The Right to Life Is Indeed ‘Due North’
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The Right to Life Is Indeed ‘Due North’
Analysis. Too many politicians would have us believe that there’s no “due north” as regards the principles of liberty. Instead, they present us with a bunch of subjective beliefs and opinions from among which we’re to choose — subjectivities that ostensibly reflect “the will of the people.”
Have you taken your place on the wall?
But in fact, there are preexisting, transcendent principles that have stood the test of time and which can actually guide nations out of darkness and into light. America’s Founding Fathers believed in these principles, in standards established by what they called “the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.” These principles recognize inherent rights, and those include life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Our Founders understood these things, and they recognized the proper role and function of government to be the securing of those rights. They understood too that when governments fail to secure these rights and act tyrannically, it is the duty of the people to throw off such tyranny.
Unalienable rights can’t be left to the whims and caprice behind some so-called “will of the people,” because human will is subjective and ever changing. Consequently, when it comes to preserving any unalienable right, no “states’ rights” response can be a proper solution. If any government is to be legitimate, that government must secure unalienable rights. Slavery, a horrific assault on the inalienable right to liberty, was a blight on our nation from its very inception. Slavery was inherently wrong universally, and could therefore never be made right by any supposed “will of the people,” by the variations of states’ rights, or by the subjective declarations of any government anywhere. Such assaults on unalienable rights can never become legitimate law, and can certainly never become “the law of the land.” In the words of Sir William Blackstone, any law that is contrary to the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God cannot be legitimate law. And any attempts by humankind to make such “law” must be, in the words of Augustine, unjust. It was this very understanding that enabled Martin Luther King Jr. to decry the evils of racial bigotry in his “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” in which he drew a distinction between “just laws” and “unjust laws.” Quite simply, unjust laws can never truly be law.
There are few issues more contentious and divisive than the battle over the right to liberty of mothers and the right to life of the babies those mothers carry. Amid the haze of these contentions, it would seem that the due north of this issue is the only trail that can help us establish proper policy. And this due north can be found only by reminding ourselves of the proper role of government. This standard is objective; it cannot be determined by the subjectivities of some “will of the people.” The legitimate role of a government to secure the inherent and God-given rights of life and liberty can never be relegated to a states’ rights issue. If any such laws are to be just, they must first secure the rights to life and liberty of mothers and babies alike. This becomes confusing only when we forget the proper role of government.
To secure these rights, neither the government nor the medical establishment needs to play God. We simply work to give every human the best possible chance of living a free and healthy life. Most of the time, the life of the mother is not at risk, only the life of the child is. This is true even in those rare, almost unheard-of occasions in which a baby was conceived through rape or incest. The maxim that bad facts make for bad law is true. Consequently, laws are to be made based upon established principles. The life of both mother and child should accordingly be protected by our system of laws. Where there is no threat to the life of the mother, there is simply no issue — both get to live.
A tension will exist only in the equally rare circumstances in which the life of a mother is put at risk by the life of the child. But even in this scenario, there is exactly zero reason why a baby should be brutally murdered by means of thrusting a pair of scissors into the base of the child’s skull and prying them open, or, alternatively, by burning the child alive with saline and then dismembering the body (with the potential risk of bone fragments then being left inside the mother). That is not medical science. It’s ancient barbarism. There’s no way we lack medical advancements going beyond such archaic methodologies that are worse than bleeding with leeches. Accordingly, in those rare instances where both lives are at risk, the response should be a preterm delivery, giving both mother and baby the best possible chance to live.
The solution to these problems does not leave the sides as far apart as one might think. You see, even while this intense culture war has been raging across our land, a miraculous thing has been taking place: Due to medical advances, the age of viability has continued to move younger and younger. This has left us with a gap of only 12 weeks, and shrinking. So, while most abortions occur at 13 weeks, most babies would survive at 25 weeks. Enacting public policy geared to protecting the unalienable right to life of mother and baby means never allowing that baby to be brutally murdered, and allowing a delivery prior to full term only in those rare cases in which the mother may die — but even then doing everything medically possible to save both lives. Our laws should thus set the date for such preterm delivery at or after 25 weeks, though with an allowance for such preterm deliveries earlier if medically necessary. But the laws should be written in such a way that any preterm delivery earlier than 25 weeks would be open to higher scrutiny.
Passing laws that permit premature delivery at 25 weeks only in cases where the mother’s life is at risk aligns with the goal of securing the unalienable right to life for both mother and baby. And it enables the medical community to keep its vow to “do no harm.” Doing no harm means no harm to mother or baby, and this should always be the goal. As to other policies, in all other situations where there may be unwanted babies, allowing faith-based initiatives for ministries to cover the costs for births, medical care, and adoptions also makes sense. This is what finding solutions that secure the rights of life and liberty for all involved should look like, and it is the ultimate role of a true government. Only by reminding our politicians, elected officials, and even ourselves of this proper role of government can we hope to find liberty and justice for all.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness mean nothing without the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Please pray.
Cynthia Dunbar is an attorney, an author, a constitutional scholar, a Regent University professor of government, a former law professor at Liberty University, an ordained minister through the Federation of Ministers & Churches International, and an IFA board member. She and IFA President and CEO Dave Kubal co-host Constitutional Corner. Follow Cynthia on X or Instagram; view her videos on Freedom Focus; or schedule her here to speak at your next event. Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images.
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Prolife lies and women die!
If abortion is murder; IVF is premeditated serial murder.
“Doing no harm means no harm to mother or baby, and this should always be the goal.”
“…where there may be unwanted babies, allowing faith-based initiatives for ministries to cover the costs for births, medical care, and adoptions also makes sense.”
“…finding solutions that secure the rights of life and liberty for (mother and child)”
Dear Heavenly Father, You love mothers and You love children. I simply pray the love You have for these mothers (who would consider taking the life of their unborn child) would saturate them in the same compassion You have for them. Whatever the reason for their conception, I pray You will bring around them, caring and loving people to help. I ask for Your favor to elevate faith-based initiatives to assist them in all ways needed. And I pray You will hold away from them any who would influence them towards abortion. With all my being, I pray against Planned Parenthood and others who make a profit from confused or hurting mothers and their tiny unborn children. Father, nothing is impossible for You and I remember hearing You say that I cannot ask too much from You but I can expect too little. In this need, I ask for the annihilation of the abortion mindset and a total acceptance of adoption, counseling, mentoring or whatever is needed for saving life. I am praying in the Name of Jesus Christ, may He be Savior and Messiah to these mothers and their unborn children. Amen
Then stop doing harm with your blatant lies!
Goodbye IVF.
And remember anyone who used IVF is a mass murderer!
Ivf destroys many embryos in an attempt to produce 1 baby!
So Christians who have used IVF are even worse!
You probably don’t like this…but it’s true & it’s your logic! Live with it!
Now they are coming for your Birth Control too!
It will be hilarious too, once you realize soon, you Christians will turn on each other because you will start disagreeing on denominations etc. Catholics will go for Baptist, who will go for Methodist, who will go for Mormons, who will go for another sect. It will never stop!
This is why separation of church & state exist and religion shouldn’t be imposed on us by government!
Kids born from IVF are conceived in evil
They, their parents & provider are hellbound!
Liberty University & Jerry Falwell cannot be trusted.
Look at the Sexual Abuse track record.
Shall we take advice from there?
I was raped by my Dad and got pregnant at age 14.
Should I have been forced to give birth?
I had an abortion and our youth pastor set up the appointment.
You all are cruel!
I did nothing wrong; my Dad did!
Omg. So sorry that happened.
Can we keep it civil. Good article & good comments. We have to come together & have healthy disagreements. Abortion is a hard topic and it will always be sensitive.
Let’s be respectful, love one another. We are Christians!
Yes, Christians love – enough to tell people the truth like Cynthia did in this article. Truth is found in God’s Word, and the taking of innocent life is not His will.
Well like others have pointed out, other faiths & denominations see abortion care differently. We also view the death penalty differently too. Why must you stoke division and control?!
Mary Beth, no you need to stop talking garbage. Are you an expert on God’s will?
Hmmm? .yeah we didn’t think so. Shut up !
Thank you for this helpful post.
IFA is partisan at times, and not all Christians view abortion care the same. We must remain civil to one another and more important meet people where they are at…like Jesus would have done.
That is the best thought out, the clearest communicated breakdown of the “abortion” issue I have ever heard or read! Thank you so much. All our governmental leaders need to read this. The “lawless” ones will refuse to or will ignore the truth in it once they have read it, but I believe there are those who would understand this issue in a whole new light and would experience a change of heart and mind. All life is precious and should be protected. Again, thank you.
Thank you, Margaret. Feel free to share it far and wide. Blessings!
Would you like to bear your rapist child?
No it’s a dumb thought & totally a misrepresentation!
Trump# Q
Prolife Q#
I find it interesting that you hide behind the titles “Lies” and “Stop The Lies” (as you did in the article about Planned Parenthood).
This leads me to believe you’ve had an abortion(s) and are turning the guilt, shame, and rage against those who are against the taking of a baby’s life.
If this is true, please know this—God still and always will love you; your baby(s) are in heaven with Him; and He has forgiven you from the Cross. You have only to accept it. I pray for divine interventions for you to help you in this journey. God bless you!
Absolutely I had abortions and am helping other obtain their abortions too. Absolutely no shame or guilt about it. Just ensuring others have the Same Fundamental BODILY AUTONOMY, as it’s a basic HUMAN RIGHT!
IT IS AMAZING, SO Called CHRISTIANs are denying women this now!
Actually, you’re projecting the hatred towards yourself at me. No worries on this end, though.
But this is what the Word of God says:
Psalm 139: “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works. And that my soul knows very well. My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them. How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!”
Not my words, His words.
He would never condone the taking of an innocent life.
However, those that have, and to ALL of us that “have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”…There is ALWAYS FORGIVENESS!
Yup I had am abortion too, and I as well did it because it was the right decision for me!
None of your business, between me & God!
Who is your God?
Self righteous…you know everything
Thank you Cynthia, I should have read the article about the west wind first. I can pray that God blows away the trifecta, and we can stand for True North once again in our state of MN
Thank you, Cynthia. God bless your stand for truth! Father, help us to keep heading Due North!
Thank you, Darlene. Please share this article with others. It is my prayer that these priciples may be understood by many. Blessings!
God bless Attorney Cynthia Dunbar!
Thank you, Dianne. Please share this article with others. It is my prayer that these priciples may be understood by many. Blessings!
Very well articulated article. May t try his word be declared, decreed, and spoken loudly from our pulpits, by all of our government officials.
Thank you Cynthia
Thank you, Mary Beth. Please share this article with others. It is my prayer that these priciples may be understood by many. Blessings!
Then what can be the response here in MN during this campaign cycle? The Liberals have successfully used abortion as a weapon against our candidates and I feel we need to have a powerful counterpunch such as, “abortion is not a legislative issue, next question” because until we get people elected to break up the trifecta, we have no legislative power. Appreciate thoughts.
Very insightful question, Mary. Every government, if it wishes to be legitimate, must secure inalienable rights. This includes the MN legislature. We need elected officials who understand this and who understand that “Right makes Might,” not the other way around. The blight of slavery was from an Era of Might makes Right, and that error is being repeated today with abortion policies. I’m praying you find some candidates who will understand. Please share this article with any you think might. God bless!
Liberal dick munch
I echo your sentiment about doing no harm and finding solutions that secure the rights of life and liberty. I encourage readers to do a deep dive following this link.
I pray for hearts to change and see unborn babies as the Lord sees them, people created in His image.
Also, check out the SLED acronym.
Very well written article. Thank you. We will keep praying for liberty and justice for all.