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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask You to clearly reveal the heart of this matter, and that it will result in our repentance in this and all forms of racism in this nation.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

A[n]…art museum…fired hundreds of…volunteers and replaced them with paid workers because they were…white…

The Art Institute of Chicago had been able to depend on the help of 122 highly skilled volunteers…to act as guides to the Museum’s collection…which they explain in great detail to visitors.

The volunteers also acted as “school group greeters” to help children understand the importance of what they were seeing.

Training requirements for the position were intense, and the volunteers were apparently doing a great job.

But now they’ve now all been dismissed…

“Many of the volunteers…are older white women, who have the time and resources to devote…to the Museum,” reports the Why Evolution is True blog.

“But the demographics of that group weren’t appealing to the AIC, and so…the AIC fired all of them, saying they’d be replaced by…workers who will be paid $25 an hour…”

“Paying the replacements will not result in more knowledgeable docents. But they won’t be Caucasian; that’s the important thing,” writes Dave Blount…

Share a prayer in the comments below that this form of racism-and all forms of racism in this country-will be eradicated.

(Excerpt from Summit News. Article by Paul Joseph Watson. Photo Credit: Getty Images).

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October 15, 2021

Chicago citizens – you don’t have to dig too deep to know who was behind this. And you should start the digging now.

October 15, 2021

Is the director white? Bunch of nuts! I’m black and know that Dr. King would be so distressed at this behaviour! I hope the white and black and hispanic and all other patrons of every race boycott this ignorance and discrimination. Why are we putting up with this foolishness? Take your patronage elsewhere! FATHER GOD thankfully YOU are not a respecter of persons. Help us to emulate YOU and to honor and respect all people of all races in the MIGHTY Name of JESUS! Amen!

October 15, 2021

Why does the “fix” always involve harming women? Now it’s dismissing the retired ladies. God bless these dear art loving women. We’ve made it impossible for girls to safely use bathrooms at school. We’ve given women’s sports to men in tutus. We’ve convinced women that abortion is a path to freedom for them. No, it’s not. It’s a path of irresponsibility for the “fathers”
God help us! Help us realize the war Satan is waging against girls and women. Help us protect our girls. Help us stand up for their safety.

October 15, 2021

Father I thank you for this post that reveals the lies of the enemy. The statement that even those who are progressive and have a leftist mentality view – should be looking at those at the top are they making room at the top.
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” Proverbs 11:2
Let us not be prideful. In Jesus’ name I pray.

Laura K
October 15, 2021

Insane. Crazy. Stupid.

Lord God it seems that commonsense has left the brains of many people who are being driven by satan. I ask You Lord to open the blind eyes and understanding of this man, James Rondeau, to the rediculously stupid action he has taken. Bring repentence to him for his action and reverse his decision. Let justice prevail I pray.


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