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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, thank You for the victory over the sin and stain of slavery in America. Thank You for answering the prayers of Americans in the 1800s who cried out to You for an end to slavery. You are a God who answers prayer.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Intercessors might have heard of a new holiday: Juneteenth. But what exactly is Juneteenth, and why is it so popular today? What’s the history behind our newest federal holiday?

The history of Juneteenth

Juneteenth, a fusion of “June” and “nineteenth,” refers to June 19, 1865, when enslaved Africans in Galveston, Texas, were delivered the news of their freedom. Coming months after the defeat of the South in the U.S. Civil War and over two years after President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, this day has come to be known as the proper end of slavery. Therefore, some Americans celebrate Juneteenth as an independence day.

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It is important to know that Juneteenth is not a new holiday; it has been celebrated in Texas since 1980. It took several decades, however, for the day to be recognized as the national holiday it is today.

Although every state came to recognize Juneteenth in one form or another, it was not until 2020 that the push to recognize the national holiday gained serious momentum. On June 17, 2021,  President Biden signed a bipartisan bill into law, formally recognizing Juneteenth as the eleventh federal holiday.

The significance and celebration of Juneteenth

It would be wonderful if Juneteenth was a positive time of the year filled with joy and celebration, marking the end of what is arguably the darkest stain on American history. All Americans could celebrate the unique melting pot that is the United States.

For intercessors, Juneteenth is an important holiday. Certainly, many intercessors prayed for an end to slavery, and along with them, we rejoice that America ended that great evil. The National Museum of African American History and Culture page on Juneteenth says this: “The historical legacy of Juneteenth shows the value of never giving up hope in uncertain times.” There are things we are praying for today that we must not give up on, even if it takes years, even decades, to see wrongs righted or justice brought.

There is another parallel for intercessors. President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, and it took years for some slaves to hear the news. Jesus defeated all the powers of evil and Satan when he gave up His life on the cross and rose again. Yet many people have not heard this good news, even 2000 years later. We pray for government and government leaders as we are urged in 1 Timothy 2 because good government paves the way for the gospel:

Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Let’s pray that Juneteenth be a day of peace, joy, and unity and let’s take time to pray for the gospel message to go far and wide.

What is your prayer for the nation? Please post a comment!

(Photo Credit: Newestf – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

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Michael Wiseman-Floyd
August 6, 2024

Really well written and thoughtfully conceived!

July 6, 2024

Lord, we pray for our Country to return to the Founding Tenets of, “In God We Trust,” and we pray that our Government , especially our National Leaders. return to this Tenet, protect our Families and especially Our Youth from all ungodly influences ! Drive far away from us all Sinister and Evil Influences and help us to remember ,” If My People would REPENT and RETURN to ME ! ” We pray for all who do not know you Lord for we believe you are OUR ONLY SALVATION !! Amen

marlene bickel
June 24, 2024

This also happened on June 19, 1953
JUNE 19, 1953. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed by the United States government for their involvement in espionage during the Cold War. The couple was convicted of passing atomic bomb secrets to the Soviet Union, a crime that carried the death penalty. Their execution marked the first time in U.S. history that civilians were put to death for espionage during peacetime.


Catherine Jarvsis
June 24, 2024

The United States is not a perfect republic. It’s biggest mistake was allowing slavery. Thank God the mistake was corrected by the Civil War. But the black Community should forgive this nation. Some still are bitter about not getting 40 acres and a mule. This happened over 100 years ago.
If they continue to hold grudges, God will have to judge them. He said, “Vengence is mine and He will repay. So they should let God work things out, because God plays no favorites. I pray that they will.

June 24, 2024

Current administration would support Israel and invite God back to America.

Warren Rose
June 24, 2024

June teenth is one of my favorite federal holidays, because it commemorates the ending of a terrible symptom of a collective sin in our country. That symptom was slavery. The sin itself is the de-humanization of an entire people group. It was seen earlier than slavery in the symptom of how we dealt with the american indian and lives on in our treatment of the unborn.

Lets stand together in prayer for the day when the sin at the core of the symptoms is rooted out of this nation!

Grant Windholz
June 21, 2024

Amen Lord Almighty Amen 🙏!!!

June 19, 2024

God’s Word teaches Triune God considers motivation of why people think or do what they do. Only God is able to judge each person’s motives, or heart.

Praise the Lord, in America today, each individual can feel, or think about Juneteenth however they want to feel, or think.

Father, in Heaven, in Jesus holy name, preserve that freedom, and I pray each person who enjoys freedom weighs their motives according to Your will and Word. Amen

Raymond Via
June 19, 2024

Father Gid lets put this Horrific ungodly idea in our collective part and push forward in unity and understanding. Slavery is not just owning people but abusing thier bodies, minds and emotions as well. Sexual slavery still exists but God end this instituas well, no one should ever be held against thier will in Jesus Holy Name Amen.

Rebecca Thornton
June 19, 2024

Father God, I repent for my sins, the sins of this nation, and the sins in the body of Christ. Pour Your Spirit out and bring national repentance, revival, and reformation. We are in desperate need of You!

June 18, 2024

What we need is truly the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no other answer under Heaven by which we might be saved. Acts 4: 12 “ Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under Heaven given among men by which we must be saved. “ So many holidays are being created and supported now to favor each person’s cause that it’s getting to be oppressive and negative. Perhaps Juneteenth should be celebrated just in Texas in a positive and healing way. Our country is in grave need of unity. Many people are still in need of knowing Jesus in a personal relationship as their Savior and Lord. Let us take one day at a time, beginning with prayer and Bible reading, asking the Lord to be led by Holy Spirit, unafraid, to make a difference for that day. If all Christians did this, we would see strong growth in unity and love for one another. This lifestyle will help us far more than endless holidays celebrating our past and our differences. Praise God, only He is the answer.

Dona Schmidt
June 18, 2024

I was completely unaware of the importance of this day, especially because of my basis of Joe Biden , could anything good come from him? I appreciate this article for it was enlightening. I do believe all people are God’s design and should be celebrated.

June 18, 2024

Yesss. Its time for repentance. Our God said in 2 Chronicles 7: 14, If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Trisha Kastle
June 18, 2024

My prayer is for Christians to wake up and open their eyes to the evil being perpetrated by the Israelis against the innocent Palestinian civilians who are being grossly slaughtered, and we are turning a blind eye. I am an ethnic Jew, a Messiah-follower, and I can’t be the only one who can see what’s going on. Why are not more Christians coming out against this genocide? Have you not read in Revelation how in the end times there will be those in the nation of Israel that say they are Jews but that they are really of the synagogue of Satan? And that judgment will befall national Israel resulting in the annihilation of 2/3 of the Jews? We need to stand in the gap for all subject to this Mideast war, but especially for civilian Palestinian brothers and sisters, and speak out against the evil! We cannot just rubber-stamp the genocide that the Israelis are perpetrating just because we are called to support Israel! My prayer is that we see this and speak out against ALL evil. Remember, the Palestinians, many of which are Christians, love their children too!

    June 19, 2024

    I was troubled to read your prayer about Israelis perpetrating evil against the Palestinians. Israel was viciously attacked by Hamas who brutely murdered thousands of Israelis in the dead of night including infants and children. Israel is doing a tremendous job of searching out hamas and warning Palestinians to retreat from areas they are looking for hamas, to try to save innocent lives of Palestinians. The EVIL is hamas, always. There is no genoside coming from Israel.
    Can you tell me where in Revelation did you read that “Jews are really of the synagogue of satan”?

      Mary Beth
      June 19, 2024

      I am greatly troubled as well, Trisha. I know what Scripture passages you are referencing – Rev. 2:9 and 3:9. One is from the message to the Messianic community in Smyrna and one is from the message to Philadelphia. These messages were to actual congregations in these cities in the province of Asia when John received The Revelation. (Rev. 1:4) They have probably applied to the church throughout the ages as well, but not necessarily and specifically during the end times. I want to quote from a footnote in the CJB translation to help you understand what is being referenced.
      “These are Gentiles who call themselves Jews but are not. On the contrary, they are a synagogue of Satan. Perhaps they were like the Gentiles of the Circumcision faction in Galatia, who sought to force non-Jews into receiving circumcision in order to have a relationship with God, thus subjecting themselves, and their followers to a legalistic perversion of the Torah. Historically, some have falsely equated Jewish and synagogue worship with this passage, leading to anti-Semitism, when, in fact it was most likely only the Circumcision faction to which Yeshua via Yochanan was referring.”

      The plain reading of these verses says plainly they call themselves Jews, but are not. So they weren’t Jews. And they were perverting Torah, which makes them “of the synagogue of Satan”.

      In regard to 2/3 of them being annihilated in the near future, I don’t agree with your contention about that timing. He is bringing them back to the land to bless them, not to annihilate them. I contend that that happened already – the holocaust. They are still deserving of either judgment and/or discipline – depending on their response to God’s call to embrace Yeshua as Messiah – just as every other human being, including you and I, is deserving of judgment and/or discipline. For we are all sinners – some saved by grace, and some not (yet). I believe now is the set time to favor Zion (Psa. 102:13), for she has paid double for all her sin (Isaiah 40:2).
      I encourage you to study the passages regarding the restoration of Israel again, and I encourage you to widen your sources of both Bible instruction and news. Your sources seem to be skewed toward very anti-Semitic attitudes. This war is defensive. Hamas are terrorists, and have committed genocide against Israel and the people of Gaza. The IDF attempt to protect civilians, and Hamas uses them as human shields and brainwashes them.

        Trisha Kastle
        June 20, 2024

        I 100% agree that the Hamas terrorists need to be taken out– and that Israel has the right to defend itself. There is no doubt about this. But that is NOT what is going on in Israel right now. You can’t believe the mainstream media because they are being barred from telling what is going on. I have friends and family on the ground in the Middle East and I hear from so many of them about how it’s the media that is skewing the perception of what the real status is. Even one death is too many, but so far about 1500 Israelis have fallen in this war but over 36,000 Palestinians- the majority of which have been civilians. This is not right! Do the research for yourself. Like I said, absolutely we need to hold Israel up to the Lord- especially since they NEED Yeshua Ha Meschiach, and are ACTIVELY and VIOLENTLY rejecting him. But we cannot turn a blind eye to the evil that they are doing either!

      Trisha Kastle
      June 21, 2024

      Your question: Can you tell me where in Revelation did you read that “Jews are really of the synagogue of satan”? Revelation 2:9 and Revelation 3:9, and these are not gentiles. There may be gentiles among them, but they are predominately Jewish.

Deborah Harris
June 18, 2024

America Pray, and Repent
America get right with God
America receive the Holy Spirit.

Lyman Wade
June 18, 2024

I for one did not know why Juneteenth was made a national holiday. I will continue to thank God for all the prayers that have been answered by intercessors from the passed and be thankful for He is doing today and what He is doing in the future. He knows the beginning from the end we just need to keep praying,trusting, obeying.

Kendra Espenshade
June 18, 2024

My daily life is surrounded by my prayers that any and all members of congress, all in positions in authority fall to their knees, humble themselves to almighty God, reverse all ungodly policies and live as leaders should … with God leading them, not dirty politics.

June 18, 2024

Anybody read the books authored by prof. Robert W Fogel: “Without Consent or Contract: The Rise and Fall of American Slavery ” & “Time on the Cross: The Economics of American Slavery”. Is the history really what we were told??

June 18, 2024

This new holiday gives me mixed feelings. On the one hand I understand and freedom should be celebrated on the other hand it feels that it feeds the divide. July 4th is independence for all who live in America and yes slavery was a dark stain in our history. As a nation we should celebrate the independence we gained on July 4th that gave us the freedom to end slavery.
I may be wrong but adding this as a new holiday which was primarily a Texas holiday is like adding the holiday to celebrate the alphabet soup of LGBQ or whatever they call themselves now. It is another day that seems to me is given for the division of this country instead of the healing of this country. We are and should be Americans despite what color our skin is.
My prayer is that now slavery has ended, we can move beyond the color of our skin and stand united as one nation under God, only He can bring healing to the wounds of the past. I also pray for our LGBQ friends that their hearts would be enlightened to truth and that they can find love, peace, and wholeness in the love of God that He offers them.

June 18, 2024

Being free takes on many different forms. Let us also intercede on behalf of the countless children now enslaved in sex trafficking, the court systems that allow our homes, schools and neighborhoods to be breeding grounds for continued child molestation even after discovered and uncovered. “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea,” Matthew 18:6. May we be the change and have courage once again Change the hearts of the “kings” and the perpetrators., as God loves them too.. Amen.

June 18, 2024


June 18, 2024

I pray that all Americans grow to love our country, our flag and each other, so that we may all move forward together. Amen

Joann Galletta
June 18, 2024

Father in Jesus name, the name above every name, I pray the division and separation ends. I pray for unity in Your United States and we cover the past with Your son’s blood, ending the re opening of wounds that replace Yeshua’s salvation done for us all! It is time for the coming of Holy Spirit to break any and all left over chains, strongholds and walls not of You, because Your yoke is light and guides us to joy. May we celebrate as one nation under God indivisible, many have suffered from the hands of satan and his demons; now is the time for Your ultimate healing. Thank You Holy Spirit for what You are about to do, for the flooding of the Lord’s good earth and that the end of the Age we are in, The Redeemed Bound, but binding their Enemy, fulfills that the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms our God and His Christ. Thank You the chains and pains are not even a memory anymore, but a lesson to not repeat and that ever man, woman and child comes from You, thru our mothers, with Holy Spirit’s spark and baptismal flame and we become and remain Your Army of Light.

Donna P
June 18, 2024

I appreciate learning the story behind Juneteenth. It definitely was and is a very important action in history, especially for those so greatly affected by slavery. But, after reading this article my mind immediately went to the current issue of modern day slavery in our country and others. Women especially and children, by the hundreds, are victims of sex trafficing , our modern day slavery which has been greatly encouraged by our open borders. Will we ever be able to celebrate the end of this slavery?
Yes, when the Lord comes for sure, but hopefully before that time.

Barbara Israwi
June 18, 2024

Thank you for the detailed info on Juneteenth. I am so very greatful.

Gary Anderson
June 18, 2024

The changes we need in America comes from each person’belief in Jesus as Lord and Savior. We need churches proclaiming the Gospel,discipling their parishioners for Christ and taking the Gospel to each community. We need missionaries in our neighborhoods as much as in the whole world.

Roy Keiter
June 18, 2024

Racist, divisive. July 4 is sufficient. No one has been or continues to be freed from slavery for the last hundred years.

    Deborah P
    June 18, 2024

    Thank you. Juneteenth is another racist reminder meant to disunite (divide) the people. I agree with you and others who say that July 4 is all we need to celebrate our United States.

      Kathy Bolam
      June 18, 2024

      After reading several comments of Juneteenth, I can see both sides. To be free is such a precious gift. May we all be united and celebrate those who have been freed from slavery and pray for those who are still bound in slavery. My sins bind me, the sins of others bind them and their victims May with the grace and power of Jesus and those of us who follow him, may bring about release of the sins that bind us and each other.

Darlene Estlow
June 18, 2024

Thank you for this article. I had read about it but this was more detailed. Thank you. I pray that God would bless this holiday with joy and heal any anger and bitterness about the past.

Toni Kushner
June 18, 2024

refer to the prayer below for this is my heart for myself and all God’s people

Toni Kushner
June 18, 2024

You ask of us ” to act justly, to have mercy and to walk humbly with Our God”, may we as Your people be faithful to this call to all people. May the TRUE LOVE of GOD be seen through the LOVE we show one another ” everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God Whoever does not love does not know God because God is Love for this is how God showed His love among us. : He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might love through Him… if anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the SON OF GOD, God lives in Him and he in God. And so we rely on the love of God has for us.”Father, teach Your ways, teach us to love one another as You have loved us. we look to You to learn the lesson of LOVE,,,, for “God is LOVE… and whoever lives in God and God in him , Love is made complete. He gives us this command “whoever loves God Must love his brother.’ Teach us LORD to walk in love toward all. 1 John 4:7-21.

Lucy Courtney
June 18, 2024

A little history from someone who has been part of Juneteenth celebrations.
I lived in Blanco Texas for 22 years. Out of city of Blanco a well known Peyton Colony was home to freed slaves who left other states and made their home there, had a school & church. I met a man (Mr. Coffee) and family thru music. He had been a rodeo roping champion also. On June teeth our band would join him and others at their celebration. Lot’s of homemade food, barbecue, , pies and laughter. Many from Blanco came to join these wonderful people and it was always a blessed time.

Carol Banjo
June 18, 2024

My prayer for this Nation to bless us with African Americans reparations, to bless us with Land at 300,000 acres each, 11 billion each free 11 year College education including books, housing and food, 31 year tax right off. 11 brand top of the line Apartment complex worh 11 million each with not taxes, free Healthcare, dental care and prescription care. Voucher fir all our children 18 and under to attend the schools of our choice, free mental health for 40 years

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    Granny Jo
    June 18, 2024

    I hope this is sarcasm.

    June 23, 2024

    Carol, people who are living now shouldn’t be held responsible for slavery that happened up until 1865. Did you know the Irish were also sold as slaves? I’m Irish but I don’t expect handouts from my government nor do I expect to live in a million dollar high rise and have everything you listed.
    I sometimes wonder about these comments. As of this year, the comments on IFA have sounded infiltrated but nonetheless, I will still be praying for souls for God’s Kingdom!
    Carol, may you and everyone here have a heart after God’s own heart and know how much He loves you!

Karen Berosik
June 18, 2024

Our God is awesome and will deliver all who ask and come out of their own slavery to their past and desires that enslave them. America is free in Jesus Christ let’s get ready He is at the door and we need to let him in to us and the world. We Praise our Father our God our King Jesus our Comforter.

Ruby Wooley
June 18, 2024

May God grant that His truth, peace and goodwill reign in our great land always. Thanks to all of you who continue to interceed for God’s will to be done!

Kathy Martin
June 18, 2024

And now we have been praying for over 40 years for abortion to become unthinkable. That the murder of innocent children by their own mothers will cease. That the greed of abortion providers will be fanquished and this evil practice will forever be banished. We pray that sex will be used as it was intended by our Creator to join with Him in the bringing forth of new life. May God have mercy on America and forgive us of this grave sin. In Jesus name we pray.

June 18, 2024

Merciful Father continue to lead the Church in one mind and one heart. We are all special in Your eyes no matter our back ground or color of skin. We all get to share in this beautiful world you have given us. You are truly a good God

Les Dunaway
June 18, 2024

Father, thank you for June 19, 1865, when the sacrifices of over 600,000 American soldiers was justified by ending slavery in America. I pray your Grace over all the families that still are preyed upon by those who would teach them victimhood – a much worse slavery than the actual slavery that was ended. Help them to discern the lies and walk away from the liars.
In Jesus Holy and Precious Name, Amen

Jack Brake
June 18, 2024

Lord I pray that slick, scheming politicians stop using past U.S. slavery as a political tool. We know there have been slaves throughout history. Recorded in the bible were slaves of many different nations. The Jews were enslaved by their enemies. Israel’s and Judah’s enemies, and debtors, were enslaved by the Jews. Paul exhorted slaves to obey their earthly masters. If all things work together for Good, thank you Lord for delivering the families of Africans who were taken to America many years ago and kept from enduring what their distant relatives must endure in parts of Africa today.

    June 18, 2024

    That is too much truth to be comfortably assimilated.

    June 18, 2024

    I lived a lot of years as a “victim” of various abuses. Too many years were wasted wearing that heavy coat. It became my familiar place…where people felt sorry for me…and I drank it in while feeling sorry for myself. One day, I decided I was very tired of being a victim. I decided that I would not share about all that hurt me in my life, and instead claimed and declared that I was “victorious”! I threw that old coat off my shoulders, and am no longer defined by my past. I am a new creation in Jesus Christ, who suffered way more than I ever have. Praise God, I walk in freedom now.
    I’m sooo sorry for those who have been oppressed by other humans. Many have been oppressed, slavery being possibly the worst…but others include women, children, trafficked individuals, Many ethnic groups like Italians, Polish, Irish, Jews…and on and on.
    Shall we all receive awards from past oppressions? Let us repent, forgive, and walk in freedom, doing our retributions by loving others as God has loved us.

      Darlene Estlow
      June 18, 2024

      God bless you. Thank you for your post.

      June 19, 2024

      Praising God with you Karen. I am so glad you found your strength in and through Jesus. Awesome testimony. Thank you for sharing it with us.

      Jack Brake
      June 19, 2024

      God bless you, Karen.

Ruth H. Leech
June 18, 2024

Dear Father, I thank you for your Word: “If the Son sets you free you are free indeed” and it’s liberating power in my life. Forgive us our sins and let us not be led into temptation today as we seek to respect and honor our fellow man. Break the curse through believers of every color in these last days as we honor you as King of Kings and Lord of all Lords. Amen

June 18, 2024

I’m praying for child trafficking to end now and that all being held will be set free and find healing. Our government has turned a blind eye for far too long.

Diane Konicke
June 18, 2024

I am happy that Satan is being thrown out in this way because of God’s love is for us all! May we all celebrate what the Lord’s cross has conquered for each and every person!
We believe, we adore, we hope and we love you Lord Jesus!
Bless God in every victory for us all!
All Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit , Amen!

Brian Lynch
June 18, 2024

Lord Jesus, please forgive our forefathers for this terrible enslavement of so many people all of those years ago in our nation. Let Juneteenth be a true, yet solemn, reality for the fact that this horrible practice was indeed practiced here in America. I pray that the evil practice of human trafficking would come to an end. I drop the sword of the spirit upon the spirit of Leviathan, and all of the evil spirits behind human trafficking. Thank You, Jesus.

Eursula Davis
June 18, 2024

Thank you so much for sharing this article with your followers. Juneteenth is indeed a celebration of freedom and many should know about it. We should celebrate it, not just as a people of color, whose ancestors prayed and endured many things, but as a nation. It’s sad, but there are many who would don’t appreciate, acknowledge or even support this freedom today. But God, He is still good and we have No Thing to fear, because He is with His children (all nations, all colors, sons and daughters).

Allena Jordan
June 18, 2024

Thank You, Lord, for those who labored hard and long, even fought a war, to end slavery not only in America but also in England. Lord, there is a huge need today for more laborers to go out into the fields that are ripe for harvest. Thank You for those who are laboring, for those who have labored. I implore You heavenly Father to raise up more evangelists; raise up the healing ministry; raise up the government leaders who will help the oppressed, the widow and the orphans, and the children. Deliver us all from the slavery of sin. Thank You for the blood of Jesus that saves souls from eternal death. All glory to You, O God Most High. Amen.

Maryann M
June 18, 2024

Judith M Seckel- Juneteenth is a national holiday so I don’t get your comment. You sound upset that we even have to acknowledge it once a year! To repeat an often heard quote, God knows my (our) heart!

Connie Jo Cyrus
June 18, 2024

Father God, we thank you for ending the enslavement of African people in our country. What a horrific practice that has remained a point of division in our country to this day. Please bring unity and peace. Father, the truth is that slavery still exists today in a form that we are now just realizing, human trafficking. We ask Father, that you also bring your people together in intercessory prayer to end this slavery as well. May the wind of your Holy Spirit blow mightily across the country and the world and fill hearts to pray for the end of human trafficking. Thank you Father! We ask this in the Might , Precious and Holy name of Jesus Christ, out Lord and Savior! Amen!

Ron Jaeger
June 18, 2024

Thank You Lord for overcoming slavery in the 1800’s. We need Your power and might to eliminate human trafficking, a form of slavery, that ravages America and the world yet today. May the Holy Spirit intensify His light of truth on this shameful fact and move people’s hearts to stop this abomination.
In Your Son, Jesus’ holy and precious name. Amen

June 18, 2024

As a person of color (thank you Lord for creating me in your image and likeness), I am saddened by this article. I have too much to say in this little space but this pandering is sickening. Please stop and let’s get back to the real (supposed) object of our affection, Jesus Christ. It is because of Christ that I am free not b/c of the color of my skin. So superficial and unbalanced focus…may we never forget Christ.

Judith M Seckel
June 18, 2024

We have 50 states in America? That’s fifty more holidays if each state makes their own holiday for the freeing of slaves.

Jack Crans
June 18, 2024

Written with prayerfulness and appreciated ….

June 19, 2023

I will celebrate this day with thanksgiving, for what it means—an end of slavery in the USA.

June 19, 2023

President Biden did not sign Juneteenth in law in 2021, President Trump did.


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