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Lord, expose the shadowy forces trying to undermine our elections to impose their evil will. Bring all such entities into the light!
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As our election season heats up, a “shadow campaign” has already begun operating behind the scenes. Who and what are these organizations working to influence the vote in November?

From The Epoch Times. The 2024 “shadow campaign” is off and running. The Tides Foundation, a progressive nonprofit organization, announced on April 30 that it would move $200 million to non-profit groups to mobilize voters, particularly “among communities of color, young people, and under-resourced communities.”

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The foundation, a self-described “organization dedicated to advancing social justice,” is part of the All by April campaign organized by the Democracy Fund and bankrolled by some of the biggest financiers of left-wing politics in the United States.

In early 2021, an article in Time magazine detailed a “shadow campaign“ run by a ”well-funded cabal of powerful people” to ostensibly protect the outcome of the 2020 election. …

Robert Stilson, a senior research analyst at the Capital Research Center, said many of the parties involved in the so-called shadow campaign are part of the All by April pledge. According to Mr. Stilson, the new campaign is markedly similar to the 2020 one. …

In an undated open letter published on its website, All by April said its purpose is to ensure that money is distributed well ahead of the 2024 elections. So-called “pro-democracy” nonprofit organizations consistently complain the “money came too late” for it to be fully effective in “[connecting] voters to the ballot and [helping] protect the integrity of our election system.” …

To date, none of the documents released by All by April or Democracy Fund indicate which groups will ultimately get money or how much money is being handed out.

Mr. Stilson, who tracks the activities of left-wing donor networks, said their structure makes it nearly impossible to tell where exactly the money will wind up. However, the groups committed to the All by April campaign collectively “control billions upon billions of dollars.”

Both All by April and Democracy Fund are 501 nonprofit organizations. Under the law, these groups are considered charitable and social benefit organizations. …

Soros and Arabella

As of May 1, more than 172 parties signed the commitment to put their dollars to use in the 2024 election as soon as possible.

Both George Soros’s Open Society Foundations and Arabella Advisors are All by April signatories. …

Groups linked to the Soros family are already using millions of dollars on the 2024 federal races and have millions more to spend.

Arabella Advisors and one of its most politically active allies, New Venture Fund, also signed the pledge.

The Epoch Times previously reported that Arabella Advisors and several nonprofits tied to the company are among the most powerful and politically active forces in left-wing politics. …

Targeting Swing States

While little is currently known about where the money will go in 2024, the Tides Foundation — a 501(c)(3) nonprofit — offered some clues.

In 2024, Tides will be “prioritizing funding community organizers in states where there are increasing numbers of people of color, youth, and communities facing barriers to exercising their democratic voice.”

This includes a focus on the battleground states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. …

More and more groups and individuals are seeking to undermine our elections. Share this article and encourage others to pray over the vote and our election process!

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: shironosov/Getty Images via Canva Pro)

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Brian lynch
May 7, 2024

Lord Jesus, I fervently pray that any attempts by George Soros and his evil minions will fail miserably. By Your grace, I pray for honest and fair elections in our national election process. I bind the Leviathan spirit of deception and vote manipulation in the name of Jesus. I loose the power of Holy Spirit upon these misguided people. Cause them to fail miserably, and that they would repent of their evil actgions. Thank You, Jesus.

Peg B
May 6, 2024

Heavenly Father, we speak the teachings of David over this battlefield for elections and give You praise! Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 1 Sam 17:45. Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin belong to You! You created this earth and everything in it. Move on every heart and mind of Your people to pray, vote and serve. We live by every word that proceeds from Your mouth. Gives us ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to believe. Thank You LORD! In Jesus mighty name.

Jeannie Huppert
May 6, 2024

Father God, for all the soroses, Tides Foundation, anti-semites: please make all their weapons FAIL as You Have Done in the past. Thank You for exposing all those who work at harming “innocent” people. Thank You for Keeping Your “Hands” on our President Donald J. Trump. Thank You that Your Will Be Done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN! In Jesus’s Holy Name, Amen so be it!

George Leaf
May 5, 2024

Father God, make obvious to all the intent of all things trying to be and remain hidden in darkness. Light your light of righteousness upon this nation that nothing be hidden any longer. They all doings purpose be shouted from the house tops. Amen Amen.

Grant Windholz
May 4, 2024

Oh Lord, please this evil throughout our country is everywhere and this election coming up in November looks bad with spiritual warfare everywhere. Only you can provide peace and wisdom to a country thats been breaking up for years 🙏 💔! We know that through God Almighty anything can happen! AMEN

Darlene Estlow
May 4, 2024

Father God, we may not match the money, but you are more than the money! You raise up those you would have lead. So we look to you. You are greater than the wickedness. May we be generous to give but trusting you when we cannot. Continue sending repentance on our land. Heal our hearts. Thank you for the many, many people turning to you across the land. May they have a hunger for your word be grounded in Biblical teaching. We trust you heavenly Father. Sometimes as we pray, the evil seems worse. But then your Holy Spirit banishes the enemy suddenly. May we be faithful to pray and not be discouraged, but hold the line against evil!

Sharon W
May 4, 2024

Lord, we thank You that You are in control. Greater are you that is in us than he that is in the world. We cancel all attempts of the ‘Tides’ to sway the elections in their favor. May all their attempts backfire and be brought to nothing in the Name of Jesus. We come to you from a place of victory because we know that the battle is already won. We as intercessors have more power than this ‘ cabal of powerful people.’ We stand up to these giants, we will not retreat and we declare victory over our elections in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen

May 4, 2024

LORD we thank You that Your word tells us that those things done in secret, in darkness WILL be brought to light and we know that even now these matters ARE being exposed. Open our eyes, ears, and hearts to see and know THE TRUTH as these are being exposed so we turn from ALL wickedcwaysvthatbwould hinder Your truth going forth!

May 4, 2024

Dear Heavenly Father as the elections draw near we ask for not only your intervention to thwart the devils plans and bring to light any and all wrongs, but also for protection for those who help bring it to light. That you would raise up strong and courageous people who will document and tell of the inconsistencies. That their will be such irrefutable proof showing the illegal activity that the entire nation, including warped media sites, will have to acknowledge and those involved will be held accountable. Your will be done. We ask this in Jesus Mighty Name.

Jack Crans
May 4, 2024

The ‘election booth’ is about as trustable as the U.S. Border…… there’s always new ways to ‘get in’ and ‘little interest to protect it’ ……..

    Darlene Estlow
    May 4, 2024

    God is our only hope. He can overrule all the evil plans if we repent and pray and abide in him. But our part is to vote and not give up but trust our Sovereign God!


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