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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we thank You for these testimonies! There is none like You. What You did in Wisconsin, we ask You to do again!
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Amazing testimonies are coming in from intercessors all over the nation about a recent event at every state capitol in America.

Despite the chaos we see around us, God is hearing our intercession for America. 

The Capitol Prayer Rally in Wisconsin was led by Jeanne Wagner. This wife and mother of seven met with IFA’s Wisconsin state prayer leader MaryJo Coleman six weeks before the event. Jeanne said she felt called by God to do this. She also says she was delighted to meet MaryJo, having actively followed the national IFA group but at first being unaware of the Wisconsin group. MaryJo offered unwavering support for this event, and much intercession preceded it, which has made all the difference.

MaryJo arrived before the start of the event, to pray on-site and to help set up. Her estimate is that about 300 people showed up in support of this movement to take a bold stand for families.

MaryJo Coleman, IFA Wisconsin state prayer leader, stands at a table offering IFA resources.

Two weeks before the event, the Lord brought an amazing security leader, Amanda, to the core team. Amanda has an extensive law enforcement background. She has worked closely with Capitol Police and law enforcement volunteers. The team had already been alerted to possible threats. The members of an LGBTQ+ gun club had said on the Don’t Mess with Our Kids social media page that they perceive these mothers and grandmothers as a “hate group” to be dealt with, and that they were therefore coming with guns.

Wisconsin is an open-carry state — people may openly and lawfully bring guns to public events if they are properly licensed. Security at the prayer rally was a joint effort involving Capitol Police, State Police, volunteer security, and a local safety team. About 20 protesters showed up carrying signs. According to MaryJo, this was a very loud group of males and females, making the most noise whenever speakers stood up to pray. She alerted other intercessors to begin praying silently in the Spirit. Each speaker continued courageously, despite all the angry screaming and taunting.

The Greatest of These Is Love

Chrissy was one of those courageous speakers. She testified of her experience in fostering over 145 children, mostly with special needs, including babies who survived abortions, and 19 children in various stages of “transition” and botched transitions. The protesters continued jeering. As Chrissy was giving her presentation and telling her story of adopting three severely medically disabled boys, she addressed the protesters directly. “I don’t hate you. I love you,” she said. “I will make a meal for you; whatever you want. I might have to go to the grocery store to buy special ingredients, but I’d make you a meal — whatever you want. I love you.” 

After the event, Chrissy was hugging everyone. She then asked the loudest protester if he wanted a hug. He stepped back and asked: Did you really mean it? Chrissy responded: “Yes, I would make you a meal. We could go to the store and make it together.” He kept saying: “Really? Most people don’t want me in their neighborhood, let alone inviting me into their home.” Chrissy handed him a card bearing the picture of her boys who had passed away and her contact information. He responded: “Don’t be surprised if I take you up on it. I think I need some new friends.” Chrissy asked again if she could hug him, and he said yes and then hugged her in return. 

Hannah, a member of the Wisconsin state prayer group, testified about her best friend Jesus and His forgiveness. After she spoke, she moved into the crowd to try and share Jesus with people. She told them she was not there to condemn them, but to love them. One of those men was a Hindu. The other was a man who considered himself to be female. He accepted Hannah’s invitation to talk later that week. Hannah said he was open to talking about faith, God, and Jesus, and asked Hannah to keep praying for him. 

A pastor named Jason who is a pro-life advocate, apologized to the protesters for the failures of the Church and society. He joined with the others in ministering to some of the protesters. 

The love of God prevailed at this prayer rally in Wisconsin. The protesters were taken aback that Christians wanted to hug them and pray for them. This was not the reception they were expecting, or even the reception they may have experienced in the past, especially since they were screaming at the Christians. Because the love of God was at the forefront, though, a door was opened for conversation and engagement. 

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres (1 Corinthians 13:4–7 NIV). 

Angels Unaware

For nearly two hours, the protesters had done their best to divert and distract the intercessors, but the event sponsors and speakers continued to share their message and to hold the line in prayer. Then, something miraculous happened. A man (possibly an angel) went over to Jeanne and said, “It would be good to have the crowd turn as one to the protesters and bless them.” So, Jeanne directed the event participants to turn toward the protesters and declare Numbers 6:24–26:

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.

After that blessing, the worship began. And the entire atmosphere shifted, MaryJo said. The animosity lifted completely. There was a tangible peace, she said, as the presence of God permeated the place.

Would you give God the praise right now? How many of us would naturally have prayed against the hostile group? These participants were instructed to release a blessing instead, and as they moved in obedience, the atmosphere that had been fueled by anger was changed by love. Where there had been chaos, ministry began happening. Only the Lord could have orchestrated such a blessed encounter.

Jeanne believes that the spiritual ramifications of this prayer rally will continue to reverberate and bear fruit across our nation. We pray it may be so.

You are being invited to become part of what God is doing. You can pray in your prayer closet, but you can also pray on-site. Jeanne met MaryJo through IFA. This was no accident, but a divine connection. You can gather with other believers in person, or you can participate in state prayer calls with other intercessors in your area and state. Your prayers and participation are needed for our states and our nation. The only thing God is looking for is a willing heart, in someone who will move in obedience. Will you be one?

I also pray this would stir you to consider a more active role. We can always pray anywhere at any time, but there comes a time when we must take a definitive stand. I believe that the time is now. We can no longer afford to be silent. Intercessors showed up, and because they did so with great boldness, the Lord showed up too, in a mighty way.

Are you encouraged by these testimonies? Let’s praise Him now, and pray:

Father, we glorify Your name! You alone are holy, righteous, and worthy to be praised. We thank You for hearing our prayers. We thank You for Your blood that declares our victory. We pray right now for every protester who attended that event, and over every holy seed that was planted. Send someone to water those gospel seeds, Lord. We pray in faith, believing that we will see a 30-fold, 60-fold, even 100-fold return on this investment — unto a bountiful harvest of souls! We pray in faith for revival, and for America to turn its heart back to You. We want to see a revival among the LGBTQ community. We want to see the hearts of sons and daughters turned back to their parents, and the hearts of parents turned back to their children. Amen! Most important, we want to see the hearts of all turned back to You, Lord. 

We repent for being unloving toward the LGBTQ community. Forgive us for being quick to condemn and slow to pray for their souls. Forgive us for not demonstrating the love of Jesus as described in 1 Corinthians 13. Help us to love the lost as much as we love the Church. Move us with great compassion for those who are lost and confused. Your Word says that if the gospel is hidden from those who are perishing, it is because Satan has blinded their minds. Jesus is the answer for every lost, hurting soul. We are part of Christ’s Body. And we have work to do. Help us to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Help us to make the most of every opportunity to win the lost, whether in our families or in our communities. We ask this for the sake of Your honor, glory, and praise, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

(If you want to learn more about the Her Voice Movement, visit hervoicemvmt.com.)

Were you encouraged by these testimonies? Share your thoughts and prayers below.

IFA contributing writer Gloria Robles is a passionate intercessor with a prophetic voice for today. For more from Gloria, go to Spotify or Anchor and listen to her podcast, Something To Share. Photo credits: MaryJo Coleman, Avalon_Studio/Getty Images Signature via Canva Pro.

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May 28, 2024

Father, in Jesus’ name thank You for continuing to use your people to plant,, water seeds of faith in Jesus

Praise YOU for being with the group in Wisconsin who must have said, “Here am I, send me”. Hallelujah, PRAISE!! Father. Your miracles continue to occur as You offer, through Jesus, salvation for all. You desire all to be saved. Amen

May 6, 2024

What a wonderful testimony of the love of God that melted the hearts of the angry demonstrators. I was really touched about the man that kept saying do you really mean it? He had been rejected and wanted to express anger with this crowd of demonstrators, but God had a plan for him, and he found acceptance. What an amazing day that was for you and for the Lord. Hallelujah

George Leaf
May 5, 2024

Father God Almighty, I give praise and honor and glory to you. Let the trumpets of truth be sounded. For you have proclaimed, ask, seek, knock and it shall be done for you. For the battle is in the heavens. And you have given us the armor, the tools, the guidance to wage the battle, rebuild the walls, and gather the souls lost and dying in this world. Let the testimonies go forth with your holy word with sweeping goodness, righteousness, and love. Let the harvest begin! Amen Amen

May 4, 2024

Thank you for this testimony. It reminds us to love all people regardless of their actions or origin. We will win them w/ love.

May 4, 2024

Wow, what a wonderful testimony. It is amazing how it turned out due to these gals doing it God’s way. Just proves He is always right and with you. PTL

Karin A.
May 4, 2024

What an encouraging article! Love will always be the doorway to open hearts and minds to Christ. We have only to read Luke 6:32 If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them, to see what Jesus would have us do. The longer I’m a Christian, the more clearly I see that it is my place to love others and leave the conviction of their behavior to the One who knows best: Holy Spirit.

Darlene Estlow
May 4, 2024

What prayer can I add to the one above? Father, may we love and pray for those who are lost, who hate us, and who would do us harm. May we be like Jesus, giving our lives for the lost!

May 4, 2024

Wow! Wonderful article and all glory to God along with thanks to those who attended to pray and be the hands and feet and mouth and heart of Jesus. Very encouraging and informative.

Delores Gates
May 4, 2024

I was very encouraged by this story, as a reader of your articles, I am a helper for a christian after school program, and I and my husband have gone to LGBTQ rallies to pray, I would very much like to meet these ladies for prayer and how we all can do more to help.

Maryjo Coleman
May 4, 2024

Thank you Gloria for that very accurate article for our gathering “Call to the Capitol” in Madison, WI. My personal feeling when reflecting on the day is that God is making the Ekklesia battle ready! And this is one of the ways – when opposition of our faith, families and the TRUTH of what the WORD of God speaks to. Gloria is so right when she spoke that we can’t sit out this time and must come in unity against the forces of darkness around our culture. Shield up Christian friends!

May 4, 2024


Jessica Lynn Gallagher
May 4, 2024

I was VERY encouraged and asking the Lord for His LOVE for this community. What a powerful testimony of the LOVE OF GOD!!!


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