenly Father, we pray against this atrocity against our unborn children. Please intervene and bring this to an abrupt stop. Those the are promoting this evil, we ask that they be brought to your justice. More importantly, we pray that they will each have a personal encounter with you and give their hearts to you by accepting Jesus as their Lord and savior. I ask this in Jesus’ name, amen.
As always, Angela, you have masterfully cleared the debris of deception and reveal to us the truth of the matter. BigPharma and BioTech happily use the purple-hair protesters to feign for rights like “protect our choice”, while the daily death and dismemberment of babies happens right under our noses. I’m so glad you specified these organs must be surgically removed while the baby is still alive. Same goes for gain of function testing. Only Satan can direct such evil.
The Lord’s wrath and judgement against these evil butchers will be swift. Thank you for speaking out!
satanic ritual as well?
Yes, it is worship to Molech!
Lord God, have mercy on our country. Forgive us and open the blinded eyes to Your truth. We as a nation are calling evil good and good evil. Mercy Lord, Your mercy I pray. In Jesus name. Amen
Thank God for the continuing revelation being brought out into the open concerning the development of medical science. This isn’t only aboutvyhecwayvvaccinrs have been. are being, and will be developed. This is also about how the scientific community is showing itself to think God is replaceable by science
Are any flu shots utilizing aborted fetal tissue or cell lines? Are any flu shots using the mRNA platform?
It’s my understanding that ALL vaccines must use these fetal cell lines. Having a child injured by the polio shot, I pray this evil is exposed quickly!
This is just inexcusable. Lord please cause this information to be shouted from the roof tops! So many are ignorant of this, or bury their heads in the sand. If it makes me feel sick LORD, I can’t imagine what it does to You, who loves us all more than we can imagine. Please convict those who are working in this field. Bring a Christian scientist to go about these things in a Holy way. Put a stop to all medical processes that are grievous. Thank you!
Lord, my heart and soul aches and breaks and weeps over this situation. These are things I wish I didn’t have to read, hear or know. Knowing them now, I declare and decree that the wickedness of these actions would cease and desist. May the souls of those who mutilate be pierced to the very bone and marrow of their being. Let there be weeping and repentance over what’s been done. And now, Lord, may every researcher value life in the womb. Open the eyes of those blinded to the truth of what they’re doing. Bring revival to these researchers. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Lord Jesus, as others have prayed I too ask for your forgiveness for my failures to stand for the innocent. Please forgive us as a nation for allowing such evil and the bloodbath of abortion. This is truly an abomination before you. My heart grieves as I know Yours does. Open the eyes of your people. Let us stand for righteousness as each person is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) and has value and worth in Your Eyes. Today, show us how to respond. Keep us faithful to pray and lead us to action. Let my brokenness lead to faith in action. In Jesus Name!
Are there alternative vaccines available that don’t include these fetus based ingredients?
Honestly, vaccines are so overrated. Focusing on a healthy immune system and supporting your body with nutraceuticals like vitamin C, echinacea, and golden seal is Gods natural treatments.
Also research CDS (Dr Andreas Kalcker from Germany) he has a heart for affordable effective treatment. We used CDS after my husband completely incapacitated by Lyme for a year and we were spending 500-700 month. CDS worked quickly. $27 got him almost symptom free but of course he continued treatment to get every last bit of bacteria killed off. It works for many pathogens. Many cancers (caused by pathogens and bacteria and viruses) etc.
Worked 100% for Covid so all groups (thousands of members) were pulled from fb etc. You can find but need to look.
Start w dr Kalker book.
Angela, I wanted to skip this article, but forced myself to read every word. Man’s inhumanity to man in any form is bad enough to contemplate, but this kind of total disregard for innocent and defenseless human life is absolutely unthinkably cruel and demonic. I was sickened by this reality.
YHVH, we stand before You as a nation with blood-guilt stained hands and seared consciences. Were it not for Your great mercy, we would have already been consumed (Lam. 3:22). I repent.
We lift up those who are courageously informing the public. Please do not allow them to be hindered, cancelled, or censored – and protect them from enemy attack. Grant mega-platforms for Truth to be exposed.
Stir faith in Your people to trust You, not just primarily, but solely if necessary for our health and well-being. You are the Lord, our healer! (Ex. 15:26, Psalm 103:3)
I pray that funding for any and all medical research using fetal cells/tissue would dissipate immediately, and personnel would withdraw from these research positions, never to return.
We pray for a major overhaul for the medical system. May medical professionals take seriously their oath to do no harm. May all treatments and healthcare products be safe, effective, ethical and God-honoring. Give Your people wisdom and discernment, and lead us to take responsibility for our own healthcare decisions as led by and informed by Holy Spirit. Doctors are just “practicing” medicine – You are the Great Physician!
Mary Beth S,
Your response and prayer have echoed my thoughts and prayers exactly. May God have mercy on our blood-stained country. And may it’s citizens and Christian population rise up in protest to murdering our innocent victims. Please Lord, Make America Great Again!
O God, FORGIVE us, I pray.
How can You bless our nation while we are involved in this grevious sin against humanity?
Lord, totally expose this and put a stop to it. We RELEASE Your righteous judgement! In Jesus’ name.