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I Prayed have prayed
Father in heaven, we pray for Your kingdom principles to advance and Your will to be done in our nation!
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Last Friday was Flag Day, celebrated on the date in 1777 when the United States Congress adopted the Stars and Stripes as its national symbol. At every public occasion, we pledge allegiance to it and “the republic for which it stands, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.” Liberty and justice are the two hallmarks of our nation. We are a country of law and order that guarantees its citizens unalienable freedoms.

Yet those two hallmarks have come under attack like never before, especially under the current administration.

Skewed Justice
In a Fox Digital News article, President Biden’s Department of Justice is criticized for partisan bias and a little-known practice called overcharging.

The partisan bias shows itself in what cases are being prosecuted and how. For example, this week, the DOJ charged a Texas doctor with four felonies after exposing the hospital he worked in for allegedly secretly conducting transgender surgical procedures on children. According to healthcare attorney Ron Chapman, “This is a Merrick Garland allegation, guaranteed.” In another case last month, two pro-life activists were sentenced to several years in prison for staging a protest inside a D.C.-based abortion clinic in 2020. According to Federal prosecutors, they violated the 1994 FACE Act, a federal law that prohibits physical force, threats of force, or intentionally damaging property to prevent someone from obtaining or providing abortion services.

To add insult to injury, the GOP-led House Judiciary Committee published a report in December last year detailing “the Extent of the FBI’s Weaponization of Law Enforcement Against Traditional Catholics.” Former FBI agent and now whistleblower Kyle Seraphin told Fox News: “The problem is bigger than you think.”

According to legal consultant Justin Paperny, there is also the problem of “overcharging.” This occurs when prosecutors charge defendants with many more crimes than they think the defendant committed. By piling on additional felonies with hefty prison sentences, they force a defendant into a guilty plea to avoid spending lengthy times in a federal penitentiary. Such practices pad the conviction rate of the DOJ attorneys, which now stands at a staggering 99.6%, which certainly seems too good to be true.

Paperny also told Fox Digital News that DOJs under different administrations differ greatly in what cases they will prosecute. The Trump administration was more pro-business, and his DOJ stressed the prosecution of drug cases. The Biden DOJ, on the other hand, focuses more on white-collar crimes and healthcare fraud schemes. This oscillation in emphasis further reflects how a department of “justice” does not hold to objective enforcement of the law but is driven by political leanings.

Such biases in the justice system go against being one nation under God, Who loves justice and despises uneven scales (see Deuteronomy 32:4, Proverbs 11:1).

Therefore, when we pray for a good and gospel-friendly government, according to 1 Timothy 2:1-5, we must pray for a love of impartiality to return to our justice system.

Attack on Financial Freedom
Apart from justice, liberty is also under attack – perhaps just as unnoticed amid the ramping up of mudslinging in the press as election campaigning intensifies.

Of concern here is the promotion of FedNow, an instant payment system launched by the Federal Reserve Bank in July 2023. On the surface, it seems convenient to conduct instant money transactions 24/7. Its streamlined process boasts greater speed and efficiency than the current Automatic Clearing House (ACH) methods being used.

While the Feds claim that allegations of power to seize or freeze assets over political beliefs are false, FedNow does give the government access to all your financial transactions and a measure of control over your transactions. The launch of this payment system coincides with another Biden initiative – to research a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), quietly launched by Executive Order in 2022. While social media panic over complete government control of all private accounts appears to be overblown, we should be concerned about FedNow and CBDC. Both these measures are steps in the direction of the government’s ability to monitor and eventually control financial traffic – both business and personal.

How to Pray
As God’s intercessors, we pray in alignment with His nature and will. He loves liberty and justice as long as liberty is accompanied by moral responsibility and justice is fair and compassionate. For that reason, we must pray that our government will not lose sight of these loves of the God under Who we claim our nation to be. It is right and fitting that we pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in our nation’s leaders to stay true to our founding principles and their impartiality. It is also right and fitting to pray that God will bring those who violate these principles and ignore His existence and replace them with godly leaders.

Father in heaven, we pray for Your kingdom principles to advance and Your will to be done in our nation. Thwart these attacks on the liberty and justice for which our republic stands. Ignite afresh a desire for fairness, impartiality, and freedom. Remove those who are seeking to advance control over our lives by an ungodly government and raise up God-fearing men and women who will protect the principles on which our nation was founded, in line with Your character. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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Remco Brommet is a pastor, spiritual-growth teacher, and prayer leader with over 40 years of experience in Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the U.S. He was born and raised in the Netherlands and pastored his first church in Amsterdam. He moved to the U.S. in 1986. He and his wife, Jennifer, live north of Atlanta. When not writing books, he blogs at www.deeperlifeblog.com and assists his wife as a content developer and prayer coordinator for True Identity Ministries. Jennifer and Remco are passionate about bringing people into a deeper relationship with Christ.

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Chaplain Steven R. Closs, DDiv, MSBS, NCCA
June 19, 2024

From the Word of God: “Hate evil and love what is good; turn your courts into true halls of justice.” [Amos 5:15a NLT]

Donna P
June 18, 2024

Thank you for this eye opening article Remco. It seems like the governmental vise is tightening a little more almost every day and that is very troubling.
Lord, raise your people to become our new leaders ! Send your “forces: to take down all who are trying to determine the outcome of the next election through devious means and evil desires. And guide your people who are trying to save our freedoms.

Darlene Estlow
June 18, 2024

Thank you for this article. This is my prayer to repeat the one above: “Therefore, when we pray for a good and gospel-friendly government, according to 1 Timothy 2:1-5, we must pray for a love of impartiality to return to our justice system.” May God bring impartiality of true justice to our nation!

jane z mazzola
June 18, 2024

Very worthwhile to read

Allena Jordan
June 18, 2024

Father, I ask You for the government, especially the DOJ, and the Federal Reserve Bank to use restraint in matters of justice and in matters of moving in the direction of more government control. Especially, Father, I ask You to thwart the move toward FedNow and a Central Digital Currency. Help our nation and her leaders to be wise, godly, and to seek ways to have less federal government involvement rather then more. Give them hearts and minds like those of the founding fathers. Save the souls of many. Change worldviews. Protect Your people and the citizens of this nation from despotic, tyrannical government. Thank You. amen.


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