The Rise of Russia and the End Times
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The Rise of Russia and the End Times
Did you know Russia is in the Bible? In this riveting sermon, Pastor Gary Hamrick explains how the events going on right now are the beginnings of the birth pains of the end of the age. This strong biblical teaching is based on Luke 21 and Ezekiel 38. This combines strong biblical teaching with accurate research. Share your prayers in the comments!
Photo by Mehrnaz Taghavishavazi on Unsplash.
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My daughters’ father was born in Ukraine and immigrated with his parents to the U.S. following WWII. We were only married 4 years, but I always encouraged our daughters so maintain contact with their fathers’ family. My oldest daughter got a degree from U. of Washington in international development focusing on Eastern Europe. She is also fluent in the Russian and Ukrainian languages. She visited her family in Ukraine twice (1918 and 1919). We have been in contact with her family since the Russian invasion. I have been praying fervently that God would protect her family–there are many living in Kharkiv and Lozozaya. I watched your message. It seems you are implying that Russia will prevail in conquering Ukraine. Is that correct? What about the U.S. It seems the Bible does not mention either North, Central, or South America. Do you have comments regarding our continent?
Praise God, thank you Lord Jesus that nothing is impossible with you. Calling on the Name of Jesus, submitting to His Holy Word, being led by God the Holy Spirit into all truth will open eyes as well as doors into His Blessings and Presence.
May His Mercy, the cleansing of His Precious Blood He shed on that cruel Cross of Calvary touch every heart and mind. His great Love and Mercy as well as open arms are available to everyone. May God extend His Love and Mercy to all.
Number one, repent of your sin. For God’s Word says that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. Acts 2: 21 says – And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. ( As far as I am concerned, I am a whosoever).
Having read through the many comments on this page — I have agreed with some as well as being concerned about others. I do know and believe this Biblical truth, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We all need His mercy and saving grace, every person, all over the world — East, West, North, South — worldwide. Amen
i do not agree with the narratives being pushed on us that Zelensky is a hero and we “owe” him billiins of $ of ammunition, for what? A war he still cant possibly win with it? He seems stubborn, arrogant, vain, and ungrateful, and his idea of help would lead us into WW3. It is almost as if he woukd be happy with that. I see dangerous
to world security at this point certainly not a hero. He has already lost 1/4 of his nation to death and refugees, is he waiting until thete are no.ukrainians left in Ukraine before he gives in to Putin’s demands which were really not very terrible to begin with and came with plenty of warning before he invaded. So basically all.this death and destruction could have been avoided. From the getgo this was a war he could not win. He couldnt afford it and didnt have the military might so doesnt that tell you right there he should have negotiated, but no he expected NATO to fight his battle and fund this war.therefore i do not agree that Zekensky is a hero nor is he anything ike Churchill, This was HIS conflict but he refused to own it alone and do what he needed to keep his nation and his people safe and because of that Ukraine was invaded and the outcome is so.much worse that it would have ever veen had he given in. Putin stated it was never his intention to occupy Ukraine. By comparing Putin to Hitler and Zekensky to Churchill and a hero the corrupt media are subtly trying to manipulate people’s thinking to accept that more should be done and that WW3 will be justified (as it was to stop Hitler)iyet Putin is not sending Ukrainians to death camps and gas chambers or horrendously experimenting on them so this is definitely not the same and i feel if USA and NATO would just send humaritarian aide and not billions of dollars of weapons it woukd force Zemensky to give in and spare what is left of his nation. Instead of peace he prefers to rant and point fingers at everyone but himself. This is not a hero. God help him see the light and give up before his mouth and his poor decisions and demands destroy his entire nation and the rest of the world. There are thousands of homeless Ukrainian refugees with dead relatives while he and his family are safe with their $ millions, and people are calling him a hero? Jesus talked about a ruler counting the cost to make sure he could finish, Zekenaky didnt count the cost he counted on us. We will be taking thousands of his refugees and our economy is already a mess. I see nothing good or heroic about him or any of this. USA congratulates him for defending ukraines democracy but this administratiin isnt even defending our own democracy and freedoms. God help us and Lord please free Zekensky and Putin and NATO leaderships from Satan’s influence and have your Holy Spirit plead with them to stop this war before it’s too late.
I agree with everything you are saying..
.so many are blind
Anyone this fake communist regime stands up for are just as corrupt as (our government)
Do you not know that the Lord’s people were battered and bruised in Egypt and in Babylon and even by Rome? Do you not know that some of the Lord’s people were fed to lions, some burnt, some hanged, some crucified? What makes you think you’re special, when you can’t even pray or fast, when you’re too lazy to study scripture, when you have more time for games and pleasure than for God? These preachers tickle your ears, and My people love to have it so….(Jeremiah 5:31).
I have to disappoint many of you who believe that the church would be removed from the earth to escape tribulation. You’d be horrified to realize that this is a doctrine of demons and not a doctrine of Christ, but it’s so popular because it’s pleasing to itching ears (2 Timothy 4:3). Anyone who understands that it’s the Lord Jesus who initiates the tribulation and the purpose of the tribulation, knows that the church being removed from the world to escape tribulation, is not part of the divine plan. Did not Jesus pray that we should not be removed from the world (John 17:15)? Do you believe the word of God, or the doctrines of men??
So very encouraging! I’ve heard end times talks and sermons for 40 years since I began walking with Jesus Christ. This is the clearest, most concise explanation I’ve ever heard .EXCELLENT! Uplifting reminder of the Truth! Thank you, thank you!
Thank you. Very clear teaching.
Amen! Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16
Awesome sermon! Very interesting! Sharing with friends.
Thank you. This answers a lot of questions and really speaks to me as to what the Bible has been telling us. God bless
Please friends do look at Rev 6 which I believe lines up with the things Jesus told us in Matthew 24. At the end of the seals, the wrath of God is announced and in Rev 7, the church is in Glory. isn’t that evidence of mid-trib?
Glad that Jesus also told us about multiplied lawlessness and iniquity as well rebellion against parents in Matthew 24. That does indeed help us to understand what is going on ALL around us.
Lord Jesus please come soon!! Help us all to keep looking up as we see the signs of the time.
This message was very informative on the War of Russia in the Ukraine. However, the second point at the end was heartbreaking. How is it that part of the Church is still teaching that the Bride will be evacuated BEFORE the return of Christ?! Jesus is only coming back once and we don’t get to play the “great escape” before HE returns.
May God have mercy on our escapism attitude. (Matthew 24:29-30) “Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. THEN the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”
Rev. Gary Hamrick, Dear brother, what a timely message. Great insights. However, you lost me at the end. I am 82, and am in a Revelation Study group. God has revealed a few things to me also. I Got my MDIV from Fuller in 1972. you clarified the gathering nations for me but you have not realized the Pre tribulation Rapture will consist of only 144,000. The rest of us go Through the Tribulation,, Part of reason for REV. was for Jesus to prepare us for it. My book, not yet published can be accessed at ‘ . There is a free chapter, explaining why I wrote it..(Need a Publisher) PLEASE chk it out, U R sowing false hope. Rev DuWayne Hintz
[email protected]
144,000 are exactly as its says.
Jews from each tribe.
The tribulation is the time of Jacob’s trouble.
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18
Jesus is coming for his bride!!!
Great message.
Thank you for this powerful message from God’s Word. I believe this is the truth of what is happening. I really hurt for all who are suffering due to the evil in this world. I pray…Come Lord Jesus! ❤️🙏✝️
Luke 21–8 Jesus replied : watch out you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, do not be frightened, these things must happen first, but the end will not come right away. Jesus thank you for preparing us for the difficult times, thank you for warning us their will be false messiah . Your words in the Bible is so full of Faith, Hope, and security in what you left us in your covenant. Thank you for your promises when we ask you answer. When we are surrounded by persecution, we can stand strong because of the cross and your wonderful plan of salvation. I pray for Gods protection on all who are in this battle/war that is running rampant. Jesus I do understand you want a harvest of souls that is why we must keep praying for a heavenly breakthrough. But most of all I want to honor you for everything you do. I know America forgot about u for a while but the Holy Spirit is speaking and many are on board again. We cannot do without you, please keep directing our paths and give us wisdom on how to pray effectively. 🧎♀️
Powerful word. Thank you for sharing this. Really opened my eyes and spirit from the word I did not know or understand.
I thought it was a great message and informative about the potential birth pains, but we have to be careful about believing that we will not go through difficult times as the church or Christians. I believe this is one of the enemies lies so that when Christians do go through hard times that they are disillusioned and give up. In fact many scriptural passages tell us that it will get more difficult not easier. Check out 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3. We need to be prepared and ready but not afraid. When you think about it even Pastor Hamrick’s example of the times of Noah and Lot describe for us very trying and difficult times. Yes Noah and Lot were saved from those situations but how bad was it around them when they were saved! Stand firm and keep the faith no matter what!
I understood China would take over the world. The yellow skinned people
Excellent, Excellent, Excellent teaching to prepare us!
Thank you my Bro. in Chris!
[email protected]
Powerful, informative & the greatest history lesson I’ve heard.
So, be ready, be prepared. Are you right with Jesus? Get right, do it now.
Very informative. Thoroughly enjoyed this message. Thank you so much.
Thank you for this clear and timely presentation from God’s Word regarding the end times. Need it be said that our time here and now is indeed short. May Christ find us occupied with His agenda, for His Kingdom. So be it, Lord.
Lord thank you for your return is drawing closer I will not be afraid and put my trust in Your perfect plan. Thank You for the people who have put their trust in Jesus.
With all respect, pre-tribulation is not accurate or realistic. It is Biblical to expect persecution and to be raptured before the wrath of G-d is released on the earth. Around the sixth seal. What about the persecuted church? They are a bloodied bride. Many will be martyred for Messiah. What about Middle Eastern Islamic regime in this end time narrative? I am praying he and his church do not fall away when they are still here going through persecution. Pride comes before a fall. Praying Lord keep us humble, we need to be more like the tax collector beating our breast saying “I am unworthy Lord” Are we the church that righteous currently? I plead with you take a closer look at His word and be a Berean. Are we keeping the Biblical Shabbat, the Lord’s Feasts, His laws/commands/instructions?? Yeshua gave a brief example in MT.5 of some of the commands as an example of heart intention behind keeping the instructions/laws and that does mean all of them. He did not omit any and He does not change. We are not judged by the law after Yeshua came and died in our place but we still must keep the law as the work that goes with the faith. Evidence of our faith. Is your pastor teaching that the church has replaced Israel? That is unbiblical replacement theology. Israel is still G-d’s chosen people. We are grafted in. If not for the Jews we would have no salvation. Is the church standing with Israel and helping the Jewish people return home( make Aliyah)? Check out Operation Exodus US ministry. Are they praying for and financially supporting Messianic congregations in the land of Israel to help them spread the Gospel to the lost sheep of Israel??
Please as you are reading, seek the Holy Spirit on the Scriptures and take the whole Scripture into account because there are many voices and they are mixing things up. I know we only see in part right now, but we can know truth clearly. We can not afford to be confused or led astray. He is coming soon. Baruch haba bashem Adonai! I love the Church and I love the Messianic Jews and the pre-saved believers and we all are to be ONE NEW MAN in Messiah! I hope this ministers truth to someone in need today. I want none to perish or be caught unawares. Shalom
Excellent!! Praying 🙏!!
As I was communing with Holy Spirit; He showed me the Russian Orthodox bishop Kirill has so perverted our Holy Bible & he is possessed by the religious spirit which is akin to the anti- christ. This comes from the east; the Eastern Orthodox Church. I see this needs prayers & Holy Revelations
Pastor Gary only confirms in my heart that we’re watching the beginnings of the birth pangs spoken of in the Bible. His words also give me comfort as to how to pray for Ukraine because while I want to pray that Almighty God will do something supernatural to relieve the pain and discomfort of Ukraine families, I also know YAHWEH’s plans must and will come true…so all my prayers end saying “but Thy will be done, Papa”.
We have not yet learned that a man can be more powerful on his knees than behind the most powerful weapons ever developed. We have not learned that a nation is more powerful when it unites in earnest prayer to God than when it’s resources are channeled into weapons… Our basic problems are spiritual in nature, and only spiritual solutions will solve them. That is why prayer is so vital, for only God can change the human heart. Amen.
Rosh. Hebrew for head not Hebrew for Russia. I don’t buy this analysis at all. According to Revelation 20, Gog and Magog takes place after the millenium.
That is what scripture says. Rev.20:7-8. “Now when the thousand years have expired, Satan will be released from his prison and go out and c deceive the nations which are in the 4 Cienega of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them to battle, whose number is as the sand of the sea.”
Thank you for posting this. It’s good to have clarity where there has been confusion.
I am praying that when the Lord returns, He will find faith on the earth. I pray the eyes of His children will open and we will learn to count our days so as to be very very intentional with the time we have been given. NOW, is the time to turn off the TV, set aside the computer and start gathering the harvest while there is still time.
Lord be with the Ukrainian people. Come Lord Jesus
And the Russian people! They aren’t ALL bad.
And even those who are ‘bad’ need a Savior!
I am rapidly beginning to believe that we are living in the end times.
I learned a lot and had questions answered. Very good sermon! Thank you
We are praying for Ukrainian and peace for the whole world every day.
There is no evidence that Ezekiel 38 is for the future, total dispensationalism, a 2 hundred year old futurist interpretation, the church has a victorious eschatology for 1800 years, read what our father believed, even Spurgeon and Calvin, not metioning the ancient church. Russia is not the bad guy here, Ukraine is killing their own people. Watch for real news. Remember Zelensky is a puppet installed by our CIA through corruption in 2014. Wake up, remember Hunter Biden and their connections to Ukraine, wake up, the same media including Fox that has been giving out so much false info, the fixed election, the Plandemic, has now created this narrative and so many of my brothers and sisters are falling for it. Look who you are siding with, Biden, Pelosi!
People are still believing what they are told to believe. Even after everything we have heard for the last 6 years.
I certainly do desire truth and God’s wisdom about everything going on around us in our world, so that I might walk wisely and courageously as God’s salt, light and servant every day, – we are here “for such a time as this” to be God’s hands and feet to hurting people and to pray, always to pray. Whether it is the biblical end times or not, I am to live every day as unto the Lord and as if it could be my last – because it could – every moment/opportunity matters.
Prophecies are not set in stone. The power of Intercessory prayer can change the course of history. [See the example of Prophet Moses in Exodus 32:9-14.Let the Greatest Outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT Be in USA and Ukraine. They Shall Be saved!!! LORD of HOST send Your Warring Angels and Ministering Angels for Ukrainians. Bring Spiritual Revival in these nations. In His Awesome and Majestic Name – JESUS. Amen.
Also need to say we, ALL believers were sent a small army of approximately 100 Host Army Angles for us as kings and priests in 2014 to use for them to go and pull down all Strong holds in the earth. Kat Kerr is teaching how to use the Host… They are unemployed waiting for us to learn how and when to use them. It’s our job to take power over all the enemy..a ruler over a nation doesn’t say to his army would you please go and do this command..he gives a command with authority and is specific. First you must ask for forgiveness of your sins and become Holy. As you begin to use your Host Army over your family house he will give you more for your neighbourhood, then you city, State, nation and world. The spirit world was here first before US. I’ve learned to take authority over the weather I’m not under the weather.. tornadoes just My house. I’ve just learned how to open a HOLY Portal over my city and county we all have the right to protect our family city county etc etc. I command the Host to go and tear down principalities and send them to a dry place never to return. When we pray or praise we shoot light to Heaven that shoot thru the demonic 2 nd heaven that’s many times nuclear bombs.. The Body of Christ WILL come to learn ALL these and much more.. no Christian can escape this. Our children and grandchildren and great will learn all this and be much stronger. Jesus said great things will you do.. raising the dead will be common no sickness we’ll speak to Ashe’s at funerals and they come back to life. IT won’t be perfect but the world will be covered with Christianity many world leaders will convert or be replaced. In 8 yrs afghan will be waving the christian flag. You/we were placed here perfect by our Father ABBA to be a part of all this greatness.. praise God I’m 73 and never dreamed this was us now.. I ALWAYS thought this was for a generation many years from now. The Gray areas of a Christian life are over and will be no more..many will have so much light coming from them there be a Halo around them like many of the Saints and Prophet’s. Many of God greats will come from prison and the homeless.. Satan Saw the greatness in them but they will arise and not miss their destiny just like most of us.. GOD bless you all you King’s and Priests Rule and Reign
Can you give biblical scripture to support what you said: “ALL believers were sent a small army of approximately 100 Host Army Angles for us as kings and priests in 2014 to use for them to go and pull down all Strong holds in the earth.”
I don’t recall reading in the bible where Jesus or the apostles ever taught that.
Am Praying Daily for God to manifest His Sovereignty in midst of the war and Miraculous Healing Power would continue to be manifested to the Ukrainian people and Russian Soldiers and would only Increase bringing forth a Great Harvest Even the Fear and Dread of God would fall on Putin and Leadership of Russia so they would turn from their and and acknowledge Jesus as Lord
The Bible says Righteousness exalts a nation, I believe if we in a America would stop abortion, stop murdering our children, then God would heal our nation and hear our prayers. This sin is a disgrace to a Christian nation. We must Repent !!! We’re guilty the body of Christ !!! We need to take a stand. Repent, turn from taking the lives of our children. Then our GOD will hear of voices again and bring revival to the U.S of America. Then we’ll be a nation GOD will exalt.
We need to be prepared at all times for our turn at going home to meet the Lord. Our own end could be at anytime,heart attack,accidents,etc. So don’t worry about tomorrow,God has it covered.matthew 6:34
Things are not as they seem. We are called to have discernment. Fear is from the devil. Putin is not the problem currently .. the corrupt Deep State mafia is. The government in Ukraine is very very corrupt. The innocent people there are caught in the middle of corruption and being deceived. Whether Russia plays a part in the end times.. is not the issue now.. the Deep State satanic mock massive government is . Distracting from what is really going on helps no-one. Pray for the innocents in Ukraine caught in the middle.. but pray for the truth to be revealed. Putin is NOT the problem at THIS time. It is being planted in the minds of the masses by the deep state media as well. Eyes wide open
Putin invaded a Sovereign nation, and is killing innocents. If he is so concerned with corruption, laughable as that may seem, he could’ve killed Zalensky. Yes there are demonic forces at work in all layers of government, schools,.social media.. but it isn’t a Mafia, it’s people choosing flesh over faith in Jesus. There is greed on many levels, let US not.get.distracted with the interpretation of unbelievers, and their views on what is happening in Ukraine. Corruption from religious leaders there and here, in Russia and beyond.. we must keep our heart and mind stayed on Him..
My thoughts from listening to this hopeful message is to “set my eyes on things above” and to hear the words of Jude, ” But you must remember, beloved … In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions. It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit . But, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. And have mercy on those who doubt, save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by flesh.” Jude1: 17-22. May the power of His Spirit lead and guide us as we share the GOSPEL of Salvation to others.
I can see where he is coming from. For many years we have been going through birth pains. Through out history there has been war or battles whether it be civil war or world war but what this guy is say is that in Luke and Ezekiel Jesus tells us what birth pains to look for. The signs of the end times. Right now as we speak Russia is working on bringing back the Soviet Union. Putin is aligning with Iran and China. Iran will likely also align with Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc. China will work toward Taiwan and possibly Japan. Russia and China looking to expand their Territories and Europe or the west doing a thing to stop it. These are the birth pains leading up to the 7 year war over Israel being Armogedon. It’s possible but even though it’s prophesized in the Bible I wonder if we could some how prevent the expansion of Soviet Union and China. If we could pray for our leaders to wake up before it’s to late and to stand now. After all these are warnings right. We are to be alert and seek the Lord and watch the skies but what if while we’re doing this we could continue to push for peace in Ukraine and protection for Taiwan. Especially in Ukraine because if Taiwan were to fall that’s the beginning of the prophecy being fulfilled right? My point is there is such thing as excepting and giving up and excepting the possibility while also praying and doing what we can to prevent these things from being fulfilled through prayer for not only Ukraine but also our allies and that God would give them the strength and courage to stand up to Russia and defend Ukraine.
It’s possibility except for the U.S. is currently compromised through election fraud and is currently being led by the Brandon Regime and our allies in Europe are to busy worrying about Globalism and “Climate Change”. There is a lot of praying to be done in order to prevent the end times but does it mean it’s not possible? Our God is able to do all things and I imagine if his people were to humble themselves and pray for not only peace and protection over Ukraine but also pray for God to rid this world of the evil with in the hearts of so many world leaders compromised by the list for power, greed, and control. That God can heal and mend what has been lost and broken. Prayer is an extremely powerful tool. We would be fools for trying to unit in prayer to prevent the prophecy but we would be foolish not to at least try while we look for the signs and look to heaven as we go through these current times.
I have noticed in the comment section a comment mentioning that there has been birth pains. Well could it be possible that there very well could have been a possibility of the end times previously but since Gods people prayed he saw that the world was still good and we were able to defeat the evil of this world for another 70years. Might sound foolish but one thing I do know is God is just, he is able, and really this moment that were in now is that gut check moment for his people of okay are we going to give up or are we going to fight for Gods world and for peace.
I think right now we could be in the end times but we also have a choice as to whether or not we want to change our course to another Awakening. It’s just something to think about as we do prepare for what is to come.
Laugh, get mad and think this guy is crazy if you want it’s perfectly fine I don’t mind. I just like to be optimistic. I don’t entirely fear the end times but my main concern is the future generations if that makes since. I am only 31 I am a school Custodian working at an Elementary school and really that’s more what I think about the future of the youth and younger generation. Then again if that were the case the end times would never happen because we would continue to pray for the events leading to the end time prophecies allowing our future generations a chance. This is 2022 think about how many years this has been going on or why the end times has not happened yet. I think it’s trough prayers that prevent the end times from being fulfilled. Like I said just something to think about. I’m not debunking the Biblical end times prophecy again just being optimistic.
We must heal our nation by repentance, our nation is full of sin, we must turn back to God. The saints in the U.S must stop murdering children stop this pervertedness in our nation. The body of Christ must come in unity to lead our nation back to holiness, righteousness. We need to get our house in order, before GOD will move with a power beyond our imagination. We need to pray for ourselves and get our house in order, vote out the men and women who’s passing the laws of abomination to GOD’S moral law. We can do all things through Christ Jesus !!! Amen
If it is Prophesied in the Bible we can pray until we are blue in the face but it won’t change prophesy. We can pray for revival and the salvation of those who have not yet chosen Jesus and we can pray for God to comfort those who are suffering. If God promised it in the Bible we can pray for many things and He will listen and answer. I pray for you that God will bless you and lead and guide you into all truth.
Thank you for your comment, Sean. It was very enlightenjng!
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” ~~ 2 Chronicles 7:14 ~~
This is very interesting to hear. It confirms for me that what is happening with Russia and Ukraine is the fulfillment of prophecy. Although we are peripherally involved by sending money, sanctions, etc., nowhere in the Bible is America listed as a player in the End Times. That helps to explain why our response to this has been so Biden-like wimpy. Lord, let your will be done. Help us by the power of Holy Spirit, to trust in Your soviergn plan, trusting in Your goodness and mercy. Help us to stay focused upon You, not what we see in the natural. In Jesus’ mighty name.
I need this in type, not spoken word..
Rise of Russia and the end times sermon.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Thank you for reaffirming what I learned years s ago. Thank you Jesus Christ for returning for us – those who believe, been born again and Spirit filled. Joy unspeakable and full of Glory!
This guy is on the wrong side of truth.
Fox media is satans media.
Get off google. Get off Facebook.
USA is the world’s largest exporter of porn. Preach about that.
Stop listening to the devils media.
Ezekiel 38 has nothing to do with whats going on now the gog and magog isnt till end of the 1000 years we are not there yet its called Armageddon and wars and rumors of wars you all posting false prophesy
Not so Douglas, If you can’t see what is currently happening NOW is Biblical Prophecy, your missing it big time. Do not mock God and prepare yourself now, as none of us know the day or the Hour but God alone. We are to be ready at all times, doing the work of an Evangelist. Jonathan Cahn has hit the nail on the head! God has given USA time to repent and they haven’t. The time started during 9/ll to when COVID came. Ready Jonathan Cahn’s book Harbinger I and II. He is a Born again Jew and knows full well what he’s talking about. God gives WARNINGS before he does anything in the Earth. If your alright with what’s taking place in the Earth now, you need to be saved……
The BEGINNING of birth pains?? Sorry, I don’t believe were in the beginning of it- we’re extremely close to birth (the very end). Consider the Church age and the world from the 1st century onwards (I’m not talking about anything happening in B.C.) the world has experienced war after war, pillages, nations rising up against nations, kingdoms and tribes battling each other in conquest and crusades. Here’s proof of the 2000+ years of beginning birth pains that have started since Christ’s resurrection: read the history of every nation of the world…there are 100s of battles, wars, villages sacked, raids, pillages, famines, plagues and battles of all kinds, Mulim conquests, the crusades, all throughout the history of just Bzantium itself. Same thing happened in the histories of Mongolia, China, and Japan since the 1st century. History is replete of countless warring factions, plagues, (i.e., boubonic) famines, pestilinces occuring to European peoples of conquests of one group of peoples or tribes over another. The same occured in Mesoamerican peoples, countless fightings among the North American Indians, of Africa ….ect. Too many to type. The apostles Peter, Paul and John all write they were already living in the last days beliving Christ was coming back in their day, at any moment. But to say we the Church is experiencing the BEGINNING of birth pains NOW is incorrect, that’s already been occuring for 2000+ years, however; like natural birth, in the last 100 yrs or so due to the increase of knowlege and technological military advancement we’ve experienced stronger, harder and longer birth pains.
I agree that we are very close to the return of Christ and that Ezekiel 38 applies to this time as well. Jesus told us to look for the signs of the times. Please allow me to explain. The LORD confirmed a prophetic calling on my life on June 11, 1986, the Feast of St. Barnabas. At that time, the LORD promised me that Jesus would return within my lifetime (I will be 74 on July 27) and revealed to me that my mission is to bring unity among the people of God in preparation for The Second Coming of Christ. Since 1990, I’ve been warning others publicly 1990, that “the great persecutions are just ahead.” What most people don’t understand is that the message of the Gospel has been distorted—Jesus is the Savior of the world! John 3:17 says, “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” St. Paul explains the mystery this way in Romans 11:25-32; “I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardness until the full number of Gentiles has come in. And so all Israel will be saved, it is written: The deliverer will come from Zion; he will turn godlessness away from Jacob: And this is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins. As far as the gospel is concerned, they are enemies on your account; but as far as the election, they are loved on account of the patriarchs, for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable. Just as you who at one time were disobedient to God have now received mercy as a result of their disobedience, so they too have now become disobedient in order that they too may now receive mercy as a result of God’s mercy to you. For God has bound all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all.” And again, in 1 Tim 4:9-11 “This is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance.(and for this we labor and strive) , that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. Command and teach these things.” Jesus, the Christ, is the Savior of the World. Praise the LORD.
You really think the Church is ready to be raptured? I evaluate it in part by Ephesians 4;11-16 and Ephesians 5: 22-33 the glorious bride without spot or blemish.
no rapture and the church is not the bride, Israel the new Jerusalem is how Jesus going to marry himself we are his body his temple and if your going by pauls says about presenting us as one doesn’t mean we are one Jesus never called us a bride he called us saints or elect and there is not definitive scripture says pre tribulation infact jesus said out gathering is immediately after the trib none of them Ephesians scriptures say we are the bride it says how we are to have him rule over us and how we are to give our subjection to him as a wife other wise its a behavior not who we are
No, we’re like the Jew’s !!! We all might go through to the end, because the Church is hindering to stop the abomination toward GOD !!! On the bright side, the Israelites came triumphantly through it all. Praised the GOD of our LORD JESUS CHRIST !!! Thank u Holy Father in JESUS mighty name !!! Amen
Yes, God IS and HAS been preparing his TRUE BRIDE for some time now. The TRUE Church is not a building and not what your thinking of. They are the “Called Out” ones and called Ekklesia. It’s not God’s fault that certain people are not making themselves ready. Yes, JESUS is returning for a Bride who is spotless without blemish! Get ready and do not hesitate any longer to MEET YOUR MAKER. We are called to “Be ready” at ALL TIMES as we do not know as the Scripture says “The Day or the Hour in which he’ll return”. I am expectantly awaiting that day! I can’t wait to go home and be with Jesus and get out of this evil, corrupt world along with all the wicked whom inhabit it for the most part! AMEN
Yes, God IS and HAS been preparing his TRUE BRIDE for some time now. The TRUE Church is not a building and not what your thinking of. They are the “Called Out” ones and called Ekklesia. It’s not God’s fault that certain people are not making themselves ready. Yes, JESUS is returning for a Bride who is spotless without blemish! Get ready and do not hesitate any longer to MEET YOUR MAKER. We are called to “Be ready” at ALL TIMES as we do not know as the Scripture says “The Day or the Hour in which he’ll return”. I am expectantly awaiting that day! I can’t wait to go home and be with Jesus and get out of this evil, corrupt world along with all the wicked whom inhabit it for the most part! AMEN
Excellent teaching from God’s Word to recognize our times and be at work sharing the gospel!
Lord God please move NATO to intervene in the war with Ukraine and Russia. Father please place a hedge of protection around the Ukrainian president, it’s military, and its people. That your name may be lifted up and Putin will come to know you as Lord and Savior. In Christ Jesus name I pray amen.
NATO is intervening (interfering) in Ukraine which is why the situation there is escalating. Putin made reasonable requests to Ukraine and NATO which have ALL been ignored or directly opposed. This all could have been avoided, but no, the globalists want war with Russia. Sad. My prayer is this: Lord, your will be done.
All I know is that Russia is destroying illegal bio weapon labs put there by the United States. The United States needs to eat a big piece of humble pie. We have a huge plank in our eye while we talk about other countries being cruel, disgusting.
Your absolutely correct!! There is so much evil in Ukraine, the President there is no saint. People are watching to much mainstream media lies. Time for people to turn off their TV and really research the truth of what’s happening over there & here! Praying for the innocent people.
I do believe we are living in End Times, God told us 2600 years ago in His word this time would come.
There is way too much evil in the world! Thankfully we know He will come for His Church before the ““Mark of The Beast”! He told us we would have to endure times like what we are living in now but it’s going to get much worse than it already is! Thankfully we as Jesus Followers know the outcome! Keep spreading His word bringing people to know and accept Jesus as their a savior!
This guy is in the wrong side of truth.
How about praying for the Russian people who are being discriminated against around the world. How certain social media is calling for the extermination of Russian children. Intercessions of America sounds a lot like the Corporate media. Very disappointed. Please pray for discernment.
Good Morning!
I would greatly appreciate receiving your “The Rise of Russia and the End Times” data.
David Littlefield
Romans 8:37-39
Yes I knew Russia is in the Bible, and I agree that this is the begining of the end times Ido not believe my Lord is going to wait much longer for his church I know that I am ready to go with God and wont that be the most happy time for I know that my wife will be there , She loves Jesus so much and is always studing his word..
A disaster for the world. Putin & Biden belong in The Lord’s Jail better known as Hell!
This was a fine History lesson. That said, I think the really necessary thing we need to be concerned with is that as many as possible, NOW, accept Jesus as our Savior. Think about this. The time is NEAR. You do understand of course there is no knowing of what is happening when you are asleep, right. When I am asleep, do I know what is happening around me? No. Do you know when you will Die? Death is like sleep. Think about it, you die, and in a breath you are awake again. Even if thousands of years have passed, it is a breath to us who will die and then wake up when Christ returns. That is why it is so import for all to accept Christ now!
After reading many previous comments about the pros and cons of this sermon, I thank you for refocusing my attention. Let us evangelize with full hearts & attention. Let us all focus: Who is God putting in our path to share the Gospel with today? That is our goal. Thank you, Lord, for loving us; help us share your story everyday. Open our eyes to the unsaved. Amen
IFA is GOD called for such a time as this..tks God bless you for doing this also Elijah List is the #1 outlet God has chosen for the Prophet’s in his TIME LINE he uses HIS Time line not our clocks. 40 yrs ago God used me to spread his word all over USA, mostly prophecy. & Jesus is coming soon. First I judge no one and respect your strong belief that Jesus is coming soon BUT IF you can lay aside that belief you will see Imo different.. for many reasons. Ever generation for 2,000 yrs believed just like us. There are many generations before the rapture. EVERY thing we see TODAY is in the WORD.. the names of all world leaders, country’s etc Obama, Hillery, Fouchy etc voting machines. Exodus is exactly what is happening now I could give 100’s more. What we are seeing is an exact example of what will be 150-200 yrs from now just like the example he is giving to us now from the past in his word..its hard to see unless you put the rapture aside for now. The things show on TV are not what you think they are. .. Elijah List streaming utub will tell you through the prophet’s what is really going on.. GOD has ALWAYS told his prophet’s first before he ever did anything His Kingdom just started Sept 2012, Jesus has come and the Holy Spirit.. you know the Father will have his turn and answer Jesus prayer. Please get in ASAP on being a part of the Elect that ushers in his Kingdom. We all played together in God heart, the rapture will not happen until the last person in his heart has come out and hook to their mother womb.. and Jesus doesn’t know when that is. Putin destroyed 13 labs the labs that were going to release a virus that this fall would kill 70 percent of the world population. Also the#1 place on earth for sex trade. A woman will arise that will push back Russia, China will try and take tiawn but will fail. So so much more. We are the generation that will go down in all of eternity. They will sing the song of Moses in Exodus 25.. I pray God open your eyes to see and understand our Father time line Event. I’m sooo honered he called ALL of us for a time such as THIS… Elijah List streaming utub M-F.. free you will never be the same.. please don’t take the shot.. soon all these things will be revealed. But if you did that okay because as your faith is so be IT. Cancer and etc will soon be no more. The# 1 biggest thing is do not FEAR!!! Because God is teaching us how to push back darkness because we the body have FINALLY begun to learn we are the king’s and priest.. the world will soon rejoice. Only FLESH and BLOOD does our Father ABBA Pappa Daddy hear and respond.. sorry to be so long but the body must get this ASAP.. our Father will answer our cry’s and request to conker to rule and reign like we were meant to do and be. Pharma Big tech food Co big Church leaders involved with sex trade etc and All Evil going back 2,000 + yrs exposed..God bless you all learn to rule and reign.
Don’t support YouTube. You can watch Elijah Streams uncensored on Rumble
You pretty much said it all! The prophets have spoken. This is a shadow of the end times but it is not now. Satan is pushing his agenda but now is not his time. We have much work to do as the church before the end times! God Bless!
I hope the end times is now. I am 61 and lost my husband to the most malignant aggressive brain tumor there is in September of 2021. He was totally healthy previously. The world is going to get worse, not better. And I doubt there’s 150 to 200 years left before the rapture. Anybody who thinks I want stuck on this earth for another 30 some years has another think coming. And I doubt that there are generations and generations left to go through.
Gary Hamrick is an amazing Bible teacher. I watch him on You Tube all the time. He is from Cornerstone Chapel in VA, which is affiliated with the Calvary Chapels that are known for their expository preaching style.
Thank you for your comment and prayer…I enjoyed reading it and I agree!! AMEN
Notice: Luke 21:9 “When you hear of wars and disturbances, do not be terrified; for these things must take place first, but the end does not follow immediately.”
Other things must happen. Jesus speaks of several signs and things we might see as the end of the church age draws near. Eventually, all the earth will see “The Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”
Notice Luke 21:28 “But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
There is a lot we won’t understand as they take place, especially during this decade of “Peh” or voice. There is so much deception and lying in all types of media. God is not a man that He should lie. Neither the son of man that he should change His mind. Numbers 23:19 Let us do what Jesus said to do: straighten up and lift up your heads because our redemption is drawing near.
Lord, thank You that You revealed to your disciples and to us through the written word the things that must take place before Your return to redeem us. Thank You, Lord, You provided our redemption through Your death on Calvary. Thank You, Lord, that You are alive and coming back. I choose to straighten up and lift up my head because my redemption draws near. Hallelujah! Amen.
Nothing must take place prior to Jesus return. HIS return is imminent.
What’s going on ? Our planet is dominate by one rule that means in one administration if that happened what?
If RSSR divide why all countries join NAT? Come man we need what is right in GOD, who’s beside of GOD or the truth?
Amen! Pray for pastors who do not see the times we are in:
Arise, O men of God, take up your place before Him as you lead your people! Wake up you sleeping Bride!
Most pulpits are silent on end times events.
Why are we, as Christ followers, calling names and throwing insults? Let’s repent of the way we communicate to each other as we are tucked behind our phone and computer screens. Let’s repent of the name calling we hurl at a shepherd boldly teaching his flock. I urge you all to test the spirits. I urge you all to look at the fruit of Cornerstone Chapel.
1 John 4:1-5 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. 4 Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.
Jesus, we are sorry. Please forgive us for the way we speak to each other. Fill us with your love and your truth. Grant us discernment, knowledge, and wisdom from above. We wait in joyful expectation for your return. We ask that you use us as a light to the lost. Put a guard over our mouths when what we might say would make us lose our witness. We love you, Jesus. We ask these things in your name. Amen
I am a post millenialists and believe in a powerful overcoming Kingdom church who will preach the gospel to the ends of the earth and then the end will come.
The ‘Late Great Planet Earth’ and the “Left Behind” series are all examples of unbiblical money making fear based, end time scenarios created by creative ‘ivory tower’ self serving bible users. Read Daniel 2 and see that the rock crushes all the opposing Kingdoms and grows into a mountain and fills the earth; “the glory of the Lord will cover the earth as the water’s cover the sea” and Psalm 110:1 ‘the most quoted verse in the new testament from the old testament. I could go further, but guys like this create fear not faith and cause the church to wilt back into their shells for another 100 years. Look at the early church and you have the new testament model for the overcoming Kingdom crushing church of our day. Will we get to that level of consecration is the big question? Wars, martyrdom etc etc never slowed down the early church and it should not our currrent church if we are willing to become like Jesus. Just some rambling thoughts but come on church, let’s grow up and go up into our heavenly seats and start loving the hurting world into the Kingdom of God.
Remember the “falling away” that the Lord had spoken of? The ‘church’ becomes nothing more than a fallen harlot in the end. The real children of Light will grow brighter and brighter until the end.
Thanks for your post. Many of us see evidence of MSM lies in the reporting on the Ukraine. We see Putin leading his country consistently and don’t pretend to know things about his leadership that we don’t know – good or bad. We pray for Putin and we pray for Russians just as we would do for any other people.
What we do know is that our American “leaders” have allowed American institutions (agencies, courts, corporations) to be infiltrated by evil as they themselves have succumbed and even thrived materialistically through corruption, tyranny, and evil. American politicians may not have been held accountable for bad acts from within, but we are no longer a super power. Other countries may not be so kind in judging those leaders. Their seats at the great Reset may not be at the table they expect.
There’s only one good side of any argument – Faith in the Lord
Isaiah 55:11
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth
it shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please;
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
He may be right; he may be wrong. I heard this message 50 years ago. Yes, he is coming again. It may be today. It may be 1000 years from now. No one knows but God. We must be ready
This is good until he talks about a pre-trib rapture. He joked that it makes nonsense that the bride of Christ would get beat up. What about “As I watched, this horn was waging war against the saints and defeating them,” (Daniel 7:21) and “He was given power to make war against the saints and to conquer them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation.” (Revelation 13:7).
I am not going to waste my time watching this because saying the Bride will not be beat up makes a mockery of the deaths of the martyrs today in Nigeria, NoKo, Iran, China, Pakistan. The pre tribulation Rapture is nonsense. Following The Lord takes you to the Cross. We do not need any more Hal Lindsays to deceive yet another generation.
I agree with you Marlon. I thought it was a great message and informative about the potential birth pains, but we have to be careful about believing that we will not go through difficult times as the church or Christians. I believe this is one of the enemies lies so that when Christians do go through hard times that they are disillusioned and give up. In fact many scriptural passages tell us that it will get more difficult not easier. Check out 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3. We need to be prepared and ready but not afraid. When you think about it even Pastor Hamrick’s example of the times of Noah and Lot describe for us very trying and difficult times. Yes Noah and Lot were saved from those situations but how bad was it around them when they were saved! Stand firm and keep the faith no matter what!
Thank you so much for this sermon on the end times. I felt the love of Jesus and I learned a lot of history that I never knew before. I’m praying for the people of Ukrainian.
Even though a christian still afraid of events in future
God does not give us a spirit of fear.
I disagree! Ukraine has never been recognized by any treaty agreement and is not sovereign. You sound just like the MSM with this sermon. Ukranian citizens are being killed by azor battalion Nazi’s. Everything on the news is fake and staged! Oh yeah, there’s no doubt there’s citizen casualties but they’re not dying at the hands of Russian troops. Vladimir Putin is protecting his own country and citizens which is what a true President of a country is supposed to do, unlike ours who’s destroying us in record time! Watch a video on YouTube from Remnant TV that’s called “Putin’s War!” He explains everything much better than I could even try. I have no doubt that we’re living in Biblical Times but our enemies are much bigger than Putin. There’s an active depopulation agenda and the head of the snake is the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab! Check out the Great Reset and the 4th industrial revolution. They want to implement their plans for transhumanism which is directly related to the plandemic but it’s not the virus, it’s the vaccines! Bill Gates is a eugenecist like his father before him who was one of the original founders of Planned Parenthood. What about all the other wars that we have been waging on numerous countries for decades? Lybia, Syria, Ethiopia, Iraq, Afghanistan and others? All I’m trying to say is that you are being misled and deceived. Please just watch the video I mentioned and you’ll get a better understanding of what’s really happening. As far me, I will trust in the Lord with ALL my heart and lean NOT on my own understanding; in ALL my ways I will acknowledge Him and He will direct my path. I pray He grants me the serenity to accept the things I can not change; the courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.
God bless you and your family
Thanks for saving me the trouble of falling for this NWO-supporting spittle. Don’t forget one of Klaus Schwab’s chief advisers, an atheist Jew who believes in hacking humans and erasing free will, is Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, another Khazarian member of the synagogue of Satan.
Jodi spoke the truth, and I could not have said it better. Thank you for telling the truth! Putin is just trying to save us from a worse pandemic, and trying to save Ukraine’s people from the terror if the Nazi rule they have been under. Putin is getting rid of all of the bioweapon labs and the deep state and nazis.
Wow. Sounds like all three of you have gone off the deep end.
Worst than off the deep end. – Russia is bombing. Russia is invading. Ten million have been made to flee their homes, thousands killed, cities destroyed. Putin is bombing. I pray Americans unite on principles of kindness and sanity
Start gently with yourself. Go to Wikipedia and look up bill gates, and research his family. Click on the names to get a good picture of where this man comes from. Then look at what this person has written and choose one other small thing to research for yourself. Stop eating what the MSM is spoon feeding you. Wake up!
This was so encouraging and helped place what is occurring right now with Russia into the biblical timeline for Jesus return.
Not a time to be discouraged but a time to share the salvation of Christ to others before he calls us home.
Thanks for your post. Many of us see evidence of MSM lies in the reporting on the Ukraine. We see Putin leading his country consistently and don’t pretend to know things about his leadership that we don’t know – good or bad. We pray for Putin and we pray for Russians just as we would do for any other people.
What we do know is that our American “leaders” have allowed American institutions (agencies, courts, corporations) to be infiltrated by evil as they themselves have succumbed and even thrived materialistically through corruption, tyranny, and evil in their own lives. American politicians may not have been held accountable for bad acts from within, but we are no longer a super power. Other countries may not be so kind in judging those leaders. Their seats at the great Reset may not be at the table they expect.
There’s only one good side of any argument – Faith in the Lord
Isaiah 55:11
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth
it shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please;
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Let’s not start WWIII ! –especially for the wrong reason. Do not let them recruit you! There is way more than the two-sided story being pushed! Keep the faith! –stay close to Christ! Our problem is bigger than Putin! We are being sold a bill of goods! There is more to the story than we are hearing!
Here is the link to the Youtube video “Putin’s War: Biden, Soros and the Ghost of John McCain”
Let’s not start WWIII ! –especially for the wrong reason. Do not let them recruit you! There is way more than the two-sided story being pushed! Keep the faith! –stay close to Christ! Our problem is bigger than Putin! We are being sold a bill of goods! There is more to the story than we are hearing!
Here is the link Jodi referred to, the Youtube video “Putin’s War: Biden, Soros and the Ghost of John McCain”